Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 176: Bizarre journey of Sister Alft

In the west of Madrid, close to the east bank of the Manzanares River, a section of the abandoned wall stopped abruptly on the bank. Large pieces of ruins and dark bricks seemed to prove how magnificent and magnificent this place was, As the Moors were expelled from the peninsula and the city of Madrid continued to expand eastward, this section of the wall that was originally built along the Manzanares River is now gradually barren.

Since the Moors were driven away from Madrid more than 140 years ago, Madrid has suffered several major natural disasters and turbulence, but after Isabella and Ferdinand announced their marriage, and then held a grand wedding ceremony here With the settlement of the contradictions and disputes between Castile and Aragon and the gradual unification of the two countries, Madrid City, which originally focused more on military defense, has gradually developed into a commercial city.

Now Madrid, with a population of nearly 200,000, has almost become the largest city on the Liberian Peninsula. Even Seville, which has a pivotal position in the south, cannot match the trend of rapid urban size and population growth. compared to.

The city of Madrid on a plateau is far from clear. The northern part is neatly blocked by the Iberian central mountain range at the foot of its southern foot, while the southern part is directly blocked by the Tagus River.

In this way, if Madrid wants to expand, it can only develop in both directions, and the Manzanares River, which was originally used as a natural defense line, naturally becomes the western border of Madrid.

The city of Madrid now gradually expands eastward along the slopes of the plateau, and because the threat from Aragon has ceased to exist, the city has developed more rapidly.

On the east bank of Manzanares, there is a small farm. The owner of the farm is a typical wealthy family. The family ’s property includes a small piece of land and a group of sheep. There is also a pack car. And the donkey pulling the cart.

This family originally had a total of 5 people. Except for the husband and wife, the three of their children were the oldest, while the youngest learned to walk not long ago.

This is a very ordinary family. This is a typical well-off family in Madrid or anywhere, that is to say, their days may not be very rich, but as long as the year is good, not only can you eat a full stomach, you can also There is a slight surplus, and such a family is the least noticeable in Castile today, so no one cares about the sudden addition of a guest in their home.

Sister Alft was sent to this family's house for some time. Before that, she was robbed by the rude pirates from the nun's convent and sent to Toledo like a cargo, but soon after Was sent to Madrid again.

The family obviously did not know the origin of Sister Alft, but they faithfully performed their duties.

In other words, they became the guardians of Sister Alft, but they were told to be polite and careful with this nun.

Sister Alft never knew why she was faced with all these changes. She originally thought that she had met a trafficker. Although her long life in the monastery did not give her much impression of her appearance, but at least From the look of envy and envy of many nuns, we can know that at least she is not ugly.

This made her start to worry about herself, but then she discovered that the robbers were very cautious about her. The robber leader did not even allow his men to approach her, and then in Toledo, she saw a different person.

The man seemed to know who she was.

The reason why she said it was because Sister Alft was told that she was an orphan since she was a child, so she was sent to that nun, but this experience made her realize that perhaps her origin is not that simple.

It's not difficult for her to think so. After all, in her 19 years of life, she really can't remember what relationship she had with these people, so the only explanation is her history.

Sister Alft is sitting on the warm platform in front of the living room window of the farm house. The stone table is covered with a thick layer of sheepskin. The fire in the stove is very hot. Although the snow is floating outside, the room is Very warm.

Sister Alfred had taken off her black nun dress, but replaced it with a coarse skirt of the house owner's daughter.

The style of the skirt is a bit old, but there is no patch and it is still clean, but I have been wearing a nun's robe for many years and suddenly changed into worldly clothes, which made Sister Alfred somewhat uncomfortable.

When they first arrived, the family was very nervous. They did n’t know who the nun was sent by baldness, and they did n’t know the reason why she was sent here, but they knew very well that if she was not served well, Or let her run away, then their family will be unlucky.

Fortunately, Sister Alft didn't seem to plan to embarrass them. She had been honest since the beginning. Even when she saw someone come to visit this house, she took the initiative to hide and didn't show up.

Sister Alft was certainly not willing to stay because she believed them, but remembered what the strange young man had said to her when she left Toledo.

"Maybe I'm not a good person in your eyes, but believe me, the outside of the monastery is more dangerous than you think. You don't know what you will face after you escape, but stay at least you are safe now."

Although she has n’t left the convent since her memoirs, Sister Alft is obviously much smarter than one of her crazy sisters. Although she does n’t believe the young man, she chooses before she ca n’t figure out the series of doubts. Instead of waiting for the opportunity to wait for the time to wait for the change, not to act madly.

A young man approached the farm in a hurry. He was the youngest son of the farm owner De Vita. When the first time Sister Alfred walked into his house, the boy was completely surprised by the beauty of the girl who appeared suddenly. shocked.

Although he knew at a glance that she was a Moorish, he was still hopelessly infatuated with this mysterious girl.

But his mind was immediately seen through by his dad, and then he was sent away from home far away.

Now he was rushed back from the city of Madrid. He hadn't walked into the house and looked at the outline of the house from afar. Thinking of the young girl who was living there now, De Vita couldn't help but feel hot and accelerated.

De Vita ’s house is not very far from Madrid, or his home is on the edge of the city, because the farm is very close to the main road leading to the Manzanares River ferry, so the ferry can be seen far away On the road.

Little De Vita put his hands in a thick short robe wrapped around him. He was sent by the dad to the city to work for a rich man who built a house. He had not expected this money in the past, and this There is already a lot of farm work in the family, and De Vita will not send his son out.

But after seeing how his son was immediately fascinated by the girl, he hurriedly drove the son out of the house.

Little De Vita walked anxiously forward, he never felt that he was so far away from home, and it seemed that he could not get there.

Finally, the shadow of the farmhouse was very clear, because it was night, and I could still see the faintly smoky cooking smoke on the roof. I remembered that my mother made fragrant burrito, and I always marinated the fish with saffron juice. Little Devita felt hungry.

But he could n’t wait to get home as soon as he got the wages after building the house. He never stopped except for stopping at a stall on the road to buy a small gift for the girl named Alft. pace.

Little De Vita stepped hard to jump over a dry field ridge. From here, he didn't have to go around, but could take a shortcut to enter the house directly.

But just when he had just skipped Tian Long and was going to run home, a rapid horseshoe sound in the distance caught his attention.

Because this piece only has his own home, so Devita is sure that those people are coming to his own home.

This made his heart tense at once, and he didn't remember the scene when the girl named Alft was suddenly sent.

Also in such an evening, the strangers suddenly visited their home, and the dad seemed to be familiar with one of the men who looked very fierce, and even seemed to be afraid of him.

After closing the door and chatting with the fierce man alone for a while, the father announced to his family that there would be a guest in their house, and it was not known how long they would stay.

Then Little Devita saw the mixed-race girl named Alft.

All these changes dazzled Little Devita, but he could never forget the man with this very fierce face.

The sound of horseshoes was getting closer and closer, and Little De Vita saw several figures riding on horses ran around the farmland in the direction of his house from the dirt road in the distance.

Behind those few people, there was also a wagon stalking behind.

Suddenly DeVita's heart jumped. He remembered that Alfred was sitting in such a carriage when he came. Now that he saw the carriage appear again, he immediately realized what might happen.

Little Devita quickly stepped up and ran in the field. He opened his mouth wide, and the cold and dry air was sucked into his mouth to relax the original hot chest slightly, but then his throat was sore.

When Little De Vita ran to the door of the house, he saw that the few people had entered the house. The carriage stopped outside the farmyard. A tightly wrapped driver did not come down, but sat on the carriage and bit his hand. Dried meat.

Little Devita hurriedly ran into the house and immediately saw the fierce-looking man again.

Seeing Little De Vita, the man grinned and smiled at him, but this did not make him appear more sympathetic, but more terrible.

"I'm here to pick up the lady." The man said to the Devita family, and the little Devita noticed that his accent sounded strange, obviously not Madrid, or even not Castilian.

Seeing his son's expression immediately anxious, Old Devita twisted his mouth, and then looked at the man.

"Hurry up, we have to rush across the river before it gets dark."

The man was impatiently urging, and at the same time took out a heavy purse from a deep pocket and threw it on the table, making a "dong" noise.

Little De Vita's heart followed the muffled sound and couldn't help but tremble. He looked at the door of the back room with some difficulty. After seeing his mother carrying a bag in, a little while later, the girl named Alft left. come out.

She wore a dark travel outfit, a thick, thick cloth skirt and a short hood with a hood wrapped her tightly.

When she saw the man, there was a trace of panic on Mother Alft's face. She would not forget that this man was one of the robbers who had robbed her from the nun.

Although the leaders of the robbers severely warned his men not to offend themselves, Sister Alfred could not forget the terrifying look of this robber with a lees nose when she looked at her.

"Miss, you can come out. If we slow down, we will have to hurry up at night." The rosacea complained with dissatisfaction. James asked him to be polite and polite to this young mixed-race girl, otherwise he would You're welcome to him.

James ’s original words were: “If I heard that even if it made her unhappy because of your reasons, I would hang you on the mast and air-dry it into a pile of bacon the next time I went to sea.”

Sister Alft was sent to Toledo and then to Madrid, and rosacea was very careful along the way, and James had to leave immediately if it was not because of a very important thing, and would not let rosacea pick it up alone. she was.

Seemingly aware of how little Devita was concerned, Sister Alft couldn't help but look at him. Seeing what the young man seemed to restrain as much as possible, she sighed secretly in her heart, then turned and walked silently out of the door go with.

Little Devita followed the gate of the yard, watching the carriage heading towards the ferry, until it gradually disappeared into the darkened darkness. He wiped the tears on his face when he did not know when it was popular, and saw his hands clenched. He wore a rough workmanship necklace with a black agate. Little De Vita suddenly felt an unspeakable sorrow in his heart. He clutched the necklace hard and dragged his tired body towards the house.

The sky was completely dark, which made Sister Alfred nervous. She couldn't forget the kind of eyes that looked at her with rosacea, but fortunately they soon arrived at the ferry.

Sister Alft didn't know where these people were going to send her, they kept her in the carriage, and even did not let her off when she crossed the river.

There is a very convenient avenue from Madrid to Barialido, and after crossing the Manzanares River, they proceeded along the road towards Barialido.

Sister Alft had thought about finding opportunities to ask rosacea about herself, but it was clear that these people had been ordered not to disclose any information to her casually, which made her fall into anxiety and speculation along the way. Uneasy.

Sister Alft can vaguely guess that her strange experience is probably related to her life experience, but she can't figure out why these people are so painstakingly sending her from one place to another, but also so careful Hide her.

She actually didn't want me to run away, especially when she was at Devita's house, she thought of finding a chance to escape far away, but the fear of the outside world made her afraid to take risks.

She stayed in the monastery for too long, almost starting with memory. When she was very young, there were always some people staring at her closely. She still remembered that she was always kept in a big house. After going out, after being slightly older, she was suddenly sent to the women's convent located deep in the swamp.

In her memory, she knew that someone had visited her often. Although that person had never entered the monastery, she could feel that the person seemed very concerned about her.

But that was all a kid's thing. As he grew older, the man came less and less. After that, he didn't show up for a long time.

Sister Alft guessed who that person was, and even guessed that he might be her father.

She had never seen what he looked like, but knew that his body seemed inconvenient, because every time the man came, he seemed to be in a wheelchair.

The man would stay behind the window outside the door of the monastery for a long time, and she was ordered to stand in the yard and bow to the two doors that would never open.

I remember when I was young, the nun who brought her to see the man would also let her walk a few laps in the yard. Doing these obviously boring things, but every time they asked her to report to her behind the door on her study and life.

That person was probably her father. Perhaps he was a distinguished nobleman, and he was the illegitimate child left by him and a woman of low status.

Sister Alfred often guessed this way, but later that person came less and less often, and later did not meet for a long time, which made Sister Alfred very sad.

Are these people going to take her to see that person now, to see her father, and perhaps her mother?

Sister Alft thought wildly, and these speculations were also the main reason why she did not escape.

On the way, they heard rumors about the Queen's illness intermittently, but the rosacea obviously didn't care.

Sister Alft was very worried about the queen's condition. She knew Isabella was a devout queen. It was because of her tireless efforts with her husband Ferdinand that the pagans were completely expelled from Iberia.

And because of their firm beliefs, they also almost completely expelled the Jews from the Iberian Peninsula from their own country.

Sister Alfred prayed for the queen's health, and she even wished that she would endure great suffering if the queen got sick.

But God apparently did not hear her prayers, and the bad news called by the Queen finally came when she was about to reach Bariaridot.

Sister Alft shed tears for the Queen's death, but rosacea didn't care about it. He just wanted to reach his destination as soon as possible.

Torresterias is a small town in the south of Barrialdod. This town was built on the side of the valley where the ancient river was diverted and became dry, so except for the exits at both ends of the town, the whole town was surrounded by the valley .

Follow the valley to the north through Torresterias, and then walk a few miles to enter the area under the jurisdiction of Barriado, because it is a necessary place, Torresterias has become a very prosperous local.

The rosacea led the team slowly along the river valley towards the town, and they had been instructed before UU reading They should be as careful as possible when approaching Bariari Dodd, and do not cause unnecessary attention.

The town is much more lively than in the past, and the Queen ’s death has had a great impact. Some nobles from afar are rushing to Barriado, and now the entire Torres Yas is full of people.

A guard composed of more than a dozen cavalry ushered in a carriage, and when the two teams crossed on the street, Sister Alft sitting in the car accidentally saw a tie tied behind the other carriage. A weird wheelchair was whispered.

Her whisper seemed to attract the attention of the people in the carriage opposite, and a very tall figure flew through the window covering the thick curtains.

Sister Alfred froze for a moment, and she felt that she saw a familiar shadow, just thinking about the fact that she had never left the monastery all the time, the idea was really ridiculous again.

In the carriage opposite, Don Bavi also looked at the carriage passing by, and his heart was surging with a doubt of "this sound, it sounds familiar".

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