Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 436 Eva's Daily Life 2

After arriving at the company's office, Eva Ka began to deal with the accumulated work on hand.

For example, the new work report of Jeff Jones, the new chief operating officer of the international department, reported on the situation of the original international department, which was a bit bad.

There was a project budget review form of the production department, including the budget of "The Vow".

There was also a bill from the finance department. After borrowing another 80 million US dollars, Lionsgate's debt reached 260 million US dollars, which was a very stressful number.

There were also the latest reports on several movies released by Lionsgate.

48 days after the release of "Bridesmaids", the North American box office successfully exceeded 100 million US dollars. Because of the good box office performance, the weekly decline was still within 30%, and the market potential was huge, the theater chain suggested extending the release time of the movie.

Just like "The King's Speech", which was released at the end of last year, due to the good box office, more than 200 art theaters were still showing the film in June.

Extending the screening time of good movies is also beneficial to theater chains.

In Hollywood, the box office of movies is not simply determined by the total box office multiplied by a certain percentage to determine the income of producers, distributors, theater chains, MPAA, etc.

Box office revenue is divided according to the stage, and the public screening period is about 45 days.

This stage relies on publicity and promotion to attract audiences. The distributor invests more money and gets a higher share. Some strong companies like the Big Six can get more than 90%.

The main reason is that the theater chain does not have the ability to produce movies and is highly dependent on the Big Six. Without the movies of the Big Six, the theater chain cannot make a profit, so when negotiating with the Big Six, it cannot offer a high price.

At the same time, the movies of the Big Six are mostly large-scale productions, with a large number of moviegoers, and the theater can also make a lot of money through peripheral income such as popcorn and soda.

For large independent production companies such as Lionsgate, the theater chain also has preferential treatment, but it is not as good as.

During the public screening period, the production company and the distribution company can get about 80%, which is determined by the contract signed by both parties.

After the public screening period, the theater chain is willing to extend the screen screening and will also receive subsidies on the box office share. The longer the extension time, the more share the theater chain gets, up to 80%, which is also the reason why many theaters are willing to show unpopular films.

"Bridesmaids" has a good box office performance. Several theaters cooperating with Lionsgate have proposed an extension plan. According to the box office performance and decline, the theaters will give different shares and different screening rates.

If Lionsgate disagrees, it can arrange for people to negotiate and discuss a figure that is beneficial to both parties.

This work is handled by Lionsgate Distribution Company.

Eva Ka only needs to know about this matter, review the work report submitted by the distribution department, and raise any objections. Ask the head of the distribution department. If there is no objection, sign and file it.

In addition to "Bridesmaids", there are also "The Lincoln Lawyer" and "The Happy Family of Mad Woman" produced by Lionsgate.

Because of the good box office performance, the two movies will also be extended to the end of the year, but the box office share and the number of theaters are less than "Bridesmaids".

In addition, the box office performance of "Mr. Tree" bought by Link is also good.

In the fourth week of its release, it received a box office of 2.07 million US dollars in 466 theaters, and the cumulative box office performance reached 5.48 million US dollars.

This result surprised Evaka. Although Link wrote a song to help promote the film in the early stage of release, the timeliness of this kind of promotion is relatively short, about one or two weeks.

Now it is the fourth week, and the attendance rate of this film can still reach 50%, which shows that the quality is good.

When Link bought the North American distribution rights of this film, he only spent 150,000 US dollars, including 1.8 million in publicity fees.

If the North American box office of this film reaches 8 million US dollars, the return ratio will reach 4 times, and there is no doubt that this is a hit movie.

Evaka put down the pen, held her chin with her fingers and thought about it, then picked up the phone and called Jeff Jones, the new head of the international department.

He is also one of the four subordinates that Evaka brought to Lionsgate. He used to be the senior content development department director of Warner Pictures and has been engaged in film distribution. He has a deep experience.

"Chairman, do you have any instructions?"

After the call was connected, Jeff Jones asked.

Ivaka said that she saw that Mr. Tree had a good box office performance. She remembered that the International Department had a rule that after the release of the acquired film, if the box office revenue ratio reached a certain ratio, the International Department would give a corresponding reward to the staff who acquired the film. What is this ratio?

"More than 3 times, the higher the box office, the greater the revenue ratio of the film, the more rewards will be. Chairman, do you mean to give Andrew Kramer a bonus?"

Jeff Jones asked tentatively

"To Andrew Kramer?"

Hearing his words, Ivaka immediately turned cold and said lightly, "The copyright of this movie was bought by Link's order. What does it have to do with other people? Even if there is a bonus, it should be given to Link, not to anyone else."

".Yes, that's right. Later, our department will hold a meeting to discuss and give Mr. Baker a bonus based on the box office performance of Mr. Tree."

Jeff Jones added quickly.


Ivaka nodded with satisfaction.

Although Link is a major shareholder of Lionsgate, after the company delisted, his shareholding ratio was as high as 97.2%, but the public and private sectors should be clearly distinguished. Link did a good job in this matter and he should be rewarded.

Evaka called COO Brian Goldsmith again and mentioned the box office performance of "Mr. Tree".

When it was first released, many people thought that the movie would lose money and laughed at Link for having no vision. Now the box office of the movie has far exceeded expectations, which has disappointed many people.

The publicity department should pay more attention to the publicity and actively promote Link to let people know that Link's vision is unquestionable.

After hearing this, Brian said he understood and would immediately arrange media publicity.

After hanging up the phone, Evaka saw that the work on the table had been handled. She couldn't help stretching her waist, her plump breasts also stood up, her waist became slimmer, but her hips were still heavily sunken in the office chair.

She pressed the intercom call button and asked her assistant Hina to bring in a cup of black tea.

After giving the order, she left her desk and came to the window, hugged her arms and looked at the crowded streets downstairs, the busy crowds, and the green palm trees in the distance under the sun. Her mood suddenly became very calm.

This kind of calmness is different from the past. In the past, it was emotional stability maintained under strong psychological quality. It was a kind of calmness that needed to be constantly reconciled with oneself and eliminated distracting thoughts to maintain.

Now it is real calmness, calm and composed, as if nothing is worth being impatient.

For this change, Evaka is not confused. She clearly knows the time and root of this change. It started on the day Link proposed to her, and the root is also Link.

She is 27 years old this year, six years older than Link.

In the circle of wealthy families in New York, a woman who is still unmarried at the age of 27 is almost considered a leftover woman. People will ask about her marital status and many people classify her as a marriageable person.

For marriage, Evaka didn't worry and worry too much before, but as she gets older, the hormone secretion of her body and the changes in her appearance, as well as the attention and discussion from the outside world, will contribute to this anxiety.

Even if she has a strong psychological quality, sometimes she can't help being disturbed by the voices of the outside world and becoming less calm, and then she needs to do ideological work for herself and reconcile with herself.

If this kind of thing is done too much, it will undoubtedly increase mental consumption and affect the state of work.

But now it is not needed.

Ivaka raised her palm and looked at the diamond ring on her ring finger quietly. It was an exquisitely shaped platinum diamond ring. The ring was not big, and the diamond was not big either. But in her eyes at this moment, this diamond ring was thousands of times more precious than any jewelry, any gold medal trophy, and even the crown on the head of the Queen of England.

After wearing this diamond ring, her life had a clearer beacon, her heart became extremely calm, and her body and mind were relaxed and calm.

This is also a magic ring.

Dong Dong Dong!

"Come in!"

Assistant Hina came in with tea and snacks, and looked at the chairman Evaka standing in front of the French window.

She was wearing a light-colored OL work suit, showing her tall and graceful curves, as well as an elegant and calm posture, as if she was more beautiful than before.

Even if Hina saw her back every day, she was amazed every time she saw her. She should be the most perfect woman in the world. The only flaw was that she found a playboy as her husband. Although that playboy was also very, very good, he didn't feel as perfect as Evaka.

This defect also made Hina see Evaka's tolerance and generosity, and she felt that she was more beautiful.

"Hina, the black tea you brew tastes great."

Evaka smiled lightly, took the black tea in her hand, and asked Hina about the phone appointment. Now she is the chairman of Lionsgate Films and also the chairman of Link Music Company. She has too much work and often has to be busy on both ends.

While chatting with Hina, the mobile phone on the table rang.

Evaka took it and looked at it. It was Wendy Deng's call.

Wendy Deng said that she saw the photo of her wearing a ring and asked when she and Link would get engaged.

Evaka smiled and thanked her, saying that she was still discussing with Link and it should be within the year.

Wendy Deng congratulated her and Link on the phone, saying that the two were the most suitable couple in the world. Now that the two have confirmed their relationship, countless women will envy her.

Evaka smiled and said thank you.

She heard a lot of congratulations and compliments these days. No matter whether the other party is sincere or flattering, she will happily say thank you, because this matter is indeed worth being happy about.

Finally, Wendy Deng mentioned the release of "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan", which will be released in China at the end of June and in the United States in early July. She wanted to invite her to the premiere ceremony in advance.

Evaka said that it depends on the schedule.

For such activities, Evaka doesn't like to participate. She is the chairman of Lionsgate and Link Music Company. She is not an entertainment star. She doesn't need too high exposure, nor does she need to use some news to raise her status.

It is actually more in the interests of the company to maintain some mystery in the media.

After hanging up the phone, Evaka drank a cup of tea and returned to her desk to continue working. However, just as she sat down, Link's song "Just The Way You Are" rang again on her mobile phone.

The number displayed on the phone was Paris Hilton.

It just so happened that she also wanted to call Paris to ask what to do if she met a boyfriend who was thinking about ML all day, how to gain the upper hand in such things, and how to satisfy her boyfriend to the maximum extent.

But after the call was connected, before she had time to ask Paris questions, Paris told her that little Kunas was also there, and there was something important to ask her, asking if she agreed.

Ivakha asks what’s the matter.

"Eva, you slept with Link? How could you do that? You told me before that we couldn't have sex without getting married, but how can we do it now? It's not good for you to do that."

Little Kunas said in a sad and angry tone on the phone.

Evaka's face turned cold, and she was very dissatisfied with his questioning. What she wanted to do was a personal matter. What right did Little Kunas, an outsider, have to complain?

"I love Link, I am willing to give myself to him. This matter has nothing to do with you, and I don't need to explain anything to you."

"Eva, I love you, I love you very much. I am willing to treat you as the most precious treasure in the world. We should have been a happy couple. I dreamed that we got married, and you were wearing a white wedding dress, as beautiful as an angel. You shouldn't be with Link, he doesn't deserve you."


Evaka didn't want to listen to his nonsense, so she hung up the phone directly.

After more than ten seconds, the phone received two messages from Paris, apologizing to her and saying that he met Little Kunas at the cocktail party.

Little Kunas asked her to borrow his cell phone to make a call, but she refused. Then he asked her to call him again, saying that he had something important to talk to her about. She refused but couldn't, so she let Little Kunas answer the phone, hoping that she would forgive him.

Ivaka didn't blame her, but she thought that it would be inappropriate for Paris to ask her that kind of question at the party, so she didn't ask again.

She turned off her cell phone, stared at the photo of her and Link in the frame on the table, smiled slightly, and continued to deal with her work.


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