"God! Stop letting Link take scripts casually."

This is the title written on the cover of "Complete Film Magazine", and he was also selected as the cover character of July by the magazine.

The main reason is that he has a great influence in the film industry in June.

First, "Bridesmaids", which he participated in and invested in, was a global hit.

The North American box office has accumulated 128 million US dollars, the overseas box office is 207 million, and the total box office has reached 335 million US dollars, which is more than ten times the production cost. It has also become the film with the highest return ratio in the North American film market in May.

It is rumored that if the box office of this movie has not been stolen, the global box office has exceeded 400 million US dollars, entering the top eight of the annual box office rankings.

There is also "Midnight in Paris" starring Link, which was screened in North America on May 20 and released on a large scale on June 10.

After more than a month of release, the cumulative box office in North America has reached 50.89 million US dollars, and the overseas box office is currently about 84.57 million US dollars.

These two figures don't seem much, but they are the peak of director Woody Allen's career box office.

Since the 1960s, Director Allen has directed 43 films, an average of one per year, including "Annie Hall", "The Book of Sex", "The Purple Rose of Cairo", "Match Point", "Midnight in Barcelona", etc.

They all have good reputations, but the box office results are average, and the global box office is basically below 100 million US dollars.

Less than a month after the release of "Midnight in Paris", the North American box office exceeded 50 million, and the overseas box office results are about to exceed 100 million.

Compared with the production cost of 18 million US dollars, this movie is undoubtedly a success at the box office.

"Complete Cinema" magazine compared Director Allen's previous films and analyzed the reasons why this movie was better than the previous movies at the box office, mainly because of the right actors.

In the past, Director Allen made movies, mostly directed and acted by himself, and chose someone to play him if the role was not suitable for him to play. This also led to the male characters in his movies being unattractive and much worse than the female characters.

In "Midnight in Paris", he took the risk of bringing the world boxing champion Link into the crew as the male lead, playing a writer and screenwriter. This was an extremely bold and pioneering decision. Facts have proved that his adventure was successful.

Link is a world superstar with a high reputation worldwide and strong box office appeal, which has opened up the global market for the film.

In addition, Director Allen is also a very powerful director who is deeply loved by audiences in Europe and the United States.

There are also the heavyweights of France's contemporary first actress Marion Cotillard and the new generation of powerful actress Jennifer Lawrence.

The combination of these three has also become the key to the film's big sales.

"Complete Movie" also added at the end of the review that Link's face contributed at least 30% of the global box office.

After "Midnight in Paris", "Complete Movie Magazine" continued to introduce three other movies related to Link: "Mr. Tree", the latest preview "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan", and "Captain America" ​​released in North America at the end of the month.

The current North American box office of "Mr. Tree" has reached 7.82 million US dollars.

Compared with the copyright fee of 150,000 and the publicity cost of 1.8 million, the box office performance is nearly four times, and the film has a good reputation.

The box office revenue is better than "The Tree of Life", which won the Palme d'Or at this year's Cannes Film Festival.

There is no doubt that Link picked up a treasure at the Cannes Film Festival.

However, "Complete Movie" also said.

If it weren't for Link, "Mr. Tree" would hardly be released in North America.

If it weren't for Link's blunt promotion of the film with the champion single, "Mr. Tree" would not have survived the preview period and had the opportunity to be released in more theaters.

Therefore, it is a low probability event that the film will be a big hit in North America, and others cannot replicate it.

As for the sentence "God! Don't let Link take scripts casually anymore" written on the cover, it is mainly a comment on "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan".

In the article, the editor of "Complete Movie" magazine criticized Link's vision for choosing scripts in an uncharacteristic way.

He believed that he didn't know how to choose scripts at all, from "The Blue Sea 2" to "Valentine's Day", "The Scandal Project", "Bridesmaids", and this "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan".

Although he performed well in these movies, he is not suitable for these supporting roles. Playing such roles will only make him go further and further on the road of male vase.

The editor even disapproved of his performance in Midnight in Paris, believing that his appearance in the film was more about his appearance than his acting skills, and that the role that suited him best was the mercenary master in The Expendables, and hoped that he would take on more action movies in the future.

At the end of the article, the editor of Total Film magazine expressed strong expectations for his new film Captain America.

He said that in this film, we can see Link's strong physique shown in The Fighter, his top appearance in Midnight in Paris, and his clean fighting moves in The Expendables.

Perry Moore, editor-in-chief of Total Film Magazine, wrote at the end:

"This film is definitely the best work that fully integrates and presents Link's own advantages and talents. Letting 'Superman Link' and 'Super Boxer Link' play 'Captain America' is definitely the most anticipated movie role in 2011, no doubt about it."

Seeing this, Link can basically conclude that this article is a promotional soft article arranged by the distributor of Captain America to help promote Captain America and to step on the newly released Snow Flower and the Secret Fan.

From the reader's perspective, this article has both praise and criticism, and is relatively objective and neutral.

From the perspective of Captain America's distribution company, it is definitely speaking for the movie.

"The Fighter", "Midnight in Paris" and "The Expendables" can be regarded as Link's masterpieces. The global box office has exceeded 100 million US dollars, and The Expendables has exceeded 300 million US dollars.

He has good looks, acting skills, strength and outstanding performance in the three dramas.

As long as you are a fan of these three movies, after reading this article, you may not be able to help but go to the theater to see what "Captain America" ​​is like, which combines the advantages of the three movies.

Link doesn't mind this either. The performance contract he signed with Marvel Studios is a basic salary of 10.5 million plus a 3.5% share of the global box office. The higher the box office performance, the higher his salary.

If the global box office of "Captain America" ​​exceeds 300 million US dollars, he will have the opportunity to join Hollywood's 20 million salary club and become a first-line actor.

Putting down the "Complete Movie" magazine, Link picked up other newspapers and magazines and looked at them.

After leaving the United States for half a month, he was busy with competitions and work and paid little attention to these things. Now that he has free time, he will read more industry news and fill in the gaps in information.

After looking through it, there was nothing new. There were only two entertainment news items that made him look at them a few more times.

At the end of June, the American Country Music Video Awards ceremony was held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

Taylor Swift won the 'Video of the Year' award for her hit song "Blank Space". This is the third time she has won this award, and she can be called the direct daughter of country music.

There are two interesting facts from this year's Country Music Video Awards.

The first one is that veteran country music queen Shania Twain accidentally fell while presenting an award, and Lady Gaga fell while performing on stage. Both have become hot topics in recent times, and related videos have a high number of views on YouTube.

Link thought for a moment, took out his cell phone and sent a message to Taylor to congratulate her on winning the award. He received no reply. He then sent a message to Lady Gaga and asked her if she had been injured. He just saw the video and smiled apologetically.

Lady Gaga asked him not to mention it. The injury on her butt was healed, but when he mentioned it, it hurt again.

Link said that he had a medicine that was specially designed to treat bruises and was very effective. He could give her a bottle if she needed it.

Lady Gaga said she would only fall this time and never again, but decided to take his medicine just in case.

After chatting with Lady Gaga for several minutes, he didn't receive a reply from Taylor, so he ignored her and sent a message to congratulate Beyoncé.

On July 1, Beyoncé’s fourth personal studio album “4” was released to the public. It still sold 310,000 copies in the first week and ranked first on both the British and American album charts. This is also Beyoncé’s fourth consecutive album. It topped the Billboard album chart for the first time.

This album was attacked by hackers before it went on sale, causing the album's audio source to be leaked. It's not bad to sell this number in the first week.

Beyoncé said thank you and asked when his new album will be released?

Link said it is tentatively scheduled for August 5th.

Beyoncé asked him to be careful about hackers. Hackers are very rampant this year and have made several big news.

Link understood.

Hackers are indeed rampant this year.

In January, French boss Sarkozy's Facebook account was stolen, and hackers used his account to post a message announcing that he would not be re-elected.

In March, Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's Twitter account was stolen. Hackers used her account to send eight messages accusing her. The first one was, 'How can she defend the country if she can't even keep her own Twitter account? think about it'.

In March and April, private photos of more than 100 male and female stars in Hollywood were leaked by hackers.

Including popular actresses such as Vanessa Hudgens, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, Christina Aguilera, Kristen Dunst, etc., there are many shocking news, which also leads to The characters of several actresses who took the innocent route collapsed.

There was also an uproar in April when a hacker group stole the information of 77 million customers, including credit card account numbers, from Sony's online website PlayStation.

In June, Citibank also announced that it had been hacked, resulting in the personal information of 210,000 customers in North America being leaked.

On Wednesday, the Twitter account of Fox News was hijacked by hackers, and multiple fake news were published continuously through the account, including the assassination of US President Obama, Link's announcement that he will release a new album next week, and singer Marilyn Manson's announcement that Transgender, etc.

Compared with these major events, Beyoncé's new album's audio source was leaked, which seems not to be too important.

But Beyoncé’s reminder is also necessary.

Link called Link Music President George Capal, Chief Operating Officer Bob Harrison, and Content Director Graeme Goodall respectively, and told them to pay attention to strengthening the company's network firewall to prevent hackers from taking advantage of the loopholes.

President Kapal said that the company has hired a network security company to upgrade the network firewall system and physically isolate the intranet from the Internet to prevent the leakage of important information in the music library.

Link Music has done a good job in protecting the copyright of its songs and the security of its music library.

Link also believed in the abilities of Capal and others. By the way, he asked them to warn several singers through their managers to pay attention to personal privacy security and try not to use their personal space to store private photos, especially the two female singers.

President Kapal said he understood.


"Honey, is there any interesting news? You've been reading the newspaper there for half an hour."

Hearing the shout, Link raised his head and saw Ivaca walking from the villa corridor carrying a basket of fruits and a book in her arms.

With long golden brown wavy hair and a silk printed dress, the mid-length skirt style reveals her fair and slender arms and round and sexy calves, which matches her plump and tall figure and rose-colored lips, making her look mature, sexy, elegant and charming.

This is just her daily outfit at home.

But for people with good figures, beautiful looks and high aesthetic standards, no matter how they dress or what makeup they put on, they look very high-end and can also show her beauty in different life states.

Link put down the magazine and looked at the beauty walking through the sunny garden. His heart beat a few beats uncontrollably. Although he had experienced many women, he still felt very surprised when he saw Evaka, and his body would also produce an irrepressible primitive impulse.

He also suddenly understood why some women could bring disaster to the country and the people, and Evaka was such a woman. If Evaka didn't object, he could hold her and sleep until noon every day.

"Hey, Miss Evaka, you are so beautiful!"

Under the awning by the swimming pool, Link blew a whistle and shouted.

"Thank you! Mr. Baker, you are handsome too."

Evaka chuckled.

"Haha, honey, we are at home, there are only two of us, why don't we wear bikinis?"

Link was only wearing shorts.

"No, I don't want to be dragged to play with you just after getting up."

Evaka rolled her eyes at him, put down the fruit basket in her hand, her voice was clear but with a hint of coquettishness, like Haagen-Dazs ice cream mixed with Feitian Moutai.

Link smiled lightly, took her hand and prepared to kiss her, but Evaka stuffed a strawberry into his mouth.

"Honey, have you seen Ryan Kavanaugh's latest speech?"

Evaka put away her skirt and lay on the bench side by side with him, with her slender legs gently together.

"Cavanaugh's speech at the International Film Forum?"

"Yes, do we have to respond?"

"Forget it, Lionsgate is not a listed company, and it doesn't need to use publicity and hype to attract investment. It doesn't matter if those false names are given to him."

Link said while eating fruit.

Last week, an international film forum was held in Seattle. Ryan Kavanaugh, president of Relativity Pictures, was invited to attend and exchanged his experience of investing in movies with the guests.

Kavanaugh mentioned Link many times in his speech. The first time was to explain his attitude towards movies. Profits are always greater than art. He also used three movies as examples.

The first one was "The Assassination of Jesse James Bond" starring Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck in 2007. The production cost was 15 million, the US box office was 3.9 million, and it was shortlisted for the Best Picture at the 2008 Oscars.

The second one was the comedy movie "Paul Miller" released in 2009. This movie was jointly produced by Sony Pictures and Relativity Pictures, with an investment of 26 million and a global box office of 180 million US dollars.

The third one was "The Scandal Project" produced by Palm Beach Pictures last year. The production cost was 8 million and the global box office was 170 million US dollars.

Kavanaugh waved his hand to the audience and said that he would always invest in movies like "Paul Miller" and "The Scandal Project", forever, instead of movies that Oscar likes, indicating that Link also has the same view.

Later, when promoting the big data model investment film theory, Kavanaugh said that Link had taken the initiative to learn this method from him in private and achieved amazing returns in the box office market.

His speech was then reprinted and reported by many media. Now there are many comments in the circle saying that the reason why Link's Palm Beach Pictures can bet on dark horses one after another is because he has learned Kavanaugh's movie big data investment theory.

It makes people mistakenly believe that the big sales of "The Gossip Project" and "Bridesmaids" are the credit of that investment theory.

Link does not intend to make any explanation for this.

The funds for Lionsgate Music and Palm Beach Pictures to produce movies mainly come from his own grants and film investment income. There is no need to use these false names to attract investment. He prefers to make a fortune quietly.

At the same time, Kavanaugh's words can also help him explain why the movies he invested in can sell well, which does not do much harm to him.

"Relativity Pictures has performed very well at the box office this year, which has also led to Kavanaugh's set having a good market in Hollywood. Now many filmmakers are learning this method. Honey, what do you think of his methodology?"

Eva Ka asked with a red cherry.

The best-performing movie of Relativity Pictures this year is Limitless, which was released in March and stars Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro and Anna Friel. It cost 27 million to produce and grossed 160 million dollars worldwide.

If it weren't for Bridesmaids by Palm Beach Pictures and The King's Speech by Weinstein Pictures, this movie would be the best-performing movie of independent production companies in the first half of 2011.

There are also several commercial movies that Relativity Pictures has collaborated with Universal, Sony and other film companies, which have also performed well at the box office.

This has also led to a significant increase in the influence of Relativity Pictures in the field of independent production, and this year it is expected to surpass Lionsgate and Weinstein Pictures and become the number one in the field of independent production.

"If it's a good thing, Kavanaugh wouldn't show it so generously. His method can be used as a reference, but it can't be relied on.

If Lionsgate wants to grow and develop, it should learn from the leaders in the industry, Disney, Universal, and Warner, which have become industry trusts through continuous expansion and mergers. Other theories are just small fights. Even if they can win for a while, they can't win forever."

Link said.

Evaka nodded slightly.

Ding Dong!

The phone received a WhatsApp message.

Link picked it up and read it. It was Taylor's reply. The first message said 'This message has been withdrawn', and the second message said 'Thank you'.

Link sighed to himself, shook his head, and continued reading the magazine.

"Is there a problem?"

Ivaca put down the professional book in her hand, looked at him and asked.


Link hesitated and said, "I just saw in the newspaper that Taylor won the Country Music Video of the Year Award. I sent a message to congratulate her. I didn't mean anything else."

"You don't need to explain, I won't misunderstand anything."

Ivaca said.

"All right."

Being a scumbag myself, Ivaca really doesn’t need to misunderstand anything, because they are all real.

One thing he is worried about now is whether to tell Ivaca that he and Taylor's child is still there?

If you don't tell, will it affect the relationship between the two after they get married in the future?

But if you say it directly, how will Ivaca react?

And Taylor wants to hide the existence of the child and reveal this matter to more people. Will she be angry if she finds out?

These are relatively difficult matters, and even if he is worth billions, they will not be easy to deal with.

"My dear, the news is right, you could have found a better man, not a playboy like me."

Link said.

Ivaca put down the book and smiled slightly.

"There is also news that you can find a better woman, not a woman who is a few years older than you. Do you think that is right?"

"Of course not. You are the best and most perfect partner in the world. You are the end of the world. There is no one else but you."

Link said looking at Iwaka's beautiful face.

"My dear, you are also the best and most perfect partner in the world. You are my only choice in life. There is no one else but you."

Ivaca hooked his finger and said softly.

Link looked into her eyes, put his arms around her soft waist, lowered his head and kissed her rose-colored lips.

Ivaca also put down the book, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him passionately.

Outside the awning, flowers were in bloom and the sun was shining brightly.

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