Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 268 Link’s Black Material

"Boss, Link's two singles are so strong. They are both at the level of championship singles. Coupled with his huge fan base, it will be extremely difficult for us to defeat him on the singles chart."

SB Project agency, assistant Alex stood at the desk and said.

Scout was smoking a cigarette, squinting through the light smoke and browsing the data on the tablet, feeling a little helpless.

Link is indeed very strong, one good song after another, more than shit.

If I had known this guy was so good, I should have found a way to sign him.

With such a talented and capable person, coupled with SB Company's powerful marketing methods, Link can definitely become the company's cash cow.

It's a pity that Link is too arrogant. A new singer with no connections dared to join forces with another newcomer Iwaka to start a record company. Miraculously, they actually succeeded.

The rise of link music has become the most incredible news in the music industry last year.

Scout shook his head, looked at his assistant Alex and said:

"First of all, according to the plan, we will continue to release Justin's second single next week, and continue to increase publicity and promotion efforts, focusing on the Internet field. Justin is an Internet celebrity, and many fans are online. We will strengthen publicity on major online platforms, and the effect will be Better."


Assistant Alex nodded.

"One more thing, continue to collect dirty information about Link, especially the scandals between him and those women, whether true or false, the more the better."

"Understood, boss!"

The assistant nodded and saw that Scout had no instructions, so he took his leave.

After the assistant left, Scout rubbed the stubble on his chin and stared at the picture of Link on the screen, thinking about it.

Starting from the beginning of the year, he allocated 1 million US dollars to arrange for his men to collect negative news about Link, so that he could give Link a killing blow if necessary.

It's a pity that Link is really not like a person in the entertainment industry. He doesn't smoke, drink, take drugs, or go whoring outside. He doesn't even have a tattoo. He works hard and is enthusiastic about charity. He is just like a white lotus.

The black material on his body has been exposed before. If you continue to use it to attack him, it will have little effect. Therefore, if you want to defeat him, you urgently need fresh black material.

Suddenly, Scout noticed a piece of news on the Internet. The Globe and Mail reported that an Ottawa female member of Parliament named Michelle Gordon was revealed to have been partying in a nightclub on the third day after her husband's death, wearing revealing clothing. The congresswoman then called the police.

The police issued a statement saying that the photo had been processed by computer technology and was not that of the congresswoman.

Despite the police's explanation, many netizens expressed disbelief, thinking that the congresswoman had a criminal record and this was not the first time such a thing had been exposed. The photos might be real.

Scout looked at the news and touched his chin thoughtfully.

Jingle Bell!

Scout glanced at it and saw that it was Kunas's phone. He sat up and said with a smile: "Good afternoon, Ryan, do you want to have a drink with me?"

"Scout, now is not the time to drink. Have you thought of a way to deal with Link?"

Little Kunas asked.

Scout immediately stopped smiling and said: "I'm thinking of a way. His new songs are of high quality and he has a lot of fans. It's not easy to beat him in terms of sales. I'm going to use other methods to attack him, such as hyping his songs." Black information, I am currently collecting information in this area, and I will report to you as soon as there is any progress.”

"Very good, we have the same idea. He has a piece of black information about Link in his hand, which has been sent to your mailbox. This black information cost me 1 million pounds to get. I hope you can make good use of it. It doesn’t live up to my expectations.”

"One million pounds? Link's dirty information?"

Scout was shocked, straightened his body, and quickly said hello three times to ask Kunas to rest assured before hanging up the phone.

He opened the mailbox and saw a candid video. His eyes suddenly lit up and glowed.


In the third week of February, Justin released the second promotional song for his new album, "Somebody To Love", which was downloaded 105,000 times on the first day, which was a huge hit.

Also this week, Lady Gaga released the second single "Telephone" from the album "The Fame Monster".

This song, sung by Lady Gaga and Queen Beyoncé, had 75,000 downloads on the first day and topped the Billboard dance music on-demand chart. It also became Lady Gaga’s sixth song to win the Billboard dance music ranking. chart-topping single.

After Lady Gaga's single dropped, the battle for the singles chart in February became more intense.

Bang bang bang!

In the Muscle Beach Boxing Training Ground, Link was wearing a T-shirt and pumping his fists vigorously. He had been practicing for more than two hours and was sweating a lot.

While he was training, De La Hoya came to him in the ring and asked when he would be free to fight.

Originally, according to the plan, he would play two games in the first half of this year, the first against Roy Jones Jr. in January, and the second against De La Hoya in May.

But there was an accident on the part of Roy Jones Jr., who was said to be injured in training, and the game was postponed to April. This also caused the game between him and De La Hoya to be postponed.

In addition to his matches with Roy Jones Jr. and De La Hoya, there are four championship challenges this year.

The intercontinental boxing champions of the four organizations WBA-WBC-WBO-IBF challenged him, and he needed to participate in the defending battle.

He gave up the boxing titles of the other two small organizations IBO-WBF and did not need to participate in the challenge.

"After beating Roy Jones, there are still four challenge matches. Our matches will probably have to wait until the end of the year."

Link said as he wiped his sweat with a towel.

"End of the year?"

De La Hoya was a little unhappy and smashed the sandbag with his fist. "I am 37 years old this year and will be 38 by the end of the year. Is this your tactic? You know you can't beat me now, so you are ready to fight me again when I am old." , like when you beat Tyson?”

"You are so funny. It's Roy Jones who is in trouble. If you want to blame him, blame him. It has nothing to do with me. If you are willing, we can compete now."

"No fight, it's inconvenient for me to wear a suit."

De La Hoya waved his hand.

"Hey boss, do you want me to help you take off your clothes?"

Morales came from behind carrying a training backpack, and as he spoke, he reached out and took off De La Hoya's suit.

"Faq! Morales, stay away from me!"

De La Hoya punched Morales in front of the face, only half a centimeter away from the tip of Morales' nose. Morales was taken aback and quickly took two steps back, raising his fists to defend.

Hoya snorted softly, glanced at Link proudly, put his pocket in his pocket and left while whistling obscenely.

"This guy is already thirty-seven and he's still so fast."

Morales touched his nose and said with lingering fear.

Link smiled softly. Thirty-seven-eight was in his prime and at the peak of a man's physical strength. Judging from the speed of De La Hoya's punch just now, it should not be underestimated.

After Morales arrived, Link began sparring with him.

Emma Roberts came over and stayed for more than half an hour, and was called away by her agent again.

After training in the afternoon and driving home, Lady Gaga called and asked when he would have time to record a song together.

Only then did Link remember that he had promised to collaborate on a song with Lady Gaga at the end of last year. The song demo had been sent over before. It was a pop song called "The Greatest Thing" and the lyrics and music were very good.

He thought for a moment and arranged the time for the weekend.

Lady Gaga also mentioned something on the phone, saying that the song "Legends Never Die" was very good and she wanted to cover it, and asked him if he had given the right to cover the song to any female singer.

Link said no, he was just a little nervous when he heard Lady Gaga wanted to cover it.

Lady Gaga is not tall, but has a high pitch and great singing skills. If she sings the cover, the effect will definitely be much better than that of Krissy Costanza, the original singer of "The Band Against the Current". The original singer Krissy is just a pass A popular amateur singer on YouTube.

"Link, what's wrong, are you worried that I messed up?"

Lady Gaga asked on the phone.

"Of course not. I'm just worried that I'll be outclassed by you. You're too strong."

"Haha, are you kidding me? Even if I can sing the high notes of this song, I can't interpret your passionate and heroic flavor. I bet that no one can surpass your live version. ”

Lady Gaga praised.

Link also smiled. On February 7, Link Music released the studio version of "Legends Never Die" and the live version on February 9.

After comparison, 82% of fans believed that the live version was of higher quality than the studio version, which also led to a surge in downloads of the live version.

After listening to it, Link also felt that the live version was better. The live version was often accompanied by the shouts of the audience and the chorus of the players.

Although the background sound is a bit noisy, it seems more real, warm and powerful.

"Billboard" commented that the live version was like a song recorded on the battlefield. It was majestic and majestic. It is a song that can be recorded in the history of rugby league.

Since Lady Gaga is willing to cover it, Link will not refuse. If she can perform the song better, it will be a good thing for him.

After agreeing on a time to record the song, Link hung up the phone and drove to Universal Studios to participate in the filming of "The Expendables" here.

In this drama, he plays the role of Stallone's assistant, Roy, the fourth male, who once served in the US special forces. He has a strong body and super fighting skills, and is also good at firearms.

The disadvantage is that he is a playboy. When he followed Stallone into a South American country to fight, he fell into the enemy's honey trap and almost exposed his whereabouts.

He didn't have many scenes. He mainly followed Stallone to fight everywhere. There were two weeks of scenes in total, and he also flew to the tropical rainforest of Venezuela in the middle.

"All of Me" sold 187,000 copies in its second week of release, ranking fifth on the singles chart.

The first is "Legends never die", with cumulative sales of 487,000 copies in the third week.

Cumulative sales in the United States have reached 2.35 million copies, and global sales have reached 3.85 million copies. It has topped the singles charts in 16 countries including France, Belgium, Canada, Sweden, New Zealand, and Australia, and has topped the singles charts in 47 countries. Top ten songs.

The second is Justin's "Baby", with 425,000 copies, and global cumulative sales of 2.75 million copies.

Third is Justin's new single "Somebody To Love", which had 382,000 downloads in the first week.

The fourth is Lady Gaga and Beyoncé's collaboration single "Telephone", 224,000 copies.

Taylor's "Today was a fairytale" dropped to sixth.

Also this week, the second album of the goddess of the war, "need you now", was released for seven weeks, and the sales in the United States officially exceeded 1.5 million copies, becoming the first album in the American music scene in 2010 to exceed 1.5 million copies, and the sales are expected to be more than 3 million copies.

Kesha's first album "Animal" was released for six weeks, and the sales in the United States were 800,000 copies, and the sales are expected to be more than one million. Kesha has undoubtedly become the new king of the music scene in the past 10 years.

Under this premise, if the albums of Link, Justin, Wiz Khalifa and others want to sell well, they need to make more efforts in publicity.

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