Work it make it do it

Go ahead, let it go

Makes us longer better faster stronger

Let’s be longer, better, faster and stronger

N-n-now th-that don't kill me

That won't kill me it will just make me stronger

At night, in the Pink Lover Bar, the lights flickered on and off, the music was loud, and hundreds of men and women swayed on the dance floor to the rhythm of the music and screamed.

The smell of alcohol, perfume, and marijuana mixed with it made the people in the bar even more crazy and debauched.

Link sat in a booth at the corner, quietly looking at the commotion on the dance floor. There was only a glass of pure water on the table.

Maybe it's because he often competes in the boxing ring and is watched by thousands of people. After stepping down from the stage, every time he goes to a busy place, he always likes to sit in a quiet corner and quietly watch other people's excitement.

At this time, he could feel his inner peace, as well as the relaxation and comfort this peace brought.

"Hey Link, come to your senses!"

Daniel from the hot dog shop came over and shouted at him, "You can't be like this. Today is your treat, and you are sitting here drinking mineral water?! Oh, what the hell, are you a Puritan?"

"No, I'm an athlete, Daniel."

Link reminded.

"But you are still a man. There is such a hot girl here, but you are sitting here alone? James is right, you have changed so much after your injury. Not only did you start working out and boxing, but you also gave up marijuana and alcohol. Have you ever met an angel in heaven and been purified?"


Link smiled as he held up his water glass.

"Hey Daniel, leave him alone."

Fat James also squeezed through the crowd with a fat girl, wearing a large printed T-shirt, like a dust cloth covering the sculpture, and a baseball cap with gold letters on his head, shouting: "He To participate in the Olympics, you can’t even drink juice. As for picking up girls, he has Taylor and Emma Watson, all of whom are celebrities. You think he would be interested in ordinary girls.”

"Okay, I get it, Link, you're so cool."

Daniel shook his fist at him and walked onto the dance floor with the girl in his arms, twisting like a waterweed.

James pulled the fat girl behind him, hesitated and said, "Link, this is Brenda. She is your boxing fan. Can you give her an autograph?"

"No problem! Hello Brenda!"

Link took a signature pen and wrote a signature for the nervous girl, along with a blessing.

The girl happily took the signature and followed James away. When he left, James turned around and winked at him proudly, like a fat man who had stolen something.

Link smiled softly. After he became famous, Daniel and Michael often used his name to pick up girls. Now even James has learned it, and he has to say that it feels good to be famous.

Ding dong!

A text message was received on the phone, which was from the nominal mother Catherine.

"I just saw the news about your signing on the news. You are doing a great job. Keep up the good work."

"thanks, I will."

Link replied, but then he was bombarded with several text messages. It was a message from his cheap cousin Selena Gomez, saying that he had signed a contract, asking him to treat him to seafood, and asking him when he would come to New York. Does she have a girlfriend? She knows many beautiful girls that she can introduce to him.

He also advised him not to hang out with those bad girls, saying that those girls only valued his money and fame and did not really like him.

Link read it over. The first few were Selina's tone of voice, and the latter were probably paraphrasing Catherine's words.

He chose to reply to a few messages, saying that he knew and inviting her to come to Miami when she had time.

"Verano, I'm at the bar. Yes, it's very noisy here. Our crew is gathering here. I understand, I won't get drunk."

While I was sending a message, a tall girl walked over while talking on the phone. She was wearing blue denim hot pants and silver short-heeled leather sandals. She was nearly 1.8 meters tall and had a curvy front and back. She was a very hot girl.

After the girl made the call, she sat down next to him, took off her shoes and rubbed her ankles and calves. Suddenly she noticed Link on the seat, and quickly sat up and said, "Sorry sir, I didn't notice you."

"It's okay, I'm here to make a call too."

Link shook his phone and said.

The girl nodded, hesitated, and continued to sit on the sofa. She just put her shoes back on, glanced at him and said, "Sir, you look familiar."

Link also found that the other person looked familiar. He was in his early twenties, with long brown chestnut hair, wheat-colored skin, and a tough facial profile, with some characteristics of a Middle Eastern woman, like the future Wonder Woman Gal Gadot.

I remembered that the newspaper said that "Fast and Furious 4" is currently being filmed at the Hollywood Studios in Miami. The name of Miss Israel Gal Gadot, who has just debuted, is also on the cast list of this movie. It is possible that the other party is Gal Gadot. Sex is great.

"Fast and Furious 4" should be the debut work of the talent.

"My name is Link Baker. I wonder if you have heard of this name."

Link took the initiative to introduce himself.

"Wow, I remembered."

The girl covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Link Baker, boxing champion, future world boxing champion, multi-millionaire, the representative of the American dream, right? There has been a lot of news about you in the newspapers recently."

"Yes, but world boxing champion, representative of the American dream, etc. are all exaggerations. You know, media promotion needs gimmicks."

Link shrugged and smiled.

After qualifying, local newspapers in Florida and Miami praised him and gave him many fancy titles.

In addition, after signing the contract, Dynasty Promotion Company also began to promote him. In recent days, his name has been in the news frequently, and his popularity has greatly increased. It is said that even the homeless people picking up trash on Miami Beach know Link Baker.

"Mr. Baker, when I read the newspaper, I thought it was a bit exaggerated, but when I saw you in person, I thought they were right. You look like a very powerful person."

Gal Gadot blinked, her brown hair hanging down, looking at him sideways and smiling.

"Why do you say that?" Link smiled.

Gal Gadot's eyes moved around his angular face, pointed to the water glass on the table, and said with a smile: "It can be seen that you are a very self-disciplined person, and your tone of voice is also very low-key and humble. You are gentle and polite, and you are more handsome and steady than in the photo. I think you must be a very powerful person.”

Link smiled and felt that it was not unreasonable for a foreign woman to make a career in Hollywood in the future. At least she spoke well and judged people accurately.

"Thank you. Your appearance is also outstanding. Are you a model?"

"No, well, I have also worked as an advertising model, but now I am an actor. My name is Gal Gadot. You can call me Gal."

Gal Gadot introduced herself.

Link reached out to shake her hand, called the waiter, and ordered a Pink Lover Cocktail for Gal Gadot, which is the signature of the Pink Lover Bar.

"Link, are you here alone?"

"No, I'm throwing a party here today, and I invited most of the people on the dance floor."

Link said looking towards the lively and crowded dance floor.

Gal Gadot was a little surprised to hear his words. As the host of the party, she was left alone at the party?

Link didn't explain much and asked about the crew of the other party. Gal Gadot also started chatting enthusiastically. Her phone rang twice in the middle. She glanced at it and hung up again, and continued to tell him about the crew of "The Fast and the Furious". things inside.

I need you to hurry up now

Cause i can't wait much longer

I know i got to be right now

Noisy music came from all directions again, and the smell of marijuana spirits and hormones became stronger. Link looked at his watch. At 7:20 in the evening, it was almost time to rest. He stretched out his hand to invite: "Miss Gale , do you want to dance together?”

"All right!"

Gal Gadot smiled slightly, took his arm and stood up from the sofa.

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