Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 228: Talking about money hurts feelings

Maximian I suddenly felt as if his legs had stepped into two quagmire.

This feeling is too bad.

He was like a man walking in a swamp, unable to pull out with his legs firmly trapped.

When you want to pull out any one leg, the weight of the body will involuntarily press on the other leg.

In this way, the body will tilt involuntarily.

This bad feeling is due to threats from Italy and Bohemia, respectively.

In Italy, it was unexpectedly and violently attacked by the Roman Thesias, which Maximian had never imagined before.

He was used to the kind of procrastination wars, just like the French, a war would stop and stop, and no one would be desperate from the beginning.

But the Roman Thesias were different. It can be said that they changed the way of war from the beginning.

The Roman Thesia army not only suddenly crossed their own "Genoa-Parma-Po" defense line, but also attacked Milan all the way.

The Austrian army was caught by surprise because of the sudden attack, and even Pavia could not keep it.

What makes Maximian particularly incredible is that the Roman Thesias actually attacked Milan while crossing the Po River and directly threatening Veneto.

Just think about "The Roman Thesias did not have the guts to provoke a war" and "That Gombre has been content, he has got what he needs, and will no longer have greater ambitions for the territory." The words in the palace were still hustle and bustle, and Maximian had a kind of anger that was slapped directly on the face.

Maximian certainly did not know that a small book called "The Generals" was popular among the senior officers in Rome Theseia.

And there is a paragraph in a very clear way to explain the series of actions of his enemies.

"In any war, we must concentrate all mobilizable weapons and go all out, with a storm-like first strike, and strive to completely lose the strategic balance of the enemy through the greatest damage in the early stages of the war, so as to reach the battle goal in the shortest time..."

The Battle of Palma deprived the Austrians of their most important garrison troops stationed in the Lombardy region.

The precarious Milan had to send someone to ask for Vienna's support, but Maximian was annoyed that when he asked for help from Milan, he found that he had expressed a long-term command to dispatch troops and there was little movement.

Maximian suddenly found himself out of service for a while.

The fiasco in Switzerland forced Maximilian to be forced to agree to the independence of the mountain barbarians, and the consequence was that he could no longer recruit soldiers from Switzerland at will.

This made him lose a precious source of troops.

The two subsequent Italian wars cost him a lot.

Maximian actually made plans for two years of rest and recuperation. What is even more rare is that because of civil strife, the Ottomans cannot temporarily threaten the security of Austria.

But suddenly, the accident of the Iberian Peninsula completely disrupted his plan.

Maximian was very annoyed by this, but because it was related to the throne of his grandson, and he could take the opportunity to threaten Ferdinand to support his annexation of Milan, he readily accepted his family's request to send troops.

But now things are not developing according to his imagination. The Roman Thesia's action of not playing cards according to the routine made him suffer a big loss in Lombardy from the beginning.

But what made him feel worse was the bad news from Bohemia.

Since forcing Bohemian King Ladislas II to give up half of the Hungarian territory, Maximian has regarded Hungary as his own pocket.

If it were not for the Ottomans to invade Europe, perhaps he had once again completely annexed Hungary through war.

Only the Ottomans helped Ladislas II this time.

The Battle of Bucharest gave Ladislas II a breathing opportunity, and at the same time, through his relationship with Wallachia, he rekindled his ambition to regain Hungary.

These Maximians are actually known.

But he did not expect that Ladislas II would really dare to put this ambition into practice.

As recently as February, reports from the eastern border frequently showed that Bohemians seemed to be mobilizing troops at the border.

Although vigilant, Maximian did not think that Ladislas II had that guts.

In March, the situation where the Lombardy region suddenly became tense attracted Maximian’s attention.

But the Bohemians did not have new trends, and there was also news that the Wallachian female prince led the army to expedite Sicily. Therefore, in addition to ordering the guards on the eastern border to strictly guard, Maximian did not Pay too much attention to the trend of the East.

Even in April, when I heard that the Grand Duke of Wallachia had returned home in triumph, Maximian did not think they would act so quickly.

But his guess was obviously wrong.

Just after mid-April, the Bohemians suddenly sent troops to Hungary.

Not only did they violate the earlier agreement reached in the Prague Treaty that they would not station heavy troops in Hungary, but they also quickly moved from eastern Hungary to the west, regaining the entire posture of Hungary in one fell swoop.

At the same time, the Wallachia also dispatched an elite force, although the number is not very large, but the combat power is obviously amazing. Although this army did not directly participate in the attack on the Austrian army in Hungary, it was defeated at a rapid rate. The northern Bosnian army, who also stared at southern Hungary.

Then this Wallachia army began to advance along the tripartite border towards eastern Hungary and northern Bosnia.

This is a very strange and complicated situation.

In Hungary, troops from four countries suddenly gathered, and the Hungarians showed apathy and aversion to the war that broke out in their own country.

Maximian was somewhat caught off guard by the unexpected conflict that broke out on the eastern border. He couldn't figure out when Ladislas II, who always hesitated to look forward and back, became so decisive.

He had been given such a "surprise" when he had not responded.

The situation in the east that has left Maximim a headache is that the Wallachia did not publicly invade Hungary, and their opponents were always Northern Bosnians.

The female Grand Duke of Wallachia, because of her achievements in the battle of Bucharest, not only had a great influence in the Balkans, but also had various relations with the Hungarians.

So even though he knew that the Wallachia were not good-hearted towards Hungary, he could not react violently until they formally invaded western Hungary.

Otherwise, it is likely that Wallachia will be forced directly to the Bohemian side.

As for the North Bosnians, Maximian is not optimistic about the King of Hurva, because he has already had a lot of trouble. South Bosnia, the former king Roy, who has always been unwilling to fail to compete with him for the throne??, and His neighbor in the east, the principality of Cañola, was enough to trouble him, and he was not a helper at all.

However, Maximian still sent people to Zagreb, hoping to reach an agreement with Hurva, at least so that he can contain the Wallachia.

These sudden troubles made Maximian feel that even God had to abandon him, and in the court, the same battle between North and South also embarrassed the emperor.

Many nobles believe that Austria should never give up their interests in Italy, because they have paid too much there, and several years of war have caused the Austrians to shed too much blood on the Italian peninsula. If they suddenly give up, then all the sacrifices before Becomes meaningless.

In addition, Austria has lost Switzerland. If it loses Italy again, it is likely to give the French an opportunity.

Of course, this view is very consistent with Maximian's idea, but compared with the other side's view can not be underestimated.

Hungary, which was seized from Bohemians through several high-cost wars, is also of great value to Austria. Not only is it a buffer against the Ottoman invasion, but also Hungary’s rich resources and minerals made many invest in the original. The nobles who annexed the war saw an opportunity to make a fortune.

Only this time is too short, and the subsequent Ottoman invasion also caused a great impact on this path of wealth.

Now some people have proposed to temporarily abandon Hungary for Italy, which is angrily angry at those nobles who have not yet had time to make money.

The two sides had a heated debate in the palace, and even later turned into a mutual attack.

At the same time, this kind of debate about the future policy has gradually become a battle for the power of the future chief of the Austrian court.

Since Kotschah was dismissed, Maximil has not been eager to appoint a new chief palace minister, which has given many nobles hope and opportunity.

Moreover, several successive defeats in recent years, especially the loss of Switzerland, have made many nobles realize that they cannot allow Maximian to continue to do whatever they want.

Maximian's obsession with Italy plunged Austria into several wars, and the German princes took advantage of this almost temptation.

This makes many people worry that if they continue to be trapped in Italy, it may make the situation even more unfavorable.

And as soon as they thought of the qualifications of the electorate that the King of Bohemia possessed, those nobles couldn't help but worry more.

Although the Electors can’t oust the Emperor, they can completely defeat the Habsburgs in the next election.

After all, French kings have coveted the title of emperor for a long time.

With this in mind, it was natural that someone revealed this small and large threat to Maximian.

This made the emperor even more annoyed.

Because this fear seems to be worrying about whether his family can keep the title of emperor, but in fact it is not to remind him that if some people in the country cannot be satisfied, they will also stand opposite him.

Maximian knows the nobles too well, and like him, they are staring at their own interests and calculating for themselves all day long, so once they need to choose, they will abandon him without hesitation.

The arrival of the Marquis of Baden surprised Maximian a little.

The pampering of his daughter did not make the Marquis of Baden arrogant, which made Maximian satisfied with the very sensible old nobleman.

As for the Marquis’ business, Maximian certainly knew that even his cooperation with Kotzach was heard, but this did not make him feel wrong.

After all, all nobles today have more or less relationships with all kinds of chambers of commerce.

In the early years, the nobles who nourished themselves purely by their territories had passed.

So the arrival of the Marquis made him guess something.

Sure enough, the Marquis of Baden just opened, and Maximian immediately realized that things were not easy.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to convey Kotszach's regards to you."

Confused on Maximian's expressionless face.

Of course he did not forget his former palace appearance, but on the contrary, he heard that Kotzach is now a guest of the Fugel family in Augsburg.

The Fogor family has disappeared from the market once it has become a big player in the copper mine trade in Hungary.

But somehow, it seemed that Suddenly Good Luck again, the Fogor's family revived the lintel again.

It's just that Maximian is unhappy that the reviving Fogor family doesn't seem to want to be involved with him anymore.

Now that Kotzach suddenly passed the Marquis of Baden to bring the so-called greetings, Maximian immediately realized that there might be a subtle relationship.

"Your Majesty, the Fogor family hopes to continue to serve you. They know that you are preparing to rebuild the city of Vienna, so they are willing to provide you with sufficient funds to complete this feat."

Maximian looked at Marquis Baden unexpectedly. He did not expect the Marquis to bring him such news.

A long time ago, Maximian had the idea of ​​rebuilding and expanding the city of Vienna, but when he made a rough estimate of the funds needed, he immediately dispelled this really whimsical idea.

It was a huge amount of money calculated according to the current financial situation of Austria until his grandson was still not finished.

Because of this, he was more salivating about Lombard's wealth.

"Fogol, would you help me?"

Maximian felt that things should not be that simple. After all, the alienation shown by the Fogor family before showed that the family had become more cautious after a disaster.

So now the Fogor family will take the initiative to put forward this kind of suggestion, obviously with enough rewards to make them willing to pay a huge price.

"What do they want?" Maximian finally asked.

The Marquis of Baden sighed in relief, knowing that the emperor should be tempted.

Maximian has always regarded the reconstruction of the city of Vienna as a huge long-cherished wish, but he was discouraged by the astonishingly large amount of funds.

But now there is an opportunity for him to get his wish, Maximian's heart moved.

It's just that he also knows that such good conditions are impossible without paying a price.

That Jacob Fuguel was never a philanthropist, and of course he was not a very kind customer, so Maximian secretly thought that he would be happy to get his wish, while guessing what the other party would offer in exchange.

"According to Kotzach, the people of the Fugger family seem to hope to continue to do business in the countries covered by the empire, and you know that some of them are still related to many nobles."

The words of Marquis Baden made Maximian frown secretly.

He certainly knew what the Marquis was suggesting.

At the time, Maximian's grand plan to rebuild Vienna wasn't just because of great joy.

Vienna is located in a basin at the foot of the northern mountains of the Alps. Although it is surrounded by mountains, Vienna City itself is not at risk because it is located in the center of the basin.

The threat of the Ottomans to the Balkans and even Hungary made Maximian see the crisis. He began to beware that once Austria was about to face the invasion of pagans and the frontline battles were unfavorable, the current city defense in Vienna may not be able to Resist the direct attack of pagans.

Because of this, Maximian was eager to rebuild the city.

But in addition to this, Maximian has another idea.

He hoped to build Vienna into the center of Europe, and then took this opportunity to call those German princes to Vienna.

He believed that a beautiful city would make those princes forget about it, so that he could have the opportunity to gradually regain power from them.

It's just that many people object to his idea, which makes Maximian can't help but wonder if anyone has guessed his true intentions, so they will be blocked by having no money.

Now that the Fugger family offered to help him realize this wish, Maximian couldn't help but feel excited.

However, he still tried to remind himself that he should be calm and don't show too much attention until he knew the other person's true intentions.

"Just continuing to do business doesn't seem to cost the Fuguers so much."

Maximian looked at the Marquis Baden immovably. He believed that the relationship between the Marquis and Kotschah should not be as simple as he said, so even if he is not very clear about the real purpose of the Fugur family, it should be Can bring useful news.

Sure enough, the Marquis of Baden spoke cautiously.

"Your Majesty, the Fugger family offered to let them and their trading partners do business freely within the empire, and they were willing to work with our chamber of commerce to confront the French who are becoming a threat."


"Yes, your majesty, please look at this."

Watching the fine pepper brought by the Marquis of Maximian's expression became grim.

Maximian certainly knows what kind of wealth pepper can bring. This precious spice that is worthy of gold makes Iberia rich and oily. If the French have the huge source of wealth in the pepper trade, believe It won't take long for these peppers to become a variety of sharp weapons, making the French a threat to Austria.

"Fuguer is just for this," Maximian is still a little unbelievable. "Who are they referring to as trading partners?"

The Marquis of Baden paused and finally spoke under the gaze of Maximian: "Your Majesty, they are willing to do business with us, I mean with all of us."

Listening to the marquis, Maximian's face finally changed.

And in a house not far from the palace, Kotzach looked at the sky and muttered: "It's probably time to see."


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