"Link Baker!"

At around eleven o'clock at night, the Grammy party ended.

In the Staples Center parking lot, Linkla opened the door and was about to get in his car when he heard a shout from behind him.

He stopped at the back door of the business car and looked back. He saw a dark crowd, including 50 Cent, Lil Wayne, Kanye, Drake, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Rihanna, and Chris Brown. , Eminem, Justin Bieber, Usher and other twenty or thirty people.

In fact, Link envied them a lot. They made music together, drank together, and had a group of people no matter what they did.

"Link, we not only want to beat you at the Grammy Awards, but we also want to beat you on the album charts in March and April. Just wait and see!"

shouted 50 Cent.

"No one can beat me, no matter boxing or music. If you dare to challenge me, what awaits you will only be the next failure."

Link smiled faintly, waved to Eminem, turned around and walked into the car.

"Fake! This kid is so crazy. I really want to kill him with a gun."

50 Cent said angrily.

"are you sure?"

Eminem took out his cell phone from his pocket, dialed 911 and said, "Hello, is this the Los Angeles Police Department? I want to report a crime. The famous rapper 50 Cent is preparing to assassinate."

"A generous gift!"

50 Cent thought he was pretending, but suddenly saw that the call was actually connected. He rushed over, snatched his phone away, hung up, glared at Eminem and said,

"Damn, I'm kidding, are you really calling the police?"

Eminem shrugged his shoulders, grabbed his phone back and said, "I am a good law-abiding citizen. I cannot ignore it when a crime is about to happen, otherwise I will become your criminal partner."

"Fake! Eminem, you bastard is definitely a spy planted by Link in our camp."

50 Cent cursed.

Eminem shrugged indifferently. He is a white rapper who cooperates closely with the East Coast rap gang and has close interests with both parties, so he doesn't care what 50 Cents says.

"Shut up! Don't say that about Eminem."

Beyoncé held up her brown coat and glanced sideways at 50 Cent.

"Amu is right. To deal with a damn bastard like Link, physical elimination is not appropriate. It is best to defeat him where he is most proud, such as boxing and music. Defeat him and see him lying on the ground. He was crying on the ground, admitting his mistake, and begging for mercy. We refused to let him go, but insisted on catching him, continuing to torture him, and punishing him severely. Don't you think this is more enjoyable? "

Beyoncé clenched her fists, pursed her plump lower lip, her face was cold, and a flash of crazy joy flashed in her eyes.

"Beyoncé is right!"

Kanye, Lear, and Drake nodded repeatedly.

"My dear, I'm glad you said that."

Jay-Z put his arm around Beyoncé's waist and praised.

"Hey, are you serious, Beyoncé."

Eminem looked at her in surprise and said, "You want Link to lie on the ground crying and begging for mercy? How is that possible? That is world boxing champion Link Baker, the most powerful man in the world."

"I meant this metaphorically."

Beyoncé rolled her eyes at him, held Rihanna's shoulders and said, "Eminem, I know you have some affection for Link and even admire him, but he is now our opponent and enemy. I hope you can follow We stand on the same front and deal with him together.”

"What if I don't agree?"

Eminem asked with a frown.

"You're still our friend."

Beyoncé said calmly.

"Okay, I understand, bye!"

Eminem turned around and left, cursed "Fake" a few times in the distance, and drove away with a rumble in his car.

"Honey, you shouldn't say that, Eminem is our friend."

Jay-Z said with a frown.

Beyoncé shook her head, "No matter what, Eminem is a white man. He and Link have a good personal relationship. If we want to defeat Link, we must be completely united. With Eminem in the middle, many things are inconvenient to discuss. In addition, it would be more difficult for Eminem to be in the middle when we compete with Link, so this is more appropriate now.”

"Beyoncé, you're right."

50 Cent said loudly, "I was just joking that if I wanted to kill Link, Eminem would call the police. If we told him anything else, he would definitely report it."

Other black people nodded in agreement with the 50 cent statement.

Jay-Z thought about it and felt that this was not bad.

"Don't worry, after we defeat Link, I will personally apologize to Eminem, and he will understand us."

Beyoncé said calmly.

Jay-Z looked at her blushing face, hugged her and said, "Honey, I find you seem to be more beautiful."

"Hey, Jace, we're all here, don't be like this, okay?"

"We're going home making out, we don't want to eat dog food."

Kanye, Lil and others joked loudly, and the atmosphere was full of joy.

Beyoncé took the opportunity to smile and push Jay-Z's arm away, brushing the curls around her ears, and looked up to see Link's business car slowly disappearing into the charming night of Los Angeles.


"What did you say?!"

In the driving commercial car, Link looked at Graeme in surprise. The party just ended and Graeme followed him and said he had an important matter to meet with him.

Graeme told him that around January, eight production assistants and tuners under Link Music changed jobs.

Link Music was founded less than a year and a half ago, and it only had 28 musicians. The loss of eight musicians was a strong blow to Link Music, and even paralyzed the work of the recording studio.

"Why did you tell me now? Okay, I understand. I was on tour before and was too busy. You didn't want to distract me."

"That's not the reason."

Graeme adjusted his glasses and said, "Link, the main thing is that this matter doesn't have much impact. There was no need to tell you before. Now I tell you because I am reporting to you."

"Not much impact? One-third of the staff in our recording studio were poached. Isn't this a big impact?"

Link looked at him in confusion, and when he saw the oily shine on Graeme's forehead, he took out a wet wipe and gave it to him to wipe.

Graham took it and thanked him, wiping his sweat as he said, "Our company was founded at the end of 2008. We were short of people at the time, and the people we recruited were of average level. In the past, you were the only one producing your album, and it was barely enough. Now there are more people, and the work is getting busier and busier. Inefficient employees will not be able to keep up with the pace.

Originally, I discussed with President Ivaka to recruit a group of new people at the beginning of the year.

Now Link Music has become a first-class music label in the music industry. Many excellent musicians come to submit their resumes and want to join us. We are not short of people at all.

After they left, we recruited more than a dozen more capable musicians, so there was almost no impact."

Link listened and moved his mouth. There was indeed no negative impact, but there was a benefit. Should we thank those who poached?

"But we can't be careless. Someone poached our employees, which means someone wants to deal with us. Have you found out who did it?"

"Preliminary investigation shows that it is related to SB Projects and Epic Records. SB Projects is Justin's agency, and Epic Records has cooperative relations with Jay-Z, Kanye and others. We suspect that they made early arrangements to destroy Link Music.

However, President Eva Ka believes that this matter has something to do with Atlantic Records and even the Big Five Records. Link Music is now a golden goose that lays eggs, and many people want to swallow us up."

Graham said slowly.

Link nodded, somewhat helpless.

After becoming a billionaire, he really didn't want to conflict with others, and hoped to make money in harmony, but things became bigger, and there were too many interests involved, and many things were often out of his control.

Graham also told him that many people have been asking about the demos of his third album recently, and someone spent one million US dollars to buy the third album tapes on the black market, trying to destroy the album in this way.

Link frowned. Although 50 Cent had only proposed competing with him for the charts today, his opponent had already made a move. The situation was more serious than he expected, and the competition within the music industry was more intense than he had imagined.

"Link, there's one more thing."

Graeme took his phone and turned on the player. Justin's voice came out of the speakers. It was the crappy song "Baby" that he almost vomited from listening to recently.

"Graeme, do you like this kind of song?"

Link scratched his ears and looked at him strangely. It was hard for him to agree with his taste.

Graeme looked at him with an even stranger look.

"Link, don't you think this song is familiar?"


"Have you forgotten? At the end of 2008, you wrote more than ten songs for me to read. One of them was highly similar to this one. I read it and thought it was too rubbish and not suitable for you, so I gave it up."


"I suspect that a traitor plagiarized this song and sold it to the agency behind Justin. I thought you had heard it a long time ago and were thinking of some tactics to deal with Justin, but you seem to have forgotten it."

Graham said in surprise.

Link touched his forehead and had some impression.

At the end of 2008, when he and Mandy went to the music studio to record songs for the first time, they did bring several semi-finished songs and asked Graham to select suitable songs to add to the first album, including two songs of Justin, "Never Say Never" and "Baby".

Since the first album was an inspirational album, Graham felt that Never Say Never was barely suitable and gave up Baby.

Although it was given up, the score of "Baby" is still in Link Music's music library.

Now Graeme thought that the group of producers behind Justin plagiarized the song.

Link asked him what to do in such a situation?

Graeme said that he had reported the matter to Evaka, and Evaka said to hold off for now and wait until Justin's album was released.

He came to Link today because Link never mentioned this matter. He wanted to ask Link what plans he had to avoid any conflicts, but Link completely forgot about it.

Link nodded and said nothing more.

The car drove to the city, dropped Graeme off, and then slowly started up, entering Santa Monica Boulevard, becoming a neon light in this city that never sleeps.

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