Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 151: pirate

The nickname Red Beard has a special meaning in the Mediterranean. Compared with Black Beard, who has only gained a reputation for robbing new colonial routes in recent years, the Pirate Red Beard brothers have been in this business for a much earlier period.

Shortly after Muhammad II conquered Constantinople, the Sudan, who vowed to conquer the entire continent, was like European attacks.

Among these fierce warriors from the East, one soldier was rewarded for his bravery in fighting. He obtained a piece of self-cultivated land and tribute land allocated by the Sudan on an island in the Mediterranean Sea. After his death, Sudan will take back two thirds of it, and the rest can be passed on to his son.

This Ottoman named Alifa gave birth to several sons in the ensuing years, and he did not have much land for his descendants.

As a result, his sons became pirates, and as their strength grew, the family became the strongest pirate group in the Mediterranean.

Alifa's sons are very fierce, and their boss, Schon, has become a famous pirate leader. At the same time, because of his prominent red beard, he also has such a nickname.

But in this pirate family, there is one called Redding who is the most ambitious of their brothers.

In his view, when the pirates finally had no way out, he was eager to build a real country, and make his family a prominent king who could be equal to the Sultan of Ottoman.

Such ambitions may be too large and too far for a pirate, so even his brothers think he is too whimsical.

But Haileding obviously did not think so. He actively formed his own fleet, and at the same time tried to persuade other brothers to look further. His goal was to defeat the fleets of countries that protected their marine interests on the Mediterranean. , And then forced them to have to recognize the status of their family in the Mediterranean.

For this reason, when Reding first launched an attack on Sicilian maritime forces, it was a spring a few years ago. The cold winds in February raged on the Mediterranean Sea, but this did not blow out the heat that he was eager to hunt. .

So he risked approaching Sicily with several of his ships, and then, not far from Kalibo, the southern port of Sicily, he attacked a boat that fled from Crete to Sicily.

Most of the people on this ship were the remnants of East Rome. These remnants of the East Romans first fled Constantinople a few decades ago, then some settled in Crete, while others were worried about the spread of the war , And finally decided to flee to continental Europe with a large number of rare treasures.

At that time, Hereding accurately grasped the opportunity to attack the ship. He robbed the wealth on the ship, grabbed a large number of slaves, and watched some people jumping into the sea holding a broken wooden board floating on the sea. After drifting away with the sundries desperately on the sea, he proudly left the area with the loot from the robbery.

It was also from that time that Haireding launched a multi-year looting of Sicily.

Haireding was very persuasive, and the rich rewards he received deeply moved his brothers, so the Redbeard family gradually changed their style of robbery at sea, and they began to consciously establish their own forces. Range, but also mercilessly attack those enemies who try to violate their territory.

This includes Aragon and Sicily.

Over the past few years, Hayred has become one of the largest forces on the southern coast of the Mediterranean. They have established a bright or dark base in the Mediterranean coast of North Africa. With rich maritime experience and cunning wisdom, the Redbeard family Not only did they escape the siege of powerful enemies time and time again, they even attacked their enemies at sea.

The boldness and achievements of the Red Beard Brothers made the Mamluk dynasty, already precarious in Egypt, look at them differently. They felt that these pirates were a good move to contain the increasingly difficult Ottomans.

So they gave the Red Beard Brothers all kinds of support in order to help him to contain Altman's maritime power.

However, unlike his brothers who thought it was a godsend opportunity, Haireding did not want to put his fate completely in the hands of the Mamluks. At the same time, he secretly frowned on the Ottomans and attacked the Europeans across the Mediterranean from time to time with them.

However, the Ottomans were not believed by Hereding. His eyes were still fixed on Sicily, because in his view Sicily was a huge obstacle for him to establish his own pirate kingdom in the future.

Hereding was obviously the one who did what he said. In the past few years, while cleverly dealing with the sudden rise of the trade union, he did not forget the plan he had set.

Haileding has always believed that if he wants to establish his own country on the west coast of the Mediterranean, the only option is Northern Africa.

This forced him to inevitably clash with Sicily, so he always seized every opportunity to crack down on Sicily ’s strength, because he knew that Sicily ’s unique position on the west coast of the Mediterranean Sea would one day confront those strong enemies at sea It is likely to be the key to the enemy ’s containment.

It was just this time that Redding ’s attack on Sicily was a bit too fierce. The fleet sent by Sicily to Aragon to pay the first half of the tax suffered a devastating blow from Redding. In their encounters, after confirming that the pirate fleet of High Reading had almost cut off the route from Sicily to Aragon, Sicily Governor Flomensa had to send someone to the king for help.

The sea route from Aragon to Sicily was cut off by pirates, and Ferdinand was deeply shaken by the unexpected unexpected news.

He had heard of all the rumors of the pirates that ravaged the Mediterranean Sea, and he did suffer a lot of losses, but no one had suffered such a huge loss.

The destruction of the entire fleet made Ferdinand feel distressed in addition to the lost money. He was more worried that the pirates had obviously formed a large scale, and the cut off waterway made his connection with Sicily. It is more difficult, which is very dangerous at this time.

Ferdinand did not care to express the anger in his heart, he immediately summoned his Aragon generals, wanting to know how these people plan to solve the trouble that appeared before him.

For the accidents that the Aragonese suddenly encountered, most Castiles are not gloating and will not worry about them, and some people do have lively thoughts, and some even think that the time for those pirates to find trouble is wonderful At the extreme, at least this will allow Ferdinand to lose control of Castile because of his hassle.

Although it is not as powerful as Castilla in terms of maritime power, the Kingdom of Aragon still has a fairly strong fleet, but it is just a little overwhelmed by this almost sudden enemy.

Although it was known that the pirates were extremely rampant, they had never attacked the entire fleet in the past, so this made Ferdinand have no good way to deal with these pirates for a time, and the maritime threat from the Portuguese made him unable to deal with it. Together with the Castilian Navy, the Aragonese fleet that confronted the Portuguese near the Azores was drawn from the Atlantic Ocean. If not manuel

If Manuel was not an unusually devout believer, Ferdinand even suspected that the Portuguese might collude with those pirates, otherwise how exactly the pirates attacked the Sicilian fleet at this time.

There is another reason why Ferdinand is also entangled. At this time, sending the Aragonese fleet to the North African coast to entangle with pirates will inevitably lead to his power in Iberia being extremely weakened. This is now for him. Is quite unfavorable.

Ferdinand finally decided to send the fleet to North Africa. He could not lose contact with Sicily. Even if it was only a short time, it was also extremely dangerous at this time. In addition to the Ottomans who may attack from the sea at any time, France and Naples The alliance had made him sleep and sleep, but now it is because of fear that losing contact may cause Sicily to be in a difficult situation.

"Send our fleet to find those abominable pirates, tell them that even if they can't eliminate them, they must crack down on their arrogance, to let them know that they must pay the price to get close to the European continent, and then establish a guarantee at sea there. The safe line of defense between Aragon and Sicily. "

Once he knew what he wanted, Ferdinand ’s order became concise and clear. He did not interfere with what the officers should do, but just told them what he wanted, so as to ensure that his men could be maximized. In order to command their fleet flexibly, Ferdinand is much more enlightened than his family emperor Maximian.

The news that the Aragonese were about to withdraw the fleet quickly spread in Barriado, and the Castilians were mixed.

It was undoubtedly a bad decision to withdraw the fleet when the battle with the Portuguese was on the verge, but this time was so ingenious, the disadvantage caused by the Aragonese to Castilla on the battlefield was Seen as a rare opportunity to weaken Ferdinand in the court, the Castilians watched Aragon ’s fleet slowly entering the Mediterranean Sea from the Strait of Gibraltar in this rather contradictory mood.

In Malaga, there was also someone watching the passing fleet.

In fact, many Aragon ’s captains and sailors know this person, Christopher Columbus, the famous adventurer in the nautical world is a hero in the minds of many people, but as he fell out of favor in front of the Queen ’s couple The figure gradually disappeared in front of people's eyes.

Even though some people knew that he had been freed after a brief prison, they thought that Columbus had no chance of returning to the sea because of the queen ’s indifference. After all, it was impossible to organize another one by himself. A huge fleet of ocean-going expedition ships.

So those Aragonese didn't know that Columbus was now in Malaga they had just passed, and they were still looking at the shadow of the ship that they gradually disappeared at sea.

In October, two news, one good and one bad, reached Barrialdod one after another.

Don Bavi, who had always been arrogant before, somehow suddenly became respectful. Although he repeatedly attacked the king ’s army in Andalusia and even showed signs of expelling the rebel army from Andalusia, but for the Queen ’s Negotiations showed some signs of emotion.

Although he still shows restraint in his correspondence, as long as he reads it carefully, he can notice the meaning of "negotiable talk" vaguely revealed between the lines in his words.

Isabella did n’t understand the unexpected behavior of Don Bavi. The advantage on the battlefield did not make him more unscrupulous, but instead showed signs of dancing negotiations, which made the sick Queen vaguely guess. Maybe something happened to Don Bavey.

Just because no specific information could be heard at all, Isabella had to force people to strengthen their exploration of the Andalusian side while sending messengers to express her goodwill to Don Bavey.

If Don Bavi ’s eccentric behavior is a good sign, then the news from Toledo is obviously bad news.

According to Isabella's intention to go to Toledo to announce the so-called "Princess Juana's trip to the old city of Toledo", the messenger not only did not see Juana, not even the city of Toledo.

After learning of the envoy ’s intentions, the noble council announced the official recognition of Juana ’s regent status overnight, and at the same time, as the noble Castilian, they proclaimed Juana as the Astamara family in Castilla. The official heir.

All these processes are carried out in one night, the time is short, and the hasty situation is too shabby compared to any such ceremony.

But all these ceremonies were conducted under the testimony of Pope Alexander VI, but this is enough to prove that all ceremonies are legal and effective.

So when the messenger who arrived almost day and night finally hurried to Toledo, the representative sent by the aristocratic parliament who had been waiting outside the city just told him easily: "Everything is over."

After failing to respond to the disputes and even being forced to expel, the messengers had to rush back to Barrialdod overnight to report the bad news.

Regarding this accident, according to some people who served from the queen, people learned that the queen sent everyone out after hearing the report of the messenger, except for the Moorish servant around her for the whole day, Even Ferdinand was turned away by her.

Toledo ’s move meant that the noble council completely set aside Isabella and declared Juana ’s rights on its own, which was completely opposite to Bari Ridod.

Don Julio Mando stood side by side with Alexander in front of a stone house built with local gray-blue stone.

This house is very large, the structure of the upper and lower two floors is not much shorter than the other three floors, the windows of the house are very small, this is a typical Iberian structure, it can be imagined that these early windows always stood behind Vigilant soldiers with bows and arrows are ready to explain to the enemies who are coming.

The door of the house is also very narrow. Even if both doors are open, only one person can enter.

The door was closed tightly, and someone could hear the sound of someone walking inside, but no one came to open the door.

"They have refused to come out since they arrived here," Don Julio Mando said to Alexander with some helplessness. "I am worried that she will embarrass us all when the official ceremony is over. Know her Sometimes it does seem crazy. "

"Crazy Juana."

Alexander murmured to himself with a voice that only he could hear. In fact, he was not willing to come to see this poor woman. It can be said that the only innocent person in this era was probably Juana.

It's hard to believe that in such an era, a woman of such an identity will have such a pure love. Juana is like an obsession with an invaluable treasure. She regards Philip as her only value, this pure untrue love. But it happened in such a complete political marriage.

So Alexander knows that whether it is history or reality, this is destined to be a tragedy.

When I stepped on the door again, the footsteps that seemed to move back and forth stopped, and finally a slightly nervous voice came out: "Who are you, what are you doing?"

"Princess, don't you want to cure the prince?" Alexander asked and saw Don Julio Mando shaking his head at him, but he ignored the chief elder and continued to cling to it. Juana, who was at the door, said, "Trust me, I can make Philip feel better at least."

"Who are you?" Juana hurriedly asked.

"Gombre, Duke of Thesia," Alexander said.

There was silence again in the door, and Don Julio Mando opened his hands helplessly. He had encountered such a thing before.

Alexander waited patiently. He believed that Juana would open the door. As long as it was related to Philip, she would do everything desperate, even if it was something that worried her.

Sure enough, the closed door opened a slit, and a big shiny eye looked out of the slit.

"I know you, and I have seen you in Barriado." Juana said first with certainty, and then looked at Don Julio Mando aside alertly, and then quickly looked alert. " I have seen you too, you have to separate me from my husband. "

"That's for ..."

"Can you cure my husband's illness?" Juana interrupted the chief veteran directly ~ ~ Her eyes were fixed on Alexander waiting for his answer.

"At least I can make him less painful," Alexander said, seeing Juana look hesitant, he tried to reach out and pressed on the door. "Can I go in, Your Highness, I think I can take a look at the Prince's situation first . "

Juana finally chose to make a "huh" sound with determination and then backed away, and the door opened gently.

"Duke, can you really cure Philip's disease?"

Alexander noticed the strange look on Don Julio Mando's face when he asked him, but instead of answering, he walked towards the door.

"No one can cure his strange disease until now. Maybe you happen to have some solutions, but just like the pirates attacking Sicily, everything may just be a coincidence." Don Julio Mando said with a frown.

Alexander stopped suddenly. He turned to the elder and whispered softly, "Those pirates, do you really think that is a coincidence?"

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