Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 138: transaction

Although Iberia is far away in the southwestern corner of Europe, even in the Vatican, Thomas Tongomada is a famous person.

In his early years, he was just a little person of a folk priest. With his excellent eloquence and highly provocative sermons, he was gradually known, and then he became Isabella's private priest because of various opportunities.

But even then, he was always an unassuming little person in Bariari Dode. Those nobles were quite polite to him, but they never really regarded it as a person equal to their status. Come on, Thomas Tongomada is actually no different from the clown who always surrounds Ferdinand. Perhaps he is wearing a school robe, but in fact he is still just a comrade who is around Isabella to relieve her worries. .

Until he suggested to Isabella, a religious court was established.

At the beginning, the aristocrats did not care very much about the establishment of such a judicial institution of the church. They wanted nothing to do with profanity, heresy, or pagan beliefs. Such a trial was definitely only for those who were really A criminal who violated the canon.

But soon people realized that things didn't seem to be the case. With the instigation of Isabella, the trial of Thomas Tongomada was not only brutal religious rule by civilians, but also for nobles, especially those who were against Issa. Bella ’s men in threat also took terrible measures.

Even some big aristocrats are inevitably sent to the trial office because they are reported as heretics. What is more terrible is that this trial office is completely treated as "innocent if you are not guilty." Everyone who was unfortunately sent in.

So being able to live out of the religious court became a so-called true miracle, and Thomas Tongomada became one of the most terrifying people in Castile.

Alexander had thought of many people who might kidnap Juana. He even thought of Treasury Officer Don Mark Losbane, but he really did not expect this person to be Tango Madama.

It was really weird. Alexander began to feel incredible for a while, but when he remembered what Tango Madama had told him that he had known with Lord Modillo, he suddenly thought it all made sense.

Even now, Alexander believes that Count Modillo has not told him the truth, or that the "cooperation" between them, the Count has always kept a hand.

It's just that Thomas Tongomada is a believer in Judah like those of the Transylvanian Dragon Knights, which he really didn't expect.

Even Alexander himself had to pull out such a big lie just to get away in Transylvania. Although this lie was still somewhat based, at that time he never thought he would really be with Ibbil one day. The Jewish Assembly of Asia dealt with each other.

"you guys?"

There was a trace of doubt in Alexander's tone, and he couldn't help but be surprised that, as the Queen's private pastor and the most powerful priest, Tango Madama had no need to take a huge risk and this kind of destiny of the Jewish Assembly would only be in history A group of people wandering in the dark corner stirred together.

Those people have been staying in the dark for too long. They may have secretly operated an unusually large empire for so many years, but because they are always hiding in the shadows, they can no longer really go under the sun, they are destined to only Becoming part of the wild history that people talk about is like the Rothschild family who is considered by many people to secretly rule the world. It can only be used as a discussion topic for some people.

It was such a bold thing that a group of people actually did, which made Alexander have to face the conspirators who had been underestimated for the first time.

"Yes it's us," Tongomada said in a tone of pride and a little complacentness, even though the life and death power of how many people he held in his hand would still habitually bend down slightly. Awake, at the same time, his eyes were also unprecedented. "We did this. Castile should be in the hands of real **** believers, not the dish of hypocrisy traitors."

Alexander Tang nodded involuntarily to the declaration of Tango Madama. He also believed that Castile could not fall into the hands of others.

"Do you think so too, Duke," Tango Madama was not surprised by Alexander's strange approval of his point of view, but instead he showed a hint of relief "I did not misunderstand my friend Modillo, although he guided The path I took was that he did n’t seem to believe our beliefs, so many people felt it was a pity. Many of us even think that the Earl understands the meaning of the existence of the Apostle Judah more than anyone else. , And he is willing to help us, but he claims that he does not believe in our pursuit, but now it seems that he is the same as us, because I saw you. "

Alexander looked at Tango Madama inexplicably. He believed that Modillo must have used some gossip to deceive these religious lunatics, but he still did not understand why Tongo Madama would say that he believed that Modillo was their gang. Yes.

Do I look like someone who has been conspiracy all day long, Alexander thinks it's time for me to reflect on myself.

Seemingly seeing Alexander's doubts, Tongomada sipped his wine while saying, "Don Bavi, Duke, it's Don Bavi."

Tango Madama's words made Alexander understand.

He looked at the priest in a surprise, but he never thought that these people actually collaborated with Don Bavey.

Whether out of so-called beliefs or purely for power, Don Bavey is clearly a good collaborator.

He has ambition and strength, and at the same time he holds a powerful trump card, and because of his inextricable relationship with the old nobles of Castile, whether it is light or dark, Don Bavi has a A large number of his supporters.

This made Alexander suddenly realize that maybe he really underestimated the Duke of Buharanse before, and even his successive defeats in front of Gonzalo may not be as simple as they seem.

Now think about it, it seems that the army of the nobility in the Andalusian coalition has always been fighting the king ’s army, and although Don Bavi ’s own troops have also participated in many battles, they have never commanded Gonzalo himself The army is fighting head-on.

Alexander had to admit that he had been deceived by the illusion made by the old man. He had always behaved like a poor ambitionist with ambitious but limited capabilities, but now it seems that this person is really not simple.

"Duke, we need help. Your uncle, Count Modillo, thinks we can trust you, so should you trust us?"

Tang Gemada's eyes were sharp, which made Alexander no doubt at all, as long as he felt that he could not be trusted, then these people would deal with themselves in the most terrible way.

Tango Madama is not worried about his whistleblowing. After all, no one will believe that the Queen ’s private priest will be one of the main criminals who hijack the princess. Reliably these people will fly away.

Tango Madama was naturally very cautious and cautious to stay with Isabella for so long, but now he would rather reveal his identity, which shows that they have decided to desperately.

So what were they going to do next? Alexander was thinking quickly in his mind, and suddenly a thought flashed through his mind.

"Toledo? You want to send Toledo from Juana!"

Alexander was still asking, but later he directly affirmed this idea, and Tang Gemada's slightly unexpected expression also proved his idea.

"Duke, you are as intelligent as your uncle said," Despite this, Tango Madama was somewhat vigilant. He did not expect that the Duke of Rome Thesia would be so alert to perceive their plans. "We do Ready to send Juana to Toledo, where there are our friends, and the noble council of Castile is willing to cooperate with us. "

The corners of Alexander ’s mouth moved slightly, and after such a long period of change, he could hardly believe that the believers of the Jewish Assembly could still insist so persistently on their vain faith. Obviously these people are no different from those in the church They turned their pursuit of faith into a thirst for power and wealth, as can be seen from their cooperation with the noble councils of Don Bavi and Toledo.

"So what do you want me to do?"

Alexander did n’t believe that they were in trouble because they could n’t send Juana and his wife out of Bariaridot. These people were able to take them silently out of the Highland Castle. It's not that difficult.

However, they did not leave Barriardot before they were discovered, which means that they have other things to do here.

And obviously, this matter is quite troublesome, otherwise they will not risk finding his door.

Perhaps the two previous visits of Tango Madama were really just to test him, but this time he must have come for a request,

Sure enough, Tango Madama's next words made Alexander a little stunned.

"We want to see the Pope," Tango Madama continued to see Alexander, "Duke, we all know the previous sermon of Alexander VI in Zaragoza. To be honest, if it was not that he was sick at the time, maybe Queen Isabella has given the Pope an order for absolute punishment for this sermon. "

Speaking of which, despite the good cover-up, Alexander still saw a hint of irony in the slightly strange expression on Tongomad's face.

In Iberia, the theocratic power is firmly suppressed under the kingship. The noble church is not actually the bride of **** Christ, but the lover of the monarchs, which has become the status quo of this place even long ago.

Because of this, no one would think that Alexander VI ’s sermon in Zaragoza was his own decision, which also made many people understand that with Isabella ’s illness, Ferdinand could not wait to try By controlling Juana, control the power of Castile.

"The damage caused by His Majesty the Pope's sermon is not small. We need him to find a way to make up for this error. Otherwise, even if we arrive in Torreto, it will cause great trouble because of this."

Tang Gemada's face was gloomy. Obviously, he was in a bad mood when it came to this. Although he did not want to admit it, the influence of the church was still great after all. Especially, Ferdinand was behind him, so about Juana's inheritance qualification has now become an unresolved topic, even if no one has come forward to express doubts, but Juana's disturbing state has always been a boulder in the hearts of Castilians.

And it was her father who wanted to push down this huge rock and cause a series of disasters like an avalanche. This made even the people of the Jewish Congress who dismissed the Pope of the Vatican have to think about how to make up for it. The trouble caused by the field sermon.

"I think your request might be too much," Alexander refused to hesitate to Tango Madama without hesitation, even though his face was unhappy and then gloomy, but Alexander still said unmoved. "You know The Pope ’s sermon is to be recorded in the Holy See file, so do you think the Pope will change his previous statement so easily, I think you should also understand that even a humble person will insist on his words and deeds for self-esteem, then What do you think would allow the pope to change what he said in public? "

Tango Madama listened without saying a word. He actually knew that it was indeed very difficult. It should not be easier for a pope to take back what he said in public sermons than to let him show miracles publicly, as Alexander said, Even the humble or the best-tempered people tend to stick to their opinions for dignity.

It is really difficult to want a pope to turn the corner.

The priest's face showed a lost look. They worked hard and even sacrificed some of their companions who had been hiding to quietly bring out the Huanna couples in order to be able to use this today's first successor to Castile Identity and status, but the preaching of Alexander VI posed a great threat to Juana ’s inheritance. It can even be said that the sermon put a sharp weapon in the hands of those who questioned Juana ’s inheritance.

The most dangerous person in possession of this weapon is Ferdinand.

"Is there really no other way?"

Tang Gemada asked in a daze. As a private pastor of Isabel, he did enjoy the rights that others could not taste these years, and even as the judge of the trial court, he had a lot of power in life and death.

But he was always just a tool. Whether it was Isabella or the dignitaries of the Castilian court, they just needed him to do something, and never regarded him as the object of negotiation, which made Thomas Tang Gomada became at a loss when he was really facing a problem.

Alexander shook his head secretly. He knew that Tango Madama was precisely the epitome and representative of the people of the Jewish Assembly. These people had been in the dark for too long. For centuries, they often gathered in public meetings for the reason of going to the past. Be cautious, or just to prevent coveted by the monarchs and the Holy See of the huge wealth they have gathered over the years, also have to be careful to deal with spoilers from all sides.

How could such a group of people threaten today's powerful nations, perhaps in their own dreams that one day they could finally stand in front of everyone in a fair and solemn manner, and even allow the monarchs to convert under their faith, But in fact the world is never driven by conspiracy.

"Tell me what price can you afford?" Alexander finally said, he felt that he had almost mastered what he wanted to know, and even something more than he thought, and now he even guessed that perhaps Count Modillo also merged. Unlike what he himself said was just to realize the unification of the two Sicilies and to covet the Castile throne, probably the count wanted much more than he said.

Tango Madama looked at Alexander in dismay, he could understand the meaning of this, but he couldn't answer for a while.

Finally, after a while, Tongomada asked in a muffled voice: "So what do you want, Duke?"

After he finished, he immediately said: "Don't make unreasonable demands, we will not give Juana to you."

"It just so happens that I don't want her," Alexander said with a smile, and when he saw what Tango Madama seemed to say, he simply waved his hand and stopped him. "Please rest assured, Pastor Juana is just a trouble for me, You must be able to do what I ask for. "

"What is it?"

"Let Toledo's noble council recognize that Enrique IV's daughter Juana is his legitimate child and his offspring."

After looking at Alexander, he looked at Tango Madama, and then he saw the stunned expression of the priest as expected.

When Thomas Tangomad left, he was suspicious and even a little rude. Alexander believed that after he returned, he would be worried because he couldn't figure out what kind of connection between the two Juana.

After all, even if she admits that Juana is the biological daughter of Enrique IV ~ ~ in the current situation, she can no longer regain the Castile throne.

So why use such a useless condition in exchange for a valuable opportunity for the Pope to change his mouth?

Alexander knew that Tango Madama and his associates might not easily agree to this condition because they could not understand the mystery.

But he is not in a hurry. He knows that the people of Tongomada will agree to his condition sooner or later.

Alexander opened a sealed box and turned out one of the codebooks. After confirming the accuracy, he picked up the pen and started writing according to the password index.

"Sister, our father succumbed to his death, and we have to avenge our father ..."

Putting down the pen, Alexander stretched out and looked at the bright sunshine outside the window. He felt depressed before he swept away.

For the first time since I came to Iberia, I really took the initiative. Next, there will be a good show.

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