Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 235: Vicenza's victory

The road about 2 streets away from the Olympic Theater has been filled with various debris.

Several overturned carriages and some wooden boards form an unreliable barricade.

Behind the barricade was a Venetian musketeer composed of mountain people from the Nobéa Mountains.

These hunters from the mountains of southern Italy have the same good eyesight and keen sense of prey as the Aggri Musketeers.

This made them a candidate for the well-known Musketeers.

Although the number of Nobel Hillers employed in Venice is not large, they are all good gunmen. Like the Ottomans, they pay attention to personal marksmanship and do not care about cooperation with their companions.

But even so, these Nobel Musketeers also caused great trouble for Aufrei.

The Nobéya Musketeers who hid behind the barricades laughed loudly at the Roman Thesia soldiers looking down on the street in the distance.

But although the Roman Thesias had just been taught, these people, the Nobeans, did not relax their vigilance.

Their captain ordered his men to occupy the roofs of the houses on both sides, and at the same time people blocked the alleys on both sides of the road.

The Roman Thesias had launched two offensives, but they were all shot back by the Nobel Musketeers.

The narrow and curved terrain of this street is obviously not suitable for the use of artillery.

Only two attacks caused great losses, but the failure to capture the enemy's barricade still led the Roman Thesia officer to lose his calm, so he issued an obviously wrong order.

An artillery mounted on an artillery vehicle was slowly pushed to the corner of the street. The gunner half-bent down and carefully adjusted the angle of the artillery, but the move was soon discovered by the enemy.

So after a violent gunshot, an artillery and a few more bodies were dropped on the street.

However, this is not the worst.

The Nobel Musketeers suddenly rushed out of the barricade, and they rushed towards the corner while shooting.

Then, while the Roman Thesias evaded, several strong musketeers dragged the sports car into the corner.

The enemy did not capture the barricade, and an artillery was snatched by the enemy. When the news reached Aufrei, the young staff member was so angry that his face was blue and his eyes almost burst into flames.

"I can hardly imagine such a idiot under my staff."

O'Leary walked back and forth in rage, and for him to attack Vicenza, the most important thing was time.

Regardless of the result of Gompati's side, he must surround the forces of Jondoba Babarig before the Venetian reinforcements arrive, otherwise what is waiting for him is to be hit by two sides.

For this reason, he even put the Mazzini regiment with great combat effectiveness on the way to block the Venetian.

But now he was blocked by a barricade.

"Can't it be roundabout?"

"I'm sorry adults, there is the only way to the Olympic Theater." The staff assistant next to him said helplessly, "Vicenza is a small place, and the streets here are narrow, and some places can't even allow artillery to pass through."

"Do I have to be stuck outside that street all day?"

O'Leary asked dissatisfiedly, seeing the silent expression of the staff attendant, he knew that this was probably really the only answer.

Aufrei clenched his hands with his hands and squeezed a few times, then he turned to look at the staff attendants aside.

"Order the assault forces."

The attendant froze for a moment, and didn't seem to understand what he meant.

"I mean to organize a death squad," Aufrei nodded, and said to himself, "Yeah, that's right. It's the name. It recruited volunteers from various companies to form a unit to prepare for Venice." Human barricades attack."

"So how do adults let them sign up voluntarily?"

"Rewarding money and catching money, this is the best way to do it now."

The staff servant was hesitant but still ordered to leave, and Aufrei clenched his fists again and again and again.

"God, I hope this really works."

O'Leary shook drums secretly in his heart. He couldn't make people see that he was actually worried. On the contrary, he wanted everyone to think he was very sure.

It was only when he saw the conscripted volunteers that O'Fly was disappointed in his heart.

Apart from some of these people who seem to be relatively young and powerful, some are still very young and some are already old.

This annoyed that there are still such soldiers in the army that Aufrei can't help managing for himself.

It seems that after the end of this war, the Duke must be advised to implement the recruitment system that he had planned as soon as possible.

O'Fly pondered this in his heart, and immediately threw the thought that is now apparently far away.

As several bulging money bags were thrown on the ground, the gold coins inside rolled out, and one of them rolled across the street and hit a soldier's foot for two turns and fell.

The sun shone on the statue of the goddess of war on the gold coins, shining with golden light.

The soldier stooped to pick up the gold coins and raised it before his eyes, until a shadow blocked his eyes.

The soldier raised his head and saw Aufrei standing in front of him.

"Do you want it?" Aufrei asked the soldier.

The soldier moved his lips and silently handed the gold coins to Aufrei.

"Do you all want these Ladia?!" Aufrei asked aloud.

The soldiers stared at the gleaming golden object held in the hand raised by Aufrei, their eyes hungry and greedy.

"I think you already know why you have to be found. That’s right. I want you to complete a very dangerous task. Some of you will definitely be dead or injured. But as long as you live, you can get this bag of 30 Radi. Asian gold coins," Hearing the soldiers whispering in surprise, Aufrei turned around and took out a purse from the large package on his horse behind him and threw it on the ground. "Everyone!"

The exclamation sounded a lot higher in an instant, and the soldiers looked at Aufrei incredulously.

Many people cannot even imagine what 30 gold coins mean, but now they have such an opportunity to earn 30 gold coins at a time.

"Listen, as long as you charge and charge, then you can get all the gold coins here by taking that barricade, because that is what you deserve."

Aufrei shouted to the soldiers, and at the same time he looked at an officer brought up by the two soldiers, his eyes showing no disgust.

This was the company commander who was not only unfavorable to attack but also lost an artillery.

"Besides, I will send you a captain," O'Freil said, looking at the officer, and whispering in his ear while hugging him hard. "If you don't want to lose your honor, I will give you a chance." "

"Sir, I'm willing to accept this punishment." Officer Agrig replied breathlessly.

"Very good." O'Leary let go of the officer and stepped back to look at the soldiers whom he recalled as the commando in Alexander's memory. "Remember, your task is to break through the barricades, and anyone is prohibited in combat. Stop and pick up the loot or you will be severely punished."

As he said, Aufrei waved the command stick in his hand vigorously in the air, and made a muffled sound: "Ready to fight."

Suddenly, there was a dull and rapid footstep on the corner of the originally quiet street.

This aroused the vigilance of the Nobea Musketeers who were behind the barricade. They immediately grabbed their weapons and stared at the corner of the street. At the same time, several people started to fiddle with the artillery that they seized.

There was also a barrel of gunpowder and a box of shells that were seized together with the artillery. Now the Nobéya soldiers carefully poured the primer into the tank a little bit, but when they poured gunpowder into the barrel, they But because I don't know how much I should pour in, I have been arguing for a long time.

It was just now that the enemy seemed to be attacking again. A few temporary gunners no longer ignored the argument, and hurriedly poured slowly a horn of gunpowder into the barrel, and then stuffed the shells into it.

"As long as a shot, those Roman Thesias will scare away."

I don't know who shouted in this way, which caused a loud response from the companions around me.

The sound of footsteps from the corner of the street is getting closer and heavier, and a lot of enemies can be heard from the sound of footsteps.

Nobel soldiers raised their weapons one after another, and the terrible muzzles of several heavy musket black holes were aimed directly at the corner. They were ready to shoot as soon as the enemy appeared and did not wait for them to line up.

The footsteps had reached the corner, but it suddenly stopped strangely.

The Nobel soldiers waited nervously.

Suddenly, a messy shadow was swayed on the wall of the house facing the street, and then a sudden sound of running came from the corner!

There was no drums, no horns, and no strict formation. A group of Roman Thesia soldiers didn't even have the first round of shooting, and suddenly appeared on the street.

Then in a crazy cry, led by an officer, the Roman Thesia soldiers rushed toward the barricade like crazy!

The fire twist pinched in the hands of Nobéya's soldiers ignited instantly, and the sparks jumped and the fire twist burned.

But the enemy was still rushing towards them, which made some Nobels yell out whether they were afraid or not.


The heavy musket fired first, and the huge gunshots immediately enveloped the street, and the chest of a Roman Thesia soldier who was on the charge burst into a huge gap.

The projectile that passed through his body continued to move forward, and after tearing apart one of the arms of the next person, he flew aside with a broken arm bone.

Then a gunshot rang through the street.

The Roman Thesias were shot and fell, but although the casualties left them stagnation, but this time they did not retreat, but under the leadership of the officer continued to shout and rushed up again.

The scary muzzle of the black hole appeared in front, and the fire twist that had been ignited on the body of the gun could be clearly seen.

Officer Agry was cold because he was too frightened that his numb body made him unable to stop. He only knew that a voice in his mind kept telling him to "rush up! rush up!"


The officer raised the saber in his hand. This was the short gun, which was standard equipment for their "commando". Everyone was given 2 short guns and a saber.

There is no shield protection, no spear formation, and no long-range rifle long-range fire. Their only task is to charge, charge, and then rush to the barricade to fight the enemy with short guns and sabers.

There was a thunderous roar in front of my eyes. At the same time as a huge black shadow was coming, we could see a thick smoke coming out of the muzzle with the fire.

Immediately, the Agrig officer lost consciousness.

The sound of fighting coming from the direction of the barricade could be heard even far away. Rondoba Barbarig was standing silently in the Olympic theater.

"Sir, Roma Thesia is still attacking, but as long as Venice's reinforcements reach the battle, it can change."

Hearing what his men said, Rondoba Barbarig smirked and said nothing. He walked to the door of the theater, looked at the small square in front of the theater, and carefully listened to the movement in the distance.

Finally, Rondoba Babarige sighed softly.

"This fierce battle..."

Rondoba Barbarig murmured to himself, and then looked at the army guarding the square.

Rondoba Babarig thought he didn't underestimate the enemy, but in fact he only realized that he was still careless when he and the army of Roma Thesia really played in the highlands of the cemetery of Palladiluo.

In other words, he did not expect the enemy to be so powerful.

The battle in the cemetery did not cause much casualties for the Venetians, but the real loss was when they were pursued by the enemy on the way back to Vicenza.

The Bohemians took advantage of their lightness and flexibility, especially when they were equipped with a rifle specially designed for them, they often hit the target far before they could catch up with the enemy.

The soldiers who can successfully escape to Vicenza must have far fewer numbers than they got.

Rondoba Barbare glanced at the people around him, so how many people are there now, or 2000 or less?

How many troops were used by the Roman Thesias to attack the city?

The sound of the street fighting in the distance seems to be getting closer and closer. The soldiers in the square are slightly turbulent. The musketeers are staring at the surroundings among the spear teams. They will attack at the earliest after the enemy appears.

Next, it was probably a terrible killing.

Hasn't the Venice reinforcements yet arrived?

Rondoba Barbarego did not think that Leonardo Lloret wanted to take the opportunity to remove him from the Roman Thesias, if that would only mean that he had overestimated that person before.

On the contrary, Lorette should hope for the stability of Venice more than anyone at this time, because he also wants to show his ambitions for many years to come.

It’s the aristocratic academy, not necessarily willing to risk more troops to save him. Think about how Pitiliuno made such a great contribution to Venice, but in the end it was all sorts of trouble because of the loss of troops. The aristocracy actually cares only how much they have earned or lost.

So the only thing you can count on is the 3000 main force sent to Lombardy. If they can respond in time, maybe things will not be so bad.

Of course, the premise is that he cannot be eliminated by the enemy in front of him, so the only thing he can do is to withdraw from Vicenza before the enemy breaks through the various defense lines in the city.

Because of Vicenza’s special geographic location, Barbara Mini didn’t need to worry about being surrounded by enemies, but since a sudden offensive broke out before, it seemed that the city was fighting more and more fiercely. The shouting approaching towards the Olympic Theater seems to prove that the situation is really bad.

Suddenly, some figures appeared one after another on the street in the distance, and it was close that we could see that they should be some Venetian soldiers.

"Sir, it seems that the situation is not good." An entourage whispered.

"Rome Thesia broke our line of defense?"

Barbarg looked at the soldiers who were withdrawn with disappointment. He thought that even if it failed, the Venetian would probably persist for two days, perhaps longer.

But he clearly underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Roman Thesia army again.

The Venetians who fled back panicked, or simply seemed to be scared.

They yelled very far away to warn the companions guarding the square to prepare, and then an officer passed the entire group of soldiers and ran to the minibus Barrig to gasply report: "Adult, Roma Thesia People are crazy, they look like they are fighting like pagans, I have never seen such crazy people."

Papa Barrigg looked at the embarrassed man without opening. Although he was curious about what the man had encountered, the situation in front of him made him unable to ask.

Looking back at the Olympic theater behind him, Barrigg had a moment to order to retreat.

The Olympic Theater in Vicenza was built as a military fortress in the early years. Although the engineer who built the fortress died of illness shortly after the start of construction, the project continued.

It was only later that Vicenza no longer needed such a strict guard, and it became a famous indoor theater.

The Olympic Theater has a solid structure and is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If you defend here, even if there are many enemies, it will not be easy to fall for a while.

But once he retreated, he had no way out. If the main invasion of Lombardy could return in time, if he could not return in time, then he would have entered the prison on his own initiative.

Thinking of this, the mini-bar Barrig took a deep breath. He knew that he might soon be charged by the aristocratic court for escape, but he still decided not to do stupid things.

"Order withdrawal from Vicenza."

"Adult?" The entourage asked a little puzzled, and after seeing the expression on Rondoba Barbarage's face, he whispered again, "Where are we?"

Vicenza is the northern border of Now that the road to Venice is obviously no longer accessible, then they can only retreat northward.

That means they will leave Veneto.

Everyone knows what it means to do so, even if they defeat the Roman Thesias in the subsequent battles, they must face inquiries and even trials from the Senate.

Knowing what the entourage was suggesting, Rondoba Barbarig watched more and more defeated soldiers running from the street in the distance, listening to the approaching shouting and killing, he gave the order: "Go north Rotino meets the emperor's army, and I will rest assured that I will explain everything to the Senate."

Hearing this, the entourage could only helplessly sigh and pass on the order.

"I will return."

Rondoba Babarig vowed secretly as he watched the theater.

On May 30, 1503, the army of Roman Thesia repelled the Venetians and occupied Vicenza.

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