Dang Dang Dang!

The fifth round begins.

"Link! Come on!"

"Link, KO him!"

"Link, punch hard!"

The audience knew that Link claimed to end the game by KOing Andre within five rounds. This was the fifth and final round. All the spectators stood up and stared closely at the ring, wanting to see what Link would do. Can it be done?

Promoters and assistants from more than a dozen boxing promotion companies also stood up to see whether Link would fulfill his promise and complete the KO in this crucial round, or whether Andre would persevere and defeat Link.

On the ring, Link looked at Andre walking towards him.

"Let's see how many rounds you can last. I will definitely KO you within eight rounds."

"Eight rounds?"

Andre was stunned for a moment, "This is the fifth round, the last round you promised."

"It's a joke. The game is ten rounds. Do you believe me if I say five rounds? And I only said I'll KO you within five rounds. I didn't say if it takes more than five rounds, I will lose."

Link shook his head and smiled.

"you are lying?!"

Andre shouted angrily.

"Idiot, do you understand this is called tactics? As long as I beat you, it doesn't matter what public promises I make."

Link sneered.

The referee came over and warned the two men not to talk in the ring, and then announced the start of the fifth round.

"You liar! I'm going to kill you!"

Andre rushed over angrily and hit Link's head with a fierce straight punch.

Link instantly turned his head to dodge, raised his fist, and threw a fierce backward punch, hitting Andre hard on the head.

Andre's head twisted sharply to the left, and the sweat and saliva on his head were violently thrown to the left. Andre's body couldn't help but fall towards the ring. He struggled not to fall, but still


Andre hits the ring hard.


"Another back throw!"

"Link KO! Link KO!"

"Champion Link!"

The audience all stood up, applauding and shouting.

Andre lay on the ring, and the referee squatted next to him and counted, "10, 9, 8, 7"

After reading the four count, Andre raised his head and stood up using the ring.

"Andre, don't attack. There are only 100 seconds left in the game. Hold on and you will win."

Andre's coach shouted.

Andre glanced at the coach, with anger in his eyes. The five rounds this bastard said were false. If he continued to defend, he would be beaten to death. How could he defend at this time?

He roared angrily and attacked Link with his fists.

"Idiot! Defend, fully defend, don't attack, what an idiot!"

In the audience, Greg Cohen covered his forehead and yelled angrily.


In the boxing ring, Link was hit with another punch in the face, and at the same time a swinging punch hit Andre on the left cheek.


Andre falls to the ring again.

"Wow! Third KO!"

"Link! Champion!!"

"Link! Champion!!"

The audience shouted in unison, and the shouts were deafening.

Link raised his fists, breathing heavily, and stared at Andre lying on the ground. The referee squatted next to Andre and counted, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6"

Andre struggled to his feet again.

"Andre, don't attack, hold your head. There are only 30 seconds left in the game. You can win the game in one breath."

Andre's coach yelled.

"Idiot! Hold on! Don't attack, use hugging tactics, idiot!!!"

Greg Cohen shouted, raising his fists.

The other promoters looked at him in surprise.

Andre looked at the coach, roared angrily, raised his fist, and continued to swing hard at Link.


When Link heard that there was less than thirty seconds left, he gave up his defense and almost at the same time hit Andre hard on the forehead with a straight punch, using all his strength.


Link was hit in the chin, staggered two steps, and fell to the ground.


Andre was hit on the forehead and fell backwards into the rope. He reached out to grab the rope and struggled to stand up.

"Andre, there are 10 seconds left in the game, stand up! Stand up and you win."

Andre's coach yelled from the audience.

Andre lay on the ground and stood up little by little, holding on to the rope.

Link clenched his fist tightly and looked at the opponent coldly, ready to pounce at any time.

Andre suddenly stumbled and fell onto the ring.

Link stood up slowly, breathing heavily, sweat sliding down his skin like rain.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

After the referee counted ten, Andre failed to get up in time.

Boom! !

"Link wins!"

"Link is the champion!"

"Champion Link!"

More than 10,000 spectators at the scene shouted in unison, and the huge sound wave shook the roof of the American Airlines Arena.

Link straightened his back, faced all the audience, and raised his fists vigorously.

"Link! Champion!"

"Link! Champion!"

Even though the muscles in Link's arms were trembling and twitching, sweat was pouring out, and he was breathing heavily, he still raised his fists high, and the incandescent light shone on his strong back, glowing with a bronze luster, like a steel giant.

"Link! Champion!"

Reggie, West and the gym staff rushed to the ring, lifted Link up, and excitedly shouted "Link Champion".

Andre Berto was also carried away from the ring.


Greg Cohen kicked the chair with one foot, and immediately showed a painful look on his face. He limped out of the audience with his right foot.

"All boxing fans and all contestants, after the witness of the Amateur Boxing Organization and the Golden Gloves Association, I am honored to announce that the super middleweight champion of this year is Mr. Link Baker."

On the boxing ring, Bernard Kenny, the current chairman of the American Amateur Boxing Organization, raised Link's arm high in front of more than 10,000 spectators and contestants, in front of many TV cameras and media reporters.

"Link! Champion!"

The audience and fans shouted loudly to celebrate, and the shouts of joy filled the entire venue.

"I am also honored to represent the Golden Gloves Association and the Amateur Boxing Organization to present this year's Golden Gloves Super Middleweight Trophy to Mr. Link Baker!"

Bernard Kenny took the Golden Gloves-style trophy and a $100,000 check from his assistant and handed them to Link.

Link took the trophy and raised it high towards the audience and the boxing fans.

Reggie and his friends raised it together with the trophy.

"Link! Champion!"

"Link! Champion!"

More than 10,000 spectators shouted in unison.

Bang, bang, bang!

Dozens of fireworks exploded overhead, and colorful pieces of paper and ribbons fluttered.

Looking at the ribbons falling from his head, Link couldn't help but think of himself. Before the final of the Iron Cage Battle, his coach Lao Liu and his assistant Xiao Yang also bought more than ten fireworks, saying that everyone would celebrate when he won the championship.

It was a pity that he didn't stand up at the last moment, and those fireworks didn't have time to bloom.

But this time, I didn't disappoint myself, the fans, the coach and my friends. If Lao Liu knew, he would be satisfied.

Link looked at the sky and raised the corner of his lips.



"Dear audience! Dear audience! I am honored to continue to report the situation of the Golden Gloves Championship here. After five rounds of fierce fighting, Miami boxer Link Baker continued to KO his opponent Andre Berto and won the game.

Similarly, Mr. Link Baker also became the champion of the Super Middleweight National Division of this Golden Gloves Championship. At present, Link's amateur competition results are 17 wins and 17 KOs in 17 games.

"Ring" magazine was right. Link has achieved an amazing result, a record-breaking result. I would like to congratulate Mr. Link Baker again here and hope that he can achieve more good results in the boxing world in the future and present more exciting games to the fans."

HBO host Steve Mandanda said to the camera with a microphone.

The cameraman turned the camera and aimed at the lively and jubilant boxing ring.


"OK, call it a day!"

"Would you like to go out for a drink tonight? I'll introduce you to a hot Bolivian chick."

"Don't talk nonsense, the recording hasn't been put away yet."

Zizizi! Zhi—————

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