Chapter 084 Minority Question

looked at the North Star who looked dazed and didn't know what he was talking about, and Lear suddenly found that he looked mature and steady, and as the eldest sister of the children in the laboratory, he highlighted a leadership temperament.

But in fact, it is still just a girl who has lived in a laboratory for 16 years.

As soon as he thought of this, Lear's heart softened.

"Who of those kids has the best relationship with you?" Is it the girl named Fang? Lear's words made Polaris nod in confusion, not knowing why he was asking the question.

"Take him with you, and I'll take you out to see it together."

Polaris, who had been working hard for a whole day, was suddenly not sleepy.

Don't see that they have followed Lear around the city on the bus, but in fact, what they see is only some things on the surface of the city, they only see the bustling side of the city, so they are full of fantasy about the whole outside world.

Now, it's time to show them what the real world is like.

The girl "Fang" was brought out of the room by the North Star, she is a very typical image of an oriental girl, but her hair is burgundy, and I don't know if it is because of the experiment, her eyes are like two emerald green malachite, with innocence and excitement.

She is now even a year younger than Polaris, only 15 years old, her chin is pointed and thin, and there is a faint smell of Fan Shuishui between her eyebrows.

She still didn't know what Lear was going to take them to see, and thought that it was really just shopping, girls at this age had not even stepped out of prison and laboratories, of course, they were full of curiosity about everything in this world, not to mention that girls naturally like to go shopping.

So after hearing Lear's words, the two of them did not have the slightest doubt, and immediately packed themselves (in fact, the two of them had nothing to clean up) and got ready to go.

When Lear got on the Cadillac and stuffed the two of them into the back seat, it was a completely different novelty experience, and the two girls sitting in the back seat turned into two curious babies, curious about Cadillac's luxurious back seat, leather seats and various amenities.

All this is completely absent on the bus.

They live in a mansion area in Brooklyn, so the security is first-class, and along the way there are beautiful shops, gourmet restaurants and various luxury shops, and even shopping streets.

To say that the United States is really prosperous, the current United States is the first in the world, there is no opponent at all, so that many citizens of third world countries who came to the United States for the first time, even if they became black households, had to stay here to wash dishes in the United States.

And New York is the essence of America.

Even the Bronsk region, which is not so prosperous, can afford to raise large swathes of black gangsters.

Not to mention a core location like Brooklyn.

For the first time the two children walked out of the lab, this was a real heaven on earth.

As Lear drove the car, he said to the two children without looking back: "Is it prosperous here?" Does it look good? The

two children didn't care that Lear was driving in front, and they slammed their little heads together.

"But the laboratory that uses you as experimental material is also part of this country, and this prosperity also has your flesh and blood in it, and you are looking at it now, do you still think that he is prosperous and good-looking?"

Lear's words are easy to understand.

Suddenly the faces of the two girls who had experienced human experiments for 15 or 16 years changed color.

When the two of them looked up at the window again, there was no envy and adoration in their eyes, and their gazes became complicated.

The world is so real and cruel.

Once the veil of affection is lifted, once the false pretense of economic prosperity is uncovered, it will be exposed naked and bloody to children.

Lear took them around Brooklyn for a long time, but soon left Brooklyn.

After leaving Brooklyn and entering the Bronsk area, the scenery of the whole level suddenly became very different.

First of all, the road surface began to be uneven, completely without the silky smoothness of the asphalt road before.

After seeing the bright and bustling commercial streets, and then entering the North Star and Square in the Bronster area, it seems that he began to understand what Lear said earlier: "This prosperity also has your flesh and blood in it." "What do you mean?

The prosperity of the Brooklyn area and the decline of the Bronsc area are proof that one side is absorbing the blood of the other and is thriving.

Of course, it is more important that such a luxurious car as theirs appeared in the Bronsk region, and immediately a patrolman came to ask him if he was lost?

Looking at Lear with two beautiful underage children in the car, I was a little suspicious that Lear was a perverted lolicon, but when Lear handed his family card from Chief George to the two patrolmen.

The two patrolmen immediately corrected their attitudes.

"I'll come here to do something and leave in a moment."

"Yes, sir, have a good time."

Without saying a word of nonsense, the two patrolmen immediately saluted, turned away, and stepped into their patrol car.

Now Director George, a police officer in New York, has no control in the limelight, and he has consolidated his regime and prestige through the League of Assassins incident to quell the war between the Continental Hotel and the Bronsk gang.

Coupled with Lear's Wayne corporate sponsored NYPD retirement fund, he immediately gained the allegiance of the old cops.

The whole of New York is the police world, and no one can shake his rule anymore.

If such a big man's relative card, how can it be given casually? Plus Lear also drives a luxury Cadillac SUV

The two patrolmen immediately recognized the current affairs as Junjie.

"Why did they come up to check on us?"

Polaris does not understand.

"Because this place is a slum, the security here is very poor, and we drive luxury cars, they have to keep our lives safe."

"Why do they have to ensure our lives when we drive luxury cars, isn't their duty to protect the lives of everyone?" Clarice didn't understand.

Lear shook his head, slowed down the car, and slowly showed the real world in front of the girls.

Just turn two streets to see that a patrol police car stopped on the side of the street, and two black and white police officers got down from the patrol car, and ordinary two tanks rushed towards the three black teenagers.

The black teenagers tried to disperse, but two police officers raised their guns and shouted, "Raise your hands and lie on the ground!" Raise your hands and fall to the ground..." The

two of them shouted like repeaters, emptying the bullets in their hands.

The three boys, who looked to be about the same age as Polaris, suddenly fell to the ground, and the contents of their tracksuit jackets were scattered all over the place.

Their blood quickly stained their sportswear after being shot several times, and the large red halo looked shocking.

The three children quickly convulsed and stopped moving after two strokes.

Polaris and Clarisse were lying by the window, their hands digging into the cracks in the windows.

"Why? Why did they shoot just because of this little thing? Polaris

turned his head, his eyes scarlet, incomprehensible.

She dared to shoot directly at the age of 16 and kill the girl who used her as a human research researcher.

But even so, she still adheres to the very simple idea that there is a debt and a master.

It's just a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, a revenge for a revenge, and a grudge for a grudge.

But now, without warning or conflict of interest, two officers shot a boy her age.

Her three views were so violently shocked that she couldn't help but scream a little.

"They are black, and their ethnic reputation is not good in the United States."

"So even if they are children, they have more people than the police, they are likely to have lethal weapons on them, and more importantly, if they shoot them, it is difficult for the police to get the price they deserve, because they are still underage."

Lear's words did not solve the doubts of North Star, but made her even more confused.

"Does ethnicity mean their black skin?" Compared to the Caucasian North Star, Clarice-Fang is more sensitive.

She was keenly aware that in the Brooklyn area, there were people of all colors on the street.

The race and skin color on the street are about 2:1:1, which means that one of the two whites may be a black man and a Chinese American similar to her yellow skin.

But after leaving the Brooklyn area, let alone Chinese, even whites are rarely seen.

The ratio of whites to blacks can suddenly drop to 3:1 or 5:1.

About 5 blacks, about one white.

Lear stopped the car on the side of the street and glanced back at Claris Fang unexpectedly, but did not expect that this little girl was more sensitive and intelligent than Polaris in this regard.

"Why...," Polaris muttered, still unable to recover from his shock.

Instead of answering his question directly, Lear started the vehicle again and slowly walked around the Bronsk region, especially the more remote slums.

Because Lear drove very slowly, she was able to see many, many people along the way, and she could also see their expressions.

These old people, children, women, looked at her, into their cars, with greed, jealousy, and malice that made her shudder


This place is like hell on earth.

It is completely different from the previous Brownkling area.

The concepts of class and race were clearly in the minds of Polaris and Claris, who had never had ever had such a word so memorable.

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