Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 173: Strange Town

The horseshoe treads softly on the ground that has already begun to appear soft, the green grass will be very comfortable to step on, and the slightly taller one will not have the horseshoe gently rub the calf, whenever this time Pagasos There will be an easy whimper in the nose.

But Pagasos felt that the guy on his back obviously did not understand this sentiment, because every time it sang softly in praise of the arrival of spring, it was taught a lesson after all, and after a few passes, Pagasos began to feel This refreshing and pleasant morning is not so beautiful.

It was quiet in the woods in the morning, except for the beautiful cries of the early-rising cuckoos, there was only a slow horseshoe.

Alexander pulled the reins to prevent Pagasos from running too fast, because it would startle all the birds in the woods, passing over some tall branches, and he watched the movements in the woods alertly.

Lucrezia was exhausted by the night's bumps. At this time, she no longer cares about her. This person is the gangster who kidnapped her. She sat on the side and curled up the whole body tightly in the arms of Alexander. Snoring, from time to time because of uncomfortable posture, he would twist his head a bit.

A big song of birds awakened Lucrezia. She used to stretch her arms and stretched out, but she was wrapped in something soft with a little movement. When she woke up, she realized that she did n’t know what. At that time, her hands had circled from the cloak to the back of Alexander's waist, and her cheek was leaning against his chest.

Lucrezia felt a fever on her face. She didn't mind borrowing a man's chest to warm her, but this man was the criminal who hijacked her, which made Lucrezia feel bad on her face.

At this time, the sun had risen high, and the woods were full of rosy and bright colors. The bright sun shining from time to time through the gap between the lush branches and leaves, people's eyes always flashing All kinds of light.

Lucrezia wanted to say something, but because of the embarrassment in front of her, she couldn't find a topic. She could only turn her head slightly to the side and look at the wood in front that seemed to never walk out.

"I remember we were in the woods before dawn," she finally found a reason to speak, but her face slightly changed when she said, "God, you won't get lost."

Alexander smiled bitterly. At this time, he felt that Lucrezia was not cute at all, especially when he spoke of their embarrassing situation.

"Are you really lost?" Seeing the look on Alexander's face, Lucrezia sneered at first, and then the smile on her face could not be sustained. "Then what should we do, this wood is so big, we will Trapped inside. "

Lucrezia began to get nervous, she heard about the legends that eventually died in the wild because of lost, especially one of her half-brothers, the former Duke Henry of Gandino was lost in battle She was surrounded by enemies and died of serious injuries, so she knew that getting lost was not funny at all. If it was in the wild, it would be terrible.

Alexander ignored Lucrezia. In fact, he had almost found the edge of the wood at this time, only because it was misaligned before dawn, so I don't know if he was still on the way to Montina.

She continued to walk forward for a while, and the light outside the woods was already obvious. Lucrezia's breath eased slightly, but she still stared nervously at the front, and at the same time her mind began to figure out how to escape from this person.

Now he is only one person, and those Bohemians are being chased by the people who came to save her. Although he still falls in his hands, it is easier to escape from one person than from a group of people. Much more.

Lucrezia stared at an open space that seemed to have a road not far in front. She knew there were not many chances to escape, so she carefully concealed her mind and waited for the opportunity.

When Pagasos' horseshoe fell on the solid ground, Alexander looked at each side of the road, and then looked up at the sun.

In the direction of the sun, he knew that he should walk to the left, but looking at the road leading down the hillside, he was a little worried about whether he would meet the cavalry.

Alexander is not worried about the Bohemians. If they do n’t want to fight with their habits, no one can stop them. This is the advantage of the light cavalry. Even if the opponent is also a light cavalry, it is unlikely to chase easily. Get on them, not to mention that the other party apparently caught up overnight, and it is difficult to compare with the bohemians who have been resting for a while.

"Be careful."

Alexander reminded himself that there is no one around him now. Once discovered, is it really necessary to host Lucrezia? If that's the case, it's not far from death.

Thinking about this, Alexander decided to continue his previous walk for the time being, and then turned to Montina's direction at about the same time.

This forest is obviously very big, but they have also reached the end of the forest, so the forest became thinner and thinner as we walked down the road. When they came to an open field with a good view, they discovered that a town had appeared in front.

"I'm going to wash," Lucrezia said suddenly. She glanced at Alexander quietly and found that he didn't seem to object. Then she continued, "I'm a little hungry too. I didn't eat what you gave me yesterday."

Alexander nodded. In fact, he was also a little hungry, and the dried jerky and bread tasted unpleasant to eat yesterday, which reminded him of Uliu, if the Moors could eat at least Decently, this made him decide that he must bring Moors wherever he goes.

The people in the town in front clearly had already gotten up. From afar, the figure was sensible, and it seemed that the town was not small.

Alexander urged the horse to move forward slowly, he must be careful, even if there is no Lucrezia around him, he must also be cautious, if he is out of this era, if he is careless, he will probably lose his life.

And he couldn't help but admit to the appearance of Iluckrezia, even if she didn't take the initiative to find trouble herself, maybe trouble would find her.

Alexander and their arrival caused a little commotion in the town. A group of children who had helped their parents to throw away the sieve that was sifting the fat in their hands and ran away not far from them. Some simply ran to the front to give The adults reported.

Alexander slightly gathered Lucrezia into his arms with a blanket, while the hand hidden under the blanket pressed **** her waist, secretly warning her not to act lightly and cleverly.

This town is not small, there are small shops like a grocery store on a main street, but all the houses in the town are very dilapidated, and people look at their indifference in their eyes, which makes Alexander feel helplessly alert. .

The best building in the town is the one that does n’t look too high, and it has already somewhat defeated the church.

What surprised them even more was that the door of the church was sealed.

Seeing this scene, Alexander could not help but secretly touch the handle of the musket hidden under the cloak.

In today's era, there is no priest in a church in a place, and the gate is blocked. This seems a bit strange, and weird things always happen in strange places.

A seemingly young town resident came over. He first stood a distance and looked at it before he walked up to Alexander and looked up at him.

"Outlanders, who are you?" The old man's nose is very big and red, which is obviously the reason for long-term alcoholism. This makes Alexander feel a little strange, although people in this era live much better than the dark medieval, but one It is rare for the residents of the town to drink rosacea.

"Where is this?" Alexander asked cautiously.

"Is this," the old man looked back, a smile on his face. "This is Nordsey. This is the biggest town nearby."

"How far is it from here to Montina?" Alexander's hand was still secretly pressed on the handle of the musket. He thought the town was a bit strange.

The old man was a little stunned after hearing this and seemed to be wondering where Montina was. Then he shook his head and said, "Oh, that's still far away, and you seem to be going the wrong way. , You should go back from the way you came before. "

Alexander nodded. He knew that the old man was right. When he was about to speak again, Lucrezia, who had been honest and silent, suddenly poked her head out of the blanket and asked, "How is the church here closed?" Now, where is the local pastor? "

Seeing Lucrezia, there was a trace of dullness in the old man's face. He looked at Lucrezia in amazement. He seemed completely stunned by the sudden appearance of the beautiful girl, and even forgot to answer her. problem.

"Pastor, where is it?" Alexander repeated the question slowly, but his hand hidden under the blanket forced a warning on Lucrezia's waist, but then his hand was pressed by Lucrezia. Live, the two secretly vigorously under the blanket.

"The priest was chased away," the old man was a little crazy, and he seemed to be unreliable. He pointed at the church door that was sealed with wood and said, "The priest is going to send the sacrament, and then just There was a priest on tour, a very powerful person. He taught the priest and made him pull his whip. Right there, saw the wooden shelf used to tie the livestock. Did the priest make the priest tied? He used a whip on that shelf and then drove him out of the church. "

"It's a sacrament ceremony," Lucrezia whispered in Alexander's ear. "The priest can issue the sacrament, but he has no power to hold the ceremony. This is blasphemy."

Alexander frowned, although he didn't quite understand what Lucrezia meant by this ritual, but he couldn't help but think of another similar thing happening in this town, which made him vaguely feel that something seemed wrong.

"Where did that pastor go?"

He asked solemnly.

"Go ..." The old man raised his hand and turned around in the same place, and then pointed at a distance in a daze. "Going there, when he left, the priest asked the people in the town to drive him with a whip, and let him The children threw garbage on him, and then he walked alone into the woods over there. "

Lucrezia looked at Alexander a bit strangely, and she didn't understand why he suddenly became interested in the pastor.

As for her deliberately talking to this old man, she had her own thoughts.

Lucrezia believes that her beauty will impress the people in this town, so that as long as those who rescue her can come to this town, you can know her whereabouts by just asking a little.

Alexander didn't seem to be aware of Lucrezia's tricks, but what he thought was actually another thing.

He took out a gold coin from his arms and threw it to the old man. He said, "Get us some food and drink, hurry up, and give you the rest."

The old man rejoiced, and could not wait to bite the gold coin with his teeth. Seeing the shallow tooth marks on it, he immediately bowed to salute.

"Don't worry, lord, I'll send it to you soon."

The old man chuckled and ran away, and behind him a group of children chased him and ran to the grocery store on the street.

"Shall we not take a break?" Lucrezia asked annoyedly. "I'm tired. I want to eat something and sleep. If I can, I want to take a bath."

Alexander ignored Lucrezia, but shook his head silently.

Somehow, he felt a little uneasy in his heart, and there seemed to be something to happen.

The old man returned shortly after he left. He carried a basket in his left hand and filled it with something. He held a rough ceramic wine bottle in his right hand and walked up under his feet while drinking.

Along the way, a pungent smell of inferior wine came across.

Lucrezia turned her head to the side in disgust, then she saw that Alexander seemed to be staring at the closed gate of the monastery.

The old man came and shook the basket in his hand, and said loudly in his mouth, "I brought you food and drink, and some other things that you will love."

Alexander bent over slightly and ended up with a basket in his hand. He saw a few pieces of bread and a large piece of fat in white lard and a wine bottle in the same way as the old man's hand. He twisted it slightly. Then frowned.

"There is this," the old man nagging, struggling to pull out a mess of things. "This is something I gave to you. Thank you for buying me wine."

"What is it?" Alexander asked strangely.

"Atonement sign, this is approved by the Pope, no matter what crime you commit, you can get forgiveness. Of course, the price of the big crime is not the same, but looking at your gold coin, these are all for you, enough for you. Yes, it does n’t matter if you commit the most unforgivable crime. "

As the old man glanced at Lucrezia with a slightly obscene look, his mouth revealed a rotten black and yellow tooth.

Alexander was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what the old man meant.

Obviously, he regarded the two men as cheating men and women who fled for private purposes, which made Alexander both angry and funny.

And Lucrezia's face had become red with anger.

She turned her head and stared at the old man, looking at the atonement sign in his hand and said angrily: "You dare to deceive in the name of the Pope, don't you know what crime it is?"

The old hair made a chuckle, and he looked at Luckrezia sarcastically, as if she was telling a joke, and then he angrily put away the atonements, and at the same time he kept talking in his mouth: "I don't believe it I was approved by the Pope, and you must know that even when Pastor John was still here, I was not forbidden to sell my atonement. "

"That's why the priest will be driven away," Lucrezia said angrily. "The man desecrated the sacrament, and he should be punished."

"Oh, you woman is really amazing."

The old man mumbled impatiently, but before he could speak again, Alexander had already led the horse around him.

Alexander wanted to leave the town as quickly as possible. He didn't know how. Looking at the closed church, he felt anxious.

There is only one main street in the town, and the church is almost in the middle of the town. As long as you continue to walk forward for a while, and then walk along the slightly curved street for a while, you can leave the town.

Alexander decided to leave here as soon as possible, he did not want more people to see them.

Lucrezia is too beautiful to look at, and it will certainly attract a lot of attention in such a backcountry. Anyone who has seen her will also be impressed, which is very unfavorable to him who is avoiding pursuit.

The old man was still nagging, but he was fast at his feet, maybe because of overdrinking, he actually started running on the street, and soon surpassed Pagasos.

Lucrezia reached out and patted Pagasos' head with some dissatisfaction, seemingly wanting it to run faster, but Pagasos did not speed up. On the contrary, he suddenly stopped and the two stood upright Suddenly his ears jittered.

Seeing the strangeness of Pagasos, Alexander's heart suddenly moved.

At the same time he faintly heard a strange noise coming from the direction of the town on the opposite corner.

Alexander couldn't help but take the reins and listen carefully ~ ~ Then his face suddenly became dignified.

Lucrezia also heard something at this moment. She first inadvertently looked at the town's mouth. After determining what the voice was heard, a trace of excitement and joy suddenly appeared on her face.

But by this time Alexander had turned the horse around, and before Lucrezia could not make a sound, Pagasos quickly rushed into the empty alley between the two low earthen houses.

Just after their figure had just disappeared in the box, several figures had appeared in Zhenkou. As the sound of horseshoes stepping on the ground became stronger and stronger, a group of cavalry suddenly appeared in Zhenkou and then rushed into the town.

Strips of silhouettes flew across the alley, and the sound of the horse's hoof struck the ground. At this moment, Alexander suddenly felt the movement of Lucrezia in front!

Alexander responded quickly, his hands clasped Lucrezia's two struggling arms from the back, and at the same time forced her into his arms!

But at this moment, Lucrezia suddenly shouted desperately: "Help!"

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