Chapter 034 New Company

When Lear returns to Vigo's safe house, the only people in the room are Marianne and Perkins, who have just woken up and are eating Chinese food.

Ette was nowhere to be seen.

"What about the others?"

Lear had no doubt that Ette had absconded, but only asked the fox.

In fact, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and Ete had been busy all morning.

But for financial people, such busyness is simply too ordinary, and people without a little energy have long been eliminated by the financial industry.

Although Lear is a company, it is clear that what he is doing now is finance.

Finance and accounting are complementary and closely linked.

Ete was also running fast, and Lear ignored him, just made it to the table and began to eat takeout.

He didn't eat much at the Continental Hotel in Winston, mainly because he was too lazy to entangle with Winston, so he disappeared directly into the Continental Hotel.

While eating pizza hot in the microwave, he said to Marianne: "When you go back, you should be promoted and raised, the godfather of the Kemora family owes me a favor, Winston also owes me a favor, as the only person who can contact me, your position and importance should be promoted."

Lear's words left Marianne stunned, and others couldn't understand it, especially Perkins.

She prides herself as the number three person in the Lear Group, why did Marianne rely on Lear in the Continental Hotel and was promoted?!

She suddenly became envious and jealous.

Now Lear's salary is very high, but there are not many ways to get promoted, and he can only rely on being promoted and raised by the boss's unspoken rules.

On the Continental Hotel, the promotion is a bit exquisite.

Every Continental hotel looks like it's run by a snake.

But from the third part, the twelve-seat high table has the right and power to dispose of the Continental Hotel.

Continental may have joined at first.

But when the turnover reaches a certain point, the high table will definitely make a move, replacing the owner of the Continental Hotel with its own person, or an obedient person.

Winston happens to be a man who is neither himself nor obedient.

Therefore, his position was already very embarrassing in the second part, and he even directly let go of John Wick, who broke the rules of the Continental Hotel, and was chased by the high table in the third part, and was almost resigned.

If it weren't for John Wick, he would have lost his Continental Hotel.

But from another point of view, if there is a Continental Hotel behind you as a dependency, if there is a higher level of relationship, then it is likely that the speed of promotion is very fast.

It is not impossible to become the director of a mainland hotel in the future.

It must be known that Perkins' monthly income far exceeds Marianne's, but when Marian is likely to become the director of the Continental Hotel, both in terms of identity and status, it will far exceed Perkins.

Immediately made Perkins vinegar, and she immediately pasted Lear: "Dear master, I also want ~"

She said softly and flatteringly.

She didn't say what she wanted at all, she just wanted a fair.

Marianne glanced sideways at her, was it playing so big?

If you call him master, what should I do?

Will he also call him master in the future?!

Just as Mary was calculating in peace, the really reliable person spoke.

The fox asked, "So, what is it that makes the godfather of Kemora, one of the twelve high tables, owe you a favor?" "

Marianne and Perkins reacted, and that's the point.

The two of them quieted down, wanting to hear what Lear had to say.

Lear ate the pizza and said without care: "It's nothing, that is, her brother wanted to kill her, asked John Wick to intervene, and I just revealed the news to her in advance."

"Wait, the godfather of the Kemora family is a woman?"

"Wait, how did you know John Wick took the order?"

"Wait, how do you know about this?"

The three women actually had three completely different questions, they said it one after another, but they looked at each other with each other's faces, and had to admit that the other party's thinking angle was also right.

There is no way to explain this matter anyway.

"Was it John Wick from last night? No, you didn't say a few more words to him.

Perkins began by sending out his own speculations and questions.

But Lear shook his head directly, completely rejecting their speculation.

"It's news from the police, you don't have to care."

He didn't want to deceive the fox, but he had no other way or channel to explain, so he just fooled the past with a sloppy eye.

He said last night that he had a relationship with the police, and everyone thought that he was just an ordinary informant or friend, but he didn't expect it to be a high-ranking police officer.

Now Marianne and Perkins are shining in their eyes when they see Lear, and they obviously find that Lear is definitely promising, and he is simply the fifth king of diamonds.

With him covering himself, why worry about not flying in the future?

The two of them suddenly became more energetic, as if two hanging noodles, one left and one right hanging on Lear's body, making Lear uncomfortable eating.

Just as the fox was about to scold them and tell them to let go of Lear, Ete drove back in the dust.

Their new Cadillac is, of course, Lear, in the United States, where public traffic is almost equal to nothing, and it is difficult to move without a car, and Lear's previous Chevrolet SUV naturally becomes Ete's car.

It's not that Ette doesn't have a car, but his car is a little conspicuous, everyone on the road knows his car, and now that Viggo has just died, his car may be unpredictable, so not only did he not go back to drive, but he didn't even go back to his home.

The whole day was busy working on Lear's new company.

Seeing Ette, Marianne and Perkins let go of Lear, and they just wanted to tease and tease him before, if he was sexy, it was not impossible to push the boat along the water, but after Ett came, even the two of them knew that Lear's business mattered.

After letting go of Lear, the three of them returned to their rooms one after another, and as for the pizza on the table, they did not have to worry about it, and the maintenance and cleaning of this safe house must be attended two or three times a week.

They don't need to know who their clients are, they just need to know that they can get the money.

After they left, Ette also spoke freely without hesitation: "I took back all the shares of Vigo's offshore company in the Virgin Islands this morning, and registered a company directly in the United States in the name you said."

He took out some documents one by one, and respectfully handed a pen to Lear's hand: "These are all things that need to be signed and confirmed by you."

"Then there's the collateral of gold." This is indeed something that Lear did not expect.

In addition to exchanging the mainland hotel gold coins from the mainland hotel channels into legal and compliant US dollar cash, it is much smarter to mortgage these unknown gold sources to the bank.

Transactionally, it's a win-win deal.

The bank got the high-net-worth collateral, and Lear exchanged it for cash, and even if he had money, he was able to take the gold out of the bank through a contract.

As for the origin of the gold, the bank will not ask, and Lear will not say.

Why do you ask so much?

Wouldn't it be better if it was swag?

The bank can reasonably and legally receive the stolen goods directly.

The tacit understanding of this kind of transaction, both sides do not need to say too clearly, do not need to debunk, are the subtext of insiders, unspoken rules.

Dealing with insiders is comfortable, convenient and fast.

Now that the 2008 financial crisis is still a few years away, everything and assets are increasing in value, so the loans are a little higher than they were before.

The entire company suddenly has more than 200 million shares of major listed companies and more than 30 million cash flow.

According to the standards of US listing, the company can already be directly listed.

Tech companies are now the hottest stock, so Lear and Ette didn't hesitate to register their new companies as tech companies.

This technology company does not have a main business, and is just a private company with a very large market capitalization for the time being.

But soon vultures and lobbyists will be moving to find funding for their backstage.

You must know that the American politician game is completely a rich man's game, and it is difficult for people without money to fight and win in this game.

So tens of thousands of lobbyist firms in Washington every year act for the exchange of benefits between these politicians and politicians.

The politicians and politicians here include not only all kinds of officials in the White House, ministers, presidents, but even every mid-level cadre in the Pentagon, every member of the House of Representatives, every member of the Senate, and even governors and officials of every state.

The entire empire's huge operating institutions depend on these to function.

And these "lubricants" not only help officials collude with each other, but even help campaign animals find sources of funding.

Helping lawmakers who are short of money and lack of living expenses, officials are looking for additional income beyond their salaries.

Every public company is their target.

And every company that can go public must have interests with some of them, or an entire group.

Lear, a "tech company" with a lot of cash, is the perfect target.

If Lear has a little need or benefit and needs to exchange with them, they can use their political resources to leverage Lear's funds or company shares.

When the company goes public, after it has increased in value by 10 times or 20 times, everyone will only praise the far-sightedness of the officials who sold the shares.

Because it's all legal.

But in addition to them, Lear also has its own channels.

"Go directly to the registered patent, find two police weapons to buy, and then strive to let the police all over New York City use our police equipment next year."

Lear's words surprised Ette, and he finally remembered the relationship between the police department that Lear said yesterday, and now it seems that the relationship between the police department that Lear knows is actually a high-level or even a very high level of the New York police.

After this relationship, it is not smooth to do business, you must know that in the current strong underworld forces, many New York City enterprises can not do it, because after a little scale, the underworld will come to disturb them, or forcibly rob, or violently buy shares.

But with the relationship between the top of the police department, what gangster who does not have long eyes dares to provoke Lear's new company?

With an official umbrella, it's easy to do anything.

At least Ett felt this kind of thing.

Originally, he thought that Lear was just a killer with a deeper mind, and then he thought that Lear was a killer with a smarter head, but now he wondered, with Lear's brain and skills and background, why did he come out as a killer?

Is he a smart perverted murderer?

Coming out as a killer just to have fun?

You may not believe it, but most American serial killers are poor.

So a question arises? Don't the rich, the rich and the capitalists have serial killers?

When you figure this out, you shudder at America.

Even Americans are not surprised and have become accustomed to it.

The Simpson wife murder case is well known, but the new rich guy's background is not as deep as the old money, and he accidentally missed the cowardice.

When Simpson did his best to spend money to get rid of his guilt, everyone saw that the rich in the United States still had the final say after all.

Although Simpson is bankrupt, he is not guilty!

And how should new money fit into old money?

It is as it is now, through political and business collusion, through the help of lobbyists, giving up a little bit of money and gaining the friendship of people at the official level.

They need money, you need new friends, isn't it a match made in heaven?

It would be better if there were someone like Lear who had good friends in politics.

Isn't he naturally his own person?

In the eyes of the ruling class, the capitalist class, and the exploiting class, Lear is their own person!

As someone who had been exposed to that level, Ette really knew this kind of thing all too well.

He was literally trembling with excitement, and he couldn't wait to show his ambitions right now.

The money was there, the relationship was there, and finally no one could stop him from using his talents.

Watching Lear sign the documents one by one, Ette was the one who really regarded Lear as the master, and he asked with great humility: "Is there anything else you need me to serve you?" As

soon as Lear wanted to say something, his Nokia rang.

Not many people knew his phone, and he had a limited number in his head, but this one didn't belong to anyone.

He waved his hand at Ette and answered the phone.

From over there came the voice of a lazy woman.

"You are Lear?"

She asked.

"I am."

Lear responded calmly and poisedly.


"How the hell did you find out about my brother's deal with John Wick?"

Even the people she ambushed with her brother didn't know about it.

Can Lear even know?

"You are Gianna, one of the twelve seats at the High Table?"

"Hahaha." The woman laughed lazily like a silver bell.

"I love your lawless energy, little one."

"I'll arrive in New York tomorrow and meet me at the Continental Hotel."

Her words were not negotiable, and could even be said to be orders, but her tone was still gentle.

"You know your brother and John Wick are trying to kill you, and you dare to come to New York?"

Lear asked strangely.

Her boldness is really unexpected, and she can even be called a hero in the female school.

Yes, if you don't even have this bit of courage, it is difficult to become one of the twelve seats at the high table and suppress the people and forces under you.

"Hahahaha!!" This time the woman laughed in a high-pitched manner.

She is so breathy that people can't help but wonder if she has practiced soprano before.

"John has already stepped on the plane to Italy, I hung him a $4 million bounty, he will definitely be happy with my hospitality."

For someone at her level, John Wick actually wants to assassinate her, so she is happy to use the resources in her hand to play a cat-and-mouse game with John Wick.

$4 million is a windfall for the average killer to retire, but for them, it may not even be enough for them to have a big dinner.

The world is such a cen (CI) difference.

"As for my brother... Hum. She sneered twice and didn't say much, but Lear was confident that he would never be too well.

"I see, I'll wait for you at the Continental Hotel tomorrow."

He knew that this side could not escape.

Human favor is human favor, but the other party is not a stupid Bai Tian who does not understand anything.

Even if you recognize this favor, you must at least figure this matter out.

After Lear hung up the phone, he was already thinking about how to plug this bug.

But when he turned his head, he saw Ette's excited expression: "You still know the Twelve High Tables?!"

"Just did her a small favor."

Lear responded.

But it is clear that ETS is already different.

"I understand, I understand, I won't talk to anyone."

He made a zipper pulling motion on the side of his mouth, packed up the papers, and ran out with a cigarette.

He was in the underworld before, but he really understood the meaning of the twelve high tables.

Anyone who can be associated with the Twelve High Table is worth his best service.

Looking at Eit, who left in a hurry and misunderstood everything, Lear shook his head.

Standing up with his cell phone and walking upstairs, he had one more call to make before he could see Gianna.

It was a call to his old friend, Chief George.

It had been more than a month since the last eradication of the League of Assassins, and he had not contacted Director George for more than a month, and the relationship between the two seemed to have faded.

But both Lear and George knew.

They must be each other's most reliable allies.

"Hello, I'm George."

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