Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 386 Eva's cooking skills

"You're back. The food will be ready soon. Please wash your hands and change clothes first."

In the afternoon, when I returned home after filming, Ivaca walked out of the kitchen, smiled at him, and returned to the kitchen to continue working. The smell of food came from the kitchen.

Link looked at her back and couldn't help but cover his forehead.

Even though Ivaca had been here for more than ten days and cooked for him seven or eight times, he still couldn't believe that he would move here from New York, change out of high-end clothes, and put on an apron to cook.

This happened the second week after he left Taylor's house.

Once when he came back from the crew after filming, he suddenly saw someone in the villa. The smell of food came from the restaurant. He thought it was Catherine and Mandy.

When he entered the restaurant, there were several plates of good-quality food on the table.

And Miss Ivaca came out of the kitchen with a plate of dishes, wearing a close-fitting apron, greeted him with a smile, and asked him to sit down and eat.

Link was a little confused at the time. He didn't know when she came and why she suddenly started cooking.

He followed him into the kitchen and took a look in disbelief. It was indeed Ivaca. She was wearing a long apron, covering her tall and plump figure, but she looked even more sexy and graceful.

Although the movements of cutting vegetables with a knife in my hand are a little clumsy, I do it very carefully and conscientiously, and the dishes I make are presentable, with beautiful color combinations, as if I am arranging flowers.

At that time, Link asked her what she was doing, and Ivaca said she was cooking.

Link asked her why she came here to cook. She used to only order takeout.

Ivaca said she had read a book, which said that cooking at home is helpful for cultivating the relationship between lovers, so she did so.

Link asked her what to do if the chefs and waiters lost their jobs. Would it appear that they were capitalists without conscience?

Iwaka smiled and said it didn't matter, we could create more jobs.

Link asked her if she still had contact with Taylor and what Taylor had said to her.

Ivaca did not admit it, but just urged him to wash his hands and eat.

"Why are you still here? I heard from Catherine that you like to eat Chinese stir-fry. I made a spicy and sour chicken cube according to the recipe. You can try it later and give me some comments."

Ivaca said as she placed a plate of dishes on the dining table.

Link glanced at her, walked into the bathroom to wash his hands, and put on a loose sportswear. When he returned to the restaurant, there were six portions of food on the dining table, four dishes and two soups. It smelled very good and was better than what was made ten days ago. There has been significant progress.

Link sat down to eat and tasted the Kung Pao Chicken she made. It tasted average and sweet, but considering it was Miss Iwaka's first time making it, he ate a few more spoons.

"How about it?"

Opposite me, Ivaca crossed her fingers, with a look of anticipation on her beautiful face.

"Very good, out of ten, I'll give you 8.5 points."

Link said with a nod.

"Thank you! I suddenly discovered that cooking seems to be a meaningful thing. Just like now, after I finish cooking, you are very satisfied with the meal and praise my cooking skills. This is also a great gain for me, compared with talking about it. A 50 million contract makes more sense.”

Ivaca pulled her hair and smiled.

In order to facilitate cooking, she tied her golden brown hair into a ponytail and did not apply makeup on her face.

Although Ivaca like this is also beautiful, Link feels that the kitchen does not belong to her. She is a managerial talent and does very important work. Her time should not be wasted on three meals a day.

In addition, cooking will hurt the skin on her hands and face, and the fumes will damage her hair.

These were not the results he wanted.

"You did a good job, but I suggest you don't do it. You can let the servants do it. If you are interested in cooking, you can do it during the holidays."

Link said.

"Why? Don't you like this?"

Ivaca asked.

"I don't know what Taylor said to you or what suggestions she made to you, but what I want to say is that you don't have to do this or change anything for me. You are who you are, and the original you is better than any woman. You are both excellent and more charming, and I am attracted by you. After you make changes, I don’t know if I will be more fascinated by you, but I think you are very good as you are.”

As he spoke, Link suddenly remembered a song, which was the song that made Brother Martian famous.

The popularity is not much worse than "Uptown Funk". At the same time, he was surprised to find that this song should have been released long ago, but Brother Martian didn't seem to create it. Could it be that he was influenced by it?

"What's wrong?"

Iwaka was thinking carefully about his words when she suddenly realized that he seemed to be stuck. He was stunned and motionless, even turning a blind eye to the green beans on the fork falling on the table.

"I think of a song that I heard in a recording studio. The lyrics in that song are what I want to say to you."

"Really? Then you can sing and listen."

Ivaca smiled.

Link shrugged his shoulders, walked to the grand piano in the living room, wiped his fingers, put them on the keys and played and sang.

Oh her eyes, her eyes

her eyes

Make the stars look like they're not shining

Make the stars look no longer shining

Her hair, her hair

her hair

Falls perfectly without her trying

hang down naturally

She's so beautiful

she is so beautiful

And I tell her every day

Ivaca folded her arms and listened to him singing quietly, the corners of her lips slightly raised, and the arc became wider and wider.

But every time she asks me do I look okay

Every time she asks me if she is beautiful

I say

I will say it all

When I see your face

when i see your face

There's not a thing that I would change

it's impeccable

Cause you're amazing

You are so beautiful

Just the way you are

Just be yourself

And when you smile

when you smile

The whole world stops and stares for a while

The whole world stops for a moment to look at you

Cause girl you're amazing

girl you are so beautiful

Just the way you are

Just be yourself

Iwaka was not too surprised when she heard the first few verses. She couldn't help but cover her red lips when she heard the rest. She blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Link's serious figure. A blush spread from the roots of her ears to her cheeks. .

Ding ding dong dong!

After Link finished singing, he raised his hands and stood up from the piano.

Bang bang bang!

Ivaca couldn't help but applaud vigorously, like a little fan girl.

"Did you just write this? It's a very good song. I can guarantee that it will definitely be a number one single."

Ivaca smiled.

"I don't know. I think I've heard it before. I forgot where it is. I'll call and ask Graeme later."

Link carried her back to the dining table.

"So what you want to say to me is to ask me to be myself?"

At the dining table, Ivaca looked at him and smiled.

"Yes, you are perfect as you are, there is no need to change anything for me."

Link said.

"But if you go to Taylor to complain next time and give Taylor the opportunity to mock me for not being a good girlfriend, what should I do?"

Ivaca asked.

"Is it really Taylor who told you about cooking? Your relationship is so good?"

Link asked in surprise.

Ivaca raised her red lips and said, "Taylor and I have a very bad relationship, but we have a lot of common topics about you. We will talk about you when we have free time. As for what we talk about you, this is our secret and cannot be told. you."

Link's scalp tightened when he heard this. Logically speaking, his ex-girlfriend and his current girlfriend should hate each other, but Ivaca and Taylor still kept in touch and often discussed him. This made him feel like he was attracted by his ex-girlfriend and his current girlfriend. The feeling of girlfriends teaming up to fight against the enemy.

Link felt that he should be more careful with Taylor in the future. He should not treat her like a tree hole and say anything. In addition, Taylor told Evaca this, as if he was using Evaca to deal with him and not let him bother her in the past. .

Thinking of this, he was speechless. Half a year after they broke up, the two had less and less contact, and their relationship became more and more distant. It seemed that Taylor should not be disturbed anymore. This was better and fairer for her.

"Okay, I won't go to her and say those weird things. From now on, can I just take care of the kids? You can come with me if you have time."

Link said.

"Then it's settled, but I did find some fun in learning to cook these days. I feel that serving others, especially my lover, is also a very good thing."

Ivaca smiled.

"You can do it on holidays, and let the servants do it on weekdays."


Ivaca poured a glass of white wine and insisted on touching it with him, saying that it would make the agreement more ritualistic.

After dinner, Evaca went back to the study to get busy with work. Link recorded a short excerpt of "Just the way you are" and sent it to Martian brother Graeme and the Mars team members, asking them how they were doing?

After a while, Mars wrote back saying that it sounded very nice and asked if it was his new song.

Link was surprised. This song was written by Mars for his girlfriend, but he hadn't heard it? Could it be that he changed companies and didn't meet his girlfriend, so he couldn't write this song?

Graeme also said it was very good and asked if it was finished?

Link sent the song demo and lyrics to Graeme, and asked the Mars team to rearrange the song and sing it again.

Mars happened to be in the recording studio preparing for his second album. He recorded the song in just one hour and sent it to Link for his opinion.

Link listened to it once, and it was still a little different from the original version. The main reason was that Mars' singing of the song was not emotionally appealing enough, and there were also some problems with the arrangement.

He sent a message saying it was not good, pointed out several problems with the chorus and accompaniment, and asked them to continue polishing it. If Mars sang well, he would give the song to him.

Mars quickly called to express his gratitude and promised to sing the song well.

"Just the way you are" is Mars's famous song, which has topped the music charts in more than ten countries including the United States, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, and also helped Mars win the Grammy Award for Best Male Singer.

This song is of high quality and widely sung. It is a must-have song for weddings and is often played on "Day Day Up".

Link also thought about taking this song for himself, but after thinking about it, it is better to return it to its original owner.

First of all, Mars's coquettish voice is more suitable than his own.

In addition, he is now a top star in the music industry, and having another good song will not add much to his fame. Mars will be more famous with such a song, and his album sales will be higher, and he will become a top singer faster.

From the perspective of Link's music development, it is more beneficial to let Mars sing it.

"Are you done? How about we go play tennis?"

Evaka came down the stairs with a tennis racket in her hand. She was wearing a white bra, revealing her fair and flat belly. She was wearing olive-colored stretch pants, which made her buttocks plump and full. Her legs were long and round, more than one meter long, neither thick nor thin, with some muscle curves.

She also wore a green forehead protector and a pair of wrist guards, exuding health and vitality.

"I remember you said you didn't like playing tennis because you were worried about growing muscles. Why did you suggest playing tennis again?"

Link put down his pen and stood up.

"I think you are right. We used to have very different lives, from our daily diet preferences to our living habits to sports. But we are now a couple. If we want to be together for a long time, we need to learn to get closer to each other. If we continue like before, we will not feel happy and happy even if we are together."

Evaka said.

Link smiled softly, "There's no need for that. As long as you let me sleep at night, there will be no gap between us."

Ivaka stopped and looked at him, "If you want to sleep with me, you can do it now."

"Really? What should I do? Just throw you down?"

Link laughed.

"No, as long as you propose to me, I will immediately give you 80 points, 100 points is also OK, do you dare?"

Ivaka said with her long eyelashes blinking.


Link was stunned and a little surprised. He had never thought about getting married, mainly because he was too young, only 21 years old, which was too early in any country.

After getting married, his identity changed. He was no longer a golden bachelor, but a married man, and maybe he had children. It was scary to think about it.

"Do you have to get married to sleep?"

Link felt that it was more difficult to conquer her than Taylor.

Ivaka looked at his cheek, hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Because my mother is Czech and lives in a very conservative area, she asked me to go to bed after I got engaged to my boyfriend, otherwise I would never be happy in my life, and I agreed to her."

"Is that so? Your mother is also for you. Wait! Have you ever been engaged before?"

"Of course not!"

Ivaka rolled her eyes at him, picked up her racket and pushed him away, and walked out of the villa.

Link was stunned for a moment. If what she said was true, then she was


With her peach-shaped figure, explosive breasts, and charming expression, she is a super mature woman. How could such a woman have never experienced a man?

Jesus doesn't believe it either.

Then what is the purpose of her lying?

Cheating herself into marriage?

"Hey, what are you thinking about? Do you still want to play?"

Ivaka shouted on the lawn.

Link put away his distracting thoughts and came to the tennis court to play with her.

Playing ball with Ivaka was a pleasing thing. Watching her running around on the court, the curve of her chest was also moving like a rabbit, and there was a white and flexible waist, slender and straight long legs.


He didn't retract his eyes until his forehead was hit by a tennis ball, and he played seriously.

Five sets, three wins, five balls in each set. In the first game, he won three sets in a row and won the game cleanly.

Ivaka was not convinced and asked to continue playing.

In the second game, he won the game again with a larger score difference.

Ivaka still refused to admit defeat. Although she was sweating, her bra was soaked, and her leg muscles were trembling slightly, she still asked to play again.

Link saw that she couldn't even hold the racket, so he advised her not to play and practice next time.

Ivaka insisted on playing, saying that she would definitely win this game.

Link had no choice but to let her win one game.

In the end, Ivaka smiled and said that she won.

Link did not refute, but just looked at her back and thought about the extra points. If he added 80 points for proposing, would it be a trap?

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