"How did you come?"

In front of the villa, Link looked at Taylor coming from outside and asked.

She has a golden ponytail and a long blue patchwork dress. She has a fair and plump face and two long, straight legs.

She seems to be in good condition, not like a woman who just broke up with her.

"I saw the song you just wrote and I think we should talk about it in person."

Taylor said, standing in front of him.

"You don't think stabbing me through the screen is enough, so you want to stab me again in person?"

"Hmph! Don't sound so innocent. If I don't forgive you, it's a stab at you. Then how many times do you stab me by having sex with other women behind my back?"

Taylor said with a cold face.

"Okay, this may be the last time we chat. How about we stop arguing and talk calmly?"

Link pointed to the sofa on the balcony.

Taylor glared at him, crossed his arms and sat down on the sofa, looking at him unblinkingly.

"Would you like some beer?"

Link held two cans of ice-cold Bud Light and placed them on the small round table.

"Did you ever think we would end up like this?"

Taylor asked calmly.

"I've thought about it, many times."

Link said.

Taylor frowned slightly, "Why? You have no confidence in our relationship?"

Link took a sip of light beer and said, "Actually, I never thought about falling in love with you, let alone becoming a lover with you."

"What do you mean? Do you regret dating me?"

Taylor's face was cold, and his snow-white fists were gathered together again.

Link smiled softly, "Don't be angry. It was you who kicked me. It's me who should be angry, not you. Let me answer your question now. Why do I think that way? Because you are a singer and an entertainment star.

In terms of probability, more than 90% of people in the entertainment industry are not very dedicated to relationships. Breaking up, cheating and cheating are commonplace, so when I was dating you, I thought about breaking up. "

"You are biased. Don't forget that you are also a singer. Well, a cheating singer. It is people like you who have ruined the atmosphere of the entertainment industry."

Taylor snorted.

Link didn't protest and took a sip of beer.

"In addition to your career, there is also you as a person. You are very talented, have dreams, are very free, very independent, and very smart. People like you generally don't invest too much time and energy in running a relationship. The fact is Prove what I said is right.”

"What are the facts? I think I have done a good job in the past year, better than you, and the mistake that led to our breakup this time was caused by you, not me. You can't put the blame on me. "

Taylor said dissatisfied.

"Think about it, if you were not that good, not that independent, and heard that I cheated on you, would you choose to tolerate me or break up with me?"

"This assumption is not valid. If I weren't that good, you wouldn't like me."

Taylor hummed.

Link thought for a moment and felt that what she said made sense.

"Yes, you are too good, so you become independent and do not know how to tolerate, and I am too good, which also makes you feel pressured, so the two of us are not suitable."

"You are wrong. If you hadn't cheated, and without that video of you and Emma Watson, I would have never had the courage to break up with you. All of this was caused by you."

Taylor said coldly.

Link shook his head, "Both cheatings were accidents. They seduced me, and Emma. I dated her earlier than you. If it weren't for her... forget it, it's already like this, there's no point in talking about it anymore. "

Link gestured with his beer.

Taylor snorted softly and took a big sip of beer.

"Let's talk about Ivaca again."

"What's wrong with Ivaca? I've never had sex with her, don't you believe it?"

Link also took a sip of the cold beer.

"I believe it! But I don't believe that you are not interested in her, and I don't believe that she is not interested in you. From the beginning of dating you, she is like a ghost, floating around us all the time, intervening in our lives in various ways. I It makes you reluctant to quit link music.

Humph, now that I have quit and made things easier for you two, you should be very happy. Why do you have to pretend to write a song like "Love Is Gone"? Don't you think it's too hypocritical? "

Taylor sneered.

Link shook his head, "You are wrong. Although Iwaka is good, she and I have different origins, different living environments, different tastes and hobbies. If I date her, it may be wonderful at first, but because we are recognizing each other, Differences in knowledge will lead to more and more conflicts, and in the end it will be difficult to achieve a good outcome.

Comparatively speaking, the music scene you are in is simpler, and we have more common languages. This is why I asked her to co-found a company, but I live with you. "

"Hmph, you think so clearly, why are you still cheating?"

Taylor cursed with red eyes.

Link sighed softly, "I am a beach kid who has never seen much of the world. After entering the entertainment industry, I was like a thief entering a treasure house. There was temptation everywhere.

Can you imagine how exciting it would be for a beautiful celebrity to take the initiative to sit in my arms? Can you imagine how tempting it would be for a popular female singer to take off her clothes and stand in front of me?

Sometimes I know that something cannot be touched, but I still touch it because of luck.

Afterwards, I thought it would be exposed, but I didn't expect it would be so soon. I also thought you would be very angry, but I didn't expect you would break up with me mercilessly.

I overestimated our feelings and underestimated your decisiveness. This is the biggest mistake I made. "

Link shook his head and took a sip of beer.

When the two were drinking and chatting in the villa, most of the American media were alarmed.

Since Link released his third album on March 22, his popularity in the media has remained high.

Then the "Link and Emma intimate video was exposed", his popularity was even higher.

Then Taylor left the Bay Villa with his luggage, and the music industry's "golden boy and jade girl" seemed to break up. The news about Link and Taylor occupied the front page headlines of major media entertainment sections almost every day.

Even many overseas media reprinted the report and followed the melon.

Today, the news about Link and Taylor reached a peak, and the Internet and TV entertainment programs were all about the two.

The initial news was that Link released a new song "sorry" in the morning to apologize to Taylor. The song was of high quality and the lyrics and melody were very sincere.

Link's fans came out one after another to apologize for him online and ask Taylor for forgiveness.

There are reports that the two sides have signs of reconciliation.

At noon, Link released another video recording, which was also a new song "Love Is Gone", this song is better than "Sorry", with sincere emotions and sad melody.

Especially when Link, a handsome guy, sits in front of the piano and sings while playing, the appeal increases tenfold. It is said that many female fans burst into tears after watching it.

This also led many fans to change their views on Link, believing that Link's cheating is not a mistake.

If he can write "Sorry" and "Love Is Gone" after cheating, he should cheat more times.

Cheating every day and releasing new songs every day, that would be great.

In "Love Is Gone", Link's fans are very happy. After the release of "Gone", tens of thousands of fans flocked to Taylor's fan club to apologize on behalf of Link, and the media also turned their attention to Taylor to see how she would respond and whether she would forgive Link.

At this time, Taylor's car appeared in the Bay Villa District.

Taylor's appearance directly triggered the American media. Major newspaper reporters such as the Los Angeles Times, the New York Post, USA Today, and the American Express sent entertainment reporters to the Santa Monica Bay Villa District.

ABC, CBS, CNN, Turner Network, Fox Network and other TV media also sent reporters to station there in order to get first-hand information.

As for tabloid reporters and paparazzi, there were even more of them, hundreds of people.

They all wanted to see whether Link and Taylor broke up or got together.

Reporters have been here since the afternoon. After waiting for 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock, Taylor did not come out of the villa. He only met Taylor's assistant Emily and Link's assistant Anna.

The reporters asked the two about the situation, and they said they didn't know.

It was not until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, when it was time to get off work, that Taylor did not come out.

The media speculated that Taylor had probably forgiven Link and the two reconciled.

The headline of the Yahoo News website also became "Taylor stayed at Link's villa, and the relationship between the golden boy and the beautiful girl in the music industry eased."

In the fan club of Link and Taylor, there were also fans who updated their status every ten minutes. Until 8 o'clock in the evening, the status was still "Taylor did not come out, and he probably stayed overnight."

Seeing these dynamics, fans who support Link and Taylor's reconciliation posted various emoticons online to celebrate the reconciliation of the two.

"Thank you for the generous gift! Now the Internet is full of Link's news. I really don't understand what is there to see in these rotten news."

In the bar, 50 Cent was swiping his phone and cursing.

"This is hype. Link is such a good bastard at it."

Lil Wayne watched the news about Link on the TV in the bar, and suddenly he admired Link. This guy always made big news every time he released an album, and let the media actively promote his album. Most people can't do that.

Across from him, Usher was holding a beer, drinking it sip by sip.

Last week, he released a new album, and an intimate video of Link and Emma Watson was exposed online. He originally thought that he could take the opportunity to ruin Link's reputation, make Link's album unsalable, and make his own album sell well.

It did work at first, and the sales of Link's new album declined significantly.

But the quality of that album was too high and too powerful. Link's fans also had strong purchasing power. After only two days, the sales of Link's new album rose against the trend.

He pressed his album under him.

It's the second week now. He thought that after two weeks, the popularity of Link's album would decline, and his own album would have a chance to kill back.

But the news about Link and Taylor's conflict was so popular that no one read the news about his new album.

Just like yesterday when he performed at the home court of the NBA Heat, almost no media reported the news, and all of them reported Link and Taylor's broken news.

Netizens also stared at the two, wanting to see whether they broke up or got back together.

"Don't worry, the news said that Link and Taylor have reconciled, and the popularity of this news will decrease tomorrow."

Drake the Duck comforted.

Usher nodded.

As Link's opponent, he should have been happy to celebrate when he heard that he was kicked out, but after Link was kicked out, the media was full of Link's news, which made his album not exposed at all.

So Usher now hopes more than anyone else that Link and Taylor will reconcile as before and stop messing around. If they mess around, others will get hurt.

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