Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 125: Pope, King, Duke of Castile at Dusk and Dawn ...

A sentimental poet once wrote, “A city is a solidified poem, and buildings made of stones and wood are notes.”

As long as any city can luckily escape the terrible destruction caused by natural disasters and man-made destruction in the long river of history, as time goes by, the city will precipitate its own flavor like wine.

This kind of charm is also like poetry, stretches forever or hot and lively, and like a beautiful woman, always has its own different taste and personality.

Barriado is not a city with a long history. Just over 100 years ago, it was just a desolate and remote town. Even now, neither the size of the city nor the heritage can be compared with the old city of Toledo. ratio.

And the future of Barialido is not so optimistic. Some people have suggested that it is not suitable to become the capital of a new kingdom that may be unified in the future. For various reasons, Zaragoza in Aragon is also not. It is suitable as a new capital in the future, so finding a more suitable capital for the kingdom has become an urgent and important issue.

It has been proposed to use Madrid, which is less than 120 miles away from Bellaria Ridode, as the new capital. The city is obviously more suitable for becoming the capital of the future kingdom than Barria Ridode in terms of size and location. .

However, just like the heavy obstruction when they decided to relocate from Toledo, many people also did not agree to relocate the capital.

Their reason is very simple. The frequent movement of a kingdom is a very careless act, which may cause unnecessary all kinds of suspicion and cause panic. After all, it is often only when you have to choose to move the capital, and this may even be possible. Will cause unnecessary confrontation between nobles everywhere.

Isabella knew that this was what the nobles wanted to say, just as the result of the relocation of the capital from Toledo was that she was able to take the opportunity to get rid of the constraints caused by the old noble forces of Castile. The new aristocracy, which has gradually formed a scale, also faces the danger of being challenged by the newcomers.

"This is a worthless city," when he entered the city of Barriado, Alexander heard the pope comment on the city. "If it was not Isabella who held a wedding with Ferdinand here, she also Will not choose to make this the capital of the kingdom. "

Alexander knew that the Pope was teaching him about the noble power of Castile. Since then, Alexander VI has been very serious about popularizing him. The situation between Castile and Aragon and the nobles The relationship is as complicated as a cobweb.

This is obviously very useful for Alexander. Although he has already touched on the general situation of Castilla in detail before, many things are not understandable by simple information. The head of the Borgia family, of course, is more clear about the details of the nobles like him.

It was also from the Pope that Alexander had a clearer understanding of the extent of the conflict between Isabella and the old nobles of Toledo.

"If you want to realize your dreams here, either get the support of the Toledo nobles, or let the people of Valladolid stand on your side, there will be no compromise between them, and here The people are different from Rome. For them, gallows and beheading are more lovely than negotiations. "

Alexandria was in favor of the Pope ’s statement. Although the Moorish rule had been ended for many years, the Iberians could no longer erase the marks the Moors had left on them.

In many cases, their way of thinking is very similar to that of the Moors. The revenge and intolerance of the Eastern style have taken root in every corner of this place, so it is not feasible to solve the problem in a smooth way like in Italy. Yes, the people in this land, just like their monarchs, seem to have an enlightened head, but actually have a conservative and extreme heart.

Queen Isabella did not leave the city to greet the Pope, which is somewhat rude, but the Queen also has her own reasons. She is fulfilling a 7-day silent oath under the supervision of her private pastor Thomas Tongomada.

In 7 days, the queen cannot speak or even listen to others, so she can only spend 7 long days in her room, but according to Thomas Tongomada, after 7 days The queen will be inspired by God because of this pious act. Although she is slightly disrespectful to the pope, she believes that the queen ’s actions will be forgiven by the pope.

Of course, Alexander VI was very generous in expressing his approval. By the way, he was tired of the Queen ’s piety, and the hospitality of King Ferdinand of Aragon was indeed all-round, the money spent on the grand ball and the welcome ceremony Even the pope felt painful when he saw it, so it continued until midnight to make the entire city of Valladolid like a welcome ceremony drowned in joy and joy, and also to dilute the speculation caused by the queen ’s absence. .

Alexandria entered the city as a pope ’s entourage. Although he had seen many nobles of the Castilian court before, it was the first time he saw Ferdinand.

Ferdinand left a strange impression on Alexander. Although he had seen the portrait of the king in his memory, Alexander was still a little surprised when he saw him.

In his imagination, Ferdinand, who is called a talented man, should be a so-called eagle-eyed man. Such a person even if standing behind him will make people worry that he may have been stared at him.

But in fact, Ferdinand looked more like a landlord with a little mother-in-law.

The already drooping cheeks made him always look tired. A large but round chin set off a face that was obviously old, and the king had a nightcap on his head. This hat is somewhat strange, and the large black robe on his body made him seem to rush to the ceremony before changing clothes.

This dress made Ferdinand look less like a king, but more like a bohemian artist, and his face made Alexander even look at a man who had just entered the country from the country manor and ended up walking the wrong way. Landlord-like illusion of breaking into the palace.

Even though he knew that he should n’t be fooled by appearances, Alexander was still wondering how Isabella looked at such a person at first. This person did n’t look like a king at all, nor a monarch of a powerful country, but He knew that this man showed tough and clever wrists to the country that might be divided again after Isabella ’s death. He not only suppressed the tempting Castilian nobles, but also firmly grasped Juana as the heir.

It's just that this time he won't be in conflict with Philip anymore, because although he has just entered the city, he has also learned from some Castile nobles that Philip's disease has reached the end of his life.

This is probably the reason why the Castilians are somewhat eccentric about the Pope ’s arrival. This eccentricity can be felt even at the welcome ceremony. In the evening, when there is a chance to get along with the Pope alone, this kind of strategy The weird atmosphere is even stronger.

Many people wanted to take the opportunity to say a few words to the pope, but no one dared to come out first, so Alexander VI sat there, formulating his perfunctory remarks to a group of nobles who had met him, At the same time, the pope's gaze turned from time to time to Alexander standing not far away.

Unlike the Pope, Alexander had surrounded a group of people. Some nobles who had met him before were glad that they had nodded with the Duke, so that they could be crowned and Alexander nostalgic, even It is impossible to say anything too deep in such a place, but this is a good opportunity, at least as long as you have a good relationship with the pope ’s son-in-law, you will have the opportunity to get close to the pope.

Ferdinand also clearly noticed the ambiguous attitude of the nobles, so he had to pay attention to Alexandria, especially when he thought that this man was the same brother of Queen Napoli ’s Lao Sha, and it was said that this man also had orders in Sicily. Ferdinand felt that perhaps he should have a good talk with the duke.

So when they saw the king passing by, the nobles immediately found excuses to leave, but the people did not go far, they were waiting for their own news.

"Duke, my Sicilian governor Flamenca mentioned you more than once in his report, he said you destroyed my plan to enter Naples," Ferdinand revealed undisguisedly. Hostility, this sharp attitude is in sharp contrast to his face that looks like a landowner in the country, and the king ’s eyes are fixed on Alexander ’s face, as if to see through his still calm after hearing this The real thought behind the expression "Duke, I think you need to explain. I know you have a deep misunderstanding of me. You think I coveted the land of Naples, but you have to know that your guess is unfounded."

Alexander looked at the landlord-like face in front of him, listening to Ferdinand's nagging words that were both threatening and explanation-like. At first he was a little strange what the king wanted to do, and then he slowly understood.

Apparently Ferdinand was tempting him. Whatever the purpose, the king seemed to be disturbed by something. Considering Isabella not attending the ceremonies and banquets, Alexander felt that this might be the key.

Ferdinand obviously wanted to hear from him how hostile Naples was to him. As for the things he did in the message, Alexander believed that even if he was very annoyed, Ferdinand would not publicly retaliate against him.

Naples was originally sent in the name of reinforcements. As for history, Aragon took advantage of the annexation of the Kingdom of Naples. They were based on the reason that the French had ousted Frederick, the king of Naples at that time, and caused the Naples throne to hang. The French competed for Naples, and as a result, the Naples royal family of the original Astamara family was virtually deposed.

But now, the Aragonese army was forced to move into Crete by Alexander without even reaching Naples. This certainly did not allow Ferdinand to succeed, but no one ever knew Ferdinand's ambition to annex.

The King still has a good reputation. He is still regarded by some Naples as a "brother and friend" of the same root as Naples.

It ’s just that Ferdinand ’s hatred for Alexander ca n’t be concealed. As now, Ferdinand looked at Alexander and whispered, “Duke, I do n’t know why you suddenly came to Castile, but if I You will leave as soon as possible. It ’s not good to be hated by a king. "

Listening to Ferdinand ’s unabashed hostility, Alexander glanced at the Pope who was looking at it, and then said in the same low voice: "So do you want your relatives to have a stronger ally, or Hope Sicily will face a war that may break out at any time? "

Ferdinand looked at Alexandria unexpectedly. He did not expect that the young man would dare to threaten him in person, and that he was in the "his" court.

It ’s just that Alexander ’s words did attract his attention. He carefully recalled the meaning of the words, and at the same time raised his glass to pay a little tribute to Alexander: "Duke, what you said is very interesting, but I do n’t understand what you are saying, I Having an in-law with the emperor is enough to make us a strong alliance, so what makes you think I will clash with the emperor? "

"Your Majesty, this is the crown."

Alexander and Ferdinand stood side by side looking at the noisy hall. It was hard to imagine these people in this hall. Two years later, with the death of Isabella, many of them will be in great trouble. The seemingly kind king next to him would use their blood to pave the way to unity.

Ferdinand was really a little surprised this time. He could n’t figure out what Alexander knew, and because of this he had to remind himself to be more cautious. He had heard of the war in Italy, Roma Thesia Fighting with the French.

However, Ferdinand was not very optimistic about the Roman Thesias. An emerging principality wanted to establish his position through a war. He fully understood it, but it was too stupid to use the French as opponents. Perhaps Louis XII It was not the wise general as Charles VIII, but the French army was strong, which was enough to make up for the King ’s lack of war experience.

Although Maximian and some other countries in Venice joined the Holy Alliance of Roman Thesias, Ferdinand was more sure that Roman Thesia might become an emperor and take the opportunity to intervene because he was very clear about Maximian Victim of Italian affairs.

It ’s just that although he is not optimistic about the prospects of the war, Ferdinand ca n’t help but guard against Maximian ’s alliance with Roma Thesia to extend his tentacles to southern Italy. If possible, he may not take the opportunity to face Sicily. There was an attempt.

This is why Ferdinand believed that the Duke should be treated with caution. He did not want to force this person to stand with Maximilian completely. If so, he might use his influence to reverse Queen Naples. Maximian, this is what Ferdinand absolutely does not want to see.

Thinking about it this way, Ferdinand raised his glass to Alexander: "Do n’t be too impulsive to the Duke, sometimes we should probably look further. If you want, I can be your friend rather than the enemy, but you should Knowing that it takes a price to get my friendship. "

Ferdinand said with a smile, he walked forward.

Looking at the crowd that “split” like Moses, who split the waves, to the back of Pope Ferdinand, Alexander couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

Isabella did not show up from beginning to end, which attracted Alexander ’s attention. In his impression, Isabella was a very diligent monarch. It is said that she was about to produce while she was pregnant, and she was still handling state affairs. The minister who reported to her government affairs found out that the queen was not in good condition and called people in time to avoid the fate of Mary being born on the throne.

How could such a diligent queen miss such an important ceremony? As for the reason of Thomas Tongomada's so-called 7-day retreat, Alexander absolutely can't believe it.

So what happened to Isabella, or why was she unable to greet the pope in person?

Alexander ’s carpenters do n’t look like those nobles. He does n’t know how many of them have the same guesses as him, but from their involuntary desire to move closer to the pope, it can be seen that Castile ’s The nobles seemed to perceive something.

At this time, Alexander wanted to see Uliu ~ ~ Although the Moors may not be able to hear more news, Alexander can analyze from all aspects of the Valladolid collected by him Trying to guess whether something happened to Isabella.

Just when Alexander guessed what happened to Isabella, in a very secluded palace in the palace, Isabella was lying on the bed with a sick face, her face was pale, her chest was swollen sharply Panting.

The maid who accompanied me from time to time put a piece of towel soaked in cold water on her hot forehead, but this did not seem to make the queen more comfortable, so a doctor who looked less than the butcher was holding a set The rusty tools came in.

"Your Majesty is suffering from fever, yes, yes, it is fever," the doctor opened Isabella's eyelids and looked at it, then he made a definite conclusion. "Okay, let's put some blood on your majesty so she Will be more comfortable. "

Some dizzy Isabella opened her eyes reluctantly, the figure in front of her blurred by the high fever shook, and the last thing she remembered was a man with a knife in his hand like a pig butcher. Come to her.

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