In the boxing ring, after a series of attacks, Peters' physical strength was exhausted, and the offensive rhythm gradually slowed down, and he began to engage in defensive counterattacks.

Link glanced at the timer on the sidelines. There were less than 30 seconds left before the end of the third round, and he couldn't wait any longer.

If the game has ten rounds, you can induce Peters to attack for four or five rounds, maximizing his energy consumption, and then take advantage of the opponent's weakness to launch an attack. This is the best way.

But this amateur competition only has four rounds, so time waits for no one.

Seeing Peters who was sweating profusely, Link raised his fists and decided to launch a counterattack.

His fists continuously impacted Peters's arms defense, the situation was very similar to the first round.

The difference is that after one and a half rounds of fierce attacks, Peters was very exhausted, and his arms were no longer as flexible as they were in the first round when doing pick-and-roll defensive actions.

Even in the first round, under Peters' tight defense, Link was still able to hit the opponent's ribs with two punches. How could he miss now?


Link hit the opponent's right rib with a straight right punch. This punch was at least 1,000 pounds. Peters grunted when he was hit, and his arms dropped to protect his abdomen.

good chance!

Link saw the opportunity and hit Peters with a right uppercut on his mandible. Peters groaned after being hit, took a step back, hit the fence, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding.


The audience in the audience exclaimed again.

Link chased after him and pinned Peters's arm with his left arm. Taking advantage of his height and arm length, he hit Peters' forehead and cheeks with three heavy punches from the top of his head, like a strike of iron.

Bang bang bang!

He forced Peters to be unable to move in the corner, so he could only use hug tactics, hold his arms, and sneak attack his ribs with fists.


The referee rushed to separate the two men.

The game started again, Link only landed one punch, and the bell sounded to end the third round.

"Link, there is only one round left. It is unrealistic to KO Peters. This round is mainly about scoring points."

Coach Ed warned.

Link nodded, held a bottle of water in his fist, poured it all over his body, and asked Morales to wipe it with a towel.

Opposite corner.

Calvin Peters' coach is also giving him tactics.

"Calvin, you have interrupted Link's plan to enter the Olympics with all KOs. You have done a great job. In the first three rounds, your and Link's scores were roughly the same. With one round left, you should defend first and then find opportunities to counterattack. Link, try to score some points on him and stabilize the victory! "

Peters' coach said.

Peters nodded and spat bloody spit.

The fourth round begins.

There are only 120 seconds left before the end of the game. Within these 120 seconds, Link can punch up to 120 punches. How can he KO Peters with 120 punches?

Link's method is to win by surprise.

After the game started, his fists hit Peters's arms desperately. He used ten punches to break through Peters' defense again. His fists aimed at Peters' mandible and hit him with a right. He punched him hard with his fist.


Peters made a cracking sound in his mouth. When he raised his head, his chin tilted slightly to the left and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.


Peters cursed angrily.

Link glanced at the opponent and had no time to care about the opponent's injuries. He raised his fist and continued to attack the opponent's face, focusing on the mandible.

Peters lowered his head and covered the injury to his chin with his arm.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Link took advantage of his height and long arms to swing his fists and hit Peters on the head with one punch after another. According to this kind of punch weight, no one in the Golden Gloves Championship could resist. Even Morales can’t live there.

But Peters resisted.

Link glanced at the opponent's bleeding chin and was a little impressed, so he struck harder.

He swung his fist and hit Peters. Peters tightly protected his head with his arms and kept stepping back, giving him no chance to hit his face or mandible. If he continued like this, he would hit another hundred punches. There is no way to knock down the opponent, let alone knock him down completely.

Link raised his brows and suddenly punched the air. His body staggered and his back hit the rope.

The audience let out a cry of surprise.

Peters was overjoyed, roared angrily, and hit him on the head with his fist.

Link's eyes lit up and he tilted his head to avoid Peters' fist. Peters' strengths were his physique and willpower, while his weaknesses were his speed and reaction ability.


Someone yelled from under the ring.

Peters didn't react at all, he only heard a burst of sound coming from the air.


Link's throw-back punch came first, hitting Peters' mandible firmly and hard.


Peters screamed in pain, his mandible tilted sharply to the left, and when his mouth tilted, he opened it unconsciously, spitting out a bloody brace.

Peters staggered a few steps, grabbed the rope when he was about to fall, and fell to his knees in the ring.

There was an exclamation from the scene. ‘The Rock’ Peters claimed to have never been knocked down, but this time he was knocked down by Link and knelt in the ring.


The referee stopped the game, and two doctors came on stage to check on Peters' mandibular injury. They said that his mandible was dislocated and there were severe lacerations inside the mouth and at the corners of his mouth. They recommended that the game be stopped immediately.

Peters chose to continue.

There are 52 seconds left in the game.

Link swung his fist and hit Peters' head. Peters protected his mandible and kept backing up, but his speed was far inferior to Link. Link chased him and hit his opponent's ribs with a feint. Peters was hit so hard that his center of gravity sank.

Link seized the opportunity and threw a sharp jab through the opponent's defense and accurately hit Peters' torn mandible.


Peters screamed in pain and retreated to the corner with his chin covered.


The referee shouted while pulling his arm.

Link raised his fists and took three steps back.

There were 32 seconds left.

The doctor examined Peters' mandible and said that the mandible was severely displaced and the inner wall of the mouth was severely torn. He suggested stopping the game immediately.

Peters spit out blood and looked at Link angrily, mumbling that he would continue the game and would never let anyone get a KO on him.

Link nodded at the opponent and did not intend to give up KOing the opponent.

After the match started, he took advantage of Peters' dizziness and used a swing punch to break his opponent's defense, followed by a tricky right jab, piercing Peters' arm and hitting his jaw accurately again.


Peters screamed in pain, took a step back with his arms protecting his chin, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Link, who had seen many bloody scenes, did not blink.

12 seconds, seeing that the time was about to run out, he followed closely, broke the opponent's defense with a left straight punch, and swung his right swing punch fiercely.


"We admit defeat!"

In the audience, Peters' coach shouted and threw a white towel to the ring.


The referee also hugged Link, who was red-eyed, with both hands, and shouted to him to stop, saying that he had won and stopped fighting.

Link put down his fist, exhaled slowly, and smiled gently at the audience.


"Link won!"

The American boxing team members cheered loudly.

Link's body swayed, and he leaned against the ropes to breathe heavily, and his arm muscles were shaking violently.

This match was too difficult. The opponent's body and willpower were quite tenacious. If he hadn't injured Peters' chin and then aggravated his injury, it would have been almost impossible to knock out the opponent in this match.

But he still won, TKO is also KO.

Link wiped the sweat off his arm and raised his fist to the audience.

"He actually won? And got a KO?"

Rosnier looked at Savon and Aragorn in shock.

"He is stronger than any of us thought, Aragorn, you have to be careful."

Savon exclaimed with a camera.

Aragorn looked at Link on the boxing ring, clenched his fist, and his face was full of fighting spirit.

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