"Haha, dear Bob, you did a great job on this matter, I am very satisfied."

In the afternoon, as soon as Bob Weinstein walked into the company's president's office, he was hugged by his brother Harvey who rushed over.

Harvey's hug was very warm, and he praised him in words.

It's just that the two big men have big stomachs and short arms. When the two hugged each other, their huge stomachs pressed against each other, bulging, which felt very awkward. He also didn't like the sour smell of Harvey's breath.

"Harvey, how did you get from this trip to Cannes?"

After Harvey let go, Bob took a step back and asked.

"Very good, "The Artist" won the Best Actor Award, and "Revenge for My Father" won the Catholic Humanitarian Spirit Award. I also found two good movies at the film festival."

"How are these two movies, can they make money?"

Bob asked excitedly.

"Very good. If the publicity is good, it won't be a problem to make millions. Haha, speaking of buying movie copyrights, that bastard Link also bought the distribution rights of two movies at the film festival."

"What movies? Can they make money too?"

Bob asked curiously.

Harvey sat on his office chair, laughing with his belly sticking out.

"At first, I heard that Link took the initiative to ask Lionsgate to buy the copyrights of two movies. I was curious like you and thought they were good movies. I went to see them and found that they were two Chinese movies.

One was a thriller with a dull plot and many loopholes in the setting. It wasted more than ten minutes of my time. The other was an art film. The leading actor's acting was good, but the theme was too obscure and the language was incomprehensible. There is no market for this kind of movie in the United States.

Originally, I was going to grab it and let Link spend more money, but I was worried that he would think the price was too high and let it go, so I didn't intervene. Haha, but I'm sure that Link will lose money this time. He doesn't understand movies at all."

Harvey laughed.

Bob nodded. Harvey was professional in this area and he believed in Harvey's judgment.

"Bob, let's talk about Eva Ka's scandal. You did a good job this time. Is this news true?"

Harvey pointed to the news in the entertainment section of the Los Angeles Times that 'Eva Ka has a new lover, and Playboy Link has been broken up'.

"It's fake! I arranged for detectives to follow Eva Ka for many days and found that she spent most of her time in the Bay Villa except for going to work in the company. Even when she went out, she would bring her assistant secretary with her and she didn't have any friends of the opposite sex.

According to the informant, Eva Ka would not meet with employees of the opposite sex alone when she was in the company, and there were no bad rumors.

After investigating for many days, nothing worth breaking was found. In the end, there was no choice but to cut the photo of Eva Ka meeting Pam Abdi and publish it on the news."

Bob said helplessly.

"Haha, this is not bad. It doesn't matter if it's fake. Now the newspapers are discussing that Link is a gigolo. Without Evaka and the Thompson family, he is nothing.

Link is young and hot-tempered. He will be very angry when he sees these news. He will feel alienated from Evaka. As time goes by, the conflict between them will become bigger and bigger. I can almost see the scene of the two of them breaking up."

Harvey laughed.

"Harvey, this matter may not be that simple."

"Oh, what happened?"

Harvey asked as he lit a cigar.

Bob turned on the TV, changed several channels, and played a video clip of Evaka being interviewed.

In the interview video, Evaka was wearing a decent professional women's suit, which fully showed her tall and graceful figure. With a cold and exquisite face and elegant conversation, the whole person seemed to be given a bright halo and looked radiant.

Harvey frowned and looked at it. He didn't care at first.

Although Eva Ka's answers in the interview were clever and reasonable, most netizens are a mob, and the main purpose of surfing the Internet is to vent emotions and kill time.

Not many people will listen to others' reasoning, nor will they care about the truth of the matter.

As for Link and Eva Ka's affairs, as long as the hype continues, it will definitely cause a rift in their relationship.

After just listening for a while, Harvey suddenly heard a reporter from The Hollywood Reporter asking about Warner Pictures' box office theft. He immediately sat up and looked at Bob in surprise.

"Is this news true?"

"It should be true. According to the information I have heard, the North American box office of "Bridesmaids" should be more than 120 million in four weeks after its release, and the current data is 70.5 million, and Warner has swallowed more than 50 million in the box office."


Hearing this news, Harvey couldn't help but take a breath, and his greasy forehead wrinkled tightly.

He was not lamenting that Warner stole the box office too much, but that the actual box office of "Bridesmaids" in North America was actually more than 120 million.

"What is the current overseas box office of Bridesmaids?"

"158 million US dollars!"

"So much?! That means the global box office of Bridesmaids has exceeded 200 million US dollars? A movie with an investment of 30 million, and a global box office of more than 200 million or even 300 million?!"

Harvey shouted angrily.

Bob shrugged his shoulders, expressing his helplessness.

Bridesmaids was invested in 32.5 million, and the global box office was more than 200 million US dollars, maybe more than 300 million.

This revenue ratio is in the top three among the movies released this year, even if it is not ranked first.

There is no doubt that Palm Beach Pictures has bet on another dark horse movie, and Link will make a fortune in the movie market again with this movie.

And just now Harvey was laughing at Link for not understanding movies.


Another ashtray shattered.

"Why, why is this happening? Why is Link, a newcomer who doesn't know anything, successful in investing one after another?"

Harvey yelled with a grim look on his face.

"Harvey, don't be angry. This is the credit of Palm Beach Pictures' production department and has nothing to do with Link. He is not that powerful."

Bob consoled him.

Harvey gritted his teeth viciously and bit off the cigar: "Go check and find out who is instructing him to invest in movies. This person must not stay at Palm Beach Pictures, and he must not let Link make money anymore."

This is not only a matter of making money, but also a struggle for power and honor.

If the movies invested by Link continue to sell well, not only actors will take the initiative to approach Link, hoping to cooperate with him, but film companies will also be eager to come to ask for cooperation.

If this situation continues, Link's influence in Hollywood will become greater and greater, and his status will become higher and higher.

When the time comes, Link will replace him as the most powerful person in Hollywood and become the object of everyone's pursuit.

Those women would also eagerly squat in front of Link and serve him.

Thinking of this, a strong anger swept through Harvey's heart.

His face gradually turned ferocious, and the fat on his body was trembling, like a wild Canadian wild boar.

"Harvey, don't worry. It's just luck that Palm Beach Pictures can win two movies in a row. It's impossible for all other movies to be successful. No one can do this. Maybe he will lose money on his next movie. ”

Seeing his change of expression, Bob quickly spoke out to persuade him.

"No, we can't take any chances and ask about the movies that Palm Beach Pictures has invested in this year, especially the small-budget movies. We must find a way to grab them."

Harvey yelled, clenching his fists.

"I know this. Palm Beach Pictures invested in four movies in the first half of the year, "Silver Linings Playbook" and "Beasts of the Southern Wild," and the remaining two are artistic movies "The Master" and "Lawless" in cooperation with Annapurna Pictures. "

Bob talked about the situation of "The Master" and "Lawless". The investment in both movies was about 30 million.

Harvey had read the script of "The Master" and thought it was good. However, the investment was too high and it was difficult to make back the money. After serious consideration, he decided to give up.

Now I heard that Link is going to invest in this movie. The director is Paul Anderson, the starring role is Joaquin Phoenix, the heroine is Amy Adams, who has been nominated for the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress twice, and the supporting role is Oscar-winning actress with "Capote" Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Judging from the main creative lineup, he vaguely felt the potential of a big hit.

"How is the preparation for this movie going? Is there any chance to grab it?"

"No, preparations for "The Master" began at the beginning of last year, but were temporarily interrupted due to investment issues. Joaquin approached Link with the project. After Link read the script, he decided to invest and brought Megan Ellison with him. Now Casting has ended and filming is scheduled to begin next month.”

Bob said.

Harvey frowned, stood up and walked around the office. After thinking for a while, he gave Bob a task and asked him to talk to Link.

On the condition of helping with public relations for the Academy Award, he tried to find a way to get a part of the investment share of "The Master" and "Beasts of the Southern Wild".

If he dares not to agree, they will use "Silver Linings Playbook" to blackmail him and postpone the release of the movie indefinitely.

Because Weinstein Pictures also produced the film, he had the right to ask for this.

"Okay! I'll make arrangements later."

Bob readily agreed.

In fact, he was very happy that Harvey had such a change. Rather than having conflicts and hurting each other with Link, he hoped to cooperate with Link to make a lot of money.

"And don't stop helping Lionsgate Pictures recommend big productions. We need to find ways to get Lionsgate Pictures to invest in big productions. Only in this way can we accelerate the decline of Lionsgate Pictures."

Harvey said.

Bob nodded. Cooperation is one thing, competition is another.

After Link took over Lionsgate Pictures, through people within Lionsgate Pictures, he successively recommended many major productions with an investment of more than 80 million, including "Alien Battlefield", "Battleship", "Return to Earth", Sword of Kings" and so on, I hope Lionsgate Pictures will participate.

Bob didn't know whether the movies would be profitable, but he and Harvey both knew one thing.

Compared with the "Big Six", independent production companies have insufficient capital chains and poor publicity and distribution capabilities. Once they recklessly enter the field of large-scale production, the final results will be tragic.

For example, the bankrupt Carlock Pictures, New Line Cinema when it was not acquired by Warner Bros., RKO, the former fifth largest film company in Hollywood, United Artists Pictures, the eighth largest film company in Hollywood, and MGM Pictures, the seventh largest film company, etc. With every exception, it falls on big productions.

Big productions make money quickly and lose money even faster.

As long as Lionsgate executives are obsessed with big-budget investments, even if the first movie is a hit, there will always be losses later.

It's a pity that Link and Iwaka are both smart people and are not easily fooled.

The work he did had no effect for the time being.

After leaving Harvey's office, he arranged for his secretary to contact Link and said that he wanted to talk to Link. Originally, he thought that Link would refuse or arrange the meeting between the two to a few days later.

But the secretary told him that Link would be free at noon tomorrow.

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