Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 416 Premiere and Big Honey

After arriving in the seaside town of Cannes, Link took a short rest in the hotel and followed Director Allen and other creative staff to the main venue of the Cannes Film Festival, the Palais des Festivals, to attend the film's opening ceremony.

After he acquired Lionsgate Pictures, media from all over the world reported on the matter. In his twenties, he became the boss of the eighth largest production company in Hollywood, which also led to his status in the film industry. Straight up.

At the opening ceremony, reporters from various countries surrounded him and asked questions one after another, mostly related to the movie.

Ask him whether there will be any changes in the style and type of Lionsgate films in the future after he takes charge of Lionsgate Pictures. Ask him whether he prefers commercial films or art films. Ask him what he thinks of French films and whether there will be further cooperation between the two parties. .

Some gossip reporters also asked him if he knew about the news that Marion Cotillard had given birth to a baby, and if he had any plans to visit her. He also said that the baby was rumored to be his, and asked him what he thought of this scandal.

In addition to media reporters, many foreign filmmakers and film distributors also took the initiative to find him, hoping to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, including Belgian director Dardenne brothers, Turkish director Nuri Big Ceylon, Japanese director Miike Takashi, Chinese director Johnnie To, etc. wait.

Link managed it, and when the movie was about to start, he returned to the front row to watch the movie.

The overall feeling of "Midnight in Paris" shot by director Allen is good, the pictures are beautiful, and the beauty of classical Paris and modern Paris is shown through the movie, but the plot is relatively bland.

It tells the story of a modern man who is dissatisfied with his current life and accidentally gets the opportunity to travel to the past. Through time and time traveling, he discovers the good and bad aspects of past society. After comparing them, he finally chooses to stay in the modern world.

People who know Paris' Belle Epoque may like this movie very much and follow the protagonist as he travels through Paris in history.

People who don't understand that period will find the movie very boring. The only thing that matters to such people is the appearance and acting skills of the male protagonist Link.

When Link watched the movie, he was also surprised by his image in the movie. The main reason was that he was too handsome, too handsome.

Not only is he handsome, but he also exudes a literary, melancholy, and elegant temperament. His movements of hands and feet also give people a strange sense of beauty.

Actors such as Sean Penn, Tony Leung, and John Lone originally looked about 70% or 80% good-looking, but their on-screen images were 90% or 10% good-looking.

Link was originally handsome and tall, but under the lens of director Allen, his appearance and charm doubled.

While watching the movie, there were waves of exclamations from the audience in the back row. Most of them were female fans, exclaiming that he was so cool, so sexy, and as beautiful as Sethus, a beautiful man in ancient Greek mythology. .

There were exclamations and compliments. Although Link was very confident in his appearance, he still felt a little embarrassed after hearing so many complimentary words.

"Link, you should thank me. No other director can shoot to this level."

Director Woody Allen said with a deadpan expression.

Link smiled softly. He should be grateful to Woody Allen for being photographed so handsome, but the person he should be more grateful to is himself.

The original character of the male protagonist was slovenly, with baggy clothes and messy hair. He liked to talk to himself and ramble when talking, making him an unattractive character.

With his own persistence, he turned into a handsome, slightly melancholic and talented literary young man, which is his current screen image.

If it had been originally shot according to director Allen's setting, it would not have received so many praises when it was released.

This film may become one of his representative works on the screen.

"But don't be too happy too early. You were called a vase actor in "Bridesmaids". When this movie is released, you will be one step closer to being a vase actor, and even become the representative of vase actors. Then you will be one step away from the Oscar winner. One step further, I can almost call you the actor who is farthest away from winning the Best Actor Oscar."

Woody Allen lamented.

Link thought for a moment and realized that he was indeed getting further and further away from Oscar.

First of all, being too handsome, too young, too rich, and too famous will be deducted points in the Oscars. Secondly, playing a superhero role will be deducted again.

The third is the owner of the eighth largest film studio in Hollywood, the fourth is a cross-industry person, and the fifth is now called a male vase, just like the treatment that Leonardo DiCaprio was given when he was young.

It seems that I have all the minus points.

"It doesn't matter. I'm already the last one. There's no way to retreat. Every step forward is progress."

Link chuckled.

Director Allen glanced at him and twitched the corners of his mouth.

Others go closer and closer to the Oscars, constantly thinking of ways to add points. He goes further and further, stepping on all the pitfalls on the way to the Olympics. A guy like this will never get an Oscar statuette if he lives a hundred years. .

"Oh, Link is so charming."

"Link is very suitable for acting in art films."

"Yes, a very delicate performance."

The movie showed Link walking alone by the Seine River at midnight in Paris with his trouser pockets inserted. He had messy and stylish long hair, an angular profile, clean and deep eyes, and a faint melancholy temperament lingering between his eyebrows. .

Many female viewers at the scene called him "the male god", and the film critics at the scene paid more attention to Link's acting skills and praised his performance.

Bang bang bang!

At the end of the film screening, more than 3,000 spectators stood up and applauded, paying tribute to Director Allen and the main creative staff of the film.

"Link is so handsome, so handsome, so rich, and a world boxing champion. How can there be such an outstanding man like him in the world."

In the back row of the theater, a Chinese actress with a round face stood up, clapped her hands excitedly and said.

"Calm down, don't act like a nympho."

Next to her, Emily Yang's eyes were fixed on Link in the crowd in the distance. That man, even among thousands of people, was still as dazzling as the sun. His status, worth, fame, appearance, and body, Like drugs, they all have a fatal attraction for women.

At this time, not only Lilith Zhao, but also many female fans and foreign actresses were looking at Link obsessively. Many people had prepared pens and movie posters early to ask for his autograph.

"Sister Mi, I heard that you know Link, is it true?"

Lilith Zhao blinked and asked tentatively.

Emily Yang nodded her chin and did not deny it.

The major shareholder of Dolphin Bay Brokerage Company is Hong Kong Island Golden Shell Investment Company. This information can be found on the official website.

But only a few executives in the circle know that Hong Kong Island Golden Shell Investment is a subsidiary company of American Golden Shell Investment, and the boss of Golden Shell Investment is Link. He is not only a billionaire, but also the boss of Lionsgate Films and Wanda Cinema. One of the major shareholders of the company.

She also knows that she and Link are in a cooperative relationship, and because of this, many film and television companies in the industry will provide some conveniences and form a good relationship when cooperating with her.

"Sister Mi, I would like to get Link's autograph. Do you think there is a chance?"

Lilith Zhao took out a poster of Link and said.

"You can go and try."

Emily Yang said.

Lilith Zhao thought for a while, then plucked up the courage and walked forward.

Just as Lilith left, a plump woman with fair skin came over and smiled at her, "Mimi, when you come to Cannes this time, will you meet Mr. Baker?"

As soon as Emily Yang saw this woman, she couldn't help but become vigilant.

The movie "The Day We Landed" starring this woman also participated in the Cannes Film Festival. Although it was not shortlisted for any section, her white crane dress attracted a lot of media attention on the red carpet.

This is a very ambitious and powerful woman, with deeper connections and qualifications than herself.

Hearing her ask about Link, Emily Yang had to be on guard.

"Sister Bing, are you okay?"

"Can you introduce Mr. Baker to me? Mimi, I heard that you are planning to cooperate with Yingying. I happen to know Mr. Liu from Yingying. I can also introduce him to you."

Miss Aisi Fan smiled.

Emily Yang thought for a moment and agreed, saying that she needed to ask Link first.

Miss Fan smiled slightly, said good news was waiting for her, and then left with the "Day of Landing" crew.

Emily Yang looked at her back and shook her head.

"Sister Mi, look, I got Link's signature."

Lilith Zhao squeezed over with the poster and said.

"There are so many people, how did you get it?"

Emily asked curiously, looking at Link who was surrounded by fans.

"I was lucky. Link stopped when he saw me and took the initiative to give me his autograph. I was the first person to get his autograph."

Lilith smiled.

Emily Yang glanced at her and nodded meaningfully.

When she originally founded Dolphin Bay Agency, she planned to focus on her own agency work and sign new people after two years.

But one day Link sent a message mentioning Lilith Zhao, saying that she had great potential and suggested that she sign her.

She didn't object.

Lilith Zhao is one year younger than her. She comes from a grassroots background. She has only played supporting roles in some film and television dramas before. She is a second- and third-tier actor, and her acting skills are relatively average. Her only advantage is that she has a slim figure and a cute little round face.

She felt that Link should like Lilith Zhao and ask to sign her instead of her acting skills, so she took the initiative to take Lilith with her to Cannes to see what Link thought.


After the opening ceremony, International Business Operations Officer Andrew Kramer took the initiative to find Link to report.

In addition to watching films at this year's Cannes Film Festival, they also brought two films produced by Lionsgate to participate in the film festival.

They are "The Devil's Stand" starring Dominic Cooper and "The Fighter" starring Tom Hardy.

The latter had invited Link to star during filming, but Link refused, and now the film is back in his hands.

It's a pity that neither of these films entered the competition and had no chance of winning.

In comparison, the two films released by Weinstein Films performed well at this year's Cannes Film Festival. "Revenge of the Father" and "The Artist" both entered the competition and will compete for the Palme d'Or.

There is also the situation of watching movies. Andrew Kramer said that he has liked two literary films and is currently negotiating the price. Would he like to watch them?

Link said no, it was their job and he wouldn't interfere, and let them do it.

Film selection is a task that tests a film producer's vision and aesthetics.

Some people are experienced and have sharp eyes, and they can tell at a glance whether a movie has the potential to be a hit or not.

Take Harvey Weinstein, for example. Although many people complain that he is a scumbag and a liar, it is undeniable that he has a very high taste in movies.

For example, when "Sex, Lies, Videotape" was first screened at the Sundance Film Festival, many film producers were interested in the film, but only Harvey dared to give the highest price.

There is also the classic film "Cinema Paradiso", the director's cut of 173 minutes, which received a mediocre response when it was exhibited at the Berlin Film Festival. After Harvey won the rights, he directly cut out 40 minutes of the content, making the film a hit.

Films such as "Farewell My Concubine" and "Trainspotting" were also cut out of more than ten or twenty minutes when they were released in North America. Harvey was also called the "big scissors" because of this.

Harvey's ability can also be considered a talent.

Link doesn't require Andrew Kramer and others to be on Harvey's level, as long as they don't buy box-office rotten eggs. Lionsgate mainly makes money from the movies produced by the production department, not the movies it buys.

After sending Andrew and others away, Link chatted with several filmmakers who came over. As soon as he took a break, he received a message from Emily Yang, saying that she was also at the Festival Palace and wanted to report to him in person about the company. Ask him if he has time.

Link asked where she was?

Emily Yang said that more than 300 meters ahead of him on the left, she was the one wearing a white skirt.

Link took a look and saw Yang Dami in the crowd, and sent a message asking her to come over.

Soon Emily Yang ran over, wearing a Yves Saint Laurent dress, with long hair and bangs, and her face was more refined than last year. She must have had medical beauty treatment.

Link shook hands with her and invited her to chat in the coffee room next to her.

There are more than 20 cinema halls in the Festival Palace, which screen movies day and night during the festival. There are also cafes, restaurants, smoking rooms, etc. between each venue for tourists to rest.

Just during the film festival, 4.5 million tourists come to watch free movies, and the cafes are often full.

Link found an empty seat, invited Emily Yang to sit down, and asked her about her trip to Cannes.

Emily Yang said that "Far Cry" in which she participated was also exhibited in Cannes, but unfortunately it was not entered into any award categories, and the overseas sales were also average. Emily Yang asked him if he wanted to see it?

Link said he didn’t have time and would arrange for Lionsgate staff to take a look later.

Emily Yang said thank you, took a sip of coffee, and reported to him about the work of Dolphin Bay Brokerage Company.

Currently, Dolphin Bay has 30 staff members, with offices in the Mainland and Hong Kong Island. It has three contracted actors, Lilith Zhao, and two theater students, and arranges for them to perform in various crews for performance experience.

The rest is the work of Emily Young herself.

Last year, he took over the filming of two popular film and television dramas, "Gong Lock Heart Jade" and the new version of "Water Margin", and participated in the investment and starring in two movies "Far Cry" and "Overheard 2".

Now he has become a first-line star in the Mainland. The company's current profit situation is not bad, with a profit of more than 3 million yuan in half a year.

Emily Yang said that last year, China's mainland box office was 10.1 billion, domestic movie box office was 5.7 billion, and overseas movies were 4.4 billion. The film and television market was good. Increasing investment in film and television could earn more, but there was a lack of funds.

Link asked her how big she wanted to be.

Emily said she wanted to be on par with first-tier film companies and make the company worth hundreds of millions.

Link smiled softly and said that he would arrange for someone from Golden Shell to check the work of the Dolphin Bay Brokerage Company. If she did well, she would continue to invest more. Last year's investment was a test of the waters.

"Link, I think I did a good job. The three million profit I said is true."

Emily Yang said confidently and nervously.

"Don't think too much. The main thing is to check the management of the company. If you want to make the company bigger, you can't be careless about the company's initial structure. I will arrange professional managers from the United States to guide your work."

"Is that so? Thank you."

Emily Yang raised the corners of her mouth and smiled.

"Hey Link, you're here for coffee too."

Hollywood actress Kristen Dunst came over to say hello with a cup of coffee.

"Hi Kristen!"

Link stood up to say hello to the other party. Kristen Dunst became famous in the "Spider-Man" series a few years ago. This year, she appeared naked in "Melancholia" and was successfully nominated for the Best Actress Award at the Cannes Film Festival.

After chatting for a while, Dunst took the coffee and left.

Within two minutes, French actress Melanie Laurent also came over to say hello. She played the heroine in Quentin's 2009 film "Inglourious Basterds" and was also the emcee at the opening ceremony of this year's Cannes Film Festival.

Later, Jude Law and Uma Thurman, members of this year’s Cannes Film Festival jury, also came over to say hello.

Emily Yang sat solemnly on the sofa, watching the international celebrities passing by Link one by one, watching them greet Link enthusiastically, feeling a little disappointed.

Although I am also a big star and my appearance is no worse than theirs, I can never imitate their independent, free and confident temperament.

"You should raise your head. You have more fans than them, and your worth is probably no worse than theirs."

Link said as he wiped his hands.

Emily Yang blushed and straightened her back, only to realize that she had lowered her head unconsciously just now.

"Every girl has her own beauty. Being assertive and strong is a kind of beauty, and being restrained and reserved is also a kind of beauty. When you appreciate them, they are also admiring you. You just need to be more confident and put your The beauty is shown.”

"Thank you, I will."

Emily Yang smiled slightly.

"I have something to do later, so I'll stop talking here today. I may go to the mainland next month, and we'll talk more about it then."

Link said as he stood up.

Emily nodded reluctantly, thought for a moment and said: "Lilith is here too. You have met her just now. She admires you very much. If you want to meet her, I can take her to see you later."

Link stopped, looked at her and said: "I'm gone now. I heard from Chris Liu that Lilith is a very potential actress. You should allocate more resources to her to let her grow up. And later I will ask someone from Lionsgate to contact you, and you will take him to see "Far Cry" first. I will arrange for them to buy the North American distribution rights of the film, but the price will not be too high. You can communicate with the film studio first."

"Okay, I know."

Emily reluctantly sent him away.

Seeing him walking away, Emily Yang returned to her seat and sat down, shrugging her shoulders in disappointment. She originally thought she could spend more time with him, but he was too busy. After appearing at the Festival Palace, she came over to follow him. People never stop saying hello.

It was good that Link could invite her to drink coffee and chat with her for a while. Emily Yang was also very satisfied.

But before coming to Cannes, she originally thought that through this meeting, she would deepen her relationship with Link, and that something would happen to make her feel more secure. However, in the meeting just now, all they talked about was work, and Link didn't. She was too embarrassed to bring it up if she showed that kind of intention.

The goal was not achieved, which was the source of her disappointment.

"Hi, Mimi!"

When Emily heard someone saying hello, she looked back and saw that it was Esfan whom she had just met before.

"Sister Bing? Are you drinking coffee here too?"

Emily greeted.

"Yes, just arrived."

Miss Esfan brushed her hair and showed an unnatural expression on her face. She had wanted to come over to say hello to Link and take a few photos, but Link's bodyguard stopped her at the door and refused to let her go.

Not only her, but also a large group of French female fans and foreign actresses outside the coffee room, all wanting to have a relationship with the new Hollywood tycoon.

It's a pity that there is no chance, but Yang Dami in front of her can chat with Link for more than ten minutes.

"Mimi, let me ask you something personal. How is your relationship with Link?"

"Sister Bingbing, why are you asking this?"

"We are all friends, just chat."

Esifan paused and chuckled, "Link is so handsome and super strong. Have you ever had sex?"

Emily Yang's face heated up, "Sister Bingbing, Link and I just have a cooperative relationship. We were just talking about work."


Esfan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she saw that her expression didn't look like she was lying.

I originally wanted to use Emily's relationship to get to know Link and enter Hollywood next, but Emily and Link just have a purely cooperative relationship. This relationship is neither close nor stable, and I'm afraid it won't be of much help. .

Emily Yang saw the enthusiasm on her face weakening and guessed what she was thinking, and regretted saying that.

Everyone in the world knew that Link was a playboy. People in the circle originally thought that she was also Link's girlfriend, so they took more care of the Dolphin Bay agent.

Now she told Esfan that she didn't sleep with Link, and it wouldn't be a good thing if it got out.

She took a sip of her coffee, looked at her watch, and said that Link was going to buy the North American distribution rights of "Far Cry". She was going to contact people from Lionsgate Pictures now. She was a little busy. We would talk to him next time. Get up and leave with your bag.

Esfan looked at her back, smiled slightly, and tasted the coffee slowly.

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