Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 201: King Quantian, I am the country

"... The kingship of Castile was granted by God to the chosen nobles, knights, and faithful guardians of faith, Fernando I. The orthodox power, the purity of the blood, and the protection of God and the Lord Christ **** ... "

Ferdinand looked at the content of the declaration.

He stood in front of the large table, and the fully opened declaration was placed on the table.

"The rights, responsibilities and obligations of the monarch come from God ’s personal authorization, in order to enjoy all the privileges as the most noble noble. The monarch is the root of the kingdom, and its benefits are derived from the nationals. The king is the country ... "

Ferdinand was silent, he didn't even bother with a group of ministers who had heard the news, but when his eyes swept over them, Ferdinand could guess from the look on those people's faces, these people should have known in advance The contents of this declaration.

"The importance of royal orthodoxy and the root of blood heirs are the cornerstones for the legitimate and reasonable existence of the kingdom of Castilla ..."

Seeing Ferdinand's expression move slightly here, he knew this should be where it really matters.

Sure enough, the entire declaration followed the detailed and clear explanation of the legal status of Juana's daughter Castile's Juana.

Juana is the legal child of Enrique IV.

The heirs of Enrique IV have the right of orthodox inheritance.

The usurper is Isabella, so her children naturally have no legal inheritance laws.

And Juana is already the queen of Portugal. Based on the agreement signed between Castile and Portugal many years ago, any princess who marries into the other royal family must automatically give up the legal right of succession to the throne.

At this point, the throne of the Enrique IV family will be inherited and will be succeeded by the king's son.

Ferdinand looked at the declaration without blinking his eyes. In fact, he was not looking for any legal loopholes in this declaration. Everyone knew very well that it was not the ethereal legal theory that finally decided who the crown was on. Law, but spears, swords, muskets and cannons!

Ferdinand was looking for a promise.

When the Moors were finally driven off the peninsula, whether it was Isabella or Ferdinand, or even Manuel in Portugal, they knew that a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was ahead.

By destroying the aristocratic system of Castile inherited for many years by the Moors, the king took the opportunity at this moment to raise a **** butcher knife to the princes and nobles who had seized the rule.

It may be an overstatement to say this, but in the struggle for power between the king and the nobility, the two sides did not leave much room for each other.

The struggle for power and profit is always the cruelest. After repeated dumping, the two kings can already see the fruits of the expansion of the royal power mature on the Iberian Peninsula, but at this time the Andalusian nobles rebelled.

Next, the prince of Castile who came out of nowhere suddenly appeared.

Ferdinand wanted to know whether Alexander had made a public commitment to the nobility. He knew that if this were the case, then he would probably face an extremely difficult situation.

The nobles would fall to the Gombre for their own rights. Ferdinand had no doubt about it, and because the Sicilian army was invaded, he suspected that the next swept of Iberia was not just because of Castile The war that emerged from the throne may soon be involved in this chaos.

Because even in Aragon, there are also many nobles who cannot tolerate the expansion of the royal power.

But what surprised Ferdinand is that in this declaration, Alexander clearly stated that 'the king is the country', even if their husband and wife did not expressly declare it, which made Ferdinand couldn't help but for that. The young man's boldness, or simply recklessly amazed.

He could hardly imagine how the nobles would react to seeing such a declaration. He felt that the vast majority of people would simply stand aside and watch with cold eyes, because this is obviously a winner-takes-all war.

So why should those nobles choose one of the two greedy wolves to eat themselves in the future?

This made Ferdinand start to think that Gombre really did a very stupid thing, but then he gradually realized that this might be the strategy of the 'Prince of Castile'.

The Duke of Rome Thesia is telling everyone that among all the Castilians who seem to be enemies against him, there is actually only one enemy, and this person is still a King of Aragon.

The expansion of the royal power is irreversible, whether it is Isabella or Ferdinand, or Alexander who may have a chance to take the crown in the future, when they are monarchs, they will continue to implement the rule of the king without hesitation.

So in this case, it is better to tell those Castile nobles directly: This is the royal battle, or simply the Astamara family infighting, no matter who wins, the wheel of supremacy is unstoppable!

Ferdinand's eyes finally moved away from the declaration. He slowly raised his head and looked at the silent ministers, watching them either indifferent or in a trance. .

He knew that Alexander ’s conspiracy still worked, or that these Castilian nobles had shown their attitude from the beginning.

Castilla, the winner is king!

Ferdinand slowly put away the declaration, his eyes swept over everyone's face, and finally fell on his cronies and followers: "How is Gonzalo?"

"Your Majesty, the Commander of the Knights has sent someone to wait for your summoning."

Ferdinand exhaled a little, although he didn't expect much from Gonzalo at this time, but it may be good news to have news after all.

"Let's hear what he brought."

Soon after a rush of footsteps, a seemingly reckless soldier strode in.

His saber scabbled his thighs, and when he saluted, he stood upright immediately without waiting for the king's permission.

This is a real soldier, such a person on the battlefield is a warrior, and won't please others in the court.

"Tell me what your general sent you to report?"

"Your Majesty, when I set off, the Commander of the Cavaliers had just issued an order to prepare for the fight. I do n’t know what happened now, but according to the agreement between the Commander and the Duke of Rome Theseia, they would attack Sevilla at the same time. . "

Listening to the report of the soldier without any muddy water, Ferdinand first smiled with satisfaction, but then the look on his face couldn't help but linger.

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about, the agreement with the Duke of Rome Theseia?" Ferdinand asked dullly, "Tell me what it is?"

The soldier did not seem to understand that the king was on the verge of anger at this time, and he faithfully explained everything he knew to Ferdinand: "It is such a majesty that the regiment negotiated with the Duke, and they agreed that the two armies would not use each other for the time being Enemy, but attack Seville from two directions at the same time, and then take the captured city as the boundary, as for the next I do n’t know. "

The soldier shrugged his shoulders when he finished, and then he found that the whole room seemed to be inexplicably silent.

Everyone felt the repressive atmosphere at the moment and enveloped the room. People looked at each other with strange eyes, and then looked at Ferdinand standing there without a word.

Ferdinand's look at this time was very weird. His original slender and slightly feminine eyes showed a sharp, slack cheeks tight at the time, because the anger became irony and the look looked normal. Whatever the trouble is, the way you can always calm down is completely different.

People who are close can even see the king's hand on the side of his body shaking.

"Your Majesty, if you have nothing to tell me to go back, maybe I will fight soon, I don't want to miss this good opportunity."

The soldier said impatiently to Ferdinand, seeing the king slowly waving at him, he bowed bluntly and turned and walked out of the door.

Watching the door close immediately, Ferdinand turned slightly stiffly to look at those Castilian ministers.

"Who gave him the power?" Ferdinand's voice was not loud, but it was the kind of inexplicable tone that made people feel the anger in his heart. "Is Gonzalo Cordova rebelling, Or did he no longer recognize Juana as his queen? "

Listening to Ferdinand's seemingly trying to suppress these questions raised by his anger, the ministers only looked at the Aragon King, who was obviously almost uncontrollable.

The silence of the ministers did not make Ferdinand feel the thrill of his authority to deter them. On the contrary, he was really irritated.

"I will transfer an army from Aragon, and anyone who rebelled or tried to rebel will pay for their actions."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I must remind you that the army of the Kingdom of Aragon cannot enter Castile without the permission of the Queen." An elderly general finally spoke, and he took a step forward with a cockfight-like Aloof confrontation with King Aragon "and even with the Queen's permission, it must be led by the Castilian generals."

Ferdinand looked gloomy at the others, seeing that they were almost completely similar, and he realized that these people might have negotiated how to get entangled with themselves on the way.

"So, as long as these two conditions are observed, you are not against me doing this," Ferdinand asked coldly, seeing that those people were still not dissatisfied even though they were slightly irritated. Ferdinand finally because of There was a sigh of exhalation in my heart.

He immediately turned around without hesitation, picked up an order that had been prepared and gave it to the entourage next to him: "Send someone to Zaragoza and tell the person who sent it if he can arrive in two days Zaragoza, he can get 1,000 gold coins. "

The entourage seemed to be calmed down by the king's staggering generosity, but he immediately woke up and took the letter and trot and opened the door and ran out.

"I will let the Queen sign the order, and I will appoint a General Castilian and my general to lead this Aragonese army," Ferdinand's eyes gloomy in the face of every Castilian nobleman Slowly passing by, but I also want to tell you everyone, I will not allow anyone to threaten the throne of my daughter Juana, just like when I defended my wife ’s crown, any attempt to challenge Castile Orthodox people, I will let him pay a terrible price that he would never dream of. "

Between the words, Ferdinand looked grim and murderous.

In the late spring of April in Seville, there was already some obvious heat. The cool sea breeze from the Mediterranean Sea passed the sieve on the land and there was no longer that kind of breath.

On the contrary, the Andalusian wind is warm and sweet, at least Alft never noticed this before.

The official title of Sister Alft today is the Duchess of Buhalanse. Although she has never spent the night with the old man who is difficult to stand up in the chimney wheelchair, at least she is such an identity in front of outsiders.

Not far away, the follower named Mandoza hurriedly walked, Alft's eyes could not help but slowly moved with his figure, until her "husband" made a seemingly unintentional cough from the side.

"Madam, I know this must be very difficult for you, but you should also understand that if you let outsiders see you like this, it may cause unnecessary rumors." Don Bavey reminded his wife a bit hard. "I I think you already know how your mother ’s brother lost the inheritance rights of his children. Rumors, madam, rumors are sometimes the most terrible weapons. "

"You already think that's a rumor?" Alft looked down at his husband in a wheelchair next to him. "But you are not aware of this rumor now."

"I want to inherit Buharanse's lineage."

"So there is no need for your wife to give birth to an accompanying child?"

"I don't think you understand, it doesn't matter who the child's father is. The key is that he is your child," Don Bavey turned his head hard and looked at his wife's abdomen, pulling the corner of his mouth slightly. Afterwards, it seems to be laughing "As long as the bloodline of Buhalanse has been imprinted in the bloodline of the Astamala family, even if it fails, it is not terrible, because I have won for the descendants of Buhalanse An opportunity to claim the crown of Castile, I can fail, but who can guarantee that in the future the crown will not fall on the head of Buharanse. "

Alfred looked at Don Bavi with a stunned look. She used to be in awe, then fear and hate for this person, but now she suddenly felt that this person was both disgusting and pitiful.

"All for the crown?"

"You should say that the crown contains everything, power, wealth and honor, and what is the point of the crown without these things ..."

Don Bavey mumbled vaguely, and when he saw Mandoza appear again, he waved to his followers.

Although this movement was very small, Mandoza still noticed it, and he immediately came over and bowed slightly, leaning his ears toward the old man.

"Go and find the Valencian businessman," looking at the back of Mandoza walking quickly, Don Bavey said to his wife, "Do you think you are pregnant?"

"What?" Alft asked flustered.

"I mean you haven't been idle these days, and I didn't tolerate this kind of thing to make you happy," Don Bavey suddenly got angry, and he grabbed Alft's hand on the armrest "Drag to yourself" Listen, those Catalans are very good at fighting, but I don't know how long Sevilla can persist even with them, so you have to make sure to get pregnant as soon as possible, and then I will find a way to put You go to a safe place. "

"Will you lose if you have Catalans?" Alft was upset. She didn't understand the war, but that didn't prevent her from hearing from the older sisters in the Convent Some terrible stories, which made her worried about the future, and Don Bavi's words reminded her of more terrible imagination "If you have children, would you also give them to the monastery?"

"The monastery is also a good place. If the Buhalanse family is destined to be a king one day, it is worthwhile to suffer in the monastery."

Alft flickered a panic and hidden anger on her cheeks as smooth as dark silk, her body shivered slightly, and even Don Bavi couldn't help but glance at her because of her uncomfortable shaking of her fingers .

"Sir, are you looking for me?"

The appearance of Thieger interrupted the conversation between the Duke and his wife, and when he saw the businessman coming from afar, Don Bavey shook his eyebrows, which were about to disappear.

As a noble noble, he actually did not like these merchants, but now he can only count on them.

"My officers appreciate you and your army," Don Bavi looked at Thiego, wondering what to do with this person. "They think the Catalans can defend the castle of the Grand Knights because of you The soldiers are brave and warlike. If the enemy is going to attack Seville, they are likely to enter the city along the Guadalville River. It will depend on you. "

Hearing this, Tiego, who was originally a standard businessman's smiling face, gradually lost his smile. He looked at Don Bavey with dissatisfied eyes. Although he did not immediately refuse to refuse, his expression had already explained everything.

"I can pay you enough."

"How much compensation is needed to get it," Tiego responded indifferently. "I will not pay such a big price for this time. After all, we are businessmen, so I will not promise you not To the thing. "

"I like how you look," Don Bavey said and nodded to the wife next to him. "I like this person. This is a character who really values ​​reputation and money."

He said, looking at Tiego: "What if I promise you to pay the Guadalville River tax?"

"What are you saying ..." Tieg's throat asked as if he was stuck.

"I mean, if you help me hold Seville, I can give you the taxation right of the Guadalville River for 5 years."

Tiego took a breath, as if he wanted to wake himself up in this way to determine if he was dreaming, and then he excitedly started bargaining.

"10 years."

"6 years."

"9 years ~ ~ years."

"Seven and a half years."

"The deal."

As Don Bavey spit out the words as if pulling the bellows, the two seemed to be relieved finally.

Looking at the back of Thiegeau, who was so excited because the talk was a big deal, Don Bavey said to his wife: "I think you have to make some preparations, maybe you will have to do it again soon. Travel, but go to Mandoza before then, this kind of thing is always done a few times more opportunities. "

Tiego, who had walked out of the Doge ’s Palace, stood on the square for a while. He looked at the Grand Knight Castle on the other side of the Guadalville River. Looking at the fortress built by the river, he suddenly remembered that the Duke An oath to cheer yourself up before the battle.

So he clenched his fists, learning to look like Alexander and whispering to himself: "Prepare to fight Tiego, prepare to fight!"

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