During the filming of "Bridesmaids" in Los Angeles, Link also participated in the first round of auditions for the male lead of "Captain America" ​​held by Marvel Studios.

The first round of auditions was relatively simple, mainly examining the actor's height, body shape, eye color, hair color and other physical data, trying to match the American captain Steve Rogers himself.

Link's height is two centimeters lower than Captain America's data, with excellent body shape and eye color. In terms of hair color, Captain America is brown-black, and he has black hair.

Also, in Marvel comics, Captain America is a descendant of Irish immigrants. Link only knows that Link Baker is a mixed-race of British, Italian and Latin Americans, and is not sure whether his ancestors are Irish.

In this regard, he scored worse than Chris Evans, Channing Tatum and Sam Worthington who came to audition.

But what surprised him was that the black Will Smith also entered the second round.

From this point of view, the producers seem to be less strict in terms of bloodline.

Eight people passed the first round.

Link felt that the possibility of his selection was not great, so he went directly to the director and producer Joe Johnston.

The other party is a famous Hollywood director, with representative works such as "Jurassic Park 3" and "October Sky", and he also served as the art director of the "Star Wars" series.

He asked the other party if he had a chance to be selected, and how big the chance was?

Joe Johnston said that Marvel Pictures still had disputes over the selection of the male lead, and there was no consensus. Some supported him, some supported Will Smith, and there was Chris Evans. Who would play Steve Rogers depended mainly on the audition results.

Director Johnston said he had a great chance.

"How was the chat?"

After getting in the car, Ms. Mandy asked.

"There is no answer. I feel that Marvel is using my fame to promote the movie."

Link leaned back in his seat and shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't worry, we are also negotiating with Marvel Pictures. You are very famous and your acting skills are good. You should have a good chance."

Ms. Mandy said.

Link was not sure about this either.

After the audition, he and Mandy went to the Disney Cinema on Hollywood Boulevard to attend the premiere of Selena's new movie "Monte Roca".

This movie is about three poor American girls who go to Paris for vacation. One of them is mistaken for the daughter of a wealthy British man. The three of them use this identity to cheat for food and drink, see the prosperity of the upper class, and get love.

The whole movie looks like a youth idol movie, with beautiful leading actors, beautiful clothes, beautiful background settings, etc., which is more suitable for young people in their teens.

And this movie is also aimed at young people in their teens and twenties.

"Great! It looks very interesting!"

Link clapped his hands and praised Selena who was looking over.

Selena smiled happily and walked forward in a princess dress to be interviewed.

Link looked at Ms. Mandy beside him. Her face was not the cute baby face like Selena's, and Selena's father did not have that face shape, but Selena, who was born to them, had a baby face. This can only be said to be a genetic mutation brought by mixed blood.

Shortly after attending the premiere of Selena's new movie, he attended the premiere of "The Scandal Project", the first movie invested by Palm Beach Studios. The movie was jointly produced by Palm Beach Studios and Screen Treasures, and Warner was responsible for publicity and distribution.

The premiere of this movie was held at the CGV Cinema on Hollywood Boulevard. On that day, Link invited many celebrity friends to come to support.

Paul Walker, James Blanc, Casey Affleck, Tobey Maguire, Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, Tyson, De La Hoya, Morales, Selena, and Tom Hiddleston, who met in the crew of "Midnight in Paris", and more than 20 people, mostly men.

"Hey, Link, you know so many beauties and models, why are all the people here today men?"

James Franco shouted while walking on the red carpet.

Link looked at him, this guy is also a lecher, and he will be exposed by the parties in the future because of sexual harassment.

"Because only you guys are free and in Los Angeles, the others are not."

"Link, do you believe this?"

Paul Walker laughed, "As far as I know, Michelle, Gal Gadot, Amber, and your rumored girlfriends are all in Los Angeles. You didn't invite them because you don't want reporters to interview you about your relationship, right?"

"It's all fake news. You are also old actors. How can you believe the news on the Internet? It says that I date more than 20 women at the same time and sleep with four or five women every night. Do you think this is possible?"

"I may not believe others, but you, I believe it is true."

Paul Walker pounded his strong shoulders.

Link did not refute, and took the two handsome guys to take pictures together.

"Mr. Baker, can I interview you?"

Outside the red carpet, a group of reporters shouted.

Link greeted Paul and James, walked to the interview area and said, "Today is the premiere of "The Scandal Project". I will only answer questions related to the movie. Please cooperate."

The reporters were embarrassed to hear his words. Recently, Link has not appeared in public many times, and sometimes he does not accept media interviews, which makes it difficult for many media who want to interview him to get fresh materials from him.

Today, when his new movie was released, the reporters came here and wanted to ask about his scandals, but he blocked them with words before they could open their mouths.

"Mr. Baker, as far as I know, this movie is about a girl who deliberately creates scandals to become famous in school, and you are also a celebrity with many scandals. Are these scandals your hype plan? Or is it true?"

The Los Angeles Times reporter asked calmly.

When the reporters heard his question, they turned around with admiration. This question was great.

Link said: "I am a celebrity myself and do not need to use this method to become famous. In addition, regarding the many false news that have appeared in online media recently, as well as news that infringes on my personal reputation, Link's legal department is currently investigating. After the investigation is completed, Link Music will hold a press conference to explain the matter and launch a civil lawsuit against the infringing media or individuals. "

"USA Today" reporter took the opportunity to ask: "Mr. Baker, as far as we know, your current girlfriend is Miss Ivaca Thomp, and in May, while you were filming in Paris, you were photographed by a French reporter having sex with Marion Ms. Cotillard dated and was also close to another actress, Jennifer Lawrence.

In addition, the media broke the news not long ago that while you were preparing for the competition in New York, you dated Emma Watson and Alexandra Daddario, the heroine of "Percy Jackson and the Fire Thief". May I ask? What's the explanation for this? "

"Damn it, is this true? Link was dating five girls at the same time?"

Paul Walker, who was taking pictures, heard the reporter's question and turned to James Franco and asked.

"I don't know, but it feels like it's true. I've seen relevant news and photos online. Although it's not clear, I can tell it's him."

James Franco shrugged, with some envy on his face.

"There is a saying in the industry that good people play with good people and bad people play with bad people. If we play with Link, will we be mistaken for scumbags?"

"I think so."

James Franco smiled.

"Damn, I shouldn't be here, I feel tainted."

Paul Walker said, holding his forehead.

When Link heard what the reporter said, he spread his hands and said: "They and I are all very good friends. We often chat, go for walks, talk about scripts, and talk about music together. I don't think these things are worthy of excessive media hype."

"Mr. Baker, someone photographed you and Miss Daddario kissing on the bus. Is this considered an ordinary friendship?"

"American Express" reporter asked.

"Everyone, as I said, today is the premiere of "Scandal Project". I will only answer relevant questions. Who has any questions next?"

Link said.

The reporters had no choice but to change their plans and ask questions related to "Scandal Project".

Because this movie is also invested by Link Film Company, and Link himself also plays a supporting role in the movie, there is something worth interviewing for the media.

For example, why Link founded a film company, whether he was worried about losing money, how much the box office of this movie will be, how to evaluate this movie, how to evaluate the director and heroine Emma Stone, etc.

There are also reporters who want to follow the methods of the Los Angeles Times reporters and continue to dig up Link’s scandals, but Link avoids answering them.

In order to help promote "Scandal Project" and get more box office, he stayed at the red carpet area for more than 20 minutes and answered more than ten questions, including movies, music, boxing, singers under Link Music, and Emina Tom's new album, Taylor's upcoming new album, etc.

Anyway, except for scandals, all other questions are answered.

This attitude also makes reporters quite satisfied.

But after Link entered the CGV cinema, he was surrounded by Paul Walker and others, demanding compensation for the damage to his reputation. Link could only agree to them and hold a party in a few days to treat everyone to drinks.

Paul Walker expressed that it was not enough and wanted to race with him, saying that he was interested in the Ferrari supercar that was shipped back from Dubai.

Link also came next, and the loser was not allowed to touch the steering wheel for three years.

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