Hong Kong Island.

After sending Chris Liu away, Link started to be busy with other work.

Including participating in the program work of Phoenix Chinese Channel, discussing boxing with guests, discussing Hollywood movies and Chinese movies, and participating in the boxing exchange activities held by the Hong Kong Island Cultural Tourism Bureau. He and Morales went on stage to exchange ideas with Chinese boxers.

There are also activities such as the Miss Hong Kong selection guest and the charity dinner of "Bauhinia" magazine.

These activities are boring, but they cannot be refused.

Boxing promotion is not only about fighting in the boxing ring, but also about publicity outside the ring.

If you want to have more boxing fans in Asia and get more bonuses in the next game, you need to participate in more such promotional activities.

After finishing the boxing work, he turned his attention to the movie.

On June 24, "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" was released in the mainland, and the premiere ceremony was held in Dahai City.

Link was busy preparing for the boxing match at that time and did not participate.

The film grossed 20.77 million yuan in the three-day weekend at major theaters in China, which is about 3 million US dollars. For the production cost of 8 million US dollars, the result is not bad.

At the end of June, Wendy Deng brought the crew of "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" to Hong Kong Island for promotion. Link just finished participating in the competition and attended the premiere ceremony held at the President Theater in Causeway Bay.

Outside the red carpet of the theater, Link met Wendy Deng and others.

"Hi, Link, congratulations on becoming the super boxing champion. You are really getting more and more charming. I often hear girls talking about you at gatherings in China. In Chinese, you are now a heartthrob."

Wendy Deng praised him fiercely after seeing him. Since she listened to Link's advice and bought Tesla stocks last time and made a fortune, the relationship between the two has become closer.

This closeness is not about affection, but trust.

"Heartthrob? I like this title, Wendy. I saw a report that "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" won the weekend box office championship in the mainland. Congratulations on investing in a good movie."

Link chuckled.

Wendy Deng shook her head when she heard what he said, looking like she was not very pleased.

Link asked her what happened.

Wendy Deng reluctantly told him that although the box office performance of the movie was good in the first week, the reputation was very average.

First of all, in terms of subject matter, the mainland market for lesbian movies is very narrow and the audience is not large. In addition, the overall structure of the movie plot is problematic and complicated, making it difficult to understand.

Also, when promoting the movie, the promoter saw that Link was famous enough.

When designing the movie poster, he was placed between Alice Lee and Jeon Ji-hyun. Everyone mistakenly thought that he was the protagonist of the movie, and that it was a love triangle movie, so they ran to the cinema to support it.

But after watching the movie, they found that it was a lesbian movie, and Link appeared in the play for less than ten minutes, almost a supporting role.

The movie poster was suspected of deceiving the audience and was criticized a lot in the media.

It can be predicted that the box office performance of this movie will not be very ideal next week.

What disappointed Wendy Deng even more was that the distributor of "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan", 20th Century Fox, gave a mediocre evaluation of the film at an internal preview, and planned to screen it in a few theaters first to see the results before deciding whether to release it publicly.

Originally, Wendy Deng planned to use this film to impact the Oscars and make her first shot in the entertainment industry.

However, the film's box office performance was mediocre and its reputation was relatively poor, so this shot could only be regarded as a dud.

Wendy Deng worked on this film for two or three years, but it was impossible not to be disappointed with this result.

Link advised her not to care too much.

The entertainment industry is a deep water area with fierce competition. Many filmmakers have experienced many failures and even lost their fortunes before they succeeded once.

Wendy Deng was a producer for the first time, and it was already very good to ensure that the box office would not lose money. It was difficult to shoot a movie that was both a good reputation and a good box office right after the scene.

Wendy Deng pointed at him and said with jealousy that Palm Beach Pictures invested in two movies.

The first film cost 8 million to produce, and the global box office was close to 170 million US dollars, with a return ratio of more than 20 times. The second film cost more than 30 million, and the current global box office has exceeded 300 million US dollars, with a return ratio of more than 10 times.

These two films not only sold well at the box office, but also had very good reputations.

The key is that these two films were invested by a film company, and they were the first and second projects.

The probability of success is too high.

Not only Wendy Deng was envious, but everyone in the circle was jealous of Palm Beach Pictures.

Link smiled modestly and said that the success of the two films was the credit of Catherine and the production department, and had little to do with himself.

"Hi, Link, long time no see."

Also coming was Alice Lee, wearing a fashionable and slim Prada summer dress, revealing two white arms, smiling and greeting Wendy Deng, with bright eyes. She was 38 years old, and her face was flushed when she greeted, which looked very interesting.

"Hi, Alice, your skirt is beautiful."

Link smiled and chatted with the other party for a few words. There were also director Wang Ying, supporting actress Wu Junmei, supporting actor Jiang Wu, and except for Jun Ji-hyun who was busy working in Korea and had no time to come, all the main creative staff of the crew were there.

After chatting for a few words, the group walked into the theater to attend the premiere ceremony.

In addition to the crew members, the distributor Media Asia Films also invited more than 20 Hong Kong actors and stars to attend the premiere ceremony, including Liang Chaowei and his wife, Chen Xiaochun and his wife, Cai Shaofen and his wife, Gu Letian, Chen Weiting, Ah Sa, Zheng Xiuwen, etc.

After entering the venue, Link chatted with the best actor Tony Leung Chiu-wai and said he liked each other's movies.

While chatting, many celebrities came over to say hello.

Some said they were his fans, some said they were boxing fans. Ying Cai'er directly said she was his die-hard fan, talking excitedly and asking him for autographs and photos.

Link did not refuse and met all her requests. However, while chatting with Ying Cai'er, he found that Chen Xiaochun was tugging at Ying Cai'er's skirt with a stiff smile on his face. Ying Cai'er also kicked it quietly. He kicked.

Link didn't understand what the two couples were arguing about, so he also chatted with Chen Xiaochun. The last time Lionsgate released "Far Cry", the other party was the male protagonist, and the two parties also had some working relationships.

After talking to the couple for a few words, Link was invited to speak at the front desk.


Seeing Link leaving, Chen Xiaochun let out a breath and relaxed.

"You are seeking death. Why do you always pull me when I'm talking to Link? It's not embarrassing to be seen."

Ying Cai'er pinched him angrily and finally saw her idol Link. Before she could say a few words, Chen Xiaochun pulled her from behind, as if she would run away.

"Wife, it's not my fault. When you look at Link, your eyes light up and you want to throw yourself at him. I am your husband, so of course I have to hold you."

Chen Xiaochun rubbed his arms and curled his lips.

"I told you, Link is my idol. Is there anything wrong with me getting excited when I see my idol? As a grown man, can you not be so petty?"

"Hey, honey, I was wrong. I promise there will be no next time."

Chen Xiaochun raised his finger and said with a smile.

Ying Cai'er glared at him, took out her camera and looked through the photos she had taken with Link just now, with a happy smile on her face.

Seeing that she was no longer angry, Chen Xiaochun was relieved. He looked at Link who was being interviewed on the front desk and cursed in his heart, this guy is too handsome.

On the stage, Link was wearing a formal suit, with a straight and strong back and angular cheeks. He looked more masculine and handsome than Leonardo or Keanu Reeves.

He talked and laughed happily on stage, carrying a strong aura. He was more handsome and stylish in person than he looked on TV.

Link is so good that even a man like him thinks Link is super handsome, let alone his wife who is a bit of a nymphomaniac.

This is also the reason why Chen Xiaochun grabbed Ying Cai'er and refused to let go as soon as she saw him in person.

Link answered a few questions about the movie on stage before returning to his front-row, middle seat to watch the movie.

"Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" tells a love story between two women in the late Qing Dynasty and contemporary times.

The two heroines in the modern story are named Sophia (played by Jun Ji-hyun) and Nina (played by Alice Lee), who are best friends.

By chance, Sophia heard a story from her aunt. In Jiangyong area of ​​Hunan Province, there is a kind of Nüshu, which is a tool for secret communication between local women. They mainly write letters on fans and deliver them to each other, also called secret letters. fan.

In a love story in the late Qing Dynasty, two heroines named Xuehua and Lily became close friends when they were young. They told each other their true feelings in Nu Shu. As they grew older, they married and had children one after another. Lily married into a rich family, but Xuehua... Due to poor family circumstances, she married a country butcher.

Due to different circumstances, their relationship has become estranged and is no longer the pure friendship they had when they were young.

Later, after a series of events, the two sides resolved their misunderstanding. Before Xuehua died, Lily understood her friendship and the true meaning of Xuehua's letter to her.

Link's role takes place in modern times. He is a foreign businessman who invests in China. He runs many bars and hotels in Dahai City. He falls in love with Sophia at first sight and proposes to Sophia at a cocktail party. In the end, he finds out that she is a lesbian and does not love him. , Sophia loves Nina.

The movie tells a modern story first, flashes back to the late Qing Dynasty in the middle, and returns to modern times in the second half.

Link read it again and found that he didn't understand it. There was a serious sense of separation between the front and back parts of the story. The ancient story was like a memory fragment inserted into the plot of a TV series. It lasted for dozens of minutes and seemed too long.

Also, the love story between Sophia Snowflake and Nina Lily didn’t look very moving, but felt a bit baffling.

At the time of its release, the film was billed as a Chinese version of "Brokeback Mountain."

In fact, from the plot structure, to the character setting, to the story connotation, it is worse than "Brokeback Mountain".

The only saving grace is that director Wang Ying, like director Woody Allen, is better at photographing people.

The two heroines look beautiful in the movie, and Link is also shot as handsome and graceful, especially the scene where he sings and woos in a bar, which is very high-quality, like he was performing at the Oscars.

"Link, how do you feel?"

Wendy Deng asked sideways.

Link nodded and said that overall it was good.

"After the movie was released, many fans on the Internet said that the plot of the movie was untrue. If Sophia really had a handsome, rich, singing, dancing, and considerate boyfriend like you, even a lesbian would be fascinated by you and fall in love with you. Fuck you."

Wendy Deng smiled.

Link smiled softly and felt that the fans were right. He also couldn't understand the relationship between Sophia and Nina.

"Link, the European and American media say you are good at predicting box office. Can you predict the global box office of this movie?"

Alice Li also turned sideways and asked softly.

Link glanced at her, "How many do you want?"

"Of course the more the better."

Alice Li blinked and smiled.

"I'll double the number you want."

Link said.

Alice Li was stunned for a moment, covered her lips and chuckled a few times, and whispered that you are so cunning.

Wendy Deng next to them looked at the two meaningfully, came over and asked Link if he had time in the afternoon, saying that she knew there was a good seafood restaurant nearby, and the abalone and sea cucumber were quite authentic, and invited him to taste it together.

Link thought about it and nodded in agreement.

After three busy days in Hong Kong Island, the work at hand was basically done. Tomorrow I will fly to Nanjing to film. I have been busy with work in Hong Kong Island these days. I have no time to go out and have not eaten any local food.

It’s also good to taste the special seafood of Hong Kong Island before leaving.


After the movie was over, many audiences stood up and applauded, congratulating Link and others, and praising the movie for being very good.

When he was still a new actor, Link couldn’t tell what kind of applause was warm and what kind of applause was lively.

After participating in more than ten movie premieres, he gradually learned to distinguish people’s impressions of the movie from the intensity of the applause.

The applause was sparse, intermittent, loose and scattered, which clearly showed that the film was of average quality;

The applause was warm and noisy, accompanied by the shouts of the audience, which meant that the film was not bad;

After the film, the audience was silent for a few seconds, and then with a bang, there was a thunderous applause, whistles, cheers, and long-lasting applause, which meant that the film was great.

Also, after the film, looking at the faces of colleagues, envy and jealousy means that the film is good, smiling congratulations means that it is average, and high praise means that it is terrible.

For this film, everyone's applause was reluctant, more like polite applause.

However, after the film, Cannes Film Emperor Liang Chaowei came over and smiled shyly at him, praising his performance in the film for its high standard, and said that he liked his performance in "Midnight in Paris" the most, saying that he played the role with depth.

Considering that the other party is socially anxious and does not like ineffective social interaction.

The other party's praise should be sincere.

Link smiled and thanked him, and talked about the other party's new film "The Grandmaster".

He originally thought that the film had not started shooting yet, but after chatting, he found out that it had already started shooting last year, but director Wong Kar-wai was rather slow and had not finished shooting for two years.

Lin Ke liked this film very much and felt that the quality was not worse than "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". If the producer's copyright fee was not high, he planned to obtain the North American distribution rights after the film was finished.

It didn't matter whether it made money or not, the main thing was that he liked it and promoted Chinese Kung Fu and boxing techniques.

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