Before taking the stage, Link had asked himself many times in his mind whether he could defeat Lorenzo Aragon if he met him before the Golden Glove. The answer was no.

At that time, even though he had rich competition experience, he was far inferior to Aragorn in terms of physical condition and boxing skills.

According to his current growth rate, the gap between his physical condition and Aragorn's is about two years.

Link also asked himself whether he could defeat Aragorn if he met him in the Golden Gloves Finals, and the answer was no.

Aragon is much better than Andre Berto. He has won the world championship boxing championship and the Olympic silver medal in the 69kg category. He is an extremely good boxer in all aspects. He is better than himself, who has only resumed training for two months. too much.

If you meet him on the Golden Glove, you will definitely lose.

But now Link is confident in defeating Aragorn. This confidence is not Ah Q's spirit or a metaphysical thing, but a real feeling.

This feeling was accumulated bit by bit in this qualifying competition.

In the first qualifying round, he relied on his powerful punches and superb skills to defeat and KO the Mexican warrior Matias Ezekiel Vargas Martin.

In the second round of qualifying, he relied on his airtight offensive rhythm and strong resilience to defeat and KO the extremely tenacious Canadian boxer Dennis Urs.

In the third round of qualifying, with his keen judgment and rich game experience, he discovered the injury of his opponent Rossnier in time, found his flaw, and forced the opponent to give up the game early.

In the fourth round, facing Peters, who had extremely high resistance and strong defense, he used his fierce fists to break the opponent's jaw and cut a hole in the opponent's iron wall, forcing the opponent to surrender.

In these four rounds of competition, I used my own advantages and specialties to successfully defeat my opponents without much chance of winning. These victories have greatly improved my mentality and self-confidence.

This process is growth.

Compared with constant exercise, the growth of strength and speed, the growth of mentality and belief are also very important for boxers.

Because of the continuous victory and the continuous accumulation of mentality, Link also gave Link the courage to face his opponent Lorenzo Aragon in the boxing ring and the belief to defeat the opponent.

Link looked at Aragorn opposite him and chuckled: "Aragorn, are you nervous?"

Aragorn opened his black and white eyes, "You should be the one who is nervous. Don't forget that this is Cuba, my home ground."

"No, no, I think you must be more nervous than me at this time. After all, you are going to face a man who has knocked out all his opponents, including Peters, who almost tied with me, so you should be very nervous."

"Hmph! Ridiculous!"

Aragorn moved his nose disdainfully.

Link smiled and said: "Except for this, look at the surrounding auditorium. More than 10,000 Cuban people came to support you with their national flags. How they hope you can defeat the Yankee in Havana and keep the American championship title in Cuba. , if you do it, you will become a hero in the hearts of the Cuban people. If you fail to do it, you know the consequences better than me.

So this time you must not fail, you must win, and you cannot disappoint those who support you, but your opponent is a very powerful guy, and you are not 100% confident in defeating him. You are afraid of failure, afraid Are you nervous about disappointing everyone? "

Link said slowly.

Aragorn opened his eyes and stared at him, his fists clenched unconsciously, and the muscles in his body tightened unconsciously.

"Look! I guessed it right, didn't I? You get nervous, your mentality starts to change, and your mind starts to think wildly. If I guess it right, you will lose this game. The skill of a master often depends not on boxing, but on mentality. Your heart is already in chaos, how can you defeat me?"

"Shut up!"

Aragorn gritted his teeth and said.

"Aragorn, do not listen to him, do not be misled by his words."

Savon yelled from outside the ring.

Link smiled softly, "Sorry Aragorn, if it were abroad, you might beat me, but in Cuba, you carry too many people's hopes and burdens, and you will definitely lose this game."

"You are wrong. I will definitely beat you. I must get at least 30 points from you."

Aragorn gritted his teeth and said firmly.

"Good luck!"

Link nodded.

Seeing Aragorn on the opposite side, Link couldn't help but think of the former Oriental flying man who could create amazing results abroad, but he couldn't even start normally at home, not only because of his leg injury, but also because of his injuries at the start. There are too many expectations and burdens, too much pressure, how can I fly.

But it doesn't mean that Aragorn is really doomed to lose this game and that he is sure to win. This is just a psychological tactic: to suppress the opponent's confidence indefinitely and undermine the opponent's fighting spirit.

Whether in the boxing ring or on the battlefield, the effect of this tactic is sometimes more brilliant than the victory achieved on the frontal battlefield.

Naturally, Link would not think that he would win just because of Aragorn's anger and nervousness. If he dared to think so, he would definitely lose. After all, Aragorn was a person who had experienced many competitions. At this time, he How nervous are you? Are you really nervous or are you pretending to lure the enemy?

Before there is a game, you cannot make a hasty judgment based on the opponent's expression.

What you can do is, no matter what state the opponent is in, you must go all out, fight the lion against the rabbit, and win the game cleanly.

‘Come on Link! ’

Link clenched his fists.

The referee came over, checked the two men’s equipment, and announced the rules of the game.

“Aragon will win!”

“Aragon champion!”

The audience shouted loudly, and the cheers were deafening.

“Come on Link!”

Compared with the cheers for Aragon, this voice seemed more monotonous and loose.

“Guys, try harder and make louder sounds, how about that?”

On the second-floor stands, Fatty James waved a flag and shouted.

“No, I’ve been shouting for so long, my throat is about to smoke, let’s take a break.”

Daniel sat down, took a bottle of mineral water, and gulped it down.

“James, Link just needs to know that we are here to support him, there is no need to shout so loudly, and there are more than 10,000 Cubans here, with more than 100 of us, how can we shout louder than them.”

Michael slumped in a chair, fanning himself with his sun hat.

The others were similar. They shouted dozens of times at the Cuban audience. Their mouths were dry, their voices were hoarse, and they didn't have much energy to shout anymore.

"Well, this is all we can do. The rest depends on Link."

James frowned and looked at the ring and said.

"Don't worry, Link will definitely win."

Franco Duva also smiled at the ring.


"Catherine, do you think Link can win?"

On the first floor of the audience, Selena Gomez took a few photos of Link on the stage and turned to look at her aunt, Ms. Catherine Baker, who was talking to Anna.

"Yes, he has an amateur record of 21 wins and 21 losses, and has never lost."

Catherine looked at the ring and said.

"That's not necessarily true. Look here, there are all Cuban spectators. More than 10,000 people are cheering for Aragon. When Link hears their shouts, he will be under great pressure. He will definitely lose. Oh, poor Link, I hope he won't cry after he loses."

Selena Gomez looked at the tall and strong boy on the camera screen and secretly exclaimed in her heart that it was incredible. After just a few years, how could this guy become so handsome? His cheek contours were like those carved by a knife and an axe, and he even had six-pack abs. Is this guy really her unreliable gangster cousin?

"Link will never cry."

Hearing someone talking next to her, Selena turned her head to the left. The person who was talking was a young girl in the next seat.

Wearing a printed T-shirt, ripped jeans, a white baseball cap, and golden hair tied into a refreshing ponytail, she had fair and tender skin, a healthy pink on her cheeks, a fur bracelet on her wrist, and the temperament of an artistic young woman.

What made Selina frown even more was that the girl had a pair of slender and round long legs, and was about 180cm tall, much taller than her. If she wanted to hit her forehead, she could just reach out and hit it. Selina has never liked girls taller than her.

"How do you know?"

"Link is a strong boy. Not only will he not cry, he will also defeat Aragorn and become the champion of the Americas and the world!"

Taylor said with a fist.

Selina blinked her big eyes and understood a little bit. This girl must be a die-hard fan of her cousin.

After not seeing each other for a few years, even Link has fans. It feels amazing.

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