Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 328: Love Returns to Paris in the Rainy Night

It rained in Paris, the streets became wet, and the main cathedral of Notre Dame in the distance was looming in the rain.

Director Allen said that Notre Dame is best seen on a rainy day.

Because the vision is blurred, the visual effects of Notre Dame de Paris today are very similar to those of people standing here two hundred years ago, five hundred years ago, and eight hundred years ago, giving people a feeling of traveling through time and space.

Link said it was different. Modern people are used to seeing skyscrapers. When they look at Notre Dame de Paris, they feel amazing, but not particularly shocked or awed.

People hundreds of years ago had never seen the world and were in awe of ghosts and gods. When they came to Notre Dame de Paris, they would kneel down or lie on the ground to watch, instead of standing here and watching unscrupulously.

He asked director Allen if he wanted to give it a try? Maybe you can really find that feeling.

Director Allen glared at him and wanted to scold him for not understanding art, but found that what he said seemed to be unreasonable.

"Everyone move, hurry up and take pictures, don't block the road here."

Director Allen shouted, waving his hands.

After it rained, the crew took the time to shoot Paris in the rain, including Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre, Place de la Concorde, the Eiffel Tower and other famous landmarks in the rain.

There are too many places to shoot, and artificial rainfall is too expensive. Shooting on a rainy day is the most cost-effective and has the best visual effect.

Link was also asked to walk along the Seine River, alone with his pockets in his hands, soaked in light rain, admiring the ancient buildings on both sides of the Seine River. Director Allen also asked him to perform a feeling of walking in the long river of history.

I walked in the rain for more than half an hour, and my clothes were almost soaked, before I could get enough material for the movie.

But he couldn't rest after filming these. At the urging of director Allen, he changed into dry clothes and came to John XXIII Square to participate in the final shooting.

This scene tells the story of the male protagonist Gil, who was first broken up by his lover Adrianna in a fantasy world. After returning to reality, he found out that his fiancée had cheated on him, so he broke up with his fiancée.

After two consecutive breakups, the male protagonist was alone and strolling through the streets of Paris with a melancholy look on his face. It started to rain lightly.

At this time, a French girl came from behind. She was a staff member of an old record store. The hero had met her twice on the street and was considered an acquaintance.

The actor who plays the French girl Gabrielle is French movie star Léa Seydoux. She once played a supporting role in Quentin Quentin's "Inglourious Basterds". She is 25 years old and is also a relatively hot French girl.

But because the other party's grandfather is Jéhoume Seydoux, the chairman of EMI Film Company, he is an old friend of Director Allen.

In order to prevent Leya from being tricked into sleeping with him, Director Allen specially arranged for an assistant to keep an eye on the scene during the filming, so that the two of them would not have too much contact in private.

"Act 12, 3 shots, 1 shot, Action!"

"Hi, why are you here?"

On the street in the rain, Link looked back at the girl walking slowly and asked.

“My boss got a new Cole Porter record.”

Léa Seydoux looked at him and smiled.

"Does it remind you of me?"

Link asked. The male protagonist Gil once talked about Cole Porter's records in the record store.

Léa Seydoux shrugged her shoulders and made an expression of approval.

Link smiled softly, "I like being reminded of you like this. You want to go home now, right?"


Léa Seydoux straightened the bag on her shoulder and said with a smile.

"Can I go for a walk with you or buy you a cup of coffee? Look, it's raining harder."

Link looked at the sky and said.

"It's okay, I don't mind getting wet."

Léa Seydoux smiled slightly.


"Yes, actually, Paris is most beautiful in the rain."

"That's what I always say, and I wholeheartedly agree, yes, it's more beautiful."

Link stretched out his hand to catch the rain, his face showing a kind of joy at being recognized.

Director's area.

Director Allen sat behind the monitor, folding his arms and looking at the monitor screen. He saw the two of them walking side by side on the wet street, chatting as they walked, and their figures gradually disappeared under the dim street lights.

Beautiful and romantic.

He couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"Director Allen, do you want to do it again?"

Frank Alera asked.

"No, pass!"

Director Allen said.

Frank Alera looked at him in surprise, seeing him give Link a pass so readily for the first time.

Director Allen glared at him, "The rain is so heavy, Link is not afraid of it as a man, but Leia, a girl, can't bear it. Call her back quickly, don't catch a cold."


Frank held up a loudspeaker and shouted ‘cut! Call it a day’.

"Frank, keep an eye on Link and don't let him harass Leia."

Director Allen warned.

"Got it, Director Allen!"

Frank laughed.

After filming, Link returned to the Ritz Hotel where the crew was staying. His clothes were wet.

Marion didn't go home either, so she stayed in his room. When he came back, she poured him a cup of hot chocolate.

Link drank hot chocolate and his body became warm. He took off his clothes and walked into the bathroom. Marion also walked in with a bath towel wrapped around her.

The two of them had sex in the bathroom.

This time there was no interference from Director Allen, and there was no need to worry about paparazzi filming.

Listening to the heavy rain outside the window.

Have a lot of fun playing.

Back on the bed in the bedroom, the two of them leaned on the bedside and chatted.

"I recently received a script. The male protagonist is a boxer. It suits you very well. Do you want to read it?"

Marion leaned on the bedside, took out a book and handed it over.

When Link saw the title of the book, "The Smell of Rust and Bone," he immediately thought of the movie "Rust and Bone," which is one of Marion Cotillard's representative works.

The film is adapted from the novel "A Taste of Rust and Bone" by the famous Canadian writer Craig Davidson.

It tells the love story between Ali, a homeless boxer, and Stephanie, a killer whale trainer who lost her legs in an accident.

The two met when they were at a low point in life. Ali helped Stephanie regain her confidence in life, and Stephanie also helped Ali find hope in life. The two redeemed each other, generated a spark of love, and started a new life.

Since the male protagonist of this movie is also an underground boxer, Link has watched it twice and felt very good about it.

"It's a very good story, but it still lacks a male protagonist?"

Link asked after reading a novel of more than 50,000 words.

"The director of this movie is Mr. Jacques Audiard. The movie is still in preparation. He hopes that I can play the heroine and gave me the script in advance. If you are interested, I will recommend you to him."

Marion Cotillard said.

Link nodded. He had also met director Jacques Audiard once. At the Academy Awards in March this year, Director Audiard was nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film for "The Prophet". He is a very capable director.

"I'm interested. Plus, I have a production company that I can get involved with if the film lacks funding."

Link said, putting his arm around Marion's shoulders.

"Aren't you worried about losing money if you decide to invest just by reading the novel?"

Marion asked affectionately, scratching his chin with her fingers.

Link knew that the movie was doing well at the box office, so he was naturally not worried about losing money. He kissed Marion's hair and said, "I am a boxer. I make money very quickly. I always need to find ways to spend it on movies." It’s not a pity to lose.”

"Yes, if you didn't tell me, I almost forgot that you are the famous Mr. Money Printing Machine."

"I am not just a money printing machine, but also another machine. Ms. Cotillard, do you want to experience the other functions of this robot?"

"I am glad to."

Marion bit her red lips and smiled.

Link smiled softly and pulled the blanket over the two of them.

There were waves under the blanket, and the wind and rain outside the window became bigger and more fierce.

In the next room, Director Allen was sitting under the balcony awning, looking at the Paris streets in the rain, holding a glass of Bordeaux red wine in his hand, and just wanted to enjoy the rare leisure time.

Suddenly I heard a strange sound coming from next door.

At first he thought it was the sound of rain hitting the awning. It rained continuously.

But after listening carefully, I found that it was not the case at all.

With a dark face, he shouted at the open window next door: "Keep your voice down! I'm not ashamed."

Unfortunately, it was of no use. The sound of wind and rain next door only made it noisier, and he didn't pay attention to this old man at all.

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