Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 15: Assassination

Alexander knew that Michelangelo said that the Archbishop of Valencia was Caesar Borgia, the second son of Alexander VI.

In the wonderful and colorful life of Alexander VI, there have been more than one woman. Some of these women are short-lived, while some can dominate the favor of Alexander VI for a long time.

Among them, Vanosa Katane was once the most favored of these ambitious women.

Although Alexander VI eventually married her to a cron for her own future, she received enough benefits from Alexander VI.

The proof of this is that she had three or four children in a row for Alexander VI.

Among these children, the favorite of Alexander VI is undoubtedly Caesar Pogia and his sister Lucrezia Pogia.

As the most famous illegitimate children known to Rome, the children of the Borgia family did not care about the identity of their illegitimate children, and they did not care about the eyes of the world on them. Instead, they were all proud of having a father like Alexander VI.

Whether it is out of ambition or affection, Alexander is doing his best to train several of his children.

He always gave them the best, whether as a secular fief or a parish of the church, Alexander unabashedly took every benefit for his children, even when Caesar was a priest, he began to think of it as Son Zhang Luo's family is married.

Caesar Borgia grew up in this environment.

This allowed the young archbishop to understand the importance of power long ago, and since he was very young, he has shown no less ambitions than his father.

Alexander is known to Caesar Borgia.

Or I heard a lot about his various legends.

This terrible aristocrat, who was later nicknamed the Duke of Poison, relied on his father's powerful power and his superb conspiracy to plan and implement the conspiracy and tricks again and again, which left a deep impression on Alexander.

The Borgia family relied on various tricks and tricks to renovate their feet in Rome, and then extended their tentacles to every corner of the city.

This makes people think that the people of the Borgia family are like sleepless viper. It seems that they can come out of an unexpected place at any time and bite the prey, and then inject the venom into the enemy's skin. Tightly entangle the opponent's body until the enemy's poisonous suffocation before opening his mouth wide, swallowing prey into the belly like a bottomless abyss.

Alexander ’s impression of the Borgia family should be like this. He was so wary of this family that even though he had n’t seen any of the family, he had been in the city since the day he entered Rome. Pay more attention to this family than to anyone.

It was only when he heard that Michelangelo said that Caesar Borgia was his patron. Alexander was still a little surprised.

The people of the Borgia family love art. This Alexander has been heard for a long time, but he did not expect him to see an artist protected and sponsored by this family so quickly, and this person is still Michelangelo.

It was Alexander himself who provided Michelangelo with the toll to Rome.

"The Archbishop of Valencia is really a generous and generous person," Michelangelo's expression was a bit excited when he mentioned Caesar Borgia, he even forgot that Alexander was also his patron. "You probably can't imagine the lord To what extent he is obsessed with art, although he is studying law, it does not affect his passion for painting at all, and he is full of love for all things that can bring beauty, of course, including beautiful girls. "

Michelangelo chuckled, didn't seem to think that it was wrong to talk about a senior cleric in the church behind him, and then he blinked to Alexander: "And this adult doesn't care about his friends at all. Introduce the beautiful women. Although I have never experienced such a thing, I know he does it often. "

"It seems that you are one of his friends?" Alexander asked pointedly.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't want to do this kind of thing," Michelangelo shook his head vigorously. "But I am willing to introduce you to the Archbishop himself. Know that he is not only a very generous person, but also likes to make friends, your Those experiences are enough to make you a guest in his palace. "

"I would love to meet your legendary master, but unfortunately I still have something to do."

Alexander said that he looked towards the gate of the Vatican Palace, because he saw Joanna's figure from a distance, and it made him feel strange that Joanna seemed to come out earlier than the scheduled time.

And despite being far away, he could still vaguely see the faint expression of disappointment on the queen's face.

Isn't the meeting with Alexander VI not smooth? Alexander tortured and said hello to Michelangelo, then quickly walked towards Joanna, who was covering her head and face with the cap of the cloak, and crossed the line of the guard.

At this moment, Alexander suddenly saw a man who looked like a paperwork, and quickly walked up the other side of the stairs holding a large stack of documents.

This person looks ordinary. In such a cold weather, he wraps himself tightly with a thick cloak. Even his hands holding the documents refuse to reach out, but he drags the documents under the cloak.

This was originally nothing.

But when Alexander had no intention of looking at him, he suddenly found that the man's eyes were fixed on Joanna.

Those eyes were completely unabashed on the vicious and malicious in the eyes. This person stared at Joanna, but that kind of look could not be interpreted as admiration or curiosity.

Alexander's heart jumped suddenly, his hand clenched on the hilt, and at the same time he stepped up the pace involuntarily, quickly greeted from the other side of the stairs to Joanna who had just crossed the guard and was walking down.

The man was very close to Joanna from the other side at this time. Maybe she noticed something strange. Joanna stopped and looked at him with some doubts. At this time, the man had come to the stairs only two steps away from her. Place.

Alexander was already sure that this person had bad intentions. He even saw that the man's hand under the cloak was moving quickly. From the place where the cloak protruded, he could be sure that there was a short sword hidden under it!

And he is still some distance away from them!

"Your Majesty, beware!"

Alexander yelled, and at the same time he drew his sword and swooped at the man who looked like a paperwork!

Alexander's cry immediately aroused the guards of the guards on the steps. When they saw a man suddenly pull out his sword and rushed up the steps, the guards immediately waved their spears and rushed towards Alexander.

There were several steps, and several spears had been stabbed from top to bottom. Alexander knew it was bad when he saw the guards rushing towards him. He simply gave up the suspicious document and immediately went down the step. Run away.

"catch him!"

A captain of the soldier shouted to rush down the steps, and he even rushed past the instrument. When he ran quickly, the wind brought the corner of the man's cloak, revealing the shining dagger under the cloak!

It was at this moment that Joanna saw the man's short sword hidden under her clothes. Her face suddenly turned pale, her body kept going backwards, but she stumbled on the steps. With a scream, she looked up to the sky. Fall back!

At that moment, the man lifted his cloak, and a cold light suddenly appeared from his arms.

With a roar, the man raised his short sword in his hands and shouted, "Punish the **** son who blasphemed Christ!" While stabbing at Joanna!

Everyone was shocked by this sudden scene, and the guards who were chasing Alexander down the steps could not help but stop to look back, but the guards who were very close to Joanna, because they only paid attention to the "assassins" under the steps, I didn't pay attention to the "document" holding a lot of documents next to it.

Joanna wanted to yell, but she seemed to be dumb, she could only open her mouth but could not make a sound. She was lying on the steps and could only look at the dark shadow of the person standing above her head, and the short sword he lifted over the top was emitted A terrible death light!

Alexander had stopped under the steps at this time. He had no time to do anything. He could only watch the assassin raise his dagger from afar, and stab at Joanna who fell to the ground.


A whispering noise suddenly flew across people's ears, it was the sound of arrows passing through the air and driving the air, and with the sound of this blast, a shadow quickly flew across the assassin's neck !

The assassin's neck seemed to be suddenly worn by an invisible rope. His head twitched sideways, and then the whole body was planted on the side steps like a punch!

"Ah ~!"

Only then did Joanna scream hysterically in horror.


The nearest guard only reacted at this time, and the spear in their hands immediately poked mercilessly towards the assassin who was rolling down the steps, so that the man had not rolled down the steps. The blood hole has been smeared all over the body and bloody.

At the same time, several guards close to Alexander also raised their spears to prepare to stab Alexander.

"Come on."

Alexander took the opportunity to act decisively, quickly throwing away the saber in his hand, while raising his hands high, doing the gesture of surrender that he rarely did at this time.

"I'm the guard of Her Majesty Queen Joanna of Naples, I'm catching the assassins." Alexander quickly explained to the guards, and his eyes looked around inadvertently, then said aloud, "This is just a misunderstanding, everyone don't act lightly, Do n’t just do it! ”

A captain came over, he looked at Alexander, then raised his sword and put it on his neck: "You dare to draw a sword in front of the gate of the Vatican Palace. This is enough to betray you to death. It is not up to you to move. "

After he finished talking, he turned the hilt and hit him **** Alexander's shoulder, knocking him to the ground.

"You can go to Her Majesty Joanna to verify if my words are true."

Alexander raised his head to endure the pain in his neck, secretly saying that the rampage of Caesar's guards was well-known, and he could not help but secretly worried that the man hidden in the dark would not be able to endure because he was beaten.

Fortunately, however, the captain was not shot by a crossbow that suddenly flew.

The sudden change in front of the Vatican Palace has clearly alarmed the people in the palace. At this time, the guards of the brigade have run out from the surroundings and the palace. They rudely drove the nearby people away from the palace. A senior priest in white and black robes.

At this time. A group of people came out of the palace. Among them, in addition to the priest wearing a robe, and the nobles wearing gorgeous secular costumes with swords on their waists, the youngest person in red robes walked in front of them. people.

Although there were swords and guns all around, and a corpse was lying on the ground under the blood-stained steps, the young man's face did not show any strange calm. When he looked around at his eyes, there were only a few questions in his eyes. , Without showing the slightest doubt.

When he saw Joanna being lifted up, a smile appeared on the young man's face.

He walked up a few steps, first bowed to salute, and then asked with a slightly concerned tone: "Your Majesty, I don't know if you are frightened, this kind of thing will happen in front of the Vatican Palace, this only makes me I am ashamed of not fulfilling my duties. "

Joanna is still trembling. She even needs someone to support her to stand firm. For her, the danger of encountering Rome twice before and after seems to have become a nightmare. At this moment, she just wants to leave this terrible one as soon as possible. City, never come back.

"Your Majesty seems to need rest. If you don't mind, you can go to the palace to take a break first. My sister will entertain you."

The young man bowed slightly again. When Joanna nodded in front of her and was escorted away by two hurried maids, the captain of the guard walked over to him and whispered something.

Following the man's words ~ ~ A little surprise first appeared on the young man's face. He looked at the dead air assassin on the ground before slowly walking down the stairs to Alexander who had stood up.

Young, calm, but high in the priesthood.

Looking at this body representing the cardinal, or even the cardinal's robe, Alexander already knew who this person was.

Sure enough, the young man looked at Alexandria and then signaled the guards to put away their weapons.

"I already know that you are the guard of Queen Joanna. I admire your bravery and I am even grateful." The young man looked back casually at the body on the ground. "Probably you don't know yet. This assassin mistakenly queen. As my sister. "

Alexander was amazed. Although the assassin once shouted something while he was assassinating, he didn't hear it at that time. Now when he takes a closer look, he vaguely remembers what the assassin seemed to call "profane illegitimate child".

And Joanna has nothing to do with these words.

If there must be a relationship, then there is only this person and the sister he just mentioned.

The young man looked at Alexandria with interest.

"Actually I know who you are."

"Oh?" Alexander was slightly surprised.

"Gombre, who defeated the French Agrig in the Bruini Valley," said the young man with a smile. "And I, Caesar Borgia." 8)

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