Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 20: Look at times

Giovanni probably never thought that one day he would ask Alexander for help. This can be seen from the gloomy face of the messenger he sent but had to deliberately bring a slightly gentle smile on his face.

Giovanni's messenger was a close attendant beside him, and had seen him before when he visited Giovanni several times.

At that time, this person always seemed to inadvertently display arrogance. The kind of person who looked at Alexander as a flame and tried to hug Giovanni's thigh was almost never concealed.

But now when he walked into the main hall, the look on his face changed from gloomy to instantaneously, and then it became gloomy so quickly, that this rich change makes it easy to doubt whether he learned in the circus. Ever performed a clown.

There are so many changes because he heard the name of the bishop after he saluted the bishop next to Alexander.

Tony Rovere, although he already knew from the host that the bishop of Montina was from the Rovere family, but now seeing the bishop and Alexander together, the messenger immediately came up with various speculations.

"My lord, I ordered my master to send you a letter." The near attendant said very carefully. When he lowered his head, he quietly looked at the bishop of the Rovere family. Although he knew what was impossible, he still Trying to see something from the bishop's face.

As for what happened after seeing this, the close attendant himself did not know.

The letter was written by Giovanni, and after opening it for a few glances, Alexander shook his head secretly.

When the battle of Oral started, Giovanni did not quickly support the actions of the Milanese and Alexandria. Obviously, it was because of this, when Calgino finally joined Giovanni, there was nothing between them. There is no joy of meeting the teacher in victory, on the contrary, the indifference and mutual suspicion of the two sides are even too lazy to cover up.

Calgino placed his army less than 1 mile away from the Holy See and not too far away, but kept a certain distance. From this arrangement, he can see his distrust of Giovanni, and What they didn't think of was that Pitiliuno used this seemingly insignificant gap to suddenly launch an unexpected attack on the coalition forces.

Pitilino is a very cautious person, as can be seen from his decision on the French in the battle of Fornovo, even after occupying a large advantage, Pitiliuno did not make people against the French. Too much of an offensive was launched. On the contrary, it was immediately ordered to withdraw due to the loss of the army.

So no one thought that the Venetians would suddenly make that bold decision uncharacteristically, so that the coalition found that an army of Venice actually penetrated through the gap between the Vatican and the Genoese, and quickly occupied a pass behind the Vatican. After going to the town on the Chimone mountain road, Giovanni realized that he seemed to be in danger of being cut off by the enemy.

All these changes are too fast, Giovanni has not even awakened from the jealousy of the battle of Oral, and Calgino is still elated for the triumph that once stood before Giovanni, The battle situation has changed to surprise them.

For Giovanni, the pain of being cut off is much greater than the loss expected.

This was because of the decision to cut off the Venetian retreat by dividing Pitiliuno against the Genoese, and let him keep all the supplies in that town for the sake of the march. Now he has to decide for himself Taste the bitter fruit.

After being robbed of almost all the supplies and being cut back to the Roman retreat, Giovanni felt a danger. At the same time, Calgino ’s army launched an attack on Pitiruno, but the coalition was disappointed. Yes, the Venetian chose passive avoidance after he succeeded.

Pitiliuno let himself hide in the city of Realo, even if Calgino deliberately sent his army's squadron out, and dangled not far from Realo was not fooled. .

This made Calgino equally annoyed. He certainly didn't want to help Giovanni, but he wanted to take the opportunity to take advantage once again as in Oral, but it was clear that Pitiliuno was more cunning than his Milan counterpart. After hearing that his army not only intercepted Giovanni ’s retreat as planned, but also intercepted almost all of his supplies unexpectedly, Pitilino decisively issued an order to avoid any battle with the enemy

"Master, my master is waiting for your support. I hope to tell you about the situation my master is facing now."

The attendant said nervously that he was looking at Alexander who had been reading letters silently, and he was very anxious. He still remembered Giovanni's instructions to him before he came. At that time, the near attendant vaguely guessed the meaning of his words.

However, this "all means" is obviously not suitable for the bishop's face, so the near attendant can only hope that Alexander can give him a chance to meet alone.

"The count looks like you are busy now, so I won't bother anymore," said Lord Tony, who stood up and said goodbye. When Alexander walked to the door with him, the bishop suddenly turned back and said in a low voice, "Count, I know You must be very loyal to my niece, but this does not prevent you from looking for another love. I believe that Barendi will not be dissatisfied with you because of this, even if this love is not allowed by doctrine, For example, a Bohemian woman, but I think Barendi can still accept it. So never forget that you are a member of the Rovere family. "

After speaking, the bishop whispered "God bless" and turned away.

Looking at the back of the old Tony, Alexander wanted to catch up and grab him a few slaps.

If this was the case of the Loviré family, who said to him a few months ago, Alexander would be grateful to be engaged to Barendi while trying to keep Sophia even with some means, but now these words can only let Alexander felt that the people of the Rowley family were really not only dumbfounded, but even annoying.

Back in the hall, Alexander saw the walking pacing back and forth, watching the man hurry up, and Alexander waved to him, beckoning him to follow himself through the main hall, and to the two closed doors.

"I do n’t have much time for you, because I also have important things to do here," Alexander said slowly, seeing the anxious expression on the face of the near attendant, he continued to say, "If you ca n’t give me a To convince me of the reasons, I must first consider the security of my territory. I think you and your master know the ambitions of the Montis of the Visney. As the earl of Montina, my primary responsibility is to protect No violations here. "

"Yes, my master certainly understands your responsibility, but ..."

The first waiter responded first, and then looked at the corridor. Although both sides were empty, he still hinted that the next topic was not suitable to be said here.

Alexander looked helplessly at the nearby attendant. He almost knew what excuse this person would use to urge him to send troops. Thinking about the rumor that this thing could spread so quickly in this era when the news should be blocked, Alexander couldn't help but feel that some people It's really very busy.

Sure enough, just after closing the door, the near waiter almost didn't have time to express his emotions to the amazing scene in the room, so he couldn't wait to say: "Adult, as Miss Lucrezia's closest friend, don't you think it helps her Is the brother completely taken for granted? You know that you are almost already a member of the Borgia family, and helping your family is always the tradition of the Borgia family. "

Yes, it is the tradition of the Borgia family to hang one's own family, and it is also a son-in-law who specializes in pits.

Alexander wanted to say that, but when he thought of Lucrezia's beautiful face and the intoxicating feeling of holding her, he swallowed it back when he spoke.

Seeing that Alexander seemed to be in silence, the near attendant secretly rejoiced in his heart. He knew that his words seemed to have moved the young count. While sighing the charm of Lukreziya, the near waiter felt that he must be hot while ironing. This was obviously already by Lukrezi Ya charmed the guy.

"Sir, the Duke and you are very good friends. In the past and in the future, he will be willing to see your friendship get closer, and you also need the Duke's help, don't you," the near attendant carefully encouraged "I I think you already know that His Majesty the Pope is looking for a new marriage for Miss Lucrezia. He has sent Caesar to do this, and His Majesty seems to like Alfonso, Duke of Billy Shelley, you must know that he is before Naples The son of King Alfonso, so I think you also need support from the home of Pogia. "

Alexander looked at the waiter silently, and after a while he nodded suddenly.

"Okay, the time I gave you is now. You can go to eat something now and find a bed to rest. After that, I will ask someone to find you again."

The waiter froze for a moment, but still pressed his urge to continue what he said and bowed to salute, when he had time to take a look at the room.

Then he was almost shocked by the scene before him.

The room is very large, or simply a huge hall. The arched dome is directly connected to the surrounding pillars, making the whole room look like a tall domed tower. There will be a fan between each pillar Slightly long and narrow windows, sloping bay windows make the windows look sharp like a landslide.

The original architectural style of the typical Norman style should make the room seem empty and lonely, but the crowded tall bookshelves made the whole room seem to be full again.

In particular, the wonderful zenith paintings on the dome supported by stone pillars made the entourage fascinated.

"Now I think you should understand why I think protecting my territory is the most important thing," Alexander and the close attendant stood together and looked up at the paintings on the roof. "Do you know who these are masterpieces?"

"I've heard that it seems that there are masterpieces by Ugrino and Meri, and these are almost 2 masterpieces in the castle of Montina, but now it seems really ..."

The near attendant sighed involuntarily, and in the end he could only use the word "miracle" which was not quite appropriate to describe the vibration in his heart.

"A lot of people," Alexander smiled slightly, and he knew that there should be a lot of people thinking about Montina, but now it seems that he was still "too optimistic" before.

When there was only Alexander in the room, he moved a wooden ladder and slowly climbed up a wall-mounted bookshelf. When he found what he was looking for from the top shelf near the top, the room on the other side of the room The door was pushed, and Aufrei walked in.

"Sir, I brought the person you were looking for," Aufrei looked around in the huge room before noticing Alexander who had climbed to the bookshelf. "And I have something else to ask you report."

"Wait a minute, let Pompeni come in first."

Alexander came down from the ladder. He was holding a lot of dusty and bound manuscripts. He saw some uneasy and a little excited craftsman. Alexander put his things on the table and then Say hello to the craftsman.

"I heard that your father used to be the best construction craftsman?"

"Why does everyone only ask my father," Pompeii murmured in dissatisfaction. "Everyone heard that my surname Pompeii had to ask," Who are you, old Pompeii? "Am I worse than my father ? "

"Then you have to prove that you are not worse than your father," Alexander beckoned with a smile. "Come and see this."

He said that he picked up a large drawing from the table next to the pile of document books that he had just moved out. The drawing was a bit old, and he had to be cautious when opening it.

A huge picture of the castle's structure appeared in front of them.

Alexander glanced at Pompeii and asked, "Do you know this?"

"Of course," Pompeni had a trace of pride on his face. "This is the work of a great master that my father knew at the time. He once named my father to be a supervisor for his castle."

Alexander nodded, then he looked down at the drawings silently, and the room fell silent.

Pompeii looked back a little bit inexplicably, but saw that the young soldier raised his finger at him to signal that he shouldn't make a noise, so he could only wait with anxiety.

"Tell me, if I want to build such a castle, do you think you can be a builder like your father?" Alexander suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

Pompeii's mouth grew in an instant. He looked at Alexander and O'Leary, and then hurried to the table in two steps, breathing staring at the drawings above.

Then he raised his head and slowly shook his head in disappointment,

"Sir, no one can build such a castle. My father had this dream, but it was crazy. Such a castle could not be built even by the pope."

Pompeii's words made Alfredi, who was just a little excited next to him, also frustrated. Although he was not old, he was already a veteran who came out of Agry with Alexander. He knew that although his lord had already Become an Earl, but not very rich, or simply a poor man, otherwise he would not sell his reputation with 5000 Florin.

"Yes, such a castle can't even be repaired by the Pope," Alexander nodded. "But what I'm saying is if you are allowed to be a supervisor, can you be competent?"

Pompeii froze for a moment, when he seemed to think that whether he could build it really didn't matter to him.

"Of course!" Pompeii cocked his chest proudly. "I'm Pompeii. It's not just my father who has this surname."

Alexander nodded, and after looking at Aufrei, he lowered his head and looked at the map.

Aufrei beckoned Pompeii, who was a little overwhelmed, beckoning him to leave with him, and when he walked out of the room, Aufrei said: "It seems that you will soon have a job to do."

"The Earl really wants to build such a castle?" Pompeii still asked suspiciously. "Do you know how much it costs to build such a castle, and if it is really to be built, then the entire Montina Castle will almost have to be demolished." Yes, the foundation and scale of the past are simply not enough. "

"You talk to adults," Aufrei shrugged. "I've seen the picture. I think it's pretty good, but it's crazy enough. Just look at the number of bastions that highlight the castle. It ’s scary, after all, if you consider the squeeze and dip of the masonry of the city walls, the whole castle must be much larger than it is now. "

"Oh, that sounds like it, how do you understand this?" Pompeni asked a little bit of interest first, then stared at the young soldier in alert. "Or you were deliberately learning because of my daughter. Clicking these things pleases me, telling you to be a soldier, I will not marry my daughter to a soldier. I don't want her to be a widow early. "

Aufrei looked helplessly at this cruel father. He wanted to explain that he was a stonemason before, but he was afraid that the craftsman would immediately persuade him to continue to be a stonemason to marry his daughter.

After giving away Pompeii, Aufrei returned to the room called ‘The Dome’ and looked at Alexander, who was always staring at the drawings on the table, and Aufrei walked over and asked carefully:

"Adult, can I say something?"

Alexander looked up unexpectedly at O'Leary. After thinking for a while, he understood what he meant, and then smiled and asked:

"Do you think I'm crazy and actually want to build such a castle without restraint?"

"Of course not an adult," Aufrei, who was pierced, had a red face. "I know you must have your own ideas, but it is really difficult to build such a castle."

"It's really difficult."

Alexander said with a light push, the original curly drawings slowly closed together.

"You already know, Giovanni sent someone to come."

Hearing Alexander ’s inquiry, Alfred immediately walked over to the table and tossed among the cluttered map piles. After a while, he found a map that seemed barely able to distinguish the nearby terrain ~ ~ Pitiliuno captured Chimone ’s mountain path, ”Alexander walked with his arms and brushed his lips gently with a quill.“ It ’s a bit unexpected for me to be so active. "

"Are we going to send troops? Go to Chimone?" Ofrei looked at Alexandria, and then looked down at the map. "If we send troops from Montina, it may take less than 2 days to reach Chimone. "

Alexander stopped and said, "Go and call Carlo. He has been a mercenary. I want to know how much food a mercenary usually brings with him."

"I know that, adults, no more than 2 days and up to 4 days. After all, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, which is not only inconvenient but also bad." Aufrei said with a smile.

"So, my dear Giovanni will have to persist for a few more days."

Alexander first silently set a timeline for his uncle's hunger game, and then he remembered and asked, "What did you just tell me?"

"Adult, I saw an interesting thing," Aufrei suddenly became excited. "I saw a girl singing. The strange thing is that she actually accompanied the pace and movements of our Agri phalanx. It's interesting to say, but I think if our soldiers can sing along with her to train and maybe ... "

"It will be in perfect harmony, and you don't even need to listen to the officer's orders. You can complete all the actions just by listening to the music, right?"

Alexandria's eyes lighted up, he looked at the same excited face of Alfred, and then suddenly asked: "Tell me, is that girl beautiful?"

O'Leary suddenly froze for a moment, and he nodded embarrassedly for a moment.

"I knew that," Alexander murmured. "It's the same in any era. It's the key to talking more about your face."

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