Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 217: "My war!"

Uomoto was an orphan, and many years ago he was taken into the charity house opened by the church priest in his hometown.

There he spent his childhood, and saw many children who had entered the charity school almost as he did, and died early before he was a adult.

The life of the charity is horrible and gloomy, and Uomoto always regards the adults of those charity as devil.

They are not kind to the orphans, or just don’t want them to die outside.

Uomoto left the charity after growing up, perhaps a gift from God. Although coarse tea and light meals, and often hungry, Uomoto has been very healthy since childhood.

This sturdy physique made him quickly find a job as a soldier, and by virtue of being smarter than others and able to endure hardship, Uomoto gradually gradually established a foothold in the army.

When the head of the Santiago Knights selected the soldiers, Uomoto signed up like many others.

Despite being banned by the Duke of Mondela, Gonzalo prefers to call him the head of the knight.

And the veterans under him are proud to call him that.

When I heard that the head of the Knights would build an unprecedented army, and the salary was also high, but it seemed very hard, Uomoto decided to try it.

Uomoto was successfully selected to enter the model army, and what he was waiting for was more intense training than ever before.

A two-hour queue every day, holding heavy spears and wearing thick armor for non-stop practice, even when eating, if you hear the urgent horn, you must put on a full set of armor to take Raise your weapon and then find your place in the chaotic ranks.

This kind of training started a few years ago. Because of this, many people either withdrew or were eliminated because they could not withstand this nearly tortured training method.

When Uomoto entered the model army, the model army was large in size at the time, and the final training was qualified. Only about 2500 people were awarded the flag by the head of the Knights.

Uomoto is one of these 2,500 people, and he has also become the captain of a team of ten.

The model army is not the same as any unit Uomoto has been to before, or this army is very different from the current era.

This convinced Uomoto that there is no stronger army in the world than the model army.

Andalusia's weather in April was sunny and still cool.

The temperature difference between day and night is a bit large here, and a thick blanket is needed to sleep at night, but during the day, it is so hot that people want to jump into the river to cool down.

It was early morning when Uomoto followed the troops across the river.

At this time, the river was still cold. He carefully carried the equipment on his shoulders as much as possible so as not to get wet by the water. Fortunately, the spear will be distributed to everyone before the battle. He does not need to carry it with him, otherwise it will be nearly Poum's length and weight are likely to press him into the bottom of the river.

The boats used to cross the river were collected from all parts of the river, so they are all kinds of strange things. Some big people can also hold things in addition to being humans, while the small two people have to be cautious.

Uomoto was sitting on a flat-bottomed barge with a wide hull and a straight head and tail. For loading, the owner laid a deck of wood on the deck that was much wider than the hull.

Uomoto was sitting on the edge of the board with his legs hanging.

Because there are too many people transporting on the boat, the hull is almost flush with the water, so he must endure the uncomfortableness of the cold river water wetting his pants from the cracks in the wooden board underneath when the hull is shaking, and he is struggling to put him all A big bag of money is carried on his shoulders.

According to the military regulations of the model army, a soldier must be responsible for maintaining his equipment. In addition to the officers and cavalry who have obedience, each soldier must do it himself.

This is different from other troops. Many troops will bring a large number of servants.

Whether it's repairing equipment, setting up camps, or digging trenches, these things are the errands of the servants, as long as the soldiers are responsible for fighting.

But in the model army, these things must be done by every soldier.

This alone deterred many people.

But Uomoto didn't care.

He used to do more work in the orphanage than he used to do. Once, in order to catch the vegetable garden of the priest's house before frost, he and his friends worked all night in the ground.

When Uomoto heard someone shouting orders in front, he immediately stood up and greeted his brothers.

The model army is different from any other army, at least not in the Castilian army.

The smallest unit of the model army is the squad, consisting of a squad leader and 10 soldiers. The squad leader has the right to designate one of the soldiers as his deputy.

Squadron supremacy is a squadron. The number of squadrons is fixed, but the number of squadrons in a squadron is not fixed.

Maybe three, maybe five. At most, there were squadrons of more than a dozen teams.

There is no brigade above the squadron. The unit composed of several squadrons is called the "battalion".

This is a compilation unit that Uomoto has never heard of before, and its rather jerky pronunciation has caused many people to suspect that this may have been learned by the head of the Knights from the Ottomans.

The soldiers scrambled from the boat into the river, and headed towards the shore. Uomoto took his squad until the hull hit the bottom of the river.

The water was not deep, and just before the calf, Uomoto greeted the brethren while heading towards the camp flag that had been raised on the shore.

Several squads had arrived ahead of time. In the screams of the battalion officers, each squad was busy looking for their squadron officers, and the shore seemed to be messy for a while.

Uomoto had good luck and soon found his boss. He saw from a distance that the squadron officer was struggling to raise the triangle flag over his head to greet his men, and he immediately ran away.

"It's too time for you to come, otherwise I'll die in embarrassment."

The squadron officer patted Uomoto's shoulder excitedly. After all, other squadrons had begun to gather at this time, but there was no figure beside him.

"What are we going to do, sir?" Uomoto wiped the sweat from his face, because the equipment was too heavy, but just ran from the water to the shore, already exhausted and panting.

"We are going to beat those Sicilians." The squadron officer shouted loudly, beckoning his men. "The Sicilians are commanded by their queen. Did you hear that a woman commanded the army? Let us teach them what to do Call war!"

The soldiers laughed, and the words of the squadron officer made them laugh at the fact that the Sicilian actually listened to a woman's orders.

It was only Uomoto who happened to see a not-so-distant one who didn't look too low, and the knight in armor was looking at it with somber eyes.

Uomoto recognized the man as the commander of the "Big Battalion", but in the past he had seen the man far away, and it was the first time he was so close.

But he only had one time to glance, and quickly followed the squadron officer to gather his companions who had just crossed the river.

The knight walked a little bit **** the shore.

The armor on his body was too bulky, making him want to take it off, but this dress was proof of his identity. As the highest-ranking commander of the troops who crossed the river first, he had to be respectable.

The scale of the model army is not large today, or this is just an experiment of Gonzalo.

In Gonzalo's vision, the model army eventually had to form a large army of at least about 20,000 people to be able to fight against a strong enemy like the French.

Gonzalo was not complacent because he had defeated Charles VIII before. His goal was to build a powerful army that could sweep Europe.

Then one or two victories does not prove anything. If you want to always have an advantage in the future war, then an army of sufficient size is essential.

The establishment of the model army is precisely for this purpose, but if Isabella is alive, he will naturally support him without reservation.

But it is Ferdinand who now decides whether he can realize this desire in Bariaridod, which makes his transformation seem difficult.

Gonzalo originally hoped that through this rebellion, Ferdinand would see the power of the new army, and thus be able to support him to continue to expand the model army.

But he also knew that this idea was somewhat unrealistic. After all, Ferdinand was so wary of him.

Even if he sees the strengths of the new army and is willing to promote it, probably this army will not be commanded by him in the end.

Gonzalo is not unaware of this possibility, but he is still immersed in the fascination with the new army.

He has a very strong hunch that the future war will change dramatically, and perhaps the shackles of the previous centuries will be completely broken.

What changed all this was the hot weapons that were gradually showing their might on the battlefield.

This imagination made Gonzalo decide to boldly try new tactics. At the same time, as this tactical idea gradually took shape, his army was also undergoing tremendous changes.

The big camp officer watched the men rushing ashore and shook his head secretly.

There is always a big gap between training and actual combat. Although the model army has proved that the new army has unimaginable potential through the battle with the rebels, Gonzalo and his officers are well aware that it is because they The enemy is "too weak".

Andalusians are not brave. If their opponents are French, Portuguese or just the king, even if they eventually fail, they can still resist for a while.

But in several engagements, it was the model army that completely shattered their confidence.

It's just that it's the past. With the capture of Seville, they will inevitably fight the Sicilians.

This opponent's past performance made Gonzalo and his officers have to be treated with caution.

The battalion officer raised his head in doubt and looked at the Grand Knight Castle in the distance. He did not understand why the Sicilian would allow them to cross the river with ease.

Even if no troops were placed on the shore to intercept them, the troops crossing the river should be bombarded with artillery.

But not only did the Sicilians not do this, even according to the reports sent by the scouts, it seemed that their armies that had been defending close to the river bank had already retreated.

All these actions seem to deliberately make room for the Castilians, which made the camp commanders wonder.

But his task was to **** the landing site on the other side, so after reporting this situation to the general, he took his "big camp" of about 1,000 people and quickly moved towards the deep bank of the river.

"Big Camp" is the creation of Gonzalo and is a higher level unit than "battalion". It consists of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 camps.

This type of fighting force can range from a few hundred to a maximum of more than a thousand. It is the true fighting backbone of Gonzalo's ideal model army in the future.

With strict training and discipline, these "big camps" can form a powerful combat organization in the phalanx.

Relying on the cooperation of spears and muskets, cavalry and artillery, Gonzalo's phalanx can become a mobile stronghold on the battlefield that can advance and retreat.

Uomoto followed the front team closely, and their battalion gathered two more squadrons on the road. At this time, they already had nearly 500 people.

A rapid drum sound came from the front, and Uomoto immediately shouted to the men behind him.

They immediately followed a battalion in front and came to a clearing in front of the woods below the high ground.

On the other side of the woods, the roaring and shouting from time to time made the waiting team extremely nervous, and everyone was waiting with great anxiety and tension.

The commanders of the battalions couldn't help but roared, urging their men to start arraying, scolding and shouting one after another.

Uomoto was tightly clenching his musket. He was a musketeer, and his marksmanship was not bad. Because of this, he was promoted to the captain of this musket squad.

A narrow gap appeared in the middle of the team ahead, and Uomoto knew it was for their musket team.

According to the usual training, they should shoot at the enemy in front of the array during the battle, then quickly enter the square from this gap, and then rely on the spear's cover in the square to shoot the enemy in the second round.

Uomoto is already familiar with what he should do, so he quickly led his team through his companions and came to the front of the lineup.

The hustle and bustle became louder, and Uomoto saw several teams of Phalanx infantry preparing for their final preparations not far from his team.

With another horn, the farthest square array queue began to move forward slowly.

Uomoto wiped the sweat on his face hard, and wiped his wet palm on his clothes before clenching his musket again.

A phalanx of teams disappeared on the other side of the highland woods. The sound from there was deafening, and it was impossible to hear what was happening on the other side of the highland.

Uo Moto strode forward gaspingly, and all around him were soldiers who marched forward as fast as he did.

Many people are panting, walking forward nervously and dazed, their eyes full of fear, but with a look of excitement.

The top of the highland mountain is the other side of the wood. When walking to the top of the slope, it walked from the dark wood to the bright place. The dazzling sunlight made Uo Moto lift his hand to block his eyes.

But suddenly, the sound of the sky almost piercing the ear hole came suddenly from behind the slope.

Uomoto could not help lowering his arms and looking down the hillside.

Suddenly, a magnificent battlefield that stirred his mind and captured it appeared in front of Uomoto!

Down the **** is a wide plain that leads to the south.

On the plains, battle flags fluttered and smoke spread, and the Castilian phalanxes were arranged closely like the puppet formations of tin soldiers in the Gonzalo family.

The spears like Lin made the entire phalanx seem like a terrible giant hedgehog, moving slowly but resolutely on the plain.

The cavalry ordered the gallops to ride back and forth in the formation, raising smoke.

On the opposite side, the Sicilian army in dark blue military uniforms set against the glare of armor and spears, like a huge torrent across the plain.

It can be seen that the Sicilian formation crosses the plain gradually from east to west.

On a high **** that protrudes across the plain in the middle of the entire front, a striking royal flag composed of a huge crown and a eagle lion cross emblem that heralded the inheritance of Sicilian law was high in the wind.

Under the banner, an army that looked equally remarkable was neatly arrayed.

Unlike other troops, this army does not see shiny armor and sharp spears and axes. Except for a flag with a sharp edge on top of a face handle, all soldiers carry muskets on their shoulders, and with rhythmic drumming, They move forward in a uniform pace.

On the military flag in the middle of their queue, a tall Athena, holding a musket, was staring at the Castilian army.

With a burst of high-pitched singing from blurry to clear, Wu Omoto also finally heard what was the murmur that was murky before Gao Po.

Uomoto swallowed hard.

He has participated in many battles commanded by the head of the Knights, from joining the Aragonese army as a mercenary, fighting with Gonzalo in Italy, and participating in the battle with the Ottomans in Crete, Uomoto is already an experience Rich veterans.

In Uomoto's view, the model army is probably the most powerful army in the world, but now he has found that he has never seen such an army.

This made him feel an unexplainable tension.

"Go ahead, get in!"

In front of the commander issued a command, Uomoto could not help but take a deep breath, followed the team to the battlefield downhill.

At this moment, he heard a fierce and violent drum sound from across, Uo Moto could not help looking away.

Along with the distinctive rhythm of drumming, the Sicilian army, which formed a front line one by one, began to advance slowly.

At the same time, the strange singing of the melody became clearer as the army approached.

"Soldiers, prepare to move forward

Look, the Ottoman armor is bright,

Their feathers are so beautiful that people can’t help but want to pick them up,

Oh~ Grenadier, the queen is there, let us pay tribute to her,

Let us get honor,

Oh~ Grenadier, the Ottomans are there, let us pounce on the enemy.

Let us win the victory~"

The singing was loud and spread all over the battlefield. Under the guidance of the flag, the Sicilian army's royal grenadiers gradually approached the Castilian army.

"This will be a decisive battle that determines the fate of all of us."

Standing on the hill in front of Leo Zuosha whispered to the entourages around her that her eyes were firm and excited, as if at this moment she had been looking forward to it for a long time.

"Trust me, whatever the outcome of this war, it will surely go down in history."

In front of the woods across the plain, Gonzalo was also saying something similar to those around him. Although his expression was calm, he couldn't hide the desire to fight.

Somewhere on the front line, Alexander was stamping a letter and handing it to the rosacea waiting there.

"Deliver the letter in time."

After that, Alexander turned his horse.

Looking at the battlefield in front of him, he suddenly opened his arms:

"Come on, my war!"


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