Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 125: Pagasos love

When the first cannon sounded, Alexander didn't even have time to react. He was taken down by the shock of the shell when he landed, which surprised everyone around him!

The pace of the attack inevitably stagnate, which in other people's eyes was only a short pause, but Alexander felt a huge crisis. He even ignored the pain caused by the fallen horse being hit by the whole body, and turned the horse back to command the charge again. This move made the people around him inexplicable and uplifting, but in fact only Alexander himself knew that although it was winter, he had been sweating all over the body at this moment, and even despair flashed in his mind.

In the face of the enemy who occupies the top of Apio and has a huge advantage in artillery, his only hope is to fight with the coalition forces on the hillside. Only in this way can the artillery on the hilltop be afraid to shoot at random because of scruples, Alexander is very It is clear that the Agri people can't face the terrible weapon of artillery at all, and it can even be said that not many military forces can still face it without collapsing when they are hit by artillery in this era.

The model army of Gonzalo may be able to do it, but even the army that claims to be a model of the modern European army and has experienced the war to recover the lost ground, once it is really hit by a large-scale artillery attack, it will still be unable to withstand that terrible. Was defeated and defeated, which was proved in the previous battle between Gonzalo and the French.

Alexander knew that the Agris were just a group of farmers with weapons compared to Gonzalo ’s model army, so he had to urge forward without stopping, and even he himself rushed into the coalition corps and waved at all costs. With a saber running and hacking in a horse-drawn carriage and panicked coalition soldiers.

A coalition soldier on the opposite side saw Alexander rushing from the gap between the two carriages and raised his spear. The spear pointed straight through the narrow gap between the carriages and looked at Alexander who could not escape. The soldier ’s mouth There was a shout of triumph, but in fact no one would care about his triumph at this time, even he didn't even know what he was doing.

A blast of muskets came from Alexandria, and the hot air even roasted Alexandria ’s ears, and with Paul Busako ’s shooting, the soldier ’s smiling face immediately turned into a **** rotten flesh. His nose was directly hit by the projectile and exploded, and one eye immediately became a mass of black paste mixed with debris.

A scream came from the man's mouth. He threw away his spear, holding his face in both hands and screaming, but Alexander and Paul Busako, who had passed by him, no longer ignored the soldier. Then, one after another, the Bohemians and the hunting guards rushed past the person who stood in pain and screamed until the hunting guard saw his terrible face and finally couldn't bear it. Waving the knife **** his neck, the talent was planted.

Although Nashan took away most of the Bohemians, there was still a part of Bohemian cavalry around Alexander, which he brought out from Agry, and those recruited by Nashan later because they had participated in Bohemian Unlike Bohemia, which had lost its civil war and had to wander around as mercenaries, Alexander promised them in addition to generous rewards and land. For them, Alexander was both their employer and their lord, which made them and Like the Aggris, when faced with orders, they chose to obey more.

It must be admitted that the courage of the Bohemians and their rebelliousness have achieved their reputation, but it has also become a cause of great headache for everyone who hires them.

Suddenly, Alexander felt a sudden light in front of him, and then he found that in a burst of almost lifeless impact, they had already penetrated the entire squadron, and there was already an empty hillside in front of them. The panicked figure of the coalition artillery on the hillside was already visible Clearly.

"Rush up! Don't hesitate, only rush up to avoid being hit by artillery!"

Alexander had ignored the danger to the artillery at this time. He knew that if he stopped at this time, all previous efforts would be in vain. What is more terrible is that once the coalition forces found that the artillery was attacked in time, they might send reinforcements. And if Constantine hadn't been able to rescue Charlene at that time, things were really bad.

Faced with the terrible artillery, Alexander never thought that he would face such a choice one day. Unlike Napoli or Rome, he is a simple and cruel contest. It is a simple and cruel contest. Someone might fall down, watching the **** body of someone in the hunting guards. Alexander knew that in this era where any wound could be life-threatening, all he could do was to let his people avoid as much harm as possible.

And the terrible artillery rushed in front of it is for this!

The war horse began to make the final sprint. Alexander even felt that his mount seemed to fly from the ground. The ground contracted quickly in front of him. Even the bohemians who were good at equestrians were left behind by him. James · The strong mount given to him by Columbus showed extraordinary strength and courage at this moment. Even on the battlefield with **** smells and huge roars everywhere, it did not appear timid, but rather shocking. Brave speed rushed to the front.

The bravery of the lord touched everyone. Although the knights still adhere to the tradition of bravery and warfare in this era, with the emergence of powerful firearms, the charge of the knight masters is also facing increasing threats, which makes Some people have gradually become timid, and even the bravest knight will hesitate to face the muzzle of the black hole, but Alexander has rushed up first.

But only Alexander himself understood that when he saw the muzzle in front of him that was getting closer and clearer, in addition to the almost desperate tension in his heart, he also had a ridiculous laugh.

James Columbus, you and I are never finished!

This was the only thought that Alexander could think at that moment, and then he saw the thick smoke from the muzzle of the artillery opposite.

Pagasos, the name given to him by Alexander, is named after the Pegasus in Greek mythology, because this maroon horse has not only an enviable body, but also an amazing speed and Reiki, it can sometimes know what to do before Alexander has ordered it, and more importantly, this horse has a determined will, as long as it faces the goal no matter how difficult and obstacles are in front of it, it will continue to rush forward And, it seems to be born with incomparable pride, so it can't accommodate any horse rushing in front of it.

It's just that these commendable advantages became the fatal injury that put Alexander in crisis at this time. Pagasus drove him to the front. He, or simply his brave and successful mount, attracted the attention of the enemy. , A gun facing him opened fire without hesitation!

This is going to die?

Alexander could n’t remember if he had thought of it at that moment, or he could n’t even think of anything at all. He just felt that his whole body was thrown to the side, and the horse under the seat, who obviously wanted his life, seemed to know. The dark thing on the opposite side was deadly dangerous. Before the artillery fired, suddenly, somehow, it rushed towards an opening next to the artillery.

At the moment when the artillery roared, Alexander seemed to hear the short screams not far behind him, and then he even led the horse into the gap.

The Bohemians, the hunting guards, and the few agri cavalry who could keep up, the cavalry who followed them almost instantaneously began to rush on Mount Apio, while Alexander was carried by the crazy mount Running forward unceasingly, he rushed past several coalition soldiers who were too late to stop, and then rushed in front of two spearmen who tried to block but passed by, and finally Pagasos saw a horse because of panic. The horse-drawn horse, which was turning its head away and ran away, stimulated the proud mount. It began to speed up in desperation. Under the watch of a group of stunned coalition artillery, it directly placed from a door that had been placed in the fortification gun. The huge artillery on the leap jumped over, and then skipped a few wicker baskets with stone bombs, and then directly penetrated the entire coalition artillery position of Apio Mountain, rushed down the other side of the hill, toward the frightened one Pull the horse and chase.

The battle on Apio Mountain is not long, even when many people have not paid attention to it.

Faced with a sudden attack, the dozen or so artillery of the coalition did not even have a chance to turn its direction. When the Bohemian bee pupae rushed to the position on the top of the mountain, the Bohemian demonstrated like a defensive coalition with little defense. The men raised their sabers one after another.

Faced with the sharp blade, the coalition artillery, who lacked even a long weapon, hardly thought about it, and chose to drop the artillery and turn around to escape.

Paul Busaco took the hunting guard and rushed towards the direction of the Alexander horse. The only thing he wanted to do at this time was to catch up, and then cut the **** horse to the ground with a knife.

Busaco's mood is exactly the same as that of Alexander at this time, or he hates this **** horse even more!

Alexander had forgotten that he named the horse that was so **** proud that he was called Pagasos. He also forgot that he used to be proud of the horse's god. The horse named Pagasos took it, chasing the horse without looking back, and slammed towards the rear of the coalition that was slowly advancing forward.

Paul Busako raised his gun, and by this time he had no choice. When he was hesitant to shoot at the **** warhorse, he was surprised to find that Pagasos suddenly changed direction. It never wanted He dashed towards the infantry as if destined, and the team began to run wildly along the entire line of infantry.

It was only then that Paul Busako discovered that the trouble-riding mount was not running blindly, but was chasing the horse in front that was dragging the half-trunk truncated horse.

And what makes Paul Busaco's cheeks twitch is that the horse looks like a mother ...

Alexander kept trying to make Pagasos stop, but the crazy or simply estrus mount chased the horse in front desperately, watching the horse in front because of the panic in the first team The coalition soldiers of the squadron continued to change directions and ran blindly, and Alexander finally gave up the struggle.

If you are captured or killed, it is probably the most unlucky guy in the history of war.

At this time, Alexander could only hold the horse's belly tightly. He could even see the look of doubt on the faces of the coalition soldiers who had noticed him, and then he heard a roar that was by no means a good sign for him: "Stop!"

A knight raised the spear in his hand threateningly to Alexander, his helmet's face mask was not put down, and a face that looked equally suspicious was also revealed. When he issued that warning, the man beside him The flag bearer had raised his emblem high.

His cry seemed to frighten the horse. After making a hissing sound, the horse could not help raising its front hooves. Under the threat of the spear raised by the knight, the horse turned back timidly and turned to meet As Alexander rushed over.

At this moment, Alexander's heart was bitter. He never thought he would be like this for the first time on the battlefield. Looking at the oncoming horse, he had placed all his hopes in his seat. Unreliable Pagasos.

Pagasos hissed as he passed by.

In the gaze of Paul Busako in the back and the unfamiliar Allied knight opposite, as well as more allied soldiers looking at him, the proud warhorse stopped the momentum of progress with a stunning emergency stop , And then in a rapid turn almost throwing Alexander off his back, Pagasos turned his head to meet the hunting guards who had been mixed with the coalition artillery who had retreated from Apio, chasing that The horse ran again.

"This is really a good horse ~ ~ Looking at the back of Pagasos, trying to stop Alexander's knight's eyes from showing an envious look, but then he couldn't help but wonder for a while" That person, he is Who? "

Facing the two horses that rushed in, Paul Busako quickly lowered his gun. He quickly grabbed the saber and slammed it with his back toward the crotch of the horse that had rushed to the front to prepare for the direction again. The painful hissing, the already exhausted horse-drawn horse burst out instantly.

Under everyone's stunned gaze, it rushed past Paul Busako, the hunter guards that followed, and the coalition artillery who were chaoticly running down the hillside. Speed ​​with the longing for love behind, Pagasos chasing all the way, rushing towards the slopes of Mount Apio!

At this time, the coalition knight who had prevented Alexander from looking at the coalition artillery who ran down the hill in the distance only realized that something seemed wrong.

Just when he began to order his men to stop forward and prepare to change direction, from the direction of Roca di Pass, a huge cry suddenly came, and the knight could not help turning around. In the smoke of the sky, he saw a flag breaking through The smoke and dust pushed towards the coalition positions.

The knights led by De Charlene began to attack.

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