Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 330 Earning 1.6 billion US dollars in half a year

Chapter 330 Earn $160 million in half a year

After chatting with Monica Bellucci and his wife in the cafe for a while, Link and Marion got up and left.

After filming the scene of "Midnight in Paris", he has completed his work in Paris and is about to return to the United States. The next time he will meet will be in two or three months or three or four months.

The two didn't want to waste time outside. After buying some fruits and flowers at the market, they returned to Marion's apartment on the banks of the Seine.

After a light meal, the two of them cuddled up on the balcony, looked out the window at the Seine River, chatted, tasted red wine, ML, each time going deep into their souls, treating it as the last time in their lives.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Link kissed Marion, who was still sleeping, left a note, put on his hat and left Marion's apartment.

"Boss, Mandy just sent some news, you may need to know about it."

In the car, Ms. Anna said while carrying her work bag.

"Say it, I'm listening."

Link said as he looked through the unread text messages on his phone.

“Since yesterday, many media in the United States have been hyping up the news that you are a Playboy, saying that you are playing with women’s emotions and bodies, and they have also intercepted Amber Heard’s interview last year, proving that you have abused women in that regard. question."

Anna looked at the document and found that it said 'perversion' and 'X addiction'. Out of respect for Link, she did not say it directly.

“Does a lot of the media say that?”

“They are all tabloid newspapers or small news websites with a circulation of less than 100,000 copies.”

"This is slander. What does the Ministry of Justice say?"

"The legal department is collecting evidence and launching a lawsuit against the media that violated your reputation."

"Have you found out who is targeting me?"

"The incident happened suddenly. The company is investigating. There are currently two speculations."

Ms. Anna said.

The first guess is related to Jay-Z.

When the media was hyping Link up as a playboy, some media and musicians also accused him of not being a pure singer, saying that the success of his albums was all due to hype rather than the quality of the album itself.

At the same time, Eminem's new album "Recovery" was compared, vigorously praised Eminem's album, and belittled the artistic level of the three albums "The Woman I Love", "Go Forward" and "The Fighter".

"How are the sales of "Recovery" these days?"

"In the three days since its release, it has sold 357,000 copies in the United States, which is a very good result. It is expected to reach 800,000 copies in the first week. Probably for this reason, they want to use Eminem's new album to compete with you."

Anna said.

"This matter should have nothing to do with Eminem. This guy is very hard-core and doesn't like to do evil things. As for whether it's Jay-Z or Kanye, let Scooter and the public relations department investigate first. No matter who wants to talk to When I’m in the ring, I’ll take over.”

Link said.

Anna nodded, thought for a while and said: "Second, it has to do with the casting of "Captain America". Now many young actors are eyeing this role, including Will Smith, Sam Worthington, Channing Tower Thum, Chris Evans and more than 40 people.

Not long ago, Marvel Entertainment announced the list of actors who participated in the audition, and you were the first one on the list. Many Marvel fans also believe that you are the most suitable person to play Captain America. Some people even created a voting website for "The Best Choice for Captain America". , 358,000 people voted for 伱1 Smith, and none of the other actors voted more than 10,000.

The media also believes that Marvel has a higher chance of choosing you to play Captain America.

Mandy believes that rival agencies may also make a fuss in this regard and try to ruin your reputation, because Captain America is a dedicated person, not a playboy like Iron Man. "

Link thought for a while and realized that this possibility was also possible, but he didn't care. Regarding the role of Captain America, his idea was to play it if he could get it, and it wouldn't be a pity if he couldn't get it.

He told Anna that no matter what aspect is targeting him, he should do a good job in public relations first. He may not care about the stigma of Playboy, or others saying that he relies on hype to sell albums, nor does he care about the role of Captain America, but he will never Let others slander you.


Ms. Anna nodded.


After returning to New York, Link ignored the negative public opinion and continued training in the boxing ring.

He also participated in two boxing matches on the 15th and 18th, namely the WBC and WBA super middleweight championship challenges.

The WBC Boxing Championship Challenge was held at the Tokyo Dome in Japan. The opponent was Alan Greene, the WBC American boxing champion nicknamed "Ghost Dog", who is also a fierce fighter who is qualified to participate in the Super Six competition.

That day, 48,000 Japanese spectators came to the Dome.

Link took 86 seconds to KO his opponent cleanly and won, causing a huge sensation at the scene. Many spectators shouted 'Onboard! Link onboard! ’

This game is jointly organized by the WBC Japan branch, the Japan Professional Boxing Association (JPBA), and the Japan Professional Boxing Association. Link's appearance fee is 32 million US dollars and does not participate in the income sharing of PPV, tickets, advertising and other projects.

After the game, the organizer enthusiastically arranged for eight beauties to help him bathe.

Link refused outright. He also liked Japanese girls, but he preferred the ones he picked up rather than the ones sent to him.

What's more, there are now many media slandering him as a playboy. Doing such a thing in Tokyo at this time is equivalent to giving ammunition to the media. He does not believe that the organizer will keep it secret for him.

On the 18th, he led the competition team to fly to Dubai in the Middle East to participate in the WBA Boxing Championship Challenge. His opponent was Danish boxing champion Mikkel Kessler.

This is the second fight between the two, which has attracted the attention of many boxing fans.

The appearance fee is 30 million U.S. dollars, plus a luxury apartment on the 132nd floor of the Burj Khalifa, and two luxury sports cars, with a total value of no less than 38 million U.S. dollars.

In this game, Mikol played very tenaciously, protecting his head with his arms and constantly changing positions around him, which greatly hindered his offense.

Link had to endure the competition and engage in guerrilla warfare with the opponent. He first broke through the opponent's defense with superb combination punches, and then knocked down the opponent with continuous heavy punches. At 65 seconds of the third round, he once again won by KO. .

When he knocked down Mikkel, thousands of Middle Eastern wealthy people in the audience stood up and applauded.

This game also brought Link's professional record to 19 fights, 19 wins and 19 KOs. It also helped him earn US$30 million in cash and a mansion worth tens of millions of US dollars.

After the game, some people from Dubai came to lobby him and persuaded him to become a Dubai citizen. They also told him that people in Dubai can marry many wives.

Link was a little moved after hearing this, but he did not agree. His base is in the United States, and it would not be cost-effective to switch to another nationality.

After these two games, all the current masters in the super middleweight field have been defeated by him, and he has become the undoubted overlord of this level.

Professional media such as "The Ring", "The Ring" and "KO" all reported on his victory in the second round of defense, calling him the most powerful boxer on record in the super middleweight field, better than Sugar Ray. ·Leonard, Marvin Hagler, Joe Calzaghe and other veteran boxing champions are stronger.

In addition, he earned US$163 million from five games and is considered the most profitable athlete in the current sports circle.

"Earning 160 million US dollars a year, this guy is so awesome."

In a black metal music bar in New York, Fifty Cents watched the news on his mobile phone and gritted his teeth with envy. Although being a singer is also very profitable, it cannot reach the level of 160 million a year. This kind of money is faster than robbing a bank. Still fast.

"It's not 160 million US dollars a year. It's only June now, it's 160 million US dollars in half a year."

Eminem reminded, sipping his beer.

"You don't need to tell me, I know."

50 Cent rolled his eyes, looked at his friend Jermaine Taylor and asked, "Jermaine, how much is your bonus for each game?"

Former WBA American boxing champion Jermaine Taylor waved his hand, "There is no comparison. Link is a boxing superstar. Although he is not as good as Tyson and Ali for the time being, he is not far behind. Not to mention that he is only 21 years old this year and will make money in the future. It will be faster.”

"Jermaine, you are also a boxer and you look stronger than Link. Why can't you beat him?"

Chris Brown asked.

"Jermaine, I also want to ask this question. If you are more aggressive during the competition, you may be able to defeat him. Why don't you give it a try?"

Duck Drake followed.

Jermaine bared his big white teeth and looked at the people helplessly.

"A boxing match is not a long-distance race. You can get faster by just a few seconds if you grit your teeth. A boxing match pays more attention to overall strength. Sometimes it's useless even if you try your best. And that guy Link is so awesome. He's awesome in all aspects. Let me tell you this." Well, when I competed with Link, I felt like a seven or eight-year-old child, and he was a strong adult. No matter how hard I fought, I couldn't beat him. Besides, there are rules in boxing, so how can I fight so hard?"

"Is Link so powerful?" 50 Cent asked.

"It's very powerful. Although he is a super middleweight, he has the punching weight of a heavyweight boxer, the speed of a featherweight boxer, superb boxing skills, and his tactics. He is an all-around boxer. In the super In the middleweight field, I dare say that no one has been able to match him in the past ten years.”

Jermaine Taylor said helplessly.

"Beyond the super middleweight division, the news is that he is preparing to move to light heavyweight next year."

50 cents said while swiping his phone.

Jermaine thought for a while, "There are not many people who are better than him, but it is not that easy for him to win the light heavyweight championship. Beirut Shumenov, Chad Dawson, and Huo Pugins is also a very good guy.”

"I really hope this guy can lose a game. This guy has almost never suffered a defeat from the music world to the boxing world. And the people he defeated are almost all us black people. He is too arrogant. I really hope someone can stand up and kill him. ”

Chris Brown said.

After everyone heard his words and thought about it carefully, they found that this was really the case.

In the boxing world, Tyson, Roy Jones Jr., Jermaine Taylor, Andre Ward, Andre Rey, Jean Pascal, etc., who were defeated by him, were almost all black boxers. Most of the gold belts were taken from black boxing champions.

In the music world, the East Coast rappers he defeated were also black.

This guy got to the top by riding on the reputation of black people.

So abominable.

"Hey, Chris, do you want to start a fight? Don't forget that Mikkel Kessler, Carl French, and Lucien Bute are not black. In addition, black boxers have dominated the boxing world for seventy or eighty years. Let the white boxers have no chance to succeed. Now that Link has just started to succeed, you are not convinced. Do you think you can't afford to lose? "

Eminem retorted.

"I didn't start a fight, but I just felt unhappy with him."

Chris Brown said.

The 50 cents nodded in unison.

"You are jealous. In fact, I am also jealous of this guy. He is so handsome, boxing is so good, he sings well, and he is very popular with girls. This guy is really jealous."

Eminem exclaimed.

Jingle Bell!

Just as he was talking, Eminem's phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was Link.

Link called to congratulate him and congratulate his new album "Recovery" for selling 718,000 copies in the first week and becoming the Billboard sales champion.

Eminem laughed, thanked Link, and asked Link to come to New York for a drink next time.

When he was on the phone with Link, 50 Cent and Chris Brown looked at him unhappily. Eminem actually contacted Link at the base camp and had a very pleasant chat. This situation was like an undercover talking to the police in public. Contact, not caring at all about their feelings.

"Link and I are friends and will not participate in your fight."

Eminem said, putting down his phone.

Just as he was talking, Diddy and Jay-Z walked into the bar with a few white people. Eminem took a look and said, "Who are they? Why does Jay-Z hang out with white people?"

50 Cent looked at it and said, "Peter Peltz, David Zuckerman, Luther Detzky, and Josie Epstein."

"Epstein? What is his relationship with that Epstein?"

Eminem asked.

"Uncle-nephew relationship, but I heard he is an illegitimate child."

50 Cent whispered.

"Why does Jace hang out with such people and he's not worried about his reputation being damaged?"

Eminem said in disgust.

Epstein is a New York native billionaire.

Since the 1980s, he has been involved in the wealthy circles and accumulated a large number of contacts, including big figures in politics and business. He is known as the contemporary Gatsby.

Since the 1990s, many people have reported that Epstein was suspected of committing crimes, but the other party used his network to smooth things over.

In 2005, police agents worked undercover for Epstein for nearly a year and found a large amount of criminal evidence related to him, including multiple cases of sexual assault and forcing women to engage in illegal transactions. Many of the victims were under the age of 18.

In 2008, the police arrested Epstein, but the other party relied on his connections in the judicial system to easily settle the matter. He was only sentenced to 18 months in custody. He was released not long ago after serving his sentence. He continues to influence the world of the rich and even affects the current situation in the United States. .

Eminem hates this kind of person. Even when he hears someone named Epstein, he subconsciously thinks that person is not a good person.

Seeing Jay-Z going upstairs with a few people, he couldn't help but frown.

"Puff Daddy knows those guys, he should have introduced them, but I also think it's not a good thing for Jace to hang out with them."

50 cents curled his lips and said.

"We should advise Jace and not let him go further down the wrong path."

Eminem stood up and said.

"Are you serious? Maybe they were just chatting and didn't discuss anything bad."

50 Cent yelled as he saw Eminem stand up, tugging on his sweatshirt.

"Then how about we go and listen too?"

Eminem looked at 50 Cent, Chris Brown, and Drake and asked.

A few people thought for a moment and nodded.

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