Beverly Hills is located in the north of Los Angeles, at the foot of Beverly Hills. It is similar to a district. In the early 20th century, because it was close to several major Hollywood studios, it was more convenient to work. Many movie stars settled here, such as Elizabeth Taylor, Katharine Hepburn, etc.

Later, more celebrities lived here, and Beverly Hills became a world-famous wealthy area and "the most exclusive residential area in the world". It has the world's most upscale commercial streets, almost all luxury brand stores, and There are various styles of villas and mansions.

Owning a property here is considered a symbol of wealth and fame.

“It’s really nice here, with mansions, fancy cars, and hot girls everywhere, but in comparison, I prefer Santa Monica, where there are mountains, beaches, piers, long coastal roads, and the largest ocean. Park, it’s more comfortable to live there.”

On the roof of Mezzaluna Cafe, Link leaned on the fabric sofa and looked at the busy Wilshere Avenue opposite and said.


On the sofa opposite, Leonardo shook the cigar in his hand and said: "Beverly is better, think about it, you go to a nightclub to pick up girls, you tell the girl that you live in Santa Monica, the girl listens for a while If you hesitate and tell girls you live in Beverly, they will scream out and go home with you for the night without hesitation, right?"

Link and Tobey Maguire laughed.

"Leon, do you need to use this trick to pick up girls?"

"Of course it's not necessary, but what I said is true, isn't it?"

Leonardo lit the cigar, leaned on the sofa, crossed his legs and smiled.


Link leaned on the sofa and looked up at the blue sky and said, "For older single men, living in Beverly Hills is really good, but for men with partners like Toby and I, this additional Functionality is optional.”

"I agree with Link. Some foreign tycoons have moved to Beverly Hills in recent years, and the environment is much worse than before. Living in Santa Monica is quieter."

Tobey Maguire, who became popular with the "Spider-Man" series, smiled while holding his coffee cup.

Leonardo glanced at him, "Hey, man, don't forget that you are mine and you should be on my side."

Tobey Maguire raised his coffee cup and gestured to Link with a smile and said: "Sorry Leon, I am Link's boxing fan, no, still a fan. I like many of his songs, especially this latest one, Legends never die, when the world is calling you”

"Stop! Stop singing. I've listened to it so many times lately that I'm starting to hate this song."

Leonardo waved his hand and said.

Link smiled nonchalantly, looked down at his watch, and asked: "Leon, you are so leisurely, have you finished filming "Inception"?"

"No! I just came back from Morocco and will go to Japan for filming in a while."

As he spoke, Leonardo took a puff of his cigar, looked at him and said, "This play is very cool, and director Nolan is also very good. Link, it is definitely a huge regret that you refused my invitation."

"Maybe so!"

Link shrugged, and late last year Leonardo invited him to play the role of the fourth male "Pretender" Eames, a tough guy with extraordinary skills.

At first, he thought it would be a good idea to use the movie to increase his popularity. However, he heard that the filming of this role would take more than two months, and he would have to follow the crew to Morocco, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, Canada and other places for on-site filming, and there would be no time in between. Ask for leave.

After discussing with Mandy and Anna, he found that his 10-year schedule was too full and he did not have two months to film, so he declined the role.

"Link, when will your new album be released? I'm looking forward to your album."

Tobey Maguire laughed.

"On March 22, please remember to buy a few more tickets to support us."

Link joked.

"Don't think about it, I saw the news in the newspaper about you competing with Justin and the 50 Cents group for the list. This is a competition. To ensure fairness, we will only buy one at most."

Leonardo said with his index finger raised.

"One is not bad."

Just as he was talking, Link's cell phone rang twice. He answered it and leaned over to look at the street opposite. Taylor was waving goodbye to Blake Lively and Jamie King, and Link was also saying goodbye to Leonardo DiCaprio. Say goodbye to Tobey Maguire.

When they came to Wilshere Street, Taylor was holding a paper bag with the Victoria's Secret trademark on it and stood waiting for him on the street corner. She was wearing a loose T-shirt and high-waisted jeans that made her waist slim and her legs long, and her long blond hair was tied into a bun. She wears a ponytail, simple and refreshing, and her attire is similar to that of the young girls passing by on the roadside.

Link walked over and put his arm around her waist, looked at the paper bag and said, "You walked around for more than two hours and only bought a pair of underwear?"

"Can't you? We are here to go shopping, not to buy anything."

Taylor took his arm and walked in the direction of the parking lot.

"I understand, when you go shopping, it's like boys playing football. It doesn't matter whether you score or not. The main thing is to play."

"What were you and Leonardo talking about just now?"

"He suggested that I buy a villa in Beverly Hills, but I refused."

"Did he teach you how to pick up girls?"

Taylor asked, tilting her head to look at him.

"Of course not, how could you have such an idea? And why do you think Leonardo is good at picking up girls?"

"He has had so many girlfriends, isn't he good at it?"

"Of course not. A true pick-up master only picks up the coolest girls in the world. The models that Leonardo has picked up can be picked up as long as they are rich and famous. They don't show any skills."

"Really? Then who is the coolest girl in the world?"

Taylor blinked his blue eyes.

"Of course it's you!"

"So you are a pick-up master?"

". Honey, let's change the subject."

After returning from shopping in Beverly Hills, Link and Taylor changed into more formal clothes and drove to the Nokia Center Cinema to attend the premiere of "Valentine's Day".

The film was completed around October last year. After several months of post-production, it was scheduled to premiere in North America on February 12, four days before Valentine's Day.

Since the film has a strong cast, including actresses such as Julia Roberts, Emma Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Alba, Jessica Bell, Jennifer Garner, and actors such as Link, Bradley Cooper, the male lead of the "Hangover" series, Ashton Kutcher, the male lead of "The Butterfly Effect", and Jamie Foxx, almost all of them are first-line movie stars.

So the film distributors New Line Cinema and Warner Bros. held a large premiere event at the Nokia Center before the film was released, not only inviting all the actors to participate, but also inviting other movie stars to help.

Link and Taylor are also the main actors, and they can only take a little time out of their busy schedules to attend this event.

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