Portuguese tart Portuguese tart!

A clear sound of footsteps woke Yui-chan up. She turned over and sat up on the sofa, picked up a Japanese textbook and opened it.

But looking through the top of the book, he saw his roommate Sasaki Kisan coming down the central spiral staircase, wearing a bright silver knee-length silk skirt and wedge-heeled slippers. He was nearly 170cm tall, with a tall and sexy figure, and a pair of long white legs.

Her face is very delicate, with big twinkling eyes and pink lips. She looks pure and sweet, but her dress makes her look very sexy and charming.

This is Sasaki Ki-san.

Originally a model, she became popular last year with the movie "Angel Love". She played a prostitute in the movie. With her delicate cheeks, tall and sexy figure, and pure and lustful demeanor, she became the most eye-catching in the Japanese entertainment industry. one of the actresses.

In June, she was ranked 33rd among the "100 Most Beautiful People in the World" by the American movie website TC Candler, and she was the only Japanese woman on the list.

Compared with Hisang, Yui-chan feels that she is not a great beauty.

But what she didn't understand was that since Nozomi Sasaki was here, why did Mr. Tahara arrange for him to come over?

Xisang has a beautiful and innocent face and a devilish figure. As long as he puts her on Playboy Link's bed, Link will not refuse. Even if she wants to have a child, Sasaki Nozomi will definitely be able to complete the task.

Yui-chan feels that Mr. Tahara’s arrangement is redundant.


Yui-chan took the initiative to say hello.


Nozomi Sasaki nodded his chin.

The two of them are both Japanese and actors, but they have never interacted with each other before. They have been living together here for more than a week. Due to their personalities, the number of interactions is very limited. They only say hello every time they meet.

Xinheng Yui thought that the other party came here at this time because he had something to talk to him about, but he didn't.

Nozomi Sasaki came to the small living room, opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of cherry soda, then picked out a "Vogue" magazine from the newspaper rack, walked to the sofa chair on the viewing platform, and stretched out her long white and smooth legs. Lie on it.

Her posture was very sultry, and when the wind blew, the hem of her skirt rose up, revealing more sexy parts, and her breasts, because she was not wearing underwear, highlighted a very seductive outline under the silk skirt.

Yui-chan thought that if Playboy Link saw this scene, he would go to bed with Sasaki Kisan tonight, and the pregnancy would be confirmed in twenty days. In this way, everyone's task would be completed. Yui-chan suddenly felt that this task seemed to be too Not very difficult.

"Hisan! I think we need to talk."

Seeing Hisang ignoring her, Yui-chan decided to take the initiative to chat with him.

"What to talk about?"

Nozomi Sasaki still had a cold tone.

"Let's talk about Mr. Tahara's mission. He said you took over that mission."

Xinheng Yui lay on the back of the sofa. Because it was some distance away from the viewing platform, and there was wind on the viewing platform, she needed to speak louder to transmit the sound.

"Yes, do you want to compete with me, who can get pregnant with Mr. Baker's child first?"

Sasaki Nozomi glanced at her, with a hint of fighting spirit on her delicate face.

"Nani? No, Xisang, you misunderstood. I have no intention of competing with you. I have a boyfriend and we love each other very much. I don't want to be pregnant with Mr. Baker's child. This is true. I think we can divide the work. , I am responsible for teaching Mr. Baker Japanese, and you are responsible for seducing, no, attracting his attention, making him fall in love with you and successfully conceiving you, what do you think?"

Yui-chan shouted.

"What are you talking about? Why don't you come over and sit down?"

"I'm afraid of heights! It's too high there and it looks scary."

Yui-chan covered her eyes and took a few steps toward the observation deck. She leaned against the corner and faced the living room. She said the above words again. This time, she was closer and didn't need to speak too loudly.

"You don't want to come? Why do you want to take this job?"

Nozomi Sasaki asked as she put down the magazine.

"I didn't want to take it."

Yui-chan sighed, knelt down on the carpet, and talked about some family affairs. She did not say that her father was investigated for corruption. After all, it was not a matter of honor. She just said that her father had some accidents at work. It was Mr. Tahara. Help settle things.

She thought that Nozomi Sasaki was currently quite popular and probably didn't come here voluntarily, so she asked her why she came?

Nozomi Sasaki said it was voluntary.

Not long ago, the artist director of the TOP COAT agency where she worked came to talk to her and said that Mr. Link Baker was going to learn Japanese and needed a Japanese teaching assistant. He asked her if she would be willing? Sasaki Nozomi agreed immediately.

Yui-chan was a little surprised and asked her why she agreed? Link is a playboy, and if he works as a Japanese teacher for him, if it is reported by the media afterwards, he will be considered to have an unclear relationship with him, so why should he agree?

"Why don't you agree?"

Nozomi Sasaki swayed her thin white legs, took a sip of cherry juice, and said that Link was an international superstar, and rumors of an affair with him would be widely reported not only by Japanese media, but also by European and American media.

In this way, she will become more famous in the modeling and entertainment circles, and she will even be invited to participate in the four major fashion weeks, walk for the six major blue blood and eight major red blood brands, and become a celebrity like Gisele Bundchen, Kate Moss, and Dai Muqingwen. Super model.

"However, they want you to have a child with Link. After you give birth to the child, they may ask you to put down your career and stay at home to focus on raising the child. You can't accomplish anything."

Yui-chan said.

Nozomi Sasaki glanced at him, "Why do you think so? Mr. Baker is not only a star, but also a billionaire. If I become the mother of his child, he will not leave me and the child alone for reputation reasons.

With his support, I can continue to be a model or an actor, and it will definitely be better than the current situation. I think the question we should consider is not what to do after getting pregnant, but how to get pregnant with his child. As you can tell, Mr. Baker is not enthusiastic about us. "

Yui-chan scratched her forehead. She talked to Sasaki Kisan before and wanted to discuss with her how to deal with this task and avoid being regarded as a surrogate mother.

But after chatting for a while, I realized that Xisang had almost the opposite idea to her. The things that bothered her were nothing to her, and the things that she tried her best to avoid were the things that she actively pursued.

The two of them had different purposes, and there was no way they could continue chatting.

Jingle Bell!

Yui-chan's phone rang again and she picked it up to answer it.

The caller was his brother Shinheng Seiichi. He said on the phone that his superiors talked to him and said that she was sent to China on a business trip and was doing an important job for the country. He asked her to perform well and would be proud of her. .

Yui-chan felt a sore nose after listening to her brother's words, and almost cried, but she didn't want her brother to worry, so she pretended to be calm and said that she would perform well and bring him a gift when she comes back.

There are two unread text messages on the phone, sent by her boyfriend Nishikido Ryo.

Ryo Nishikido said that when he was taking a nap, he dreamed that she was jumped to the ground by a big black wolf, and he woke up from his dream in fear.

Ryo Nishikido asked her what she was doing, if anything happened, and asked her to protect herself.

Yui-chan was even more sad when she saw the message.

On one side is the country and family, on the other is personal future and love. She is standing in the middle, not knowing which way to go.

"Yui-san, are you in trouble?"

Nozomi Sasaki handed over a bottle of cherry soda and sat down on her knees opposite her.

Yui-chan blinked her eyes. Looking at Xisang from a close distance, she felt that she was even more beautiful. Her delicate and white round face looked pure and lovely. The undulating pink mounds under her silk skirt, and the straps that would slide off her shoulders at the slightest movement. Looks sexy again.

She also smells nice and fragrant.

"What did you say?"

Yui-chan asked as she took a sip of her soda.

"You don't want to have a relationship with Mr. Baker and get pregnant with his child, right? Then we can exchange jobs. I will be Mr. Baker's Japanese teacher, and you will be an assistant. You can help me prepare lessons. You can stay in the room during class. I will tell Mr. Baker that you are unwell, do you agree?"

Nozomi Sasaki said.

Yui-chan thought for a while, and this arrangement was not bad.

Hisang wants to give birth to a child for Link, and Mr. Tahara needs a Japanese woman to give birth to Link's child.

He can do nothing. After Xisang becomes pregnant with Mr. Baker's child, he can return to Tokyo and continue to be an actor and singer, as if nothing has happened.

As for my father and brother.

In this matter, the people Yui-chan feels most sorry for are her father and brother. They pampered her so much. She could have helped them in her career, but she didn't do that.

Yui-chan suddenly felt like the selfish woman in the movie "Nobody Knows" who only cared about her own enjoyment and didn't care about the life and death of her family.

"Yui-chan, did you agree?"

Nozomi Sasaki smiled slightly.

Yui-chan saw the smile on her lips, which was pure and sweet. But in "Angel Love", the character she played deceived her classmates into becoming a escort girl in order to become a mom. At that time, she also had such a smile on her face, which was a bit With bad intentions.

"Hisan, I've thought about it. Mr. Tahara arranged for me to teach Mr. Baker Japanese and you as a teaching assistant. The purpose is for us to cooperate in teaching Mr. Baker Japanese. We exchange jobs privately and delay Mr. Baker's progress in learning Japanese. Mr. Tahara knows Later they may blame us.

I suggest that we continue to follow the original division of labor. I teach Mr. Baker Japanese and you serve as a teaching assistant. You can have more contact with Mr. Baker in private. I will not interfere with your actions or compete with you. "

Yui-chan said.

"Hmph! I see it. You don't want to let this opportunity go, do you?"

The sweet smile on Nozomi Sasaki's face turned cold.

"No, I don't think so. I have a boyfriend."

"Is your boyfriend as good as Mr. Baker?"

Sasaki Nozomi smiled faintly, brushed her skirt and stood up and walked upstairs. As she walked, she said, "If you don't want to give up, then let's compete, but the loser will definitely be you, big-faced girl!"

"What? A girl with a big face?"

Yui-chan's eyes widened and she covered her cheeks. Her face wasn't big at all. It was a round and cute face that many fans liked.

She is also the number one female star in the list of "Male/Female Artists Who Want to Fall in Love with Her" released by ORICON STYLE, and she is also ranked third in the top 20 national goddess list voted in 2009. She is more popular with male fans than her, okay? ?

Yui-chan sat on her knees on the ground, angrily glaring at Nozomi Sasaki who was walking upstairs.

I wanted to give her a nickname, but after staring at her back for a long time, I couldn't find a suitable word. Nozomi Sasaki was so beautiful in appearance and had no obvious flaws.

Ding bell~Ding bell!

At this time, the doorbell rang outside. Yui-chan looked at the time. It was three o'clock in the afternoon, which happened to be the time Mr. Baker had made an appointment to study Japanese today.

Yui-chan saw the messy living room and quickly got up to clean it up.

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