Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 100: Eastern Messenger

The port of Kalibo still looks very busy, and the warm Mediterranean climate keeps the winter here from being too cold, although locals consider this season to be the most difficult day of the year, compared with the land in the north. The southern tip of Sicily is actually more comfortable than the rest of Italy.

But although it is still busy, it has shown a lot of depression compared with the past.

Many people have a little worries in their eyes whenever they look at the sea. Compared with just hearing a year ago, the Kalibo people have really felt the threat from faraway foreign countries.

Just over ten days ago, a Venetian fleet once visited Kalibo temporarily. Although the fleet was not large, when it was heard that they were sent by the Venetians, it was used to prevent possible Ottoman attacks on the Mediterranean coast. After patrolling the fleet, the Kalibo were truly aware of the crisis.

The Venetian fleet quickly left Kalibo, but their influence and subsequent speculations caused Kalibo a lot of shock.

Rumors that the Ottoman fleet might attack Sicily have put the port town in the southernmost part of Sicily into a state of anxiety and panic, compared with a year ago that caused a riot in the city by accident. The Boren started to really consider what to do this time.

Someone has decided to leave Kalibo, because according to legend, when the Saracens invaded Sicily centuries ago, Kalibo was one of the first places they landed, and then Sicily began paganism for more than two centuries. rule.

But more people stayed, but they also became cautious. The watchtower on the hillside outside the city of Kalibo, which had been abandoned for many years, was reactivated again, and coincidentally, many will run out The fishermen who went fishing in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea have become more cautious. Although fishing in the shallow waters near the shore is certainly not very rewarding, few people have ventured too far to earn more money. .

In addition, Kalibo ’s port investigations have also become stricter. In order to prevent possible Ottoman spies, the tax collector and the sheriff have also done their due diligence. Some people with unknown origins will be repeatedly investigated, and they ca n’t explain themselves to them. Identity, the small prison in Kalibo city will be a good place for them to live temporarily.

So at this time, when a man wearing a headscarf, wearing a saballe, and wearing an Ottoman-specific Kili scimitar at the waist appeared on the deck of a boat, the entire pier seemed like that moment Everything seemed to solidify in an instant, everyone stopped working in their hands, all their eyes were focused, and even someone was so nervous because of the sudden appearance of this person that they forgot the goods delivered by others, and let the things fall to the ground and completely There is no response.

For a moment, the people in the port of Kalibo looked blankly as if they had been immobilized. They looked at the Ottoman nobleman who stood on the springboard on the side of the boat and interestingly watched the scene before him, and then people's eyes followed him. Step forward slowly, until the pair of gorgeous workmanship, the boots with intricate patterns stopped at the end of the springboard, and then the owner of the boots tentatively took a step forward, stepping firmly on the land of Kalibo.

When the foot fell on the ground and brought vague dust, everyone who saw this scene seemed to hear the dull sound of their soul shaking when the boots landed, and in fact the Ottoman nobleman was taking the first step He did pause for a while, as if feeling the different feelings that the Sicilian land at his feet brought to him, and then he took the other foot. At this time, the man was completely standing under Kalibo, Sicily or It is on the land of Europe.

A tax collector stood on the spot licking his lips. He had imagined more than once how brave a pagan would be when he stood in front of him, and even imagined that he was finally captured because of his incompetence in the battle with pagans. , And then he was unswerving in the face of the torture and temptation of the heretics. Eventually, when he died, he must hold the cross and shout to the Lord ’s sacred unyielding martyrdom, and his death must be like that of a French female knight. Awakening and inspiring everyone, and finally, under the inspiration of his great image, the Christ world defeated the pagans, and he was also named a saint by the Holy See for his great deeds of bravery, loyalty, and fear of death ...

This illusion made the tax collector even secretly expect the Ottomans to come over as soon as possible. Only then would he have the opportunity to realize his lofty dream of martyrdom, but the tax collector was only when a real Ottoman appeared in front of him. Knowing that the only thing he could do was trembling with two legs, and the hand with the pen in his hand was knocking on the writing board because of trembling, leaving a series of messy ink stains.

"Please be careful, that's my entry document." Hubert Van Groening reminded with a little dissatisfaction that his face was scared in front of him, maybe his eyes might faint in the next second. Tax collector.

"Mo, Moor, there is a Moor on your ship!" The tax collector finally woke up, he almost yelled at Grogening, and then he threw away the writing pad and shouted not far away 'S port sentinel ran to "Moors, here are Moors!"

Grogening looked a little helplessly at the back of the tax collector's dust, and then it didn't take long to see a few figures carrying bright daggers and guns running towards here.

"That's how your people welcome messengers seeking peace?" Despite the menacingness, the Ottomans showed no signs of apprehension, and he slowly walked to the same panicked worker, off his shoulders Because of the panic, I accidentally spilled it out of the gap of the grain bag, grabbed the wheat and twisted it twice in my hand, picked up a crushed shell and put it in my mouth to taste, "This wheat is good, it is freshly harvested."

He said that he looked at a grain-carrying ship leaning on the shore in the distance, and his jaw with a thick black beard moved, revealing a meaningful smile.

"It seems that we really scared a lot of people, and these grains can testify, right?"

Looking at the seemingly unsmiling look on the Ottomans' face, Grogening continued to stare blankly at the running dock soldiers.

He knew exactly what the Ottomans meant.

Sicily, the Ottomans are no strangers. For centuries, they were ruled by Arabs who were also called Saracens. The nearly two centuries of rule left many of the largest islands in the Mediterranean. Belonging to the mark of the East, many of the crops from the East are promoted and planted in Sicily.

So as long as you pay a little attention to the various ancient books and documents that have been passed down, the Ottomans can easily know that Sicily is a huge crop paradise on the Mediterranean Sea. Most of the people here will not worry about food, but also because of the climate In all parts of southern Sicily, food shortages are less likely to occur.

Now, in Kalibo, there are suddenly ships carrying large quantities of new grains. Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is not particularly strange, but Groningen knows that the Ottomans around him have extraordinary insights. , So I must have been inspired by the grain carrier and found something unknown.

Although the soldiers were nervous at first, they were obviously much better than the stimulating tax collector, so when they rushed to the front, they were actually calmer, especially when they saw that there was not only one Ottoman, but From his steady manner, it can be seen that this should be a distinguished noble person. Those soldiers rationally chose to put up their weapons first, and then stared at the pagan vigilantly.

It ’s been a long time since there have been pagans in Europe, but the huge figure of that terrible pagan empire that suddenly appeared from the east is now looming over the European continent, and even the Ottoman power has begun to invade Greece, and with Constantine The fall of Tinburg, the Black Sea separated by the Bolpulus Strait, is slowly becoming an Ottoman inner lake.

These soldiers certainly did not know this, but the fear of the pagans was undoubtedly revealed on their faces at this time. Although there was only one person, looking at the gorgeously dressed Ottoman in front of them, the soldiers clearly felt that they said no Out of oppression.

"Don't be rude, unless you want to provoke a war." Grogening loudly stopped the soldiers "According to my advice in the name of God to take away your weapons, otherwise you will be heavily punished for offending the messenger of Sudan!"

"The messenger of the Sudan?" A soldier's head responded dryly, and he heard this title many times from the merchants from the east.

Sudan, a formidable honorific, is the ruler of the Eastern Empire.

Although there are many Eastern monarchs known as "Sudan" in history, as long as you hear this honor, there is only one person who can be remembered, that is, the rule of the huge empire now living in the palace of the great capital By.

After the complete destruction of East Rome and the conquest of the great conqueror of Constantinople, the capital of the millennium, Mohammed II, the Sultan of today's Ottoman Empire is his son Bayset II.

And will this person be the messenger of Bayesert II?

The soldiers looked at the pagans in front of them with panic. They knew that if the person next to them did not lie, then they were indeed facing the verge of a felony punishment. Just think about the possibility that the messenger sent by the offending powerful Sudan The counts of these soldiers became more tense than before, especially the headed soldiers, whose face had become blue with despair because of fear.

"I am noble, supreme, the only messenger in the world with the great sultan who enjoys the honorary title of Roman supremacy."

The Ottoman's seemingly casual face became very serious, and his body stood straight, which was obviously taller than others because of the huge headscarf, it looked like a living Awesome giant.

When he chanted the titles of the Sultan loudly, the look on his face was solemn and dignified. Although he sounded strange because of the use of Latin because of the accent, the people around him were still Such a solemn and solemn infection, even someone has involuntarily bowed slightly, it seems that as he read the series of titles, the Sultan in the millennium capital on the other side of the Mediterranean has appeared in front of them.

"Please, please forgive my lord, we didn't know your identity before." The leading soldier had already put away his weapon, he bowed in panic, and then looked at Grogening with a little pleading, he hoped this People can say a few good words for him, otherwise they are bound to be punished for offending the messengers of Sudan.

"I am Hoasan Forgazi Ashurk," the Ottoman smiled at the soldier. This expression calmed the man's heart slightly, and it was better to see a smiling face, and The Ottomans continue to say, "I will stay here temporarily and then go to Rome, so I hope to receive hospitality that matches my status here."

The soldier immediately uttered "Oh", he hurriedly bowed to the noble messenger, and then turned around and hurried to the distance.

"The people here are very interesting," the Ottomans, who claimed to be Hoasan Forgazi Ashurk, said to Grognin "You don't think they seem to think of me as your frightening fate from **** Is the devil? "

The words of the Ottoman made Grogening ’s face slightly move. ~ His gaze was thrown at the soldier who had traveled far away, and then turned to the group of sailors who followed: "Okay, go do Come on, I know that you have been floating on the sea for a long time, so you can play casually in the city for a few days after finishing your work. "

The words of Grogening suddenly made the sailors burst into cheers. They shouted "Long live Grogening", and rushed towards the boat, began to scramble to clean up the deck and clean up the cables, so that Grogening would be at any time. Repentant.

"A group of happy sailors." Ashurk looked at the sailors who were working and yelling. "It is also a group of shameless hooligans. I believe that if they are given a few gold coins, they will be willing to do it for me." The fleet leads wherever they know, doesn't it? "

Grogening looked at Ashurk, he obviously did not fear the sultan's messenger, and even showed a trace of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Do you think the Ottomans can really conquer Europe?"

"I remember how the Romans described their emperor as they said, 'The Roman emperor ruled Constantinople with **** Christ, and the emperor was sitting next to Christ'," Ashurk did not answer directly, but suddenly Changed the topic "But there is no Constantinople anymore, and the Sultan of Istanbul enjoys the supreme throne."

Following the metaphorical words of the Ottoman messenger, Grogening glanced at him deeply, then turned and walked towards the ship.

On the deck, Giannini, who was waiting, saw Grogening and greeted him.

"Master, I'm going to go around the city." Giannini said.

"Why, want to relax?"

"No, this is my home, and there are many interesting things."

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