At the party, Link followed Harvey and met a bunch of famous filmmakers. At first, he thought they were trying to lure him into their group, but after thinking about it, he felt something was wrong.

He had scolded Harvey on the phone last time. Harvey could not be kind to him, and what the other party did could not be a good thing.

He looked at Harvey's excited expression and guessed that the other party was probably showing off his power, like a gangster showing off how many gangsters he had, trying to scare him.

After introducing the filmmakers, Harvey introduced him to more than a dozen beautiful actresses and models, including Cara Delevingne, Lena Headey, Lupita Leo, Alisa Dushku, etc. She is a woman in her twenties and thirties.

During the introduction, Harvey put his arm on his shoulder and told him affectionately that he could choose any woman here and sleep with whomever he wanted without any problems.

Link politely declined.

Among the girls at the party, aside from the older ones like Nicole Kidman, none of the young actresses can compare to Jennifer Lawrence in terms of looks and figure, let alone Daddario, Sasaki Nozomi.

When Harvey introduced him, he didn't look much and just said hello politely.

Harvey stared at him, his face suddenly darkened.



"Damn Link! If you dare to lie to me, I will kill you."

In the villa room, Harvey picked up a vase and smashed it on the ground. He gasped hard, the fat on his face kept trembling, and there was an uncontrollable murderous look in his eyes.

Bob stood at the door and saw the broken blue and white porcelain on the ground. A trace of regret flashed in his eyes. This vase was an antique he bought from Japan for more than 30,000 US dollars. It has a very high collection value, but now it has become a mess. fragments.

Seeing Harvey picking up another one, he quickly walked over to stop it.

"Harvey, it's normal for Link not to accept the woman you arrange. He is a big star. Even if he is lustful, he will pay attention to the influence. Of course, he will not easily accept a strange woman. I think this kind of thing should be done slowly and he will become familiar with it in the future. If you give him another woman, he will definitely accept it.”

Bob persuaded.

"Hmph, do you think I'm angry about this? No, damn Link, he lied to me. Several of the actresses I introduced today were the ones I had violated before, and they had also made trouble.

Last time I heard Link say that he had dirty information about me, I immediately arranged for lawyers to negotiate with them. It took more than three million US dollars and more than ten movie roles to settle them.

I invited them to the party this time because I wanted to use them to lure Link into the water, but that damn Link didn’t react at all when he saw these women and heard their names. Do you know what this means? "

Harvey growled, his stomach bulging.


"It means that the damn guy has never heard of their names and doesn't know what happened to them. This means that he doesn't have any black information about me, he is just making it up based on rumors.

He's scamming me! ! Scamming me, the most powerful person in Hollywood! ! "

Harvey banged his fists on the table and yelled hysterically.

Bob frowned and thought for a while, then asked: "Are you sure? There are so many actresses persecuted by you, could the black material in his hands be someone else?"

"Impossible! Almost all the women I played with in the 1980s and 1990s were married, had children, and had families and businesses. For the sake of reputation, they would never dare to jump out and cause trouble.

Those who dare to cause trouble are all brainless young women, just like those women just now, but Link didn't react at all when he saw them. I dare to conclude that he is defrauding me.

Damn it Link, I will never let you go. "

Harvey shouted, blushing.

"Then what are you going to do? Link is not an ordinary person. He is worth billions, and his industries span sports, entertainment, technology, and automobiles. His family is big and his business is huge. In addition, there are rumors in New York that he is planning to marry Eva Katomp. When we get married, with the Tompu family here, his connections in the political and legal circles are no worse than ours, so it will be difficult for us to deal with him. "

Bob said.

"So what, this is Hollywood, this is my territory. If he dares to offend me, he should be prepared to be ruined."

Harvey said angrily.

He still remembered the last time on the phone, Link scolded him in an extremely rude tone for not having balls and not being a man.

At that time, his eyes were on fire and he wanted to kill Link.

Later, the bastard used the excuse that he had dirty information on him that could ruin his reputation.

In order to protect himself, he had to humble himself and agreed to cooperate with Link and give him half of a good project.

But what's the result?

They were all lies. Link didn't have any black information about him at all. He was being fooled around like a fool.

When he thought about being frightened by the dirty information that Link casually made up, he gave in and greeted him with a smile, and even gave him a woman as a gift.

Harvey was so angry that he gritted his teeth. In the past twenty years since he became a famous Hollywood producer, he had never been this angry again, but this time he was completely fooled by Link.

He would never expose this matter easily.

"His reputation was ruined? How did you let him be ruined?"

Bob asked.

Harvey took a few breaths, sat on the office chair and thought about it, and came up with several ideas.

First, if Link wants to become a famous movie star, then find a way to block him so that he can't get any roles.

Second, block Palm Beach Pictures and let his investment go to waste.

Third, use the media to pour dirty water on him and ruin his reputation.

"Is this okay?"

Bob listened and shook his head, "This is difficult. First of all, Link is a world-class star, and his box office appeal is very strong. The six major film studios will not let him go as an actor who can drive the box office, and he has already After taking over the filming of "Captain America", before the movie was released, Marvel Pictures, Disney, and Paramount Pictures would try their best to prevent his reputation from getting bad.

If Captain America does well at the box office, Marvel will continue to make sequels. It will be harder for us to ruin his reputation. There is also Palm Beach Pictures. Link has money and can continue to invest. It is almost impossible to block this company. "

Harvey frowned tightly, the fat on his face squeezed together, and his expression became ferocious. He thought about Bob's words and found that he was right. According to the current situation, he really had no way to kill Link.

Thinking of this, he picked up the vase and smashed it on the floor, roaring angrily: "Then what do you think we should do, let Link go like this? This is absolutely impossible!"

Bob lit a cigar, took a few puffs and said, "I have three ways. First, after Link gets married to the Thompson family, he will lean toward the Republican Party politically, and Florida, where he was born, is also a stronghold of the Republican Party. , and California is the territory of the Democratic Party, where we have a clear advantage.”

"What's the use of saying this? What I want is to destroy Link, not to campaign."

Harvey said dissatisfied.

Bob said: "In California, most actors and singers tend to lean toward the Democratic Party, and the media will also lean toward Democratic policies when reporting. We can promote Link's leaning toward the Republican Party and isolate Link. Although this is useless, it can help Link It’s better for us to attract a lot of hostility.”

Harvey thought for a moment and reluctantly agreed to his proposal.

“Second, recruit helpers.

Link and Dynasty Promotions have made a lot of money in the boxing world in recent years, while companies like Top Rank Promotions, Don King Promotions, Queensberry Promotions, etc. have seen their profits drop significantly. I don’t believe they are not hostile to Link. These people are Someone to work with.

After Link entered the music scene, he had a quarrel with East Coast rappers, which even affected the black actors. Many black actors once publicly expressed their dislike of Link and were unwilling to cooperate with him. These people can also be united. "

Hearing what Bob said, Harvey gradually became quiet and thought about his countermeasures.

"In addition, I heard that little Kunas was very obsessed with Iwaka, and the two families almost got married, but because of Link's intervention, little Kunas' dream came to nothing. It was said that little Kunas was very hostile to Link, and he was also a Objects that can be joined together.

What’s more important is that the little Kunas family is our Judah brothers and can be completely trusted. "

Bob said meaningfully.

Harvey suddenly understood after hearing this. In the process of becoming famous, Link, the bastard, not only offended the dark-skinned group, but also had conflicts with the Kunas family, the representative of Jewish forces in New York, because of Ivaca.

He offended two major ethnic groups at once, and he was really looking for death. As long as these two major ethnic groups put in a little effort, no matter how many billions Link had, he would be ruined in a snap.

Thinking of this, Harvey suddenly became excited. As long as these parties could be united, dealing with Link would be a piece of cake.

"Third, the easiest way to deal with Link is to let him stay in Hollywood. Hollywood is our territory. Link is a rookie in the film industry and doesn't understand movies or investment at all.

We are professionals in this area and have sufficient funds and connections. We only need to suppress him at the box office of the movie and let him lose one movie if he invests in one, and lose ten if he invests in ten movies.

Even if he has a net worth of billions, how many losses can he withstand?

We can also arrange some seemingly good but actually terrible projects to give to their company, which will definitely accelerate the bankruptcy of Link and Palm Bay Pictures. What do you think? "

Bob asked.

Harvey nodded seriously.

The first suggestion could weaken his power and damage his reputation at the political level.

The second unites Link's enemies against him, crushing him from all sides.

The third used his own advantages to defeat him in Hollywood.

These three suggestions are very practical. As long as they are used well, dealing with Link will be very simple.

"Dear brother, you have thought well, especially the third one is what I like best. I am professional in making movies. I am 100% sure that I can defeat him in this aspect and make him lose blood.

But the first and second methods are good, and it would be a pity to give up. So how about contacting Little Kunas, East Coast rap, and boxing companies, and let you do the work of promoting Link's support for the Republican Party? "

Harvey said excitedly.

"No problem, the premise is that our company must make money."

Bob emphasized.

He doesn't know much about producing and distributing movies, and his level is average.

From Miramax Pictures to Weinstein Pictures, everything is run by Harvey. His task is equivalent to the company's administrative director, Harvey's assistant and logistics director.

Compared to Harvey who likes to have sex with women and be flattered by others, he prefers real U.S. dollars. This time he agreed to deal with Link because he wanted to use this matter to dig out a large chunk of Link's rich net worth.

"Haha, that's it."

Harvey stood up excitedly, gave this smart brother a hug, and smiled coldly at the same time, Link Baker, prepare to meet my anger!

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