Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 180: Ferdinand's dilemma

Ruosha's coronation was made at the urging of the coalition generals, and it was the desire of the city-state monarchs and chaebols behind them.

Headed by Elliot, son of Count Taranto Hossen, everyone expressed the hope that the queen would succeed the Sicilian throne as soon as possible, and then formally crown the crown of the Sicilian king after reunification.

There are many reasons for this consideration, but the most important thing is that the trade union hopes to really stabilize their position in the Mediterranean and the fruits of their victory.

For the trade union, the establishment of the unity of the two Sicilies and the King of Naples as the sole Sicilian monarch is a very crucial step. This is even more important than winning a war.

Only by ensuring that the Kingdom of Sicily is unified under the **** of the prince of Naples can we ensure that even if there are more conflicts with Aragon about the status of Sicily in the future, the Alliance still has the reason and name to wage war for this purpose.

Although this is an era of war and conflict, it is probably because of this that a reasonable reason has also become one of the important factors for starting a war. If a crown is once again "registered" in the Vatican, then even if the coalition is in Sicily in the future Suffered a fiasco in the competition and had to be forced to evacuate Sicily, but this undoubtedly also laid the groundwork for the renewed claims in the future.

Of course, Lin Jun still hopes that he will be able to complete the battle this time, although if the Aragonese fleet returns to their situation may not be very good, but people always have some hope.

The two emissaries departed from Portugal and Sicily respectively. Although the Portuguese went out much earlier, they must have a long way to go, so when the emissaries of Rosa arrived in the Vatican, the two emissaries arrived almost simultaneously.

Nowadays, the Vatican is in a rather delicate situation, so the arrival of these two messengers, the Cardinal Regiment was quickly divided into several groups with clear positions.

The only regret of the old Luo Weilei, whose prestige has reached its peak now, is that Alexander VI is still alive, and it is said that he is getting more and more energetic, which makes the old Luo Weilei somewhat worried whether he can survive this old enemy.

At the same time, the newly emerged forces in the Vatican made him feel that he could not be ignored. Although he had cooperated with Bishop Masimo of Romagna-Tuscany before, he even moved down Alexander VI together in a tacit understanding, but now with that Bishop Weidu ’s influence in the cardinal group gradually deepened, and old Luo Weilei began to feel the threat gradually.

But he still needs the support of the metropolitan bishop, because he is now busy everywhere for the throne of his son Constantine Duke of Milan.

Let Constantine succeed the Sforza family who has been heirs to become the Duke of Milan. This was the proposal and promise that Alexander gave him at the time. This proposal was too tempting and finally let the old Rovere chose to support Alexander at all costs. This includes even his short-term cooperation with Alexander VI.

With the temporary end of the Italian War, with Genoa to Verona, and then to Venice as the boundary, Italy was divided into two parts, north and south, virtually.

The peninsula including Rome, Florence, Pisa, and Naples became the sphere of influence of the Free Trade Union headed by the Principality of Rome Thesia, while the wealthy Lombardy area on the mainland, with Milan as the center, was actively ceded by the trade union .

As for Genoa, it is still under the control of the French, but their days are not so good. With the large number of French troops already withdrawn to the French mainland, the original Genoese nobles are planning to use Sardinia they now occupy as a base to The French who occupied Genoa counterattacked.

To become the Duke of Milan is actually not an easy task. Despite the public support of Roma Thesia and the French seem to acquiesce to this helpless fact, the opposition from Emperor Maximian is so strong, even News from Vienna says that if the old Rovere must stubbornly send his son to the Duke of Milan, then the emperor might not hesitate to wage another war.

Even without knowing the truth of this rumor, Old Rovere had to take it seriously. After all, let Constantine succeed the Duke of Milan. This may not be in line with the wishes of others. Even in the Vatican, there are still many voices of opposition.

This made him have to treat the cardinals, including Mahimo, who have their own influence, cautiously. Not only can he not use them as enemies, but he must also try to win the deal, because Old Rovere knows clearly Whether or not you can successfully become the pope and son can become the Duke of Milan is actually one thing, and any success will guarantee another realization, and vice versa.

So after the two messengers arrived in succession, Old Rovere seemed to have nothing to do with these two things at first, and he seemed extremely concerned about how many things are inextricably linked.

Old Rovere did not know what Alexander was doing on the Iberian Peninsula. He could feel that the son-in-law between the two elders seemed to believe in Alexander VI more, or that the two Alexanders were even more smelly, but as long as they did not infringe his interests. Rovere, the old, did not care much about this. After all, it was not Weng son-in-law's affection that really determined the relationship between the two parties, but conflicts of interest.

But Old Rovere still cares about what Alexander ’s intention was in Iberia. After all, there is Alexander VI ’s nest. If Alexander really changed his attitude because he got the Pope ’s help there, then he will have to reconsider this. How did your son-in-law get along?

In addition, Manuel ’s request for divorce from Aragon ’s Maria gave Old Rovere a glimmer of hope. He knew that because of the family relationship with the Spanish kings, there was also the possibility that the French might be allied with the Portuguese. Worried, Emperor Maximian should be opposed to divorce, which makes him feel that he has bargaining chips with Maximian.

While Mahimo must support Ruosha's coronation as King of Sicily, then he also has the opportunity to gain the support of a major force in the Cardinal Regiment.

Sure enough, Massimo quickly publicly expressed support for the Queen of Naples crowned as the unified King of Sicily. In order to prove his firm attitude, Massimo wrote an open letter to Zuosha, in which he directly called Zuosha "the only Sicily." "Monarch", the letter appeared at first glance, and instantly caused an uproar in the city of Rome.

Aragon ’s supporters in the Vatican strongly accused Mahimo of causing trouble, and even more people threatened to let him know what the consequences would be if the demon confounded the crowd.

And Mahimo used his usual skillful teeth to start a diametric debate against those who opposed it.

He generously argued and argued that he was fighting the enemies in the East and West, and later this debate almost turned into bleeding time.

Mahimo excitedly used his staff, which was much thicker than others, to shake and threaten to smash the head of a bishop who was entangled with him, and perhaps it was too annoying and corrupt, he even clamored to use his " Another more powerful staff teaches the mistress of the other party. "

Such inelegant and harsh words made the people present stunned. Seeing that the promising metropolitan bishop was going to stage a full martial art with heavy meat in public, a group of people immediately went up and pulled Mahimo aside.

However, some of his words still played a role, the other party was really scared by him, because then Mahimo not only whispered the address of his mistress, but also hinted to know how much the other party hid in the mistress's house. Diocese private property.

The man immediately became more honest. He looked at Mahimo's eyes like he looked at the devil. While enduring the huge fear in his heart, the already scared bishop had to take advantage of the excuse of being angry. Escaped.

Mahimo, who had a great combat effectiveness, immediately chased after victory. He rummaged and proved that the Queen of Naples inherited the only Sicilian throne from the historical and legal legitimacy. At the same time, he also passed Astama who did not know where to get it. The lineages of the La family have proven that the lineage of the Naples lineage is actually more pure than that of the current Aragon lineage. The posture greatly encouraged Russa to inherit Sicily and declare Aragon ’s momentum.

Seeing Mahimo holding so well prepared and the evidence so clear, these proofs have been said so eloquently, people gradually realized that this seemingly hasty trend of unifying Sicily should have been prepared long ago. .

Old Rovere was also secretly surprised by the ambitions of his brother and sister. He knew that Alexander had been coveting southern Italy for a long time, which can be seen from his repeated promotion of Skop to Earl of Verona.

The purpose of Alexandria was obvious. With Verona as the boundary, Italy was divided into two halves.

Old Rovere sometimes wondered, maybe once it stabilized, it would be the war of reunification of the Principality of Rome Thesia against the entire southern Italy, but I did n’t know how the brothers and sisters got along with each other at that time.

But he never imagined that the unification of Southern Italy was not what he imagined. The goal for the brothers and sisters was Sicily!

Even the old Rovere, who has a big appetite, feels a little unbelievable. After all, this means that they will face a behemoth from Iberia.

This is a bit too risky for a trade union that has just finished a war with the French.

However, Old Rovere obviously underestimated the power of capital. Under the huge temptation to monopolize the Mediterranean trade, even in the face of the more terrifying Ottoman Empire, the trade union will try to find some benefits from this giant. What's more, all kinds of signs have proved that such an adventure not only has huge rewards, but it is not impossible to achieve.

Old Rovere made a decision very quickly. He knew that since Ruosha became Queen Sicily regardless of whether he was in favor or not, all he had to do was take advantage of the opportunity to get some benefits from it.

Old Rovere immediately expressed his support for Mahimo, and he also took the opportunity to submit the request of the Portuguese King Manuel to the Holy See to declare his marriage invalid to the Cardinal.

As expected, Manuel's request for divorce immediately caused an uproar in the Vatican.

The forces from all sides invariably set their sights on the distant Iberian Peninsula, and only then did people notice the French's seeming ambition for Iberia.

This immediately attracted the attention of Maximian ’s allies in the Vatican, who, while trying to delay the decision on this request, quickly reported the matter to Vienna.

Of course Rovere was not very anxious, he waited patiently for the emperor's response, and at the same time figured out how to take advantage of this opportunity to propose his terms to Maximian.

Like many places in Europe today, the Vatican has also fallen into some sort of seemingly inexplicable confusion. Everyone seems to be involuntarily involved in a huge vortex that no one can tell from when.

There are all kinds of characters in this vortex, everyone has their own desires, but it is like a mess of tangles, the ordinary situation of Europa in early 1502.

When the frustration of the Castilian fleet in the Azores reached Barialido, Ferdinand was listening to another report that annoyed him.

The language text has promised to come to Barrialdod to participate in the negotiations. Don Bavi suddenly changed his hexagram, and he quietly returned to Andalusia with the guard.

When Ferdinand got the report of Don Bavi's untrustworthy escape, Don Bavi had already escaped from the area controlled by Ferdinand, and now no one knows where he has gone.

In this way, even trying to send someone to catch up with it has become much more difficult.

This made Ferdinand violently jump. He wanted to blame Gonzalo, who was originally the commander of the rebel army, but Gonzalo pointed out that he had left Andalusia when he negotiated with Don Bavi.

"Perhaps the stupid decision made by a self-righteous person is the cause of all this trouble."

Listening to Gonzalo's full of sarcasm, Ferdinand's anger has made the muscles on his face slack and stretched tight, which may explode at any time.

"Don Bavi will launch a more intense action when he returns to Seville," Gonzalo looked at Ferdinand coldly. "I will catch him in front of you, but I don't want to appear again. Such a thing was called back from the frontline because of unfounded suspicions. "

Ferdinand stared at Gonzalo's face dumbly. He knew the man was threatening him, but he couldn't help it.

When he heard that Don Bavey had escaped, he knew that the situation had developed towards the worst possible.

Andalusia ’s rebellion is bound to intensify, and this time Don Bavey will certainly not easily accept compromises and negotiations.

So now the only way is to send a strong candidate to quickly rebel. Otherwise, because of Isabella's crash, the situation in Castile is uncertain. Perhaps the situation may really develop to an unmanageable level.

The so-called competent candidate is undoubtedly the man in front of him who hates or even hates him.

It's just that even though many ministers, including Treasury Officer Don Marcos Byrne, have proposed to him that Gonzalo should once again be the commander of the rebel army, Ferdinand always hesitated.

Unlike the north, most of the Castilian army in the south is the old department of Gonzalo, and even his model army was trained from it.

Ferdinand had met those new troops before. Although that army has not yet fought a really big battle so far, he has a feeling that this army is likely to be the key to Gonzalo's hands. Ace of effect.

Because of these scruples, Ferdinand was worried about letting Gonzalo serve as the rebel commander again.

But with the arrival of bad news about the loss of the Castilian navy at sea, Ferdinand knew he could no longer delay.

Otherwise, not only may the situation get worse, those Castilian nobles will also lose patience with him.

Ferdinand issued the order of resigning Gonzalo in the name of the regent, and at the same time he urgently called for armed ships all over the coast of Castile, ready to deal with the Portuguese attacks from the sea.

For a time, Castile was caught in the turmoil caused by continuous unexpected setbacks. Although Isabella had not yet been buried, many Castilians had begun to miss the Queen's rule.

For the signs of chaos that have emerged suddenly since this time, many Castilians can't help but think of the easy life that Isabella had lived when she was alive.

So many things happened just after the Queen ’s death, and all the rumors about Juana ’s mental condition made Castilians worry.

As Juana ’s regent, Ferdinand ’s strong attitude even made Castilians worry that Ferdinand would one day simply wear the crown of Castilla instead.

The Castibbia can accept an heir to the throne of Aragonese descent, but they absolutely cannot tolerate an Aragonese becoming their monarch.

Even if they are actually an ancestor.

It is in this situation that I do n’t know when it started. In the folks of Bariaridód, someone started shouting “Castile wants the King of Castilians”. This sounds full. Dangerous slogan, and once this kind of slogan sounds at the end of the street, it can't stop moving like a wild horse.

For this kind of remark that was clearly directed against him, Ferdinand took drastic measures. With his advice, the Religious Tribunal began to take harsh measures against the people with dangerous remarks.

For a time there were many more soldiers patrolling in the city of Barriado.

February 1st is Isabella's funeral.

The nobles who had arrived earlier had gathered in the palace.

The whole palace was shrouded in solemnity and depression on this day. The magnificent tapestry was covered with black curtains, and the mourning servants were lined up from the room where the queen passed away to the carriage outside the palace.

The queen was placed on a bed made of plain flowers, and her powdered face was a weird white with death.

Composed of 8 Queen ’s most trusted ministers during their lifetime, the coffin-bearers slowly came out of the room with beds full of flowers. They passed the living room and hallway that had already filled the crowd, and then slowly lifted the Queen ’s body up. Horse-drawn carriage wrapped in black silk.

Ferdinand followed silently all the way ~ ~ He could feel the questioning and even hostile eyes around him.

But he faced those people firmly.

He would love to tell them whether or not he admits that he is the most powerful person in Castile from now on. Even if his daughter wears a crown, Castilla ’s future will still require him Decide.

But Ferdinand didn't expect that on the day of Isabella's funeral, a bad news for him completely destroyed the last string of his mental tension.

Due to the back and forth attack between the North African pirates headed by Redding in Algiers and the Ottoman fleet on the Mediterranean Sea, the Aragonese fleet under heavy damage had to abandon its plan to block Sicily, and fled to the west coast of the Mediterranean The Aragonese coast, even fearing to be chased, went up the river all the way and simply hid in a river port called Vicar Ovira.

This means that this expedition has failed and the unification of the Kingdom of Sicily is unstoppable!

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