Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 194: Join the battle

Some people describe Malaga as a "city embraced by the sun". The clear weather most of the year makes the city blue and sunny.

Surrounded by mountains, the waterways are vertical and horizontal, and the beautiful scenery makes Malaga like a favored child, always showing its most lovely side to people.

Like many places in Iberia, Málaga has experienced Gothic rule and Moorish conquest. Buildings with different styles can be seen everywhere in this small city. For a long time, most of the buildings in Malaga have a very strong exotic style, and the tone of the white-based building gives the city a cleanness that is not available in other places.

There is a beautiful coast near Malaga. Some rich locals have built villas there, and soon the coast has become the back garden of the powerful.

But now the Sunshine Coast, which was supposed to be very lively, is very depressed, and the doors and windows of every household are closed. Even if someone is in their yard, they secretly look out and dare not walk out of the gate.

Except for some nobles, many Malaga people did not participate in the rebellion led by Don Bavi. Compared with the rebellion, Malaga people are more willing to take the opportunity to make more money.

Malaga, which is the main throat of the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean, has a unique location. This is an excellent port for thousands of sailing years. Whether it is to enter the ocean or the Mediterranean, or to the African continent, Malaga is a good place to rest. local.

So here is one of the largest shipyards on the Iberian Peninsula today, and one of the most prestigious shipbuilding bases in Europe.

"This is such a great place."

When Luosha said this to the people around her, it looked like a squirrel that had eaten delicious nuts. She smiled at the large dry dock in the distance. Compared with the big ships that have just traveled to the ocean, Ruosha thinks that these big ships can really take her to places she hasn't been in this life.

The Sicilian army suddenly landed in Malaga, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

And they can enter the city so smoothly because of the delicate situation.

The Malaga people were awed and curious about this foreign army who had suddenly visited and disrupted their lives. They had heard that the army was led by a queen, and the locals had more news than the inland because of the convenient transportation. Well-informed.

So they knew that the queen was not very young and heard that it was still very beautiful, and that was all that left the Malagas really curious, it is said that this queen was not inferior to Isabella's wisdom and courage.

It was even rumored that the queen once came to the battlefield to command the battle, and then she fought the arrogant king of France to the ground.

Such a queen certainly makes people curious and longing for it, but she is the Sicilian monarch, which is really dangerous for the Malagas.

They are worried that this army may be raging everywhere in Malaga. Some elderly people still remember the things that were claimed to liberate their compatriots in Malaga in the landless movement. That is Bimore. People's more brutal behavior. At that time, many people were suffering under the raging of those liberators, and now it still makes many people remember.

Previously, the war between Sicily and Aragon was too far away for the Malagas. Except for the rest of the time after tea and dinner, they could not think of what this had to do with themselves.

But now the Sicilian army has suddenly appeared in Malaga, and because many local nobles participated in the Andalusian rebellion, and even most of the army has been taken away by them, Malaga has not even a symbolic resistance Simply surrender.

In fact, even if those troops did not leave, but after seeing the Sicilians, the Malaga people felt that they might not be better, because at least that would not cause unnecessary casualties because of stupid resistance.

The Malaga people have never seen an army with so many artillery pieces. Of course, those artillery pieces are not very big, and they even made the Malaga people feel a little funny at first, because they look so cute.

The artillery mounted on the two-wheeled artillery truck was dragged by the donkey or mule from the ship, and the Sicilians announced unreservedly that they would requisition more livestock, horses and donkeys used to transport supplies. The mules and even the cows were taken away from each household by their unwillingness, which of course caused some conflicts, but after taking some necessary measures, the Malaga people quickly chose to be silent.

Ruosha doesn't mind that her wiring is a little rude. Although here will be the brother's kingdom in the future, at least now they are just occupiers. Renzheng is a very useless thing now. Naturally, there are more unique laws during the war.

The shiny beach on the Sunshine Coast was exceptionally clean and refreshing, and Ruosha even wanted to take off her shoes and walk on it. She remembered that Alexander liked to watch her walk barefoot on the smooth marble floor in Naples, but now She didn't have so much time to enjoy these leisurely feelings.

"Your Majesty, we have counted the dry dock," a military clerk, holding the record in his hand, followed the queen with a shallow foot and hurriedly reported, "There are four ships under construction, and there are at least two more All kinds of materials, including two ships that are close to the end, the other two are also ready to be laid, and we have counted the Sailors Guild of Malaga and found a batch of usable sailors from there. "

"These are unexpected gains. It is necessary to protect those pure and supplies, as for the sailors as our spoils."

Luo Sha nodded happily. She knew that Alexander had an almost stubborn obsession with the ocean. That kind of obsession sometimes made Luo Sha even worried. She feared that he would one day leave him because he couldn't bear the temptation. After all, every time when he mentioned the sea, there seemed to be something calling him constantly under the distant sea level.

This kind of feeling is sometimes really bad, which makes Ruo Sha feel that although she always thinks that she knows her brother best, compared with the love of the ocean in Alexander ’s mind and her love for her, she is compared with other women. All failed.

But precisely because of this perseverance, Ruosha couldn't help but have endless reveries about the new world described by Alexander.

Compared with other people who can only arouse their curiosity, Alexander ’s description of the new continent is more clear and true, and Ruosha also believes that his brother ’s stories that sound too magical are true. This is not the case. Her fascination with Alexander is that she can feel something more real from those accounts.

Ruosha didn't know how Alexander knew these things, but she didn't ask them wisely.

When he sketched the blueprint of the Free Trade Union, the ideas that seemed to be completely like castles in the sky were actually more illusory, but Ruosha was keenly aware of the various possibilities and steps that can be implemented and realized. This, she almost exhausted everything that supported Alexander's step by step to turn that dream into reality.

Now with the powerful strength of the trade union, an expedition that may change Europe and even all the known world patterns seems to become more real.

"Those Andalusian nobles will probably come to us soon, so be prepared." Ruosha curiously looked at the surrounding decoration in the room of the Malaga Municipal Palace full of palm trees. It is the residence of the Moorish magistrate, so the strong alien style, even Naples and Sicily, which also have the same history, cannot be compared.

Pieces of round arched patchwork dome look like a big cauldron, the upwardly curved arc is always dizzy, and it is patchy and gorgeous made up of countless unusually gorgeous mosaics The painting also makes the whole house very different.

"Your Majesty, our army is ready, although a little hasty, but I believe it can still deal with those Castilians."

An officer answered with pride, following the Queen from Bucharest to Central Italy, and then to Sicily. After seeing the Queen's heroic presence on the battlefield, the Naples officers responded to their monarch, commander, and her command. The army developed a heartfelt trust. They believed that as long as the queen stood behind them, there would be no enemies invincible.

"No, General, it would be too dangerous if you think so," Zuosha reminded the officer seriously. "Maybe those Andalusians are not afraid, but Gonzalo Cordova can't deal with it, and can be proud. Let your soldiers pay more attention to honor, but pride will make you likely to fall in Iberia. "

The Queen's criticism made the officer's face red, and Ruosha's eyes had already turned to other places at this time.

Not far away from him, there was a man who was uneasy.

The Malaga administrator is a short old man with short hair.

He has a pair of equally small eyes that always shine, and he always likes to stare at each other's face as fast as possible when talking to others, until he sees through the slight change in the other person's face. Or it may make the other party feel uncomfortable because of this staring.

The Sicilians appeared very suddenly, even without any signs. They appeared as though they had drilled out of the seabed in the offshore waters of Malaga. Then one of their troops quickly landed on a coast not far from the city. Then, at a very fast rate, they occupied several key roads leading to the city.

Next, the local city defense army, who was not prepared to rush to the port at all, suffered a heavy blow from the Sicilian army, which was later known as the grenadier.

The City Defense Army defeated at an astonishingly fast speed. They hurried back to the city and shouted "Moors are coming" everywhere. After almost disturbing most of the people in the city, Malaga talents knew that the invasion was actually Is a Sicilian.

But at that time everything had become a foregone conclusion. The port of Malaga, which had been truncated by reinforcements, fell almost instantaneously without defense. When the administrator took his officials to negotiate with the enemy, they found that they were facing the source. The Sicilian army that keeps landing, its only choice is how to save the face and surrender as much as possible.

The Sicilians are not cruel to Malaga, at least compared to the barbarous mercenaries whose discipline is irritating, the performance of the Sicilian army is already proud.

Even so, there were still several unpleasant surprises. As some people were hanged in the open space outside the executive palace, the Malaga people became more obedient.

To the administrator ’s surprise, the Queen of Sicily seemed interested in the ruffians in the Sailor ’s Guild. She sent people to take away a large number of sailors from the taverns and hotels where the sailors gathered, and ordered the confiscation of the docks. All ships.

After all this was done, she seemed to remember that food and military expenses should be collected from the local area.

Malaga is undoubtedly wealthy. For many years, it has served as a throat to and from the Mediterranean. The wealth accumulated by the locals is enough for everyone in this city to live comfortably, but now it is seen that the wealth has become Sicily. The trophies of the army, the Malaga people began to feel unprecedented pain.

What annoys the Malaga people is that the Sicilian army seems to have no intention of leaving, at least it does not want to leave soon, so the administrator has to wait carefully for these foreign troops, while quietly sending people to Seville Coalition news.

It was only soon that the sergeant was taken by the Sicilian soldiers to the queen who was so unrealistically beautiful. Looking at her, she seemed to be forever bred in the sun, exuding dazzling blonde hair, but the sergeant ’s heart was cool. cold.

He could guess that he had exposed the Andalusian nobility, and imagined the possible torture, and the administrator began to worry about himself.

Luo Sha was still looking at the furnishings in this house, and she didn't look at the administrator until she seemed tired.

"I heard that you are close to some people in Seville, are you?"

Ruosha's question made the already uneasy administrator even more nervous. He thought about how to explain to himself, but to meet the eyes of the Queen, the administrator began to hate the point of being able to speculate for the first time. Ability.

The Queen's eyes are clear and clear, and her expression is more serious and focused, but it is precisely because of this that the administrator sees the unabashed determination in the Queen's expression.

This made him have no doubt, as long as he confirmed his collusion with the Sevilla nobility, this fascinating queen would immediately order him to be hanged on the vacant column outside.

"Your Majesty, I think I can explain ..."

As soon as the administrator ’s excuse was interrupted, Luo Sha motioned to let the entourage take a letter to the administrator, looking at his white face that could not help becoming pale, and Luo Sha laughed very softly. .

"You should be careful about your own people."

Seeing the secret letter falling from the Queen's hand and falling to the ground, the body of the administrator shivered slightly.

He was full of fear and waiting for his trial. At this time, the young and beautiful queen had turned into a terrifying **** angel in his eyes. Her cute smile seemed to turn into a nightmare. .

"You will be hanged," Ruosha said in a calm tone. Her expression seemed completely unaware of what terrible things would happen after this sentence was spoken. When she saw the administrator's body trembling, she gently Shaking his head, "You should have been smarter."

"I am the administrator of Castile and I swear allegiance ..."

The administrator's voice trembles to himself, he originally wanted to repeat the original oath, so that he might be able to find some courage, but then he paused and his eyes showed a daze.

"Tell me, who do you swear allegiance to?" Ruosha seemed to look at the little old man in front of her in amusement. "Are you going to say allegiance to Don Bavi or Ferdinand?"

"I'm loyal to Queen Juana of Castile!" The administrator who forgot fear because of anger and humiliation screamed at Zuosha, "Your Majesty, you can let me hang me in the square outside Did n’t your soldiers already do this, but please never forget that you are in the land of Castile, maybe the Andalusian nobles will be against Ferdinand, but they will protect Castile gave up his hatred, I believe they are truly noble, and know how to prevent their reputation from being tarnished. "

Ruosha listened silently, and she admired the man at this time.

This man may be a smooth bureaucrat, but he obviously has a loyal heart.

It's just that such loyalty is so outdated in this day and age.

Ruosha motioned to the soldiers to take the administrator down ~ ~ She didn't issue an order to execute him immediately, but rather watched him disappear in the back of the door rather playfully.

Later, Luo Sha took another letter from her entourage, opened it and looked at it.

"My esteemed Queen, I am very honoured to learn that you are in Castile. The close relationship with your brother, the Duke of Rome Theseia, makes me think that maybe we can also establish a sincere friendship , And when I am about to marry Princess Alft of Castile, your arrival proves that this is God ’s arrangement, so I sincerely invite you to participate in our wedding, this is a The warmest invitation from a man who is about to get happy, I hope you do n’t refuse ... "

Looking at this letter, which was neither a diplomatic document nor a wedding invitation, Ruosha smiled lightly.

She went to the window and looked at the Kovones River flowing not far from outside. Her eyes looked along the river in the upstream direction, and then turned back to the waiting attendant and said, "Take my orders, The Grenadier Regiment and the First and Second Cosenza Regiments laid lines of defense on the east bank of the Kovones River, telling all our soldiers to join the war in Castile from the Kingdom of Sicily from now on. "

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