Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 140: Ready to fight!

Although he knew that Gonzalo was a **** who liked luxury life and beautiful women long ago, after seeing his house in Barriado, Alexander had to admit that he didn't know enough about this person before.

Gonzalo ’s home is a real palace. There is a gravel path paved around the entire garden outside the tall stone fence. If a person wants to walk around this road, no matter his dinner You do n’t have to worry about how much you eat, and you may not digest it in time, causing gastrointestinal problems.

In addition to a large garden to go out, Gonzalo's home is a huge mansion with nearly 40 rooms. The towering ridges on the tall roof make this Gothic-style building full of majesty. .

Each room is decorated with many sculptures or paintings, and some rooms are equipped with all kinds of weapons. These are Gonzalo's trophies. The benefits of the Italian war brought him a huge amount in addition to his success. Fortune, at least the most recent expedition to Crete made him a lot of money.

The servant took Alexander to a room filled with tin soldiers nearly half a person tall. This room was large, but the tin soldiers inside packed the whole room tightly, which made him nowhere to sit. .

The tin soldiers seemed to be doing wonderful things. After a closer inspection, they were shaped like the Castilian soldiers, and Alexander soon noticed that the tin soldiers were not arranged randomly, but were arranged. It became a tight formation. Not only that, he also saw one cannon model between the gaps of these formations.

Alexander recognized this as a model of a square formation. From these rigorously arranged and staggered positions, Gonzalo already had a more detailed understanding of the convenient system created by him than in Rome. Experience, we can say that these tin soldiers are huge models of the future Spanish phalanx.

"It's familiar, isn't it?" I don't know when Gonzalo has appeared in the doorway behind Alexander. He looks like Alexander who has been watching these tin soldiers. He walks to his side with a smile, and stands side by side with him. With this masterpiece full of houses, "Remember when we were in Rome, we once discussed how to make this more perfect. Now that I have realized all of what you see, then tell me what do you think?"

"Very powerful," Alexander said heartily, and he knew long ago that unless he was killed early, Gonzalo would sooner or later create this powerful Spanish phalanx, but now he sees this initial square In the shape of the prototype, Alexander couldn't help but feel a little shocked. "Tell me when you plan to put this masterpiece on the battlefield?"

"Soon," Gonzalo bypassed Alexander and walked through a narrow aisle between the ranks of tin soldiers. He came to an artillery model and reached out to pat the upturned barrel lightly. "Tell me, if What do you choose when we meet on the battlefield? "

Alexander pondered for a while, he also asked himself this question, if he met with the so-called "Great Gonzalo" on the battlefield, did he have the confidence to accept or take the initiative to challenge this person? He still has to confront this person head-on.

This has nothing to do with courage, nor is it a fight of will, but unlike Ferdinand thought, Gonzalo is a barrier between them and the crown, no matter whether they can finally wear the crown, they and tribute Salou always has to contest.

"I will defeat your phalanx, maybe your army is well-trained and brave, but they met me, so I have to ask you the same question, when you see me on the battlefield, you What will you do? "

Gonzalo looked at Alexandria intently, the room was silent, and the tin soldiers standing silent around him also exuded a breath of breath, which made the atmosphere depressive. It seemed that these metal soldiers would come to life at any time, and then arrange Formation, start killing.

Gonzalo looked at Alexander silently, and after a while he finally asked: "Well, I think some things may only be seen in the future. Now let me talk about your intentions, but I remind you not to talk about meaningless topics. . "

"Then I say something meaningful," Alexander was not disappointed because Gonzalo had blocked the words he had to say beforehand, and he simply asked "How long do you think Isabella can keep you?"

Gonzalo immediately frowned. He obviously didn't want to say this, but after looking at Alexander, he seemed confident, knowing that he would answer this question. Gonzalo paused and finally gave a light tone. Sigh softly.

"I didn't expect the Queen to be so ill. It all came so fast. Just think she was so healthy not long ago, but now her condition is getting worse day by day," Gonzalo said with a glance. Alexander "You don't seem to be surprised by the Queen's illness, or do you know what you already knew?"

Alexander smiled somehow. He knew that Gonzalo ’s days were not as bright as his appearance. Isabella ’s accidental illness made Castilian nobles including Gonzalo secretly secret. Anxious, they were worried about Juana's whereabouts, while carefully guarding Ferdinand who might take the opportunity to seize power at any time.

The rebellion in the South and the interference of the old noble forces of Toledo have already exhausted them.

As for Gonzalo himself, Alexander believed that he was well aware of his current situation. Once Isabella had three lengths and two shorts, the first thing Ferdinand had to do was kick the stumbling block to the side.

At about that time, it might have been a good ending for the queen ’s petty minister to let him hand over his military power and enjoy the blessing.

As far as Alexander knows, this is exactly the end of Gonzalo in history. After being listed with a large number of various crimes, Ferdinand forgave most of his "crimes" with a generous gesture. He sent him far away to his hometown.

Only now, Alexander is not sure whether this person will have such "good luck".

But even if he was eventually sent back home, before being deprived of military power, Gonzalo Cordova relied on the Spanish Great phalanx he created to glance on the battlefield for a moment.

"Maybe you can let those Andalusians do you a favor," Alexander said of his intentions. "They seem to be a lot more trouble now. Since you left, Don Bavi even fought a few victories, Perhaps this is a good way to make Ferdinand have to compromise like you. "

Gonzalo looked at Alexandria alertly, although he didn't know which side he was on until now, but just like Alexandria had a hunch that he would face him on the battlefield one day, Gonzalo also had such a strong hunch , So now hearing Alexander ’s suggestion, his first thought is that this may be a trap.

"I heard about the transaction between the Pope and Ferdinand, and some people said that he spent so much money on the evangelistic mission that he made him bear a large debt," Gonzalo said quietly. "Since The Pope is on his side. Should n’t you help Ferdinand eliminate as soon as possible disobedient people like me? "

"Tell me General, are you loyal to Isabella or Ferdinand?" Alexander suddenly asked a strange question. Seeing how Gonzalo seemed to be irritated by his question, he asked again, "Then I change a little bit One way, are you loyal to Castile or is Isabella herself finally? "

"Is there a difference," Gonzalo seemed to be really irritated. He bypassed the tin soldier and walked up to Alexander, staring angrily at him. "You broke into my house to ask me why these weird questions are, The queen is the representative of the royal family, and even the royal family itself. Is there anything in doubt here? "

"For some people it really needs to be distinguished," Alexander touched the head of a tin soldier with his hand, looked at the spear he was holding, and then looked at the dense formation of such metal soldiers. Alexander withdrew his sign tone and said seriously to Gonzalo, "General, please remember what you say today, this may save us all from going to the worst step in the future."

After he finished, he nodded to Gonzalo and left.

Looking at the back of Alexander's departure, Gonzalo looked indifferent. He looked back at the model of the huge square matrix that made him proud, and his eyes gradually became sharper.

Despite the hope to meet with the Pope again, Isabella ’s condition has never been fulfilled because of the ups and downs. By mid-August, the weather had become slightly cooler, and Iberi, which was hit by the Atlantic and Mediterranean climates The Asian Peninsula has plenty of rain this season, and even the Ebro River has entered the flood season ahead of schedule.

This is a good thing for Castilla, which is located on the northwestern high terrain. The abundant rain brings Castilla fertile soil and water for irrigating farmland.

But for Aragon, this season is quite difficult.

Because the reservoir that has been delayed and not built, the originally rich water resources of the Ebro River could not provide the necessary assistance to the Aragon Plain in the eastern part of the peninsula in time. The owed harvest has caused a large-scale owed harvest in the Catalonia grain production area, which was originally known for its high yield.

Although this does not threaten the stability of the Kingdom of Aragon, if this continues, eastern Iberia must be greatly affected.

What makes Ferdinand more worried is that this may cause Aragon to have to bow his head to the Castilians in exchange for the Castilians' help.

The future unified kingdom must be established on the basis of equal status. As the king of Aragon, Ferdinand cannot be allowed to be swallowed to complete the unity, which is even for those Aragon nobles who support unity Conditions, if unification cannot be achieved in this way, then even his supporters will inevitably face a new choice.

Ferdinand would like to remind Isabella to let him reconsider the plan to construct the Ebro Dam, but it is clearly not the right time now.

Isabella's illness from time to time concerns many people's hearts, which even makes people worry about Juana, who has not been found for a long time.

Although Ferdinand was disappointed again and again, he never gave up looking for his daughter, because he knew that although Isabella did not ask, but Ferdinand could feel his wife throwing over every time she stood in front of her bed Suspicious eyes.

He knew that Isabella had always suspected that he secretly imprisoned Juana, so for whatever reason, he had to find Juana as soon as possible to dispel Isabella's doubts about him.

Otherwise, for a long time, he could hardly imagine what Isabella would do.

Only when Ferdinand was very anxious, and people were still speculating about Juana's whereabouts, the whereabouts of Juana finally came from Toledo.

The Juana couple suddenly appeared in Toledo, and there was another news that was equally unexpected and amazing.

The Toledo Noble Council suddenly announced that it would reconsider the validity of the statement that Enrique IV claimed before his death that he re-recognized Juana as a descendant of his blood relatives!

This is a news that makes everyone stunned and even overwhelmed when they hear it.

Whether the incompetent Enrique IV, who had been dead for many years, was really happy to be a dad, it seems to have no meaning now. Isabella has completed all the most glorious deeds of the queen and is in her place. During the period, she finally drove away the Moors. She boldly sponsored an explorer to open a rich colony on the far side of the ocean and brought back endless wealth to the kingdom. It was also she who started the process of unifying the two kingdoms. The merits are enough to make her firmly seated on the throne, so even Juana was finally admitted as the descendant of Enrique's blood relatives, and the Princess Castilla, who was far away in Lisbon, had no chance at all to regain the throne.

What shocked people was actually the attitude of the Toledo Noble Council.

People have never imagined that Juana, who has been missing for a long time, will appear in Toledo, and at this delicate time, the noble council will announce the confirmation of the legitimacy of Enriquez ’s last words. The strong hints are almost completely unmasked. 'S challenged the Isabella couple in Barriado.

Castile, facing division!

In a room filled with weird smells, deep in the bedroom full of smoky smoke, Castile Queen Isabella was lying on the bed, her face glowed with abnormal blush, and the sweat was soaked Her precious silk inner skirt.

If Alexander is here, even if he is not familiar with medicine, he knows that the redness and sweat are obviously abnormal, and it is even more ridiculous to know who proposed to burn a lot of horse dung in the room. pole.

However, it is precisely because of this physical weakness that several doctors have unanimously proposed a prescription: "Bleeding, bleeding, only bleeding."

Then the queen's arm was again plugged in with a reed tube, and the red blood flowed silently out of the queen's body and fell into the silver basin under the bed.

The constant bleeding has almost destroyed Isabella's resistance, which was originally very fragile because of the illness. At this time, she has fallen asleep for most of the day, and she will struggle to summon when she is sober. The Minister, even when it was the most dangerous for a few days, she awake and immediately ordered people to recruit her generals to ask them about the situation in the South and Northwest.

Isabela, the Queen of Castile, is a strong-willed and conscientious monarch. Sometimes she will whisper her country and enemies in an ambiguous tone even when she is sleeping.

Isabella has many enemies, and since she was young, she has come by victories over powerful opponents. Now, most of her enemies have either gone to see God or have dared not to dare because of the fiasco. Provocative, but Isabella has always believed that her enemies are planning to try to be against her anytime, anywhere.

The queen on the bed moved, and the maid standing next to him immediately went up to see the situation. When the queen slowly opened her eyes and looked at him in amazement, the maid carefully whispered in her ear and asked what she had asked.

"Where is Juana?"

This is the first thing that Isabella will ask each time she wakes up, and then she will ask other things whether she is disappointed again or not.

This time, the queen who thought she would be disappointed saw the maid's hesitation, and there was a moment of eagerness in her eyes: "Has Juana fallen?"

"Your Majesty, but it is not good news."

The maid hesitated and did not know whether to tell the truth to the queen. Just when she felt embarrassed, Isabella had raised her weak hands and swayed slowly: "Go and ask Ferdinand."

"Your Majesty, you don't want to know the news of the princess?" The maid asked puzzled.

"Perhaps it was more appropriate for him to tell me," Isabella gently patted the back of the maid's hand. "Relax, I have heard more bad news, so don't worry about me."

When Ferdinand arrived, Isabella had already sat up with the help of a servant, and she even drank a small glass of goat's milk, which made her look slightly better.

"Tell me now, how is Juana?"

Isabella was ready to calm down, and she was indeed ready to hear the worst.

But she never thought that Ferdinand brought her even worse news.


Even with the disease, Isabella gave a powerful question.

"What are the councils doing, are they questioning the legal rights of my throne?"

Ferdinand shook his head in confusion, too, and he didn't understand what it meant to lift Enrique's daughter Juana at this time.

"It's Manuel?" Isabella asked suddenly, but then she knew that the conjecture was biased. The old nobles of Toledo might oppose her rule because she violated their rights, but those People are not stupid enough to collude with the Portuguese.

Because that means they will fight against the entire kingdom of Castile.

But in addition to Manuel, who would spare no effort to justify the identity of Eric's daughter?

"We need you to make a decision," Ferdinand sat by the bed, holding his wife's hand, Shen Sheng said. "Only you have the right to make this decision and tell us what you plan to do. Castile is facing a This civil war is a real war compared to the rebellion in the South. "

Isabella looked straight at her husband. She knew that Ferdinand was right. The noble council now had the two biggest chips, her daughter, and his half-brother.

Two Juana ~ ~ a crown, Toledo openly challenged her.

It didn't take long for Isabella to make a decision. She gave a few words to the attendant next to her. Soon after waiting for countless people, Gonzalo and a group of Castilian generals were ordered to see the queen.

"Your Majesty, I think we have been staying in Barialido for long enough." In the Rosary Palace, Alexander said to the Pope, looking at an old man playing a bronze horse sculpture with a typical Eastern Roman style, he could not help I wonder if Alexander VI has been enchanted by this rare good time.

But what surprised him was that after hearing his reminder, Alexander VI, who finally removed his eyes from the sculpture, was sober and calm: "It has been too long, aren't we going to Toledo?"

"So you are ready?"

Hearing Alexander's inquiry, the Pope asked seriously: "So are you ready?"

Alexander thought for a while and finally nodded: "Yes, ready to fight!"

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