Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 159: Great phalanx!

Gonzalo's enthusiasm surprised Alexander. Looking at the general's eyes full of desire for knowledge, Alexander was wondering what this person would look like when he faced himself on the battlefield in the future.

For Gonzalo, Alexander thought very clearly. He knew that this great general would become a hero against the French. He also knew that as Queen Isabella ’s favorite general, Gonzalo would be in the future for a long time. Become the soul of the Castilian army.

But this is exactly what Alexander is most reluctant to see.

Alexander did n’t know when he would actually face the name Joel Modillo and the huge mission behind it, but no matter when, as long as this Gonzalo was there, it was a huge and disturbing hidden danger .

Gonzalo ’s loyalty to Queen Isabella is unquestionable. In addition to being the Queen ’s nephew, Isabella ’s almost unreserved trust in him is also an important reason for Gonzalo to fully play his role. It is precisely because of this that Gonzalo will be equally loyal to the Queen of Castile.

"Tell me how you did it," Gonzaloy asked aloud. In his eyes, there were no beautiful women and noble palace figures at this time. It seemed that apart from Alexander, he had forgotten everything else around him. "We all know right For infantry, cavalry is a terrible natural enemy. Believe me, I have seen too many infantry teams that completely collapsed when the enemy ’s cavalry launched a charge, even the bravest infantry felt when facing the cavalry. timid."

Alexander nodded gently, knowing that Gonzalo was right, or that his luck was much better. When he used the Agri to face the enemy twice, he could rely on the terrain and the obstacles he found to resist the enemy.

In fact, if the Aggris were to be faced with such a heavy cavalry alone, Alexander did not know how many chances he could win, or even whether he could successfully escape from the enemy.

"My Agri Musketeers are brave," Alexander said, seeing Gonzalo's disapproving look, he smiled and continued. "But my victory is not entirely dependent on the bravery of the soldiers, I don't know you count Have you noticed that perhaps our times are undergoing great changes. "

Seeing Gonzalo's strange eyes, Alexander smiled again.

"Earl, whether we are our enemies, we have always faced opponents with the same weapons. From the beginning of the Roman era to the present, there has not been a completely different change of ours today." Alexander raised his hand and signaled Gonzalo to walk into the hall with himself. "But now we may be facing a completely different era, an era that no longer belongs to spears and armor."

"You mean, firearm?" The muscles on Gonzalo's face suddenly jumped slightly, his eyes staring at Alexander's eyes. "Do you think firearms can be a weapon for conquering knights?"

Alexander did not deliberately explain that he only nodded gently. He knew that Gonzalo at this time might not have truly recognized the power of firearms, or that in his opinion, firearms were still just a kind of auxiliary weapon.

When will he really understand that firearms will bring about a complete change in war? Looking at Gonzalo's slightly puzzled look, Alexander's heart was not calm.

The replacement of cold weapons by firearms is a trend that cannot be changed and cannot be stopped. Although it is impossible to remember who it is, Alexander knows that in this era, the first completely firearms force has appeared in Europe, and in various countries Although the emphasis on firearms varies, and the old topic of firearms and crossbows is still raised, it is undoubtedly that firearms will eventually become the king of the battlefield.

At least there is an outstanding commander who knows how to use firearms better than anyone in this era!

Although Gonzalo might become an enemy one day, Alexander never thought of preventing Gonzalo from carrying out his military changes.

Faced with this famous commander, Alexander knew that he should actually be cautious, because no one knows whether they will become enemies on the battlefield one day in the future, and this may not seem strange now.

When one day he really needs to appear as Qiao Modillo, Gonzalo is bound to become a stumbling block in front of him, and this man has an extraordinary talented military genius, just like a huge one in front of Alexander Mountain Peak will face his impact.

Gonzalo ’s military reform will not be delayed. He will rely on his years of experience and keen intuition to discover the secret to defeating his opponents. He will soon discover how to use the most advanced firearms and cold weapons to create miracles on the battlefield.

Alexander even wondered if Gonzalo had already conceived his famous large square at this time.

Sure enough, Gonzalo suddenly said: "I heard that you actually made your army form a phalanx against the cavalry at Mount Apio, which made me curious. You know that the heavy cavalry in Hausenbach is very proud. After their battle with the French, you must admit that even the French knights recognize their bravery, so I want to know how you do it. "

"Brave, honorable, and loyal soldiers, and a little skill of the commander," looking at Gonzalo's seriousness, Alexander took the pen from the table and drew it gently on a piece of paper. "I took my Musketeers are deployed in a compact square. We all know that infantry will feel fear when facing cavalry charges, and my musketeers will fire when the enemy is about to approach ... "

"This will disrupt the rhythm of the cavalry charge! Once the cavalry is slowed down because of the musket attack, then you will face your spearmen," Gonzalo opened his mouth to interrupt the pressure mountain, and from the one Alexander grabbed the pen and started to graffiti on the paper quickly. His movements were very fast, just like the master of art who was afraid that the inspiration flashed in his brain would disappear at any time. "Look, I think this looks better. Maybe we can let the square The level is deeper, I heard that your battle in Apio only made your people line up in three or four lines, which is absolutely not possible, believe me, the heavy cavalry of Hausenbach was defeated by you. This is absolutely Because they did n’t expect you to use such a cunning method, but if you change to me, maybe I just do n’t let all the cavalry charge together, but invest several times separately, so you have to wait for me again and again. The cavalry broke through your queue, and your formation will definitely be broken by then, haha! "

Gonzalo's words made Alexander's heart jump. He didn't expect Gonzalo to be so simple that he saw the hidden dangers of his phalanx. Now, Alexander is still secretly thankful that he was in the foothills of Appio. The ancient way, instead of repeatedly attacking the cavalry like Gonzalo said.

Listening to Gonzalo's chatter, while watching him quickly draw a line of criss-cross lines on the paper, Alexander's heart couldn't help but quickly beat!

Lines of lines eventually formed a huge square frame, and Gonzalo was still talking.

"Seven rows, oh no, it should be eight rows or more in depth," Gonzalo's quill in his hand was stained in the ink bottle, but after writing a few words, it was thrown away because of the crack of the pen. He did n’t seem to be able to find any other pens, so he continued to say aloud, “What can the Musketeer do? I do n’t think they have much effect on the enemy except in the distance, but this one does It ’s enough for your opponent to lose money, and then when the enemy becomes chaotic because of this blow, we can let the spearmen move forward, forward, and forward to charge the enemy, ha, this is not a Is it a good idea? "

Alexander looked at the messy paper with graffiti, but his mood was agitated.

The spearman, the shield swordsman, and the scattered but obvious positions of the muskets. Although it looks very confusing, Alexander knows what this is.

Great phalanx!

Alexander raised his head slightly and looked at the glamorous Gonzalo.

He didn't know if this was something that Gonzalo had been brewing in his heart for a long time, but he didn't believe it was just a rush after hearing his description.

Gonzalo, has already begun to study the famous Spanish phalanx at this time?

Looking at the scribbled marks and random lines on the paper, Alexander knew what these seemingly confusing things meant.

It is such an ordinary scribbled paper that will soon establish the glory and glory of the Spanish Army for nearly 150 years!

Alexander even wondered if he had done something terrible, perhaps because of his reasons, the large square would appear on the battlefield nearly 10 years in advance.

Gonzalo was obviously excited. He seemed to want to talk about it, but then Olgala came over.

She seemed to listen to it for a while, then she frowned slightly.

"You actually discuss **** people at such a party, which is really unpleasant."

Seeing Olgala walking slowly, the look of excitement on Gonzalo's face turned into a smile of admiration. He looked at Olgala who was walking in front of him, holding her hand and kissing slightly. He smiled and said, "For men, discussing murder is just as fascinating to men as women are discussing jewelry, but I think you should be the most fascinating at this time."

Olgala seemed happy because of Gonzalo's compliment, but she still couldn't forget to look back at Alexander, seeming to show off her charm to him.

Looking at the backs of Olgala and Gonzalo, Alexander frowned slightly. He had been wondering why Olgala came to Rome from Naples. If she was meant to stand up in Rome, he did not believe it.

Thinking of the Grogening behind Olgala, Alexander felt that the woman ’s purpose in coming to Rome was obviously not that simple.

Gonzalo seemed to be very happy to see Olgala. He even ignored Kotzach, but kept complimenting Olgala until Kotzach said, "Your Majesty ’s Letter, "At that time, Gonzalo kept staring at the white-flowered skin on Olgala's chest before his eyes flickered slightly and landed on Kotzach's face.

"Don't tell me the empty reasons. I have heard too many of those reasons in recent years," Gonzalo looked directly at Kotzach. "You can tell me the result, Miyazaki."

Kotzach was not angry because Gonzalo spoke rudely. After a little thought, he decided to say straight: "The emperor has decided to recognize Ludovico's rule over Milan, and His Majesty can understand the Sforza family. What happened to Giovanni. "

"That is to say, Maximian has decided to support the Milanese?"

Gonzalo's expression could not help becoming more subtle, his slightly crooked nose bridge moved slightly, and his dark gray eyes looked at Gong Xiang.

"The emperor is only doing his duty," Kotzach said. "Milan is now under the protection of His Majesty."

Gonzalomo didn't say anything, it seemed that he was thinking about the purpose of Maximian's decision, but then he finally shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"Forget it, I'm just a soldier. If I can, I'd rather fight another battle with the French, rather than waste my thoughts on the madness of a small lord."

Hearing Gonzalo carelessly call Ludviko a certain little lord, Kotzach's eyes were slightly picked, and then he raised his glass silently.

"But His Majesty ’s letter is not just this thing ~ ~ Kotschahe took a sip of wine, and after a little consideration he said," Although Your Majesty is very concerned about Milan, he is more concerned about another place , Because his newly married son is there, which is more important to the emperor than anything. "

Gonzalo's expression became dignified. He obviously already knew who Kotzach was talking about, and he was also very concerned about the young couple he said.

"Are you talking about Prince Philip?" Gonzalo asked. "He should be in the Netherlands with Princess Juana at this time."

Kotzach nodded slowly.

And Alexander saw Orgala, who was originally sitting on the other side of the table, holding a glass of wine, gave a slight meal.

Then a hint of listening appeared on the woman's face.

"Count, this is the real reason why I invite you today," Gong Xiang looked at Gonzalo. "As far as I know, the prince ’s rule over the Netherlands does not seem to be smooth, and the Dutch are treating the emperor ’s original The hostility turned to him, even if he showed enough kindness, but this still can't bring the Netherlands back to peace. "

"So what do you want me to do?" Gonzalo asked, and then corrected himself. "I asked what your emperor wanted me to do?"

Gonzalo's arrogant tone dissatisfied Kotszach, but he still said: "Some Dutch nobles seem to have the support of the French, so His Majesty hopes what will happen so that the French can't care about Nigeria Deran. We all agree that a new war should make Charlie overwhelmed, but if the king wants to have a chance to start a new war shortly after his defeat, it will take an opportunity, and the Milanese march into Rome. This is an opportunity for the French. "

Speaking of which, a smile appeared in Kotzach's eyes.

"And the emperor hopes you can prepare for the new war."

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