Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 426 Massage and Ointment

The training lasted until four or five o'clock in the afternoon. Most people in the training ground left. Link also came to the locker room, showered and changed clothes, called Christine a few times, and prepared to send her back.

"Training is over?"

Kristen woke up from the sofa and stretched her waist lazily. The hem of her T-shirt was pulled up, revealing her white thighs and her annoying safety pants.

"Are you awake? Do you want to take a shower?"

Link wiped his hair with a towel, took out a shirt from the closet and put it on.

"Why am I in the locker room?"

Kristine turned around and looked around. She remembered that she had eaten just now and trained for a while. She felt tired for a while, and her upper eyelids couldn't help but fall down. Finally, she couldn't help but fall asleep on the soft bench of the weight bench. past.

When she woke up, she found herself lying on the sofa in Link's dressing room. Link had just taken a shower and was still getting dressed, and asked her if she wanted to take a shower.

"I just saw you sleeping on the floor and sent you to the locker room."

"is that so?"

Kristine thought about it for a moment, but she had no impression, but out of trust in him, she also believed his words. However, when she was about to stand up from the sofa, she suddenly felt a tingling sensation in her legs, arms, shoulders, and both sides. Both side ribs hurt.

Kristine bit her lower lip and looked at Link with a pale face, "Did you beat me while I was sleeping? Why does my whole body hurt?"

"Muscle strain! Just now I advised you to warm up before training, but you didn't pay attention. Muscle tingling is normal now. Just rest for two days and it will be fine. It was the same with Emma last time. If you want to speed up your recovery, you can try This medicine."

Link took out a bottle of green plaster and handed it to her.

"How to use this?"

Christine asked, frowning and looking at the bottle.


Link unscrewed the bottle cap, poured some green ointment into the palm of his hand, then picked up Christine's arm, spread the ointment evenly on her forearm, and pinched it a few times.

"Hey, it hurts. Please be gentle."

"Bear it!"

Link patted her arm, then picked up the bottle and poured out some plaster and applied it to her upper arm. Her arm was very slender and had a little muscle.

"Hey, it's a little refreshing! I feel a lot more comfortable."

Kristine moved the arm that had been smeared with medicine. The stinging sensation was much less than before, and there was also a refreshing feeling of being healed after being injured. This feeling was very fascinating.

"Just use it like this. When you go back, apply it yourself. Twice a day. It will be almost done in three days."

Link said as he put down the bottle and stood up.

"How do I apply it myself?"

Kristine pointed to the position of the back shoulder, "This position is also very painful, and I can't lift my arm."

"You can ask your assistant to help you. Your assistant is a girl, right?"

Link said.

"But... I still have some pain before I go home. Can't you wipe it for me?"

Kristen asked, holding the bottle.

Link looked at her and said, "I'm a boy, do you mind if I touch your body?"

"Will you bully me while I'm hurt?"

Christine asked, looking at him quietly.

Link shrugged his shoulders, took the medicine bottle and continued to apply it to the muscles of her arms, calves, and upper thighs.

In order to make it easier for him to apply the medicine, Christine slowly took off her T-shirt under his gaze, and lay on the sofa holding her chest.

Link continued to apply it on her shoulders and back, and massaged her at the same time. When he was applying it on both sides, Kristen couldn't help but move around, and pressed his palm and said it was itchy.

"do not move!"

Link pressed her back to prevent her from moving randomly, because she couldn't avoid bumps when she moved around, which would also make the anger in his body rise. If Christine was not injured, he wouldn't mind it happening here. Order something.

Now Kristen's body was covered in the smell of ointment, which made it impossible for her to do anything.

Kristen lay on the sofa, resting her chin on her arms and said, "You're scary when you're angry."

Link didn't say anything and continued to massage and apply medicine on her back. Her skin was smooth and delicate, like white marble, with a bit of fleshiness.

"Last time Emma was injured, did you apply medicine on her like this? Did you take advantage of her?"

Christine asked.

"Last time I sent her home, her aunt Julia was there."

Link moved his palms from his ribs to his waist, and his fingertips gently brushed against the soft parts.

"So did you and Emma have sex?"


"Really? During that time, I saw her clinging to you every day, and she often talked about you when chatting. You didn't have sex?"

Christine asked.

"No! I don't need to lie to you about this kind of thing."

Link shrugged.

Kristine didn't speak any more. She lay on the sofa with her chest in her arms. Her hair covered half of her face, making her expression unclear. Link continued to apply medicine for her.


Christine pressed her chin on her arms and said softly, "I used to think you were a philandering, lustful, half-hearted scumbag who also liked to use your handsome appearance and strong body to deceive girls' feelings and play with their bodies."

"So I am so unworthy in your impression, now?"

Link asked, gently squeezing her shoulders.

"Now I think you're not too bad. You're very talented, diligent, hard-working, and interesting. You're not as lustful as I thought. You're a little better than I thought."

Christine said.

"Thank you! It's not in vain to help you apply medicine."

Link patted her on the back.

Christine turned back and glared at him, "You'd better not let me take back what I just said."

"After applying it, get up and move around to see if there are any other areas that need to be applied."

Link said.

Kristine looked at him, stood up generously, put on a T-shirt in front of him, and moved her limbs. Many muscles in her body still had some tingling, but they were much more relaxed than when she woke up before. There will be no tingling or pulling pain in the upper muscles.

"Just apply it twice more and it'll be fine."

Link handed her the medicine bottle, put his right hand in his trouser pocket and walked into the bathroom to wash his hands.

Christine looked at his awkward walking posture and blinked expressionlessly.

After leaving the Muscle Beach Club, Link drove Christine home first, and then drove to Lionsgate Studios to pick up Ivaca from get off work.

On the way, the two talked about the work of Lionsgate Pictures. After dealing with the "Warner Pictures stealing box office" matter, Lionsgate Pictures' current main work is the six movies, two TV series and four more that it is currently producing. Upcoming movies coming out this month and next month.

There are also three movies released by Lionsgate Pictures in April and May that have done reasonably well at the box office.

The production cost of "The Lincoln Lawyer" was 40 million. The current North American box office is 53.4 million and the overseas box office is 25.33 million. It has basically achieved breakeven. The production cost of "The Black Crazy Madam's Happy Family" is 15 million. The current North American box office has exceeded 50 million. It is obvious that It's a profitable movie.

The other four low-budget movies, such as "The Poor Lady" and "Red State", all had box office sales of less than 10 million, and the losses were about 30 million, which is not too bad.

At this stage, Lionsgate Pictures has basically maintained a balance of payments except for 180 million in foreign debt.

The bad news is that the total box office of Lionsgate's independently released movies in the first half of the year was less than US$200 million. Not only is this result not comparable to the six major film studios, it is also inferior to the three film companies including Summit, Weinstein Pictures, and Relativity Media. , Lionsgate has also grown from the seventh largest in Hollywood last year to the tenth largest.

"Take your time. At this stage, we just need to maintain the stability of the company and ensure that the work of several crews can proceed normally. When we take full control of Lionsgate, the situation will gradually improve."

Link said while holding Iwaka's hand.

"One more thing. Last week you bought two movies from the Cannes Film Festival. After seeing them, several heads of the distribution department thought that the quality of the movies was average and normal distribution would definitely result in losses. What do you think?"

Iwaka asked looking at his side face.

"The thriller was first handed over to the production department for re-editing to see if there was any way to improve the quality of the film. Then it was screened at a cinema near Chinatown to see if it had potential. If the results were too poor, the screening was ended immediately and another "Mr. Tree", I have some hype ideas, but I don't know if they are feasible. I will go to the distribution department to talk to them in person tomorrow, and also learn about the film distribution work from them. "

"this is okay too."

Iwaka nodded slightly. I heard that he was going to use a foreign movie to promote it. Thinking of his past methods of promoting albums, I felt that the box office of this movie might be a surprise.

"Why does it smell like medicine? Are you injured?"

Ivaca asked, sniffing her fingers.

"No! Apply medicine to others."


Ivaca blinked her curved eyelashes.

"Why did you think it was a woman?"

Link was surprised by her sensitivity.

"You wouldn't be happy to help a man apply medicine."

Ivaca said with curved lips.

Link shrugged and said something about Christine's muscle strain while practicing boxing.

Eva Kaqiong snorted and didn't ask any more questions.

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