Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 120: arrival

Maria de Luna was a little nervous. This was not the first time she saw Alexandria. It was the first time she saw Alexander before the coffin after Giovanni was assassinated. People put it in their eyes.

Even though it was later heard that the pope had asked this person to investigate Giovanni's death, she still did not pay any attention to him.

But now, Maria de Luna found that she was afraid of this person, and even trembling slightly at the thought of meeting him.

The beginning of all this came from the visit of the Moor, who told her that she knew her secret, that she knew the death of her husband long ago, and that she concealed the name of the murderer who might have killed Giovanni .

Then the Moor began to blackmail her. She once tried to give him money, but the Moor seemed to be not interested in money. He seemed to be more willing to watch her forced to obey his mercy.

Maria de Luna had to return to Valencia according to his instructions. When she heard the arrangement, she actually relieved herself, although leaving Rome to return to the distant Iberia seemed to make people Very unaccustomed, but as long as you can leave the terrible Uliu, Maria de Luna does not mind very much.

But at the time she knew that those people would come to him again someday, so she secretly vowed that as long as they returned to her territory, if those people were entangled with her again, she would have no hesitation to eradicate the coming person.

It's just that she never thought she was involved in trouble in the end.

The other party did not threaten her, and the matter gave her an irresistible condition.

Not only did they promise to help her son quickly gain a foothold in the territory coveted by strong neighbors, but they could also get rich quickly, so that they would have lived a little tighter and enjoyed everything that met their status.

Whether forced or unable to withstand the temptation, Maria de Luna compromised again.

And the other party did not go back on his word. The stability of the wealth of the territory brought Maria de Luna a breeze, and the Duke of Gandino, who gradually exerted influence in the silk trade of Valencia, let the locals again I remembered the great influence of the Borgia family in Valencia.

It ’s just that it ’s unexpectedly mixed with Tiegue, but Maria de Luna did n’t think of it before. She did n’t know if it was part of Tiegue ’s plan. In short, when she felt something was wrong, The two have been inexplicably hooked together.

"You look a little nervous," Tiego asked with concern, and when she saw Maria de Luna's complexion, he gently kissed her face. "You look bad like this, Why, do n’t you want to see me again? "

"No, I just don't want to see that Gombre." Maria de Luna whispered, her eyes also glanced at the Balkan man Yuanyuan was standing in the corridor.

She found that Alexandria seemed to like to call out the foreigners, and that was the case with the Moors, as were these Balkans who could be seen everywhere in the house. The little Bohemian girl running Barendi was said to be alive.

Thinking of these Maria de Luna found that she seemed not so nervous, and she also thought that since these people are willing to invest so much money on her, should not give up her easily.

So at least until now, she is safe.

Maria de Luna came to visit him in the name of negotiating cooperation with the trade union in Valencia. Although it has long been known that Alexandria must have greater ambitions than the expansion of the trade union, but after meeting, Mary Ya de Luna was still stunned by the plan revealed by Alexander.

"Duke, what are you doing ?!"

Although she knows her tone is very impolite, Maria de Luna has been unable to take care of so much, she feels that she has been involved in a huge trouble, think about when Alexander visited the pope before and even later The accompanied Cardron was far apart, and then the two spent a long time in the garden talking about the scene. Maria Druna thought she might be able to let her know even less.

"As you helped us do before, we need you to play a bigger role in the Zaragoza court, so," Alexander glanced at Tiego "We will give you more money and help, you You can go to Zaragoza instead of staying in Valencia, where you can play a bigger role, and all you have to do is convince the nobles of Zaragoza that Gonzalo will threaten the king. "

Maria de Luna looked at Alexander suspiciously. She guessed that this was probably the thing he had conspired with before, but apparently Alexander did not want the pope to know that she was not only involved, but was still looking for him. work.

But Maria de Luna was very nervous, this time because Alexander actually asked her to go to Zaragoza.

It is one thing to quietly spread unfavourable remarks about Gonzalo in Valencia, but it is another thing to go directly to Zaragoza.

And she was a little unwilling. Although she was forced to work with them before, Gandino did get a lot of benefits from it, but now that the pope is here, Alexander clearly thinks that cooperation with the pope will have a greater effect, which makes Maria de Luna has a sense of crisis that may be abandoned.

Maria de Luna is very familiar with her father-in-law. She knows the importance of Alexander VI to the family, so whether the death of Giovanni or Caesar obviously caused him a big blow, but now the pope is willing. Cooperate with the person who killed Caesar, so she believes that there must be big irresistible benefits and temptations.

She didn't want to be left aside, she wanted to gain greater benefits for Gandino.

"Duke, if you want me to do something for you, tell me what I should know, and give me the part that should belong to me." Maria de Luna became stubborn at this time, when When she realized that she was very useful to this person, she felt that more conditions should be put forward, and this is also a way to gain the trust of this person.

Maria Druna had always been worried that she would be betrayed. Although the pope did n’t seem to change, he knew that Caesar ’s death obviously caused a huge blow to Alexander VI, just like Giovanni ’s death. So she was afraid of what kind of revenge she would face once the pope knew the truth.

"There is also Cardron," although knowing that this should be the means by which Alexander threatened her, Maria de Luna still hoped to get rid of this trouble. "Do you really want to keep him all the time, or I will come Solve this trouble? "

Listening to Maria de Luna's angry question, Tiego next to him felt a little tight, and he gave the woman a glance, as if to determine whether she was a lover before suggesting that she should be eliminated.

"You have to be careful, Tiego, this woman can really do everything." When Maria de Luna left, Alexander clapped the shoulders of effective men to remind "Don't forget that I still hope you Keep working for me, so take it easy. "

Tiegeau grinned reluctantly, just like Maria de Luna, in fact he did n’t know how the two would get together, maybe it ’s a very dangerous game for them, And now what they want is to see who ultimately fails in this game.

Alexander ’s visit to the Pope was actually hasty, because he did not know that the Pope would return to Valencia, so although this was a very unexpected gain, it was somewhat different from his previous plan.

Waiting is always long, especially waiting for a decision that matters.

But Alexander was confident because he knew that the conditions proposed were sufficiently tempting.

Many people say that Alexander VI ’s ambitions only manifested in his greed for wealth, but Alexander did not think so. Perhaps his ambitions were not so obvious and strong compared to the old Luo Weilei, who was later known as the Pope of God of War, but whether it was The establishment of the Pope Meridian was still a passion for the issue of Ladia gold coins. Alexander saw a pope more ambitious than the old Rovere.

If Old Rovere is obsessed with unifying the Italian peninsula, Alexander VI ’s ambitions are even stronger. He obviously hopes to re-establish the pope ’s influence in the world of Christ through various diplomatic and military means. Since he began to frequently intervene between Italian city-states The dispute was such that his son and the French allied and almost all Italian city-states could be seen as a glimpse of his attempts, but Giovanni and Caesar's successive deaths undermined his plan.

But now there is an opportunity that will not only allow him to return to the Vatican, but may also allow his influence to reach the Iberian Peninsula and more than half of Europe. Alexander believes that the ambitious pope will not give up easily.

Sure enough, on the next dusk, Pope sent Cardron to invite Alexander to the villa, and this time Cardron brought the pope a sentence: "Maybe you should say something that will make me more impressed. thing."

Cardron came by horseback, and the attendant, known for his cleverness and beauty, appeared very respectful and cautious in front of Alexandria. He concealed his jealousy deep in his heart, humble and polite, and decently behaved. It made Schell feel that the Balkans he led were really too vulgar.

Cardron certainly did n’t know. Just a few days ago, several people were still talking about his life and death. Looking at Alexandria, Cardron was also thinking about how to spy on the relationship between Tiego and him. Wondering what the two Alexanders are plotting.

So after returning to the villa, Cardron retreated respectfully while trying to get closer to the two people, just to see them whispering in the garden ’s pavilion alone, and the Balkans were closely guarding all around. Cardron secretly anxious.

In fact, Alexander has been wondering why Alexander VI was holding such a chip for Cardron.

Since I heard about the origin of Cardron from Mrs. Connie, he has also learned more about Alexander VI's ambitions.

But for many years, Alexander VI has not used the chipron. This way, Alexander admires the pope's cautiousness, but also makes him think that Alexander VI does not want to use the chipron to deal with the Ottomans, and It is intended to become a disturbance in Europe one day in the future.

It's just that the pope apparently didn't expect a sudden accident to disrupt his plan. Now he clearly holds such a trump card as Cardron but has no chance to use it, which may be more difficult for the pope to accept.

This is one of the reasons why Alexander is sure to finally reach an agreement with the Pope, because he knows that Alexander VI will not be reconciled.

The news about Mrs. Connie is intermittent, he heard that this lady seems to be very active in the East, and just at the beginning of the year, she not only visited the Sheikh who has just inherited the status of the Shia Safavid Order The little fart boy, and also provided the self-proclaimed Ismaili monarch Safavid with a batch of flintlock rifles that were just equipped by the Roman Thesia army and lightweight field guns that were easy to use in the field.

Grogening, who made the deal at the time, disagreed with Alexander doing this.

He was not worried that these powerful weapons might fall into the hands of an unfamiliar pagan country and might cultivate a new powerful enemy for the Christian world, but he was worried that the little fart boy could not fight the Ottomans. Weapons are likely to become the spoils of the Ottomans, and then break the delicate balance of the Mediterranean today.

The situation in the Mediterranean today is wonderful. The serious injury in Bucharest has left the Sudan paralyzed in bed for nearly two years. The rights are inevitably divided by his two sons. The situation has changed again and again.

Strangely, while the internal chaos continued, the navy of the Ottoman Empire launched an attack on the European continent again and again.

The Venetians not only suffered heavy losses in the Navy during the Ottoman war, but worse, the war that seemed likely to last a long time was consuming Venice's strength a little.

Venice is like a giant who has been chopped with countless knives and bleeds. It is gradually weakening due to too much blood loss, but it is only the fiasco of Bucharest, which made them unable to recover from the land for a while.

Grogening did n’t care if the Ottomans would attack Europe. He was worried that if that Ismail I failed, those sophisticated weapons would become the spoils of Selim in Asia Minor, which would probably make the original The powerful Selim is even more powerful. If that is the case, the unrest in Ottoman is likely to end quickly, and the situation on the Mediterranean Sea will change by then.

Grogening hoped that this situation would continue, which would be in his best interest.

Today Grogening has not only established a foothold in Sicily, but with his keen mind and strong trade union strength, he has almost monopolized most of the sea trade routes from Sicily to Africa.

The exclusive trade opportunities immersed Grogening in the happiness of rapid wealth expansion. It was because he hoped that this situation would continue, so he was very worried that the support for the Safavid Order might become indirectly strengthened. Salim, who had the upper hand in the civil strife.

Because of this, Grogening had been arguing with Alexander for a long time. Although he was finally persuaded, he insisted that once the situation was wrong, he immediately cut off support for the Safavid Order.

Alexander also knew that it was very difficult to persuade Grogening completely, because he really had no way to tell Grogening what kind of miracle he would create if he was a bad boy.

Looking at Cardron, Alexander felt that since he was still with him, it meant that the Pope had not given up his ambitions.

As long as one has ambitions, it is easy to discuss, and the rest depends on what conditions can be put forward.

There are not many things that can impress a pope, but Alexander has exactly such a bargaining chip.

"Your Majesty, there is news that Princess Juana ’s husband is terminally ill, and the situation of the princess herself is not very good," Alexander looked at the Pope. "If at this time someone suddenly finds that Castile has a legal heir ... … "

Alexander VI's hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly, and he looked at Alexander with a confused light in his eyes.

"What are you doing so hard for," the Pope asked puzzled. "I believe this will cause turmoil in Castile and even Aragon. This will benefit Queen Naples, but I still can't imagine You will do this for her. You should know that right now, your Roman Thesia is facing a war that determines the destiny of your principality. Maybe you are here now, which makes me have to doubt that it is right there. Here, in Castile or Aragon, there is something more important to you. "

Alexander looked at the Pope quietly. He knew that the astuteness of Alexander VI would sooner or later find it, but it did n’t matter. He believed that the Pope was actually just weighing his proposals.

"Your Majesty, I believe that a Queen of Castile supported by you will certainly be of great significance to you. If everything goes well, this may even be the beginning of your return to the Vatican."

Alexander VI pondered, he knew what this decision meant to him, which not only meant that he had to let go of the hatred with Alexander, he even had to work with him to complete this although it was indeed difficult, but once successful Crazy plans with unimaginable and huge returns ~ ~ How long do you think Don Bavey can persist? The Pope asked.

"If Gonzalo commanded the king army, it would probably last at most a month."

Seeing the pope's cheeks twitch when he heard the name, Alexander smiled softly, knowing that Alexander VI could not have forgotten that Gonzalo had insulted him in public.

But Alexander VI heard other meanings implied in these words.

"in case?"

"Yes, if Gonzalo can leave Andalusia, the situation may change."

"But what needs to be done?" The Pope glanced at Alexander. "We all know that he is Isabella's favorite. No one can shake her trust in him."

"Maybe other people can't, but Ferdinand has the possibility, and don't you think Gonzalo is just a good excuse for this couple to have conflicts?"

The Pope was in deep contemplation for a while. Although he had already made a decision, he still needed to think about it too much. The temptation made him feel unbelievable. Then he asked in a low voice: "So this is for you What are the benefits, if you can't make me understand this, I will not cooperate with you. "

Looking at the Pope's indifferent expression, Alexander nodded, and he knew that everything had finally reached the most critical moment.

He has been waiting for this time all the time, and "to be honest" in front of a pope may have been a luxury in the past, but now it seems to be a rare opportunity.

"Your Majesty, have you ever thought that maybe one day your descendants can become kings?"

The problems of Alexander made the Pope instantly stunned.

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