The procedure of the Oscars ceremony is generally from supporting actor awards to music editing, technology, makeup, script, etc., and the more important Best Actor and Best Actress awards, Best Director and Best Picture awards are presented in the second half.

Link sat backstage for a while, waiting for Kristen to come back after giving out the awards. He joined Jennifer Lopez to go to the organizer, received the envelope with the name of the winner, and then went to the backstage exit to line up.

Jennifer Lopez is a Latin queen, 41 years old this year. Both of her parents are Puerto Rican immigrants. She started as an actress and has starred in famous movies such as "Anaconda", "The Kidnappers", "Jersey Girls" and "Cinderella in Manhattan".

In 1999, she released her first single and won the Billboard singles chart. The following year, she released her first solo album "On the 6", which sold more than 500,000 copies in the first week and sold more than 3 million copies in the United States.

In the past ten years, she has released six albums, with global sales of more than 30 million copies. She is also known as the Latin Queen and is very famous in the United States and the Americas.

She is also Ben Affleck's future wife and Puff Daddy's ex-girlfriend. She is a woman with a complicated identity. It is rumored that the confrontation between rappers on the East and West coasts in the 1990s was also a little related to her.

After divorcing her ex-husband in 1998, she became Puff Daddy's girlfriend again. Her ex-husband was dissatisfied and sold their private videotapes to Suge Knight, the behind-the-scenes boss of the West Coast rap gang and the founder of Death Row Records, who has launched rappers such as Tupac, Snoop Dogg, Knight Dogg, and Dr. Dre.

Suge Knight used Jennifer's videotape to mock Puff Daddy, which made Puff Daddy very embarrassed, and the two sides almost pulled out guns.

However, Jennifer's current husband is Latin singer Marc Anthony, who has little to do with East Coast rappers.

"Link, your new song "All of Me" is great, with the style of soul music."

Jennifer Lopez said.

"Thank you. The new album is mainly pop music, but also mixed with some other types of music."

Link briefly explained that in addition to "all of me", the third album also includes 21 classic love songs such as "Closer", "girls like you", and "The Woman I Love". The style of the songs is mainly pop, mixed with rock, dance, electronic music, soul music, country music, etc.

The love theme of the album is relatively old-fashioned, but the style is very novel and has a certain degree of pioneering. This also led to Link being unsure whether fans and the market can accept this album, and how much sales this album will have.

Just being forced to compete for the charts, he can only respond to them.

"Very impressive! It's hard to believe that you are only 21 years old."

Jennifer Lopez smiled.

"It's better to be famous early. I am also imitating you predecessors."

Link shrugged and smiled.

While they were talking, the front desk was presenting the Best Art Director Award, and the winners were the film art directors of the "Avatar" crew.

The guest presenting this award was the big star Charlize Theron, wearing a golden wrap dress. She was thirty-five or thirty-six years old, but she was still in good shape, with tight skin, tall figure, beautiful curves, and a strong woman's temperament.

She and the art directors of the "Avatar" crew returned from the front desk and saw Link and Lopez standing at the exit. She greeted Lopez first, and then looked at Link with her charming blue-gray eyes.

"Mr. Baker, it's nice to meet you, you look really good."

Charlize Theron looked him up and down and smiled.

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you, Ms. Theron, I'm your fan."

Link looked at the other person and smiled.

Charlize Theron smiled slightly, said see you later, waved her finger at him and left.

Link and Lopez also congratulated the several artists who won the award.

Then I heard Alec Baldwin, the host of this year's Oscars, introduce the two award presenters on the stage. This is also the style of this year's Oscars. Some are serious introductions, and some are teasing.

Baldwin was quite serious when introducing Lopez, saying that she started out as an actress, then switched to the music industry and successfully established herself in the music industry. She came to the Oscars today and returned with honor.

But when introducing Link, he was not so serious, saying that he participated in the boxing competition in 2008, won the Olympic championship, and became the world boxing champion. In 2009, he switched to the music industry and became the best-selling singer of the year and won the Grammy Award for Best Production of the Year.

Now he has switched to the film industry again. Baldwin said in a joking tone, "I bet he will win the Oscar for Best Actor next year."

This sentence caused a burst of laughter at the scene.

Link was also helpless.

Before he went on stage, his peers in the film industry were full of vigilance against him and regarded him as a strong competitor. It would be more difficult for him to win the Oscar for Best Actor than Leonardo and Robert Downey Jr.

When Baldwin introduced him, the staff reminded Link and Lopez that they could go on stage. Lopez took his arm and walked to the podium.

The Oscars podium is much smaller than the Grammys, but it is more artistic in design, with bright lights and a sense of technology. It would be cool to receive a trophy on such a stage.

Clap, clap, clap!

When the two walked to the microphone, there was a round of applause.

"Link, just now Alec bet that you can win the Best Actor Oscar next year. Do you have the confidence?"

Lopez asked with a smile while holding the microphone pole.

"Yes, what I lack the most is confidence."

Before he finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter from the audience, and director Quentin Tarantino applauded exaggeratedly. If you are a fan of Link's boxing, you will know that this sentence is his catchphrase. Almost every time the reporter asks him if he has confidence, he will say this sentence.

People who don't know Link have no idea what's funny about this sentence, and look at the dozens of people who are laughing strangely.

"I also believe in Mr. Baldwin's judgment. He is an old senior in the film industry. If he says I can get it, it's okay. If I don't get it, I will consider wearing boxing gloves and visiting him at his home."

Link clenched his fist and said expressionlessly.


There was a burst of laughter and applause at the scene.

The on-site director also switched the camera to the backstage. The host Baldwin covered his forehead with a scared look.

After the show, Link and Lopez began to introduce the five films nominated for the best original score of this year's Oscars, "Up", "Avatar", "Fantastic Mr. Fox", "Sherlock Holmes" and "The Hurt Locker".

When the two introduced, the soundtrack clips of the five nominated films were displayed on the big screen at the back, 15 seconds for each movie.

The final winner of the award, the composer of "Up", Mike Giacchino, is also a famous Hollywood film composer, who has composed music for movies such as "The Incredibles", "The Family Stone" and "Mission Impossible 3".

After the award ceremony, Link and Lopez returned to the backstage and saw Kristen was still there, holding a lollipop in her mouth, holding a movie magazine in her hand, wearing a dress, and her calves were also crossed on the sofa, not a lady at all.

"Where is my lollipop?"

Link walked over and asked. In order to embarrass Kristen, he deliberately opened the lollipop before going on stage, bit it for a while, and then let Kristen hold it in her hand and wait for him.


Christine took out the lollipop from her mouth and handed it to him, leaving only the size of a glass bead.

Link raised his eyebrows, "Did you eat my candy?"

"What else!"

Christine looked at him proudly, "Let me tell you one thing, never let a girl who likes to eat candy keep candy."

"Okay, I remember."

"Here you go!"

Christine insisted on giving him the remaining lollipop.

Link held it in his hand and didn't know whether to throw it away.

"Do you dislike me? I didn't dislike you just now."

Christine frowned coldly, frowned her beautiful eyebrows, and looked a little angry.

Link shrugged his shoulders and could only eat the remaining lollipop.

Christine nodded with satisfaction and continued to flip through the movie magazine on her knees.

"Aren't you going to the front to watch the award ceremony?"

According to the organizer's plan, after the award presenters complete their tasks, they can reach the seating area in the front hall from another passage.

"No, it's boring."

"Then I'll go. The next award for Best Original Song will be presented."

"It's no use for you to go. They won't give you the award."

Christine complained, and when she saw him leaving, she dropped her magazine, got up and chased after him.

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