Sunshine, blue sky, sea, busy streets, and tall buildings in the central area of ​​Hong Kong Island.

In terms of prosperity and population, it is not much worse than Manhattan in New York, and is more prosperous than Queens in Brooklyn.

As for Los Angeles, most counties in Los Angeles look like small towns and cannot be compared with Hong Kong Island.

Dino and Morales came to Hong Kong Island for the first time, and they admired the bustling streets and dense crowds.

They had seen Chinese and Chinese-style buildings in Chinatown before, but only a small part. Now they saw that the streets were full of Chinese with black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin, and the shops marked with Chinese characters, as if they had traveled to another world.

Hoya looked at the two with disdain, looking down on their inexperienced appearance.

"Hoya, have you been to Hong Kong Island before?"

Link asked.

"I came here last century."

Hoya said with his arms folded.

"It sounds very contemporary."

Link smiled.

The car arrived at the InterContinental Hotel Hong Kong Island. Franco and Simon, who arrived in Hong Kong Island earlier, were waiting for him in the hotel lobby.

Also with him was Eddie Hearn, the president of Athletics Room Sports, who had met him in London. Beirut Shumenov was his contracted boxer.

There were also WBA Asia Chairman Alan King, WBA Asia Referee Committee Chairman Pinette, and WBA China Chairman Li Dongyi.

And the organizers of this event, including the Hotel Federation, Kowloon Real Estate Company, Hong Kong Island Sports Bureau, Culture and Tourism Bureau, etc.

Link chatted with several people from several parties, returned to the hotel to rest, and attended the competition symposium in the hotel conference room at 2 pm to discuss the competition. The whole process was recorded by TVB.

After the symposium, the organizer jointly held a press conference in the hotel lobby with Dynasty Promotion Company and Athletics Room Promotion to answer questions from reporters from all walks of life.

These things seem complicated and boring, but they are also part of boxing promotion. This boxing match has more exposure in the media and earns more money, so it is inevitable.

Link was busy in the hotel until after four o'clock. After lunch, he went to the Hung Hom Stadium with the coaching team.

It is the venue for this game and the largest indoor stadium in Hong Kong Island, with 15,000 seats, but it is still much smaller than the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, Madison Square Garden, and O2 Arena.

This is also the reason why the last game was not held here, because the stadium is too small and too few tickets were sold. The organizers are worried that they will not be able to recover the cost and are preparing to hold the game in the larger Putou Stadium, which can accommodate 35,000 people.

But it is an outdoor venue. Due to noise, weather and other reasons, it is not suitable for indoor competitions.

After coordination among several parties, the game is still held in Hung Hom, but the ticket price is higher. 15,000 tickets, including ordinary tickets, VIP tickets, and luxury box tickets, are sold at an average price of 4,200 Hong Kong dollars.

Due to the limited number of tickets and rumors that many celebrities and wealthy people came to watch the fight, the ticket prices on the black market have risen three times a day. The current price of ordinary tickets is more than 8,000 Hong Kong dollars, and VIP tickets and box tickets are even harder to get.

Link's purpose of coming to the stadium this time is to visit the competition venue and prepare for tomorrow afternoon's match.

When he entered the stadium, the boxing ring had already been set up.

Television stations such as HBO and TVB were also setting up camera positions and adjusting lights.

There were also many staff members on the scene setting up billboards, including Prudential Insurance, Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel, Adidas, BMW, Snickers, Red Bull, Chopard watches and MasterCard, etc., with advertising logos everywhere.

"Boss, Miss Liu is here."

Ms. Anna came over and said softly.

Link nodded, looked around the stadium, and drove back to the hotel. When he entered and left the hotel, there were at least a hundred paparazzi following him.

It is said that a media has issued a reward for photos of Link dating women, with a reward of 50,000 Hong Kong dollars for each photo, and a minimum of 100,000 Hong Kong dollars for intimate photos or videos, with no upper limit.

After the news came out, no matter if they were paparazzi or not, anyone with a camera and a mobile phone would keep an eye on Link's whereabouts, hoping to make some quick money from him.

There were too many paparazzi. He originally planned to stay in a luxury house in Mid-Levels for one night and date Chris Liu there, but it was obviously not possible.

As soon as his car left the hotel, it would be surrounded in all directions, and even when he walked out of the hotel room, he would be noticed.

Helplessly, he could only call Chris Liu to cancel the date and go to the mainland.

Chris Liu said that she had guessed that this would be the case, so she booked a room at the InterContinental Hotel in advance so that she could go to him quietly.

Link's trip was also to lure away the paparazzi and make it easier for Chris Liu to enter the hotel room.

For a date, learning Sun Tzu's Art of War, it's hard to be a star.


"Link, you're back."

In the hotel room, Link opened the door, and Chris Liu turned around, stood up from the sofa, and smiled.

She was wearing a pink wrap dress, with long curly hair, revealing her fair and slender arms. Her beautiful round cheeks were painted with delicate makeup, bright phoenix eyes, and rosy lips. She looked pink and tender, like a flower fairy.

"Chris, you are so beautiful, like an angel."

Link looked at the girl and laughed.

"Puchi, do you want me to praise you for being handsome too?"

Chris smiled, covering her mouth.

"No, I'd rather you praise me for being awesome and strong."

Link hugged her gently, smelling her fresh feminine scent, feeling her slender and soft waist, and couldn't help hugging her tighter.

"Yes, you are awesome, very awesome, the most awesome person in the world, and the man I love the most."

Chris Liu leaned in his arms and said softly.

"I love you too!"

Link smiled gently, looked at her beautiful phoenix eyes, lowered his head and kissed her lips, and in less than a minute, the girl collapsed in his arms, weak and boneless.

Just when he was holding the girl and walked into the bedroom, preparing for the next move, Chris Liu said worriedly that he had to participate in the competition tomorrow and needed to conserve his energy. Would it be bad to do this? She said that he could wait one night and do it tomorrow.

Link asked her to rest assured that she was relatively petite and sensitive, and it would not take much effort to deal with her.

When he and Chris Liu were dating in the hotel, the paparazzi outside were almost going crazy.

Because they got accurate information, not long ago, Chris Liu, Link's rumored girlfriend in Asia, checked into the InterContinental Hotel in a low-key manner.

Since last year, Chris Liu has returned to the ranks of China's top stars with an album, a hit song, three movies, and a TV series.

She has also become a top youth idol with her pure, delicate and fairy-like appearance, and has hundreds of millions of fans in both sides of the Taiwan Strait and Hong Kong.

It was also in August last year that Chris Liu appeared on Link's concert and the two of them were constantly involved in scandals.

Some netizens claimed that they had seen the two of them and Shu Chang enter a hotel at the same time.

Later, Chris Liu founded her own studio, which was invested by Golden Shell, and Chris Liu's mother also became the agent of Golden Shell Investment on the board of directors of Wanda Pictures, and the rumors that the two had a close relationship were confirmed again.

However, since no photos of the two dating privately were taken, the scandal is still a rumor, and there is no way to confirm the relationship between the two.

If intimate photos of the two could be taken, with Link's influence worldwide and Chris Liu's influence in Asia, this news would definitely cause a huge sensation.

After hearing that Chris Liu was also staying at the InterContinental Hotel, the various media reporters who originally wanted to use paparazzi to follow her could not hold back at this time and rushed to the InterContinental Hotel to try to dig up big news as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, hundreds of reporters and paparazzi tried for a long time but could not enter the top presidential suite of the InterContinental Hotel.

After Link entered the InterContinental Hotel, in order to prevent the accident that Link had in the Tower of London Hotel, the hotel raised the security measures to the highest level.

At the same time, more than 20 police officers were hired to sit in the hotel.

In addition, before arriving in Hong Kong Island, in order to ensure the safety of his life, property and privacy, Link paid 1 million Hong Kong dollars to the Hong Kong Island Insurance Company, which only guaranteed that he would be safe and harassed for three days.

For this reason, the insurance company also sent more than 20 highly capable staff members to the hotel to help Link block all harassment.

When Link and Chris Liu were making love on the big bed in the hotel, the reporters and paparazzi outside the hotel launched "attacks" on the hotel's security line again and again.

Some people pretended to be guests and checked into the hotel, but they couldn't get into the top floor.

Some people disguised themselves as hotel waiters, hotel security guards, and even knocked out a security guard, changed into his clothes, and tried to get into the top floor of the hotel.

But all failed without exception.

The most dangerous time was when someone climbed into the top of the hotel elevator car from the ventilation duct and followed the elevator to the top floor, but was stopped by bodyguards such as Bob and Wallace when trying to break into the hotel room.

"It sounds lively outside."

On the big bed in the bedroom, Chris Liu lay on his chest.

Her delicate cheeks were flushed, and her curly hair was sweating on her white shoulders.

She used her slender jade fingers to outline the outline of his strong chest muscles.

Her voice also had a hoarse sweet taste.

"It's dark, there are more bars and dance halls outside."

Link stroked the girl's smooth and delicate back and looked out the window. The sky had dimmed, and neon lights were flashing outside several buildings in the distance.

Although the neon lights on the street could not be seen, the colorful sky reflected by the air could be guessed that Hong Kong Island had entered the world of night.

"Do you want to go eat something?"

Link looked down at the girl and asked.

"Can I? There must be a lot of paparazzi outside."

Chris Liu looked up at him and blinked her bright phoenix eyes.

"It's okay, we are just eating in the hotel restaurant, it doesn't matter if we are photographed by paparazzi."


Chris Liu sat up happily, but her movements were too big, involving the parts of her body that were uncomfortable. She sighed softly and her cheeks turned red.

Seeing that she was inconvenient, Link suggested eating in the room.

Chris Liu said it was okay and slowly sat up on the bed.

With his help, she put on the dress, but every time she touched her tender skin, Link didn't want to get out of bed.

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