Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 61: Naples' turning point

Keizer never felt as desperate as he is now.

He was reluctant to admit that it was actually fear, and even less afraid to fear his sister.

Keizer thought that someone might use his father, so he sent someone to secretly send the old Cossen to a distant monastery. After paying a sum of money, there was one more in the monastery because of the madness. The old man who had to be sent here to confess.

Keizer feels that everything is done properly, and the only one who knows the whereabouts of old Cosenza is the two close friends next to him.

No, there is another person, Frederick's tax collector!

But none of these three people would say it. Keizer believed that it must be so, so the whereabouts of old Cosenza should be very secretive.

But when he saw the old Kosenza in the two horse-drawn carriages outside the castle, Keizer almost collapsed!

Everyone was looking at the old Cosenza, on the walls, and under the walls. People were looking at this poor old man, and at the poor image that he could only shake his body back and forth because he lost his hands.

Ruosha got off the horse and went to his father's car, bent over to listen to his lips, and then whispered a few words to him.

No one knew what this had said to the father and daughter, and then Ruosha re-mounted and came to the front of the team.

Kaiser looked at his sister with a sullen face. In his memory, Ruosha was indeed clever, but this cleverness was only a little smarter than the self-righteous noble ladies, but now looking at the under the wall Ruosha, he realized that he had never really understood this sister before.

"Kaiser, you imprisoned your father by virtuous means, and also betrayed the rights of the Cosenza family. You are not worthy of being a descendant of the Cosenza family." Luo Sha's voice was not loud, and even people farther away listened Not yet, but she believes that as long as Kezel can hear it, “So I declare as the guardian of the territory granted by our father, Earl of Cosenza, that you will no longer have any rights from now on, given that you The bad behavior of Count Cosenza announced that you will be deprived of your honor and privileges, and you will no longer have the status of nobility. "At this point, Luo Sha's voice suddenly lowered, although she said softly in a tone that only she could hear. "Kaiser, you're done."

"No!" Keizer yelled as he leaned over the wall and yelled below. "Look, Rosa, no matter who you bring, even the pope, don't try to take Coson from me." Do n’t want to **** the crown of Count Cosenza from my head, I ’m now standing on the city wall. If you want to take all of it, you have to capture my castle. If you hear it, let me see How powerful are you Bohemians who are seduced by your betrayal? "

"grown ups."

A voice came from next to Keizer, and Keizer turned his head angrily to the confidant who interrupted him: "What!"

"Sir, look around." A close friend whispered. He looked at Keizer's eyes with pity, and even a little contempt. This was the kind of eyes he never thought he would have on the master one day.

"What?" Keizer looked to the left and right. Only then did he find that he was empty around him. People didn't know when they were far away from him. The eyes that looked over both seemed to be like this cronies. Look.

"What are you doing, why don't you stand in your position, the Bohemians are about to attack," Keizer yelled at the soldiers angrily, but none of the soldiers who usually respected and feared him moved. On the last move, on the contrary, people's eyes became cold when they looked at him. "What are you going to do, I'm Earl of Cosenza, I command you to obey orders!"

Keizer turned around and shouted loudly at the people on either side, but no one except the hysterical roar on the city wall made a sound.

"Kaiser, finished."

A knight standing far away shook his head slightly. It was this man who had disobeyed Rusha's order and ordered the person who opened the city gate to release the tax collector to enter the castle, but now he began to regret his original decision.

And this regret has nothing to do with the so-called conscience, just as he actually just hoped that he could choose more from the orthodox and more orthodox brothers and sisters of Ruosha and Keizer, and now he is silent. Retreated to the back, leaving Keizer alone to face the soldiers who were slowly forcing him.

When she saw Keizer's flag falling down on the city wall, Ruosha sighed softly. She looked up and made herself look more dignified and noble than usual. She knew this was what everyone wanted to see.

Then she glanced back at the father in the carriage, and then whispered to Burleigh, who was beside the carriage, "Berry, we're home."

A ting of excitement flashed in Burley's eyes, facing Ruosha's gaze, he bit his lips and nodded slowly: "Miss home, we're home."

In August 1496, in the Cosenza territory of Naples, a rebellion, attempted to overthrow his father and usurp the power of the Count, initiated by the son of Count Cosenza, Kaiser, and the rebellion that did not last long soon After being subdued, Kaiser, who was originally the heir, became a prisoner, waiting for him to be deprived of all rights and then imprisoned for life.

Contrary to Kaiser ’s fate, his sister Kosenza ’s Russa became the final winner and beneficiary in this sudden rebellion, when the rushed Bishop of Cosenza announced that Russa Ko After Sencha will be the legal guardian of the Cosenza territory, many people start to look at this little girl who didn't draw much attention before.

It ’s just that whether it ’s Keizer ’s rebellion or Ruosha becoming the guardian of the territory, these are now in chaos, and the Apennine Peninsula is full of wars. It ’s really not a big deal, even in Naples, this matter only caused a little disturbance , And was soon forgotten.

Entering Naples in September, the really worrying and even disturbing topic is famine!

The Naples ca n’t remember when the last famine occurred. The generous Mediterranean provided Naples with plenty of delicious seafood, and the extensive roads also allowed them to always get enough food from other cities, so hungry It was a long time ago for the Neapolitans, especially for the nobles, famine was always just something that stayed in the sensational stories of books and lecturers.

But suddenly, famine came to Naples!

Without any warning, the wine on the market suddenly became a lot more expensive than usual, and then vegetables and fruits became more and more difficult to buy. If these have n’t paid much attention, they were only worth 10 When one of Ginny ’s large wooden board mixed meat breads could only be purchased with one-quarter of Gini, people finally began to panic.

Food is something that is indispensable in any era. People may be able to tolerate the failure of the grape harvest due to hail, the wine has become several times more expensive than usual, and it can be tolerated because the storm at sea can not eat live fish, but the price of bread When he began to climb up, the panic spread irresistibly among the people.

And this fierce tide came from the beginning, and did not even wait for many people to react, and bad news one after another followed.

The road to the north was cut off by the French army that was still fighting the coalition forces, which disappointed people who were expecting to get food from the rich Lombardy region as soon as possible, and then worse news came As the Ottomans suddenly appeared to be moving, the entire Mediterranean became tense, some islands have already been banned, and the only Sicily from the sea that can provide a lot of food for Naples, because of this urgent situation seems to be completely broken Audio.

The Ottomans called, Malta was captured, and the main port of Sicily was under siege from the Ottoman fleet.

Various rumors began to circulate in Naples, and concerns about the situation and panic about hunger became accomplices that caused greater riots.

Finally, one morning, a newly opened bakery caused a lot of anger because of the outrageously high price tag. The people rushed into the shop and robbed all the bread, flour, meat floss and anything else that could be eaten. , When the shopkeeper tried to block it, he was immediately beaten. Among the panicked crowd, a knife stabbed suddenly from some place stabbed **** the shopkeeper ’s back. The unlucky man fell down, the stone under him. A blood rushed on the ground immediately.

The scarlet blood did not calm the crowd that had become manic, but instead aroused their tyrannical heart.

People began to rob all the shops that were still open on the street, whether they were selling food or not, which became their targets for venting their anger.

The originally lively streets suddenly fell into chaos and madness.

It was not until the guards who heard the news calmed the tyrannical people, and a turmoil that might cause greater disaster was suppressed in time.

However, panic has spread among the Neapolitans. No one dared to eat or drink anymore. Instead, they saved as much food as possible to prepare for the famine that may erupt at any time. city.

What's worse is that at this time, a message that seems to have nothing to do with ordinary civilians, but at this time, it just spread everyone's news in the city!

King Ferdinand II of Naples is seriously ill!

It has been known for a long time that Ferdinand has a very serious mental illness. If it is a civilian, this kind of illness will already be regarded as possessed by the devil, although nowadays, the burning knife is no longer popular, but also Will be sent to a monastery for imprisonment forever.

However, as the heir to the royal family and the throne, Ferdinand has been very meticulously taken care of since childhood, and his condition has gradually improved, which has made many people hopeful.

But perhaps it was the French invasion, and his father suddenly passed the throne to him a series of unexpected stimuli, Ferdinand's illness suddenly increased.

If his condition was not too bad when he first returned to Naples, the indulgence of the next few months became an accomplice that caused the king ’s spirit to completely collapse.

The sudden famine deeply stimulated Ferdinand's already fragile nerves. Until one morning when the servant discovered that his mouth was foaming and fell down under the bed, the King of Naples had completely fallen into Unconscious in a coma.

Although the nobles decided to blockade the news, the bad news of the king's critical condition spread quickly throughout the city.

At this moment, people really felt panic.

Facing famine, changing the throne, and the threat of pagans from the other side of the Mediterranean that may appear at any time.

The Kingdom of Naples seemed to be caught in the wind and rain all at once. The joy of driving away the French to recover the lost ground seemed to disappear overnight. All that remained was the confusion and anxiety about the future.

People began to pin their hopes on the royal family, but with the news of the king's serious illness, many people realized that the royal family is now facing a turmoil, so the people hope that the nobles will stand up to fulfill their obligations at this time.

But they soon discovered that this hope had also failed.

No aristocracy really cared about the bread shop on the street being looted, and no one asked how many people today had to leave their homes in Naples and run to the countryside to escape the imminent hunger.

Obviously, for the nobles of Naples, nothing is more important than a crown.

Every day, all kinds of news came out of the palace. Although the order to block the news was stricter than one, it could not stop the pervasive inquiry.

The king has been ill for three days.

The king had a temporary improvement, but his condition became severe again.

The king has become completely unconscious. It is said that he even wants to bite the queen who washed him.

The king was completely unable to eat, and what he vomited was so stinky that people had to stay away from his room except for the doctor.

All kinds of news spread in the streets, and people who can't tell the difference between true and false can only guess what happened.

Finally, on the sixth day of Ferdinand's illness, a conclusive message began to spread in the city:

The king was completely in a coma, and the Archbishop of Naples waited in the room next to the king's bedroom, ready to welcome that moment.

The people began to gather at the palace, and more and more people came outside the palace to begin praying for the king.

Although Ferdinand hurried to the throne, although he did not make any achievements in the process of recovering the lost ground, and even subsequently disappointed because of the extravagant squandering, when he died, the Naples prayed for their king.

The people hope that the king can survive, in addition to the long-term dependence on the royal family, it is more confused about the future.

Because Ferdinand had no descendants, people began to worry that once the throne hangs in the air, then Naples may explode to fight for the crown.

But this time God obviously did not care for their king, and bad news came from the palace one after another.

People saw that the bishops of various dioceses of Naples had heard the news. Some people even saw several famous sculptors and carpenters in the city of Naples enter the palace.

People know that those people are called to prepare for the king.

As time passed, Ferdinand showed no signs of improvement, and the atmosphere in the city became more and more tense.

When Ferdinand became ill, the Duke Frederick ordered to strengthen the security of the city. Although he could still only mobilize his own army, some nobles chose to lean on his side at this time.

Frederick quickly mastered most of the Naples City Defence Force. Although the command of the regular army of Naples had already been taken away by Gonzalo sent by the Aragon Kingdom, it was more appropriate for this city defense force to be called a militia. But Frederick quickly mastered most of the real power of Naples.

Then when Frederick thought everything was under his control, he began to retaliate fiercely against his foes.

Frederick first ordered his men to impeach Modillo at the meeting of the aristocracy, and then he publicly accused Naples of facing the threat of famine completely because the French evacuated all the grain storage in the Naples granary when they retreated.

At the time, it was Modillo who helped the French!

This accusation immediately resonated with all the nobles, and even some people who had a normal relationship with Modillo had to use silence to avoid this terrible attack.

What happened in the aristocratic house was quickly spread outside, and the call for the execution of Modillo, the traitor, was spread from the gate of the palace to the port of Santa Lucia outside the city.

The noble house finally could not resist the pressure from inside and outside, but these slick nobles knew that Modillo was not so good to deal with, so they asked Modillo to come forward to accept the inquiry from the noble house.

He was questioned by a court headed by Frederick.

In the early morning of September 7, 1496, Earl of Naples, Salon Modillo, got up very early. He first prayed in his little church, and then had a decent breakfast. The servant waited to dress up, Then he left Duyran Palace with two attendants.

The street was quiet, not because people had not gotten up, but because Frederick announced a curfew two days ago.

Because of fear of panic and riots caused by famine, Frederick's curfew was carried out smoothly. After severely punishing several publicly disobedied civilians, Naples at night has almost become Frederick's kingdom.

When Modillo arrived at the aristocracy, the nobility had arrived a lot in advance.

Seeing Modillo, many people showed strange looks on their faces.

Many people are gloating, but more people are worried.

Undoubtedly, the Modillo family's long-standing heritage in Naples still has a profound influence, and this influence even dates back to the time when the Aragonese royal family took over Naples.

But because of this, Frederick did not hesitate to completely turn his face with Modillo, but also to defeat him through this famine!

"Count, do you admit that you have helped the French?"

"Count, is the reason why Naples is facing hunger today, is it because the French looted all the stored grain, and you have helped them in this matter?"

"Count, as a vassal of the Sisi royal family in Aragon, do you admit that you have done something that violates your obligations as a vassal?"

Questions were thrown at Modillo, just like the javelin with the handle poisoned, and he did not hesitate to stab Modillo.

"I admit that I have done all this."

To the surprise of everyone, Modillo, who thought that he would vigorously defend himself, and might even make some radical actions, admitted all these accusations without resistance!

Frederick stood up for almost a while, but he soon realized that his enemy could not be so simple as to be vain.

Sure enough, Modillo, after pleading guilty, said aloud: "If you did not promise the French, Naples would face even greater catastrophe, and when you abandoned Naples and its people and fled, I saved the city When you returned to the city as a victor, you saw a Naples intact ~ ~ I do n’t know what else you should complain about. "

"But you let this city face hunger!" Frederick shouted, "This is your crime, an unforgivable crime!"

"Really?" Looking at Frederick, Modillo gave a strange smile. "My lord, maybe you will soon know what the sinner in front of you did for Naples."

Modillo's unexpected self-confidence made Frederick's heart flicker with anxiety. Just as he was about to continue speaking, a loud noise from the far and near on the outside street suddenly struck the hall of the noble house.

"Food! Food!"

People's shouts can be heard even in the room.

"what happened?"

Someone ran out after hearing the sound, but soon rushed in.

"Food, it's all food!" The man shouted excitedly, "It's a man named Alexander, he brought us food!" To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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