Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 91: Want to Wear the Crown

After Link's speech at Madison Garden Arena was released by the media, it was like dropping a bomb, and the entire boxing world was shocked.

After the Olympics, Link's fame has already broken through geographical restrictions and spread to the world boxing world. Many people know him.

After hearing that he had switched to professional boxing, everyone paid close attention to his game and wanted to see the performance of this Olympic champion.

After everyone got up, they opened the newspaper to see how Link would fare in his debut, but instead they saw news like this.

The headline on the front page of the New York Post was ‘Olympic champion Link Baker once again made wild claims that he would sweep all his opponents within 100 seconds’.

The subtitle is ‘He doesn’t think former world boxing champions Mikkel Kessler, Lucien Bute, Andre Ward, or even Joe Calzaghe can last 100 seconds in his hands’.

The headline on the front page of "USA Today" is, 'Link issues KO warning to the world'; the subtitle is 'Link warns all super middleweight boxers in the world, hoping they will give up the game and stop competing with him for the gold belt. Otherwise he'll KO them all'.

The headline of the sports section of the American Express is 'Why did Joe Calzaghe suddenly announce that he gave up all his belts? Link Baker says it’s because of him’

The subtitle is 'Link believes the best tribute to Joe Calzaghe is to beat him in the game and express his regret that Joe announced that he would give up the belt'.

Everyone is a little confused when they see these news headlines.

Why beat everyone in 100 seconds?

What scared Calzaghe to give up his belt?

What KO the world?

Is Link crazy?

Everyone just wants to see how Link's game goes, whether he wins or loses, and which round he wins.

Why are the newspapers full of these news?

Is it a gimmick or a fact?

Everyone opened the newspaper and eagerly read the following news content. At first, they thought it was a trick of the newspaper and used this headline to attract readers' attention.

But after reading the content, I found that it was not the case at all.

Those titles could only show one side of Link's speech, and the content of his speech was more eye-catching than the titles.

This news is so sensational.

In less than a day, it was reprinted and reported by several large newspapers in Europe and Asia, including Germany's "Bild", the British "Guardian" and "The Times", France's "Le Monde", Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun", etc.

Several media reporters interviewed several named parties over the phone.

Joe Calzaghe said Link's statement was interesting, but not true. The reason he announced he was giving up the belt was because he wanted to focus on the light heavyweight division, not because of Link.

The Times reporter asked Joe Calzaghe whether he would fight if Link challenged him in the future.

Joe Calzaghe said he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

The reporter then asked Calzaghe what he thought of Link's statement that he should defeat all opponents at the same level within 100 seconds.

Calzaghe laughed and said it was funny, but he didn't think Link could do it or anyone could do it.

A reporter from "Le Monde" also interviewed former boxing champion Mikkel Kessler, who is currently among the top three super middleweights in the WBA organization and has the best hope of regaining the WBA gold belt, and asked him what he thought about Link's threat to fight in 100 seconds. Defeat all opponents of the same level within a short period of time and dominate the super middleweight class?

Mikol said, "Linkback? I know that guy, he fought well in the Olympics, but this is a professional boxing world, and he thinks everything is too simple."

A reporter from "Le Monde" asked Mikol if they could meet in the future, would he be confident that he could defeat Link?

Mikol shrugged his shoulders and said: "He wants to fight me? First he has to defeat Andre Ward, Jermaine Taylor, and Jean Pascal and win the American gold belt before he can be qualified to fight with me. I will fight. If he is lucky enough to get this qualification, I will definitely teach him how to speak with my fists."

Other media reporters also interviewed Armenian boxing champion Arthur Abraham, British Carl French, American Andre Ward and others.

These people also have hot tempers. When they heard that Link claimed to defeat them in 100 seconds, they were all irritated. They said that Link was a talker and only talked big words. If they could meet him in the game, they would definitely win. He will give him a hard lesson with his fists and teach him how to be a low-key person.

"Look, Link, look at this newspaper, this one, this one, Mikol, Andrei, Calzaghe, Pascal, all of them are pissed off by you."

In the car, Dino Dua shook the newspaper in his hand and said.

"so what?"

"How about it?!"

Dino was stunned for a moment, "Link, you have angered everyone, and everyone will be your enemy next. Do you know that you are an enemy of the whole world?"

Link shook his head, "What is the purpose of our game?"

"Seize the golden belt!"

Dino said.

"Yes, since I want to be the king in the boxing world, these people will be our opponents sooner or later, sooner or later, does it make any difference? I will not offend them and be polite to them, will they bow to me? "

Link asked.

Dinodua opened his mouth and said this, but that was not what happened.

A normal person's idea is that if you want to offend people, it's best to offend them one by one, and then eliminate them one by one, defeating them one by one. How can you be as reckless as Link, who offends his peers all over the world with his words? Be the enemy of the whole world.

This guy is definitely not in his right mind.

"Don't you feel a lot of pressure?"

Dino really wanted to take a microphone to interview him.

Hearing this question, Link suddenly remembered a famous saying, which seemed to be very suitable for his current situation, so he pretended to sigh deeply: "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight!"

Swish! Everyone in the nanny car looked at him in unison, thinking that he should not be a boxer, but a philosopher.

"Link, this sentence is great. When you have time, teach me how to speak as coolly as you."

Morales grinned with white teeth.

"Do you want to be beaten to death?"

Dino asked with a squint.

Morales opened his mouth. Well, it is really too risky to speak like Link, and not everyone can say that.

Link shook his head. The reason why he said this and made bold statements to the reporters was not to pretend to be cool or to make big news. He just wanted to push himself.

After coming to New York recently, or becoming a multi-millionaire and Olympic champion, he found that he was a little slack, and began to have distracting thoughts in his mind. When practicing boxing, he would inexplicably think of women, want to put down training and hang out with women, and sometimes couldn't sleep at night.

Before the Olympics, this situation rarely happened.

After thinking about it, it is probably because after the Olympics, he achieved some results and made some money, and the pressure on his body was reduced, and the motivation was also reduced. The tense mind and body unconsciously relaxed.

This is not a good phenomenon.

In order to solve this problem, he is ready to add some pressure to himself.

Since the opponents in the qualifying rounds are too weak to bring pressure to himself, he came up with this idea of ​​provoking everyone, burning his boats and fighting with his back to the water. Either he can defeat everyone in 100 seconds, or he will lose face.

If you don't want to lose face, you can only train hard, compete hard, and cherish every second on the stage as your dignity and honor. If you exceed 100 seconds, you will lose face.

So if you want to succeed, you must first learn to dig a hole for yourself.

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