Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 451: Still Waters Run Deep

Beverly Hills, mid-level villa.

Taylor sat on the balcony, looking at the bustling Los Angeles city in the distance in a daze. His fair and delicate cheeks revealed some unconcealable tiredness.

She has been busy touring since March to promote her third album and held more than 30 concerts around the world. She did not have time to rest until the beginning of June. In addition to taking care of her children, she spends all her time these days. Recording songs in a recording studio.

Since breaking up with Link, she has reached a creative peak and gets new creative inspiration almost every day.

Last year, 173 songs were created, 35 of which were rated as A-level songs by the company's production department. A-level songs refer to songs that are of high quality and have a chance of entering the top 100 of the Billboard singles chart after release.

After giving birth to a child this year, my creative inspiration became even richer. In addition to themes such as love, life, broken love, work, and family, I also wrote many children's songs with the themes of "children" and "maternal love."

There are 43 songs rated A-level by the production department of Big Machine Company.

The work was recognized by the musicians in the production department. Taylor was very happy and felt that breaking up with Link was right.

When she was with Link, she couldn't write a song for ten days and a half, which often made her very distressed. Instead, Link, that bastard, would come up with a great song every now and then and show it off in front of her. , I feel very angry just thinking about it.

Sometimes she suspected that her inspiration was secretly sucked away by Link.

Although she has been a little uncomfortable in the past year after the breakup, and occasionally feels sad or lonely, she has turned them into creative inspiration.

Overall it's pretty good, especially after Alexander and Cynthia were born, it felt even better. Looking at these two chubby little guys every day makes my heart melt.

But she encountered something annoying in recent days. According to reports from Nashville Manor bodyguard Michelle, since last week, strangers often appeared around the manor, and there were also people with cameras taking pictures of the manor from a distance.

Rachel, the maid, also said that when she goes shopping during this period, she is often spied on and followed by strangers.

Those people have been more active in the past two days, and some people even tried to sneak into the manor disguised as cleaning staff.

Based on the above information, it is basically certain that the child's affairs may have been exposed, attracting paparazzi to follow up and investigate.

She had expected something like this before, but she didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

"Taylor, what are you going to do? I'm afraid it will be difficult to hide the child's affairs any longer."

Mrs. Andrea got off the car and looked up at Taylor on the balcony and asked.

She was busy working in the company, and hurried back after receiving Taylor's call.

"I have no idea."

Taylor shrugged miserably.

"You don't know? We all advised you not to do this at the beginning. You are a star, and you will definitely not be able to hide it for long. In fact, in February, many media doubted the authenticity of the matter, but you insisted on using that method. Hide children.

I thought you had already thought of a countermeasure, but now something happens, you tell me you don’t know? Why do you do that if you don’t know what to do? ! "

Mrs. Andrea looked at her with a straight face and an expression of hatred.

I used to think that Taylor was very smart and very opinionated since he was a child. I don't know how he could be so confused about this matter and not listen to any advice.

"Mom, stop shouting. Now is not the time to discuss right and wrong. We should think about how to solve this matter."

Taylor looked at Mrs. Andrea, and then at the executive agent Ms. Emily who was following.

"What else can we do? Of course we have to find Link. He is the father of the child. He cannot ignore this kind of thing."

Mrs. Andrea said with a cold face.

Emily also nodded, agreeing with Andrea's point of view.

Link is now a big shot, and his ability to withstand risks and solve problems is stronger. It would be very suitable to ask Link for help. In addition, Link never forgets Taylor and the child, and he will not refuse to help after knowing this.

"No, we can't go to Link!"


After hearing Taylor's objection, Mrs. Andrea asked in confusion.

Taylor frowned, spread his hands and said: "I chose to hide the child in the first place just to prevent Link from harassing me on the pretext of looking after the child. If I ask him for help, he will have a legitimate reason to come over to look after the child and intervene in my life. That way I Just lose."

Mrs. Andrea looked at her with a dark face, "You chose to hide the child just to avoid being harassed by Link?"

"Yes, Mom, you don't know how annoying Link is. If I give him a chance to come over and see the child, I will be controlled by him again, and I will even be dragged to the bed by him. Mom, don't think this is impossible, Lin Ke is more hateful and shameless than you know, and he is so controlling that he is insane.”

Taylor said, holding his white fists.

Mrs. Andrea was even more angry. She originally thought that Taylor hid the child to preserve her innocent idol persona. After discussing with the company president Scott Borchetta, she agreed to Taylor's proposal.

But in the end, Taylor's purpose for doing this turned out to be to vent his anger on Link.

"Then do you know that Link has already exchanged rings with Ivaca, and the next step is to get married. He will never harass you again, nor will he control you again. The two of you are strangers from now on, and it will never happen again. What’s the dispute, do you understand?”

cried Lady Andrea.

Taylor's eyes suddenly turned red, "Impossible! He just sent me a message, congratulating me on winning the Country Music Recording of the Year Award. He will never let me go. I know him. Don't think he and Evaka are very sweet. In fact, I am the person he loves the most. That's for sure."

To prove this point, Taylor took out his mobile phone and showed the message to Mrs. Andrea.

Seeing her like this, Mrs. Andrea felt heartbroken and helpless. How could a girl as outstanding and smart as Taylor treat a toxic love as a treasure that she couldn't give up, and take the love of a playboy seriously?

If she had known that Taylor would be like this, she would not let Taylor go diving at the beach in 2008.

"Taylor, I know Link still loves you, and you still love him, right? Then why did you break up with him in the first place? No matter how you persuaded him, you didn't listen. Link repeatedly came to you to get back together, but you didn't agree? Later, Link and Evaka got together, but you ignored it. What do you want to do?"

Mrs. Andrea asked in a slow tone.

"It feels good to be with Link, but it's so good that I always worry that I will get lost in that kind of life, willing to be an ordinary singer, a housewife trapped at home, gradually losing my creative inspiration, losing the motivation to pursue my dreams, and finally even losing my passion for life.

The future where I can see the end of my life at a glance makes me panic and even suffocate, so I must leave him, leave my comfort zone, pursue my dreams, and pursue my own life. It's good now. I won't regret it."

Taylor looked up at the blue sky, and a drop of clear tears quietly slipped from the corner of his eyes, disappearing in the bright sunshine of Los Angeles before reaching his temples.

Mrs. Andrea sighed softly. Although she couldn't fully understand Taylor's thoughts, she could understand some of her feelings.

Mrs. Andrea put her arm around her shoulders and said, "I understand you. I had this feeling before I married your father, but life after marriage is not as boring and dull as I imagined, and I am not a housewife in the suburbs of Nashville as I imagined.

The birth of you and Austin is the biggest surprise in my life. I followed you from Nashville to New York and Los Angeles. I have a satisfactory job and a complicated social circle. Seeing you and Austin grow up and become famous, I often gain a lot of honor and satisfaction.

These things are not what I could imagine when I got married. When you were twenty years old, you could not predict what would happen in the future, nor could you see the end at a glance, because each of us is the sea, with quiet waters and deep currents!"

Mrs. Andrea sighed as she looked at the calm Pacific Bay in the distance.

Looking at the sea from a distance, it is a mirror and a solidified blue gem, but when you are at the bottom of the sea, you will know how many waves are hidden under the calm sea surface.

Even a trivial whirlpool can make people tremble with fear, and even a bunch of inconspicuous corals can lead life to an unpredictable direction. Life is the same.

"Mom, what should I do now? Actually, I regretted it the moment I saw Alexander and Cynthia.

They are so beautiful, like little angels, they shouldn't live quietly in this world. This is a problem between Link and me. They shouldn't be made to bear the blame. It's unfair and cruel to them.

I also thought about exposing them and taking the initiative to admit my mistakes to the public, but I didn't have the courage to do so.

I was very nervous at first when I heard Michelle say that the children's affairs might be known by the media, but now I feel very relaxed. The children have been exposed, and I don't have to continue to cover up and worry about what to do if they are known by the media. They can also live in the world openly and let everyone know them.

I decided to hold a press conference and take the initiative to apologize to the public."

Taylor suddenly stood up and said.

"Don't be impulsive. Take your time with this kind of thing. First hold a meeting to discuss a safe countermeasure, and then slowly implement it. You are a public figure. If you don't handle this kind of thing well, it will have a great negative impact on you and the company.

Don't tell me you don't care. You don't care about making money, nor do you care about music? Don't care about the group of fans who have always liked and supported you?

Don't worry, this is just an ordinary crisis public relations. As long as it is handled properly, the negative impact can be minimized."

Mrs. Andrea persuaded.

Taylor thought about it and nodded his chin.

She is not alone now, but also the pillar of Big Machine Records. There are a large group of people around her who are busy with their own affairs. If this matter is not handled well, it will not only affect her career, but also her work, income and even family.

As for music, she has written so many good songs in the past two years and has not had time to share them with fans. It would be a pity if she can't release a new album because of this incident.

Ding Dong!

The phone rang, but Taylor ignored it and told Mrs. Andrea to come up with a solution as soon as possible. Michelle could only delay for a week at most. If the media exposed her for too long and then admitted it, the impact would be worse.

Mrs. Andrea nodded and agreed reluctantly. She was really helpless.

Because she was not only Taylor's mother, but also Taylor's general agent and a shareholder of Big Machine Records.

Two years ago, she followed Link's advice and spent one million US dollars to buy 8% of Big Machine Records. Counting the 5% that Big Machine Records sold at half price in 2006, she now holds 13% of Big Machine Records.

Now Taylor is the pillar of Big Machine Records. Her rise and fall, honor and disgrace are closely related to the company, and also to whether her investment will go down the drain.

She also had to take on more responsibility in this matter.

"When you receive a message and you have time to reply, try to reply. Don't make people think you are arrogant and difficult to deal with."

Mrs. Andrea warned before leaving.


Taylor kissed Mrs. Andrea on the cheek, picked up the phone, sat back on the chair and took a look, and found that it was a message from Link.

Now she would be very angry when she saw this bastard's name. If he hadn't done such a hateful thing while she was too excited before she woke up, she wouldn't be as troubled as she is now.


Without Link, there would be no Alexander and Cynthia.

Thinking of this, Taylor curled his lips helplessly, opened the fruit phone and took a look.

Link sent a message asking, where? Are Alexander and Cynthia okay?

"What does it have to do with you? Alexander and Cynthia are my children."

After writing it, Taylor read it again, deleted it, and re-wrote: They are fine and you don’t need to worry.

Send after writing.

Ding dong!

I received a message from Link soon.

Taylor raised the corners of her lips with satisfaction and clicked on the message.

Link said: It feels bad to hide the child like this. You are a public figure, and paparazzi often stare at you. As time goes by, the child's affairs will definitely be exposed, and it will have a greater impact on you.

In addition, children will grow up. When they grow up, they find that they are non-existent people. This will affect their mental health and they may hate us.

This is not good. We should recognize the mistake and correct it as soon as possible while the matter can be undone. What is your opinion?

Seeing the sentence 'The children will hate us', Taylor couldn't help but his eyes turned red again. He pressed down the alphabet and said: This is all your fault. It's all your fault, you bastard. You are the most hateful man in the world.

"Yes, it was my fault. I want to correct it now. Can you give me a chance?"

Link asked.

Tyler wiped away tears in exasperation.

I don’t know why, but I always cry easily after giving birth.

She snorted coldly and sent a message asking: "Do you know anything? Did you arrange those people outside the manor? Bastard, I don't let you see the child, so you come to rob it?"

"Someone robbed the child? When did it happen? Is the child okay?"

Link asked.

"Didn't you arrange those people?"

"No, I heard in February that you had an accident and the child was gone. I didn't believe it. Afterwards, I arranged for detectives to investigate the situation and got some news that the child was indeed fine.

After knowing that the child was fine, I no longer arranged for anyone to investigate so as not to disturb the child.

Later I sent a message to ask Anne, and Anne was forced to tell me that the child was fine and told me not to worry. Later I sent a message asking Anne if I could see the child, but you tricked me into going to Switzerland.

What do you mean by kidnapping a child? Is anyone here to snatch Alexander and Cynthia? "

Link asked.

Taylor couldn't help but wrinkled his nose when he saw what he said about being tricked by her into going to Switzerland. He didn't see the obvious flaw in Villa 13. It was because he was too stupid, not because he had deceived him.

"No one snatched the children, but Michelle, the bodyguard at the manor, said that recently some strangers came outside the manor, always watching the manor. The children's nanny was also followed when she went out. I think the child's affairs should be exposed. "

Taylor said.

"What are you going to do? How about we talk in person?"


Taylor deleted 'no' and replaced it with 'inconvenient', and continued to write the message: "Let's talk like this. I'm going to disclose the existence of Alexander and Cynthia. Anne has already arranged to go."

"Is this likely to affect your career?"

Link said.

"I do not mind!"

Taylor snapped out the typed sentence and sent it over.

"Is there anything I can do? Don't worry. Although I also want to take Alexander and Cynthia with me personally, I know they are more important to you. I won't compete with you. I just hope I can do something."

Link said.

"Hmph! You don't have to worry about your butt if you do this, you know?"

Taylor deleted the big butt, changed it to 'your fiancée', and then changed it to 'Ivaka' and sent it.

"Actually, Ivaca already knows about this, and she also thinks that I should do something. She also said that you are relatively young and it is difficult for one person to handle such a thing. It would be better for one more person to take responsibility."

Link said.

"Yes, Ivaca is so kind and considerate. Congratulations on finding a good woman."

After I finished writing it, I read it over. I was originally going to delete it and change it to 'I don't need your help', but my ring finger accidentally touched it and sent it, and then it showed that it was sent successfully.

Taylor patted the bangs on his forehead, and then clicked to block Link's account, not wanting to listen to his ramblings anymore.

But after a few minutes the phone rang.

Taylor took the phone and took a look. It was Ivaca's phone number. She blinked her blue eyes,

"What's your business?"

"Tyler, I think we need to talk."

Ivaca's charming and cold voice came from the phone.

Although it was not the first time he heard it, every time he heard it, Taylor would be surprised how a woman could practice so well that she could combine a coquettish voice with a serious tone.

Not only a scumbag like Link would find this kind of voice alluring, but even a woman like her would find it tempting to hear it.

"What are you talking about? You stole Link, and you want to steal my child? I tell you, it's impossible!"

Taylor said in a voice that was no weaker than Ivaca's.

A chuckle came from the phone, "Children, I can give birth to three, four, and five, there is no need to snatch yours. Taylor, we are not enemies, never have been, because we both love Link, we should be friends." "

"I don't love him!"

Taylor said.

"No matter what, there is one thing you must admit.

If you are prepared to publicly acknowledge the existence of two children, you will be under great pressure and encounter great difficulties in the coming period.

If you want your career not to be affected and the growth of your two children not to be interfered with by the outside world, it is best to have more allies at this time.

Link and I are both natural allies for you and your children. Let's talk together and find ways to deal with this matter to make things simpler and minimize the impact on your children. What do you think? "

Ivaca said slowly.

"What is your purpose for doing this? As far as I know, you are not a woman with random kindness. Everything you do is very utilitarian. What do you want to get from this?"

Taylor asked coolly.

Evaka sighed leisurely on the phone,

"Tyler, how about we talk about these things in person. The phone is actually the biggest obstacle for us to achieve effective communication. Only if we say some things in person can I understand them clearly and you can understand them. We don't need to be suspicious of each other across dozens of kilometers." "


Taylor agreed and immediately received the address from Evaka. It was a cafe near Rodeo Drive in Beverly. She had been to it several times and it was relatively high-end.

Taylor thought for a moment and sent a message saying don't bring Link here, I'd be annoyed when he saw him.

Iwaka replied ‘OK, I’m annoying him too’.

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