Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 196: Don Bavi's Curse

Don Bavi struggled to put on a gorgeous robe with the help of the servant. As he watched the servant squat down to put shoes on his feet, he moved his toes slightly and kicked the servant aside.

"Come here, Mandoza," Don Bavey said to a close follower standing next to him. He saw the attendant walked over and knelt in front of him, carefully putting on boots for him. Don Bavey looked forward, and stretched a little tremblingly. He grabbed the ear of his follower named Mandoza and asked him to raise his head and look at himself. "Mandoza, remember what I told you?"

"Master, I know," the attendant nodded mutely, and then continued to do the work in his hand. He tied the stockings exposed outside the boots slightly tightly. After raising his head and asking if Don Bavi felt discomfort. , A little more relaxed.

The boots are sewed with a whole piece of cowhide after being polished and smooth. Many patterns are engraved on the upper. The holes in the leather connected by colored threads form a vortex of different colors like clouds.

This is just a pair of boots. Once covered with a robe, few people can see its gorgeous appearance, and that outer robe is more luxurious, at least the cloud shoulder woven with most of the gold foil thread is enough to make it very Many people are surprised at the price of this dress.

"If I am destined to die another day, then I should be wearing the most gorgeous dress to greet that moment." Tang Bawei raised his hand a little and stroked the robe. In fact, this dress is not comfortable to wear on the body. It was heavy and stiff, because a lot of gold and silver thread was used on the robe, which made the robe feel as if it was trapped in an active coffin, and Tang Bawei, who had already been unable to move, looked like Like the terrible mummies in the tombs of the Orientals.

Although it is said that a grand wedding is to be held, in fact at this time any arrogance appears so abrupt, the team that should have cruised along the city had to give up this unrealistic plan, and according to the arrangement, it should have been in Seville The welcoming ceremony held in the square in front of the cathedral was also canceled.

Sister Alfred, now called Princess Alfred, dressed in a group of noble ladies also put on a luxury dress she had never worn before, wearing precious jewelry, and a temporary rush, in The crown made in a hurry the night before.

"You are really a beautiful bride." An accompaniment lady seemed to stop after saying this. She seemed to shrug her shoulders because she didn't know what to say next, and then stepped aside to let others come over to continue Serve the princess dressed.

The bride has a very long veil and has been dragging out the scarf for a long time. It takes a few naive children to drag, but this seems to have become a trouble, because there seems to be no nobles who want to let themselves The children at home do this good thing that should have been fighting for it.

So the veil behind the bride's dress had to be temporarily changed into a big cloak, at least so no more manpower was needed to help.

It was in such a perfunctory atmosphere that the wedding started on time in the morning.

It ’s just that the atmosphere is really bad. Many people stand outside the church and wait for a while while whispering. There is a sharp contrast between the uneasy people ’s expression and the festive atmosphere that the wedding should have. It seems that everyone This is probably the last crazy feeling of the Andalusian noble coalition.

In the early hours of the morning, the messengers sent to Malaga to negotiate with the Queen of Sicily came back, and the news he brought back left the Andalusian nobles dumbfounded.

When the messenger said that the queen outrageously declared war on them just because of a protest used purely on diplomatic rhetoric, no one was wondering whether it had been planned for a long time.

It ’s just that they did n’t think of it. It was only the civil war between the Aragonese kingdoms that would suddenly involve the Castilla without warning, which made Andalusia who was still sneering at the Aragonese not long ago. The nobles could not turn this corner at all.

Although I do n’t want to let too many people know, this kind of news is of course impossible to block, so when the early morning came and the bells ringing everywhere in Seville for the wedding, the Sicilian army was about to go to war with the coalition forces The news has already spread throughout Seville.

Don Bavi stared at the church door in a wheelchair, and a large number of his guards stood near him and in all corners of the church. He did not know if anyone would boldly want to stop this wedding or simply He wanted his life, so he was prepared for everything.

The vice-bishop of Seville stood alone in front of the altar. Since he was willing to cooperate with the coalition forces, many priests of the Seville church are reluctant to associate with him. What makes the vice-bishop frustrated is that he can stand It didn't take long for this coveted position, and the Andalusian rebels seemed to have reached the end of their destiny.

This made the vice-bishop feel uneasy about his future Ning. Perhaps he would not have any life worries when the rebels were annihilated, but it is conceivable that his future would end here.

The sound of the convoy was heard outside the church, and soon a servant hurried in and whispered a few words in the ear of the pro next to Don Bavi, who immediately bent down and whispered to the duke: "Master, the princess’ convoy When it arrived, everything went smoothly. "

Tang Bawei shook his stiff face, seeming to be laughing, and then he hummed softly, motioning to push him forward.

Inside and outside the church, countless pairs of eyes moved with the approaching convoy. When the carriage stopped at the door of the church, Princess Alft in a gorgeous wedding dress walked slowly down on the wooden bench placed in front of the door. There was a sigh of stunned and even apprehension from the crowd.

Although the claim to the Castile throne was issued in her name, few people have actually seen this "Princess Alft".

Although there have been many rumors about the princess before, when seeing a young woman with obvious mixed-race characteristics in front of you, the Andalusian nobles still talked about it because of accidents, doubts, and even anger. stand up.

In fact, even those who have indeed seen Maria in Aragon, so nobles who know that this is a genuine twin sister, feel unbelievable or unacceptable to the scene they are seeing.

At the moment, the majesty of the Astamara family was unprecedentedly shaken at least in Seville, which made many Andalusian nobles feel at a loss.

Facing the situation that Wang Jun was about to collapse across the board, a lot of nobles had planned to surrender, but now looking at this woman of the Astamara family with obvious Moorish characteristics, Andalusian nobles feel like The surrender of such an enemy is the greatest insult to oneself.

Although Don Bavey ’s hearing is not good enough, he did n’t hear the uproar outside, but when Princess Alft walked into the church, the strange expressions of the nobles near him could also be imagined outside. The scene is probably more exciting.

Don Bavey pulled the corner of his mouth, revealing a mischievous look like a smile. He raised his hands hard and stretched towards his bride. When Princess Alfred came to him, he looked up The young woman who could be his granddaughter smiled with satisfaction.

Perhaps it is because the atmosphere is too strange, or the situation of the groom is not convenient. The ceremony presided over by the vice-bishop is very simple. In addition to the steps of this sacred marriage dedicated to God, any other unnecessary red tape is reduced one by one.

When it was announced that this marriage was recognized and sheltered by God at that moment, many people held their breath.

They did not know whether the deputy bishop announced that this was a sacred marriage protected by God before the bride was so challenged by the appearance of the church ’s dignity.

And many people have heard that the voice of the vice-bishop trembles slightly when the marriage is declared legal.

However, there was neither a thunderbolt nor strange people who announced their opposition to the marriage and then came to **** the relatives. The wedding ended hurriedly in a strange atmosphere.

When the vice-bishop of the day announced that their marriage was legal, Don Bavi collapsed slightly. He leaned tiredly on the backrest of his wheelchair, breathing a little, and even left a few saliva in his mouth, but his Excited light flashed in the cloudy eyes.

From now on, his relationship with the Astamala family has truly become inseparable.

He is now married to Isabella ’s daughter, which means that their children also have the inheritance of the future Castilian throne, which means that even if he died, Ferdinand declared the marriage invalid However, this cannot erase the fact that this marriage once existed.

Don Bavey looked at the nobles who watched the ceremony, and there was a hint of irony in his eyes. He knew that these people had long been thinking differently. At the same time, he was also annoyed that he believed that these people could do something big.

But all this is too late, he believes that things will turn around, and this turning point starts with this wedding.

According to the custom, a grand party should naturally be held after the wedding, but this step was simply cancelled by Don Bavi because of the war, and the nobles did not have the mood to attend any banquet. The current Seville people are panicked, every Individuals are thinking about their way out.

Outside the city, Wang Qing's light riding has appeared. Although the number is not large, these Wang Jun forwards composed of already large-scale scouts have begun to harass Sevilla's defense outside the city.

The loss of Bingolola made the Andalusians realize that their failure was inevitable. With the upper and lower reaches of the Guadalville River already occupied by the royal army, Seville has become an isolated city.

However, it is still too late to go out of town. Although it is no longer possible to escape from the waterway, you can still find a way to reach the coastal port by land and then escape to the sea.

Only this way is not only much more difficult to walk than the waterway, but also the road is not very flat. In addition to the robbers that may have been infested originally, the scattered soldiers who escaped in the war have become the most dangerous robbers.

Just a day ago, some nobles who quietly fled Seville encountered those terrible robbers. They not only lost money but also lost their lives. Because of this, many people are still hesitant about leaving.

However, Don Bavey seemed to care about all this. He even announced that he would stay alone with his wife as soon as the wedding was over. As for city affairs, he generously handed over to his comrades.

People had to leave with the newlyweds in a complicated mood. Just in front of the church, they watched Don Bavey get into the carriage with his wife with the help of the servants, and then went to the governor's house under the protection of the guard.

"Who can tell me what this person is thinking now?" An aristocrat finally couldn't bear to ask the people next to him "Gonzalo's army was about to come, and the Sicilians even cut our escape route, but now he He is anxious to be kind to his Moorish wife, is he crazy? "

"Don Bavi is not that kind of person," another person looked at the back of the distant car with doubts, but said with some uncertainty "He has participated in the war to recover the lost ground, he experienced There are more things than all of us add up, so do n’t underestimate him. Just know that when everyone is not optimistic about Isabel, he will choose to support her, you can know the person ’s vision. ”

"But what is he doing now?" The nobleman asked unwillingly before. "Does he think that a wedding can block Gonzalo's army?"

"No, I don't know what he's thinking about, but we have to be careful. Don Bavi is not easy to deal with."

"Right, he gave us the power to rest assured, but don't think this is a good thing." Another noble walked over and stood with two companions looking at the back of the fleet that was about to disappear. We are also going to make some preparations, I heard that the Sicilian army has already entered the online Carmona. "

"God, has it come so fast, we haven't figured out what to do."

The news caused a disturbing discussion. Several nobles hurriedly rushed to the barracks with their men. They were not thinking about how to defeat the enemy at this time, but how to have a decent chance to surrender to the enemy.

It's just that now with the Sicilian army joining the battlefield, the Andalusian nobles have a new choice outside of Gonzalez's royal army, but this also led them to have to renew the debate about who to surrender to.

The Andalusian aristocratic coalition, which is now disintegrated, is on the verge of collapse at any time.

The team walked slowly, and Don Bavey, sitting in the carriage, leaned tiredly and forced his eyes.

He didn't know that Princess Alft was looking at him carefully at this time, looking at his aging, disfigured face and his hands shaking from time to time even after a nap, Princess Alft's face looked calm and could not see Have any thoughts.

"I'm very old, right," Don Bavi, who kept his eyes closed, suddenly burst out, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at his wife. "Who wants to marry such an old man who is about to die, I ca n’t let you enjoy the pleasures of being a woman, and even I do n’t even know if I can live to see our children born, which is really unfair to you. ”

Princess Alft opened her mouth but didn't speak, and Don Bavey's words seemed to make her think of something bad, and her face finally appeared uneasy.

"Is it because I mentioned that the child is disturbing you," Don Bavey grinned. "This is probably the only thing I can guarantee to you. As for other things, I can't guarantee it."

Looking at Don Bavin's strange expression, the unspeakable uneasiness in Princess Alft's heart became more and more serious, and somehow she vaguely felt that something bad was about to happen.

Perhaps as the situation changed, he became more and more distrustful of the Andalusian nobles. Just a few days ago, Don Bavi ordered the redeployment of the guards guarding the Doge ’s Palace. He replaced all the Guard Houses. Became his credible force, and transferred the coalition forces elsewhere. Although this caused dissatisfaction with other nobles, but under the insistence of Don Bavi, this matter would be gone.

With the unfavorable battle situation on the front, more troops have been stationed in the governor ’s house, the gate of the governor ’s house has been reinforced, and more guards have been arranged on the surrounding wall, and just a few days ago, there were businessmen constantly visiting Delivering food in the Governor's Mansion, all of which seems to prove to people that Don Bavi is ready, once Seville loses, he will resist until the final preparations.

"I will not surrender. I know that many of them have already planned to surrender, but I will not surrender, and we all know that Ferdinand cannot accept my surrender, so I will fight to the last moment."

Let the followers push themselves forward, and Don Bavey said to his wife: "From the day I decided to take your parents as enemies, I knew that this might be the result, after all, it was Issa. Bella and Ferdinand, they are the most amazing people in the Astamara family. "

Hearing this man who was an enemy of her parents so admiring them so generously, Princess Alft couldn't help but reveal a fascination. At this time, she had a strong desire to know what the parents who could be praised by the enemy like. .

At the same time, her mood is extremely complicated. After all, the old man who looks like she can't fall down at any time is her husband.

"Oh, I'm a little tired," Don Bavey said to the entourage behind him. "Mandoza took me to the bedroom."

As the entourage pushed Don Barvey forward, Don Bavey seemed to remember something and said to Princess Alfute on the side, "Madam, your room is next to me, and there is a door between our rooms."

Princess Alft stopped and watched the entourage pushing Tumbawi into the room. After a moment of stun, she glanced at the closed door again and walked into the next room under the guidance of the maid.

The sound of opening and closing the door in the hallway was clearly heard, as well as the footsteps of the maids leaving and the sound of leather boots stepping farther and farther on the floor as the guards passed by. Mandoza was not lying down, just sitting in a wheelchair Don Bavey listened carefully to the outside movement in front of him, and after a while he nodded to Don Bavey.

"Have you all gone ~ ~ Don Bavey muttered, his eyes fixed on Mandoza until he followed his uneasy look, and then he waved his hand" You can go. "

Mandoza licked his lips and wanted to say something, but Tang Bawei's fierce eyes couldn't open his mouth. He summoned the courage to move towards the door connecting the two rooms, and turned back to the master again. After looking at it, he finally opened the door and went in.

Looking at the door that hadn't been closed, Dumbawiwo waited motionlessly in a wheelchair. Although the ear sounds were already very bad, he still heard some quarrels vaguely, and then it seemed like a very chaotic voice opened From the door of his room, his turbid eyes narrowed slightly, the corner of his outflowing mouth jittered a few times, and there was a complex expression on his face that he didn't know was angry or proud.

"A child, get pregnant soon, as long as the woman has a child, even if I die, the Don Bavi family will always be a contender for the Castile throne."

Listening to the sound from the next door, Don Bavey couldn't help whispering, the sound sounded like a constant curse.

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