Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 314 Three script invitations

"Will you go out for a morning run tomorrow?"

When he was changing in the locker room, he turned on his phone and saw a text message from Alexandra Daddario.

"Yes, if there is no hail tomorrow."

Link replied.

When he put on his pants, the girl quickly replied.

"I want to run too. How about we meet at the museum bus stop at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning?"

"Okay, see you there."

The girl also replied with a message saying see you there.

When he left the boxing ring at around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the sky in New York had cleared up. The sun shone on the streets of Brooklyn. The high-rise buildings looked brand new, and the leaves of the fir and sycamore trees on the roadside also turned green.

Link drove to the central area of ​​Manhattan, ready to go to Link Music.

Not long after he got on the road, he received a call from Paris, France. The person who answered the call was Frank Alera, the assistant of director Woody Allen.

Frank asked him if he had time on Wednesday and Thursday. The weather forecast said that it would rain in Paris in the next two days. Director Allen planned to change the scenes that had been changed back and shoot according to the original settings, trying to make the movie perfect without any regrets.

Link had no choice. Changing back meant that he had to go to Paris again to accept the persecution of the old man Woody Allen.

He had just broken up some time ago and was in a bad mood. When he was shooting in the crew, he was PUA by Director Allen every day, and he almost became depressed.

He really didn't want to go back to that place.

He looked at the schedule.

The main work in recent days is boxing training, tour rehearsals, and shooting commercials. There is a boxing match on Sunday, and it is okay to fly to Paris on Wednesday and Thursday.

He asked Frank if he could finish shooting before Friday. If not, the crew had better find another time, because the date of the boxing match has been set and it is not convenient to change.

Frank said he needed to ask Director Allen.

Link heard the conversation between Frank and Director Allen through the receiver.

Director Allen said yes, as long as Link's performance is not too bad, the filming can be completed in one day.

Link was very unhappy to hear this.

Although his acting skills are not as good as those of the old actors, they are still good among his peers.

Even Marion Cotillard and Jennifer Lawrence, two acting schools, praised his acting skills. He has a good control of micro-expressions and emotions, and is very talented in acting.

But every time he came to the crew, Director Woody Allen could always find some problems with him to exploit and undermine his self-confidence.

Link was numb and finally too lazy to argue with him.

"Link, Director Allen said yes."

"Okay, I will be there on time."

Link hung up the phone and drove to the Link Music Company office in Manhattan. He told Anna that he would return to Paris to film on Wednesday and Thursday, and asked her to make work arrangements in advance.

Anna told him that Catherine sent three scripts and an audition invitation. The three scripts are "The Green Hornet", "Warrior" and "In Time".

"The Green Hornet" is a remake of Bruce Lee's work in the 1960s. It tells the story of a rich second-generation white man and a Japanese kung fu master Kato, who are chivalrous and righteous.

The second male lead seems to be Jay Chou.

A bad movie, don't consider it.

"Warrior" tells the story of a pair of brothers who participate in a free-fighting competition. They meet in the ring and fight for their respective goals.

Although this movie is about free-fighting and two brothers fighting on the stage, the core of the story is similar to "The Fighter", which talks about family, faith, friendship, honor, etc.

He has seen this movie. One of the leading actors is the famous British actor Tom Hardy. The quality of the movie is good.

But Link doesn't plan to act. First, he doesn't want to repeat himself, and second, this movie has no chance of winning an Oscar.

"In Time" is a science fiction action movie. The story is set in a fictional world. After everyone is born, there is a "timer" on their arm. The timer shows the length of each person's life. Time is also a currency that can be used to trade and buy everything you want.

However, due to genetic defects, everyone can only live to 25 years old at most. If you want to continue to live, you have to get more time through various means, including work, borrowing, trading, selling, and even robbery.

The male protagonist is a poor man who works in a factory to survive. By chance, he gets a hundred years from a rich man, and his life changes dramatically.

Link has seen this movie, starring Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried. The reputation is average, but it is well-known and the box office performance seems to be good.

After reading these three script invitations, Link was a little helpless.

After the release of "The Fighter" last year, it brought him some positive reviews. He thought he would receive scripts.

But from the current situation, the mainstream film industry still does not recognize his acting skills, especially those top literary directors. Except for Director Allen, no one is willing to give him good roles.

The producers of "The Expendables" and "The Green Hornet" invited him to cooperate because he is famous and has a certain box office appeal, not because of his good acting skills.

If he wants to make a name for himself in the film industry, he needs to prove himself with good works, and he can start with commercial films.

"Anna, how much is the salary for this movie?"

Link asked, holding the script of "In Time".

"The initial offer is 8 million US dollars. If you agree to act, we can continue to discuss the salary."

Ms. Anna said while holding the document.

"The script is good, continue to talk to them, and there is another audition invitation. What movie is it?"

"It is Marvel Studios' new project "Captain America". The preliminary preparations have been completed and the casting is currently underway. The producer has also sent you an audition invitation, which will be from next Monday to Wednesday."

Ms. Anna said.

Captain America?

Hearing about this role, Link fell into deep thought.

First of all, this role is very good. From the "Captain America" ​​series of movies to the "Avengers" series and the "Thor" series, Captain America has played an important role in these movies. If you can get this role, you will not have to worry about not having movies to shoot or not having money to make in the next ten years.

But according to the film industry, after starring in Marvel movies, it will be more difficult to win an Oscar. People like Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans have good acting skills and have also shot many literary and artistic movies, but they have never been favored by the Oscars.

Link is originally a cross-industry person and is not favored by the Academy of Film and Television. If he plays this role, it will be more difficult to win an award.

So whether to play or not, this is a question.

Link thought about it and decided to audition first.

"Captain America" ​​is a big movie project, which has received a lot of attention. There will be many famous actors competing for this role. It is not easy for me to pass the audition, so it is completely unnecessary to consider whether to act or not.

"Anna, make arrangements. I am going to audition for Captain America."

"Okay, boss!"

Anna nodded and asked if he had any other instructions.

Link said that there was nothing else, so he asked Anna to go down and make arrangements. He looked through the script and thought about it, then picked up the phone and called Catherine to ask about the situation of Palm Beach Pictures. He was going to start "Buried" at the end of the year.

Catherine said that there was no problem at all. "The Scandal Project" has been scheduled and will be released in early July. According to the feedback from the internal preview of Warner Distribution Company, the film has a good internal evaluation and will be promoted and released according to the specifications of B-level production.

After the release of this film, Palm Beach Pictures can also recover some funds to shoot new film projects.

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