Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 45: Art, master, and love

Michelangelo clearly has all the qualities of an art master and master, even if it is only now budding, but these master masters already have the character.

Perhaps the most impressive is stubbornness.

Although the phrase "Only paranoid can succeed" has not been invented, Michelangelo has well explained that this sentence is indeed an eternal truth.

And because it belongs to the characteristics of human character, it is more real and more stubborn than some slogans of self-proclaimed eternal truth.

So despite being sternly rejected by Alexander, Xiaomi was not discouraged, and even more determined because of this rejection.

He described his great ideas to Alexander again and again, and even forgot what he had done at the Palace of Marino. Then he simply pushed off the table and started drawing sketches.

Looking at those who started to make a few random lines, on a blank piece of paper, a near-perfect pattern between the character's position and the proportion of space was established, and then a proportioned line with the outline of the outline gradually appeared. Sketches, Alexander wanted to grab these things from his hands and collect them.

I believe that these things must be valuable art treasures after hundreds of years. I want to come. Even if the descendants of the Gombré family will inevitably lose their authority, it is possible that these things will help future generations to pass by A carefree life.

The cranky Alexander looked at the non-stop explanation of the future master who is still 'Xiaomi', but his opposite was not changed at all.

Could it be that Luo Sha stripped off her clothes and turned around in front of this **** to make him see clearly?

Even more excessively, it is said that the masters of art sometimes have a more direct sense of touch in order to experience the subtle structure of the human body more closely, and only in this way can they truly feel the body structure of each different character object The difference between the undulating veins and the skin texture is delicate.

Let this Michelangelo go and touch his sister's undressed body casually?

how can that be!

Not even me ...

No, how can this be allowed to happen, even though this person probably doesn't have to worry about things because of orientation, but think about it as a man after all, Alexander felt uncomfortable.

"So what do you think?" Looking at the chattering Michelangelo, Ruosha asked the man who didn't speak much, and Alexander noticed that Ruosha obviously had more respect for that person. What was revealed was the attitude of asking for advice rather than the nobility's inquiry to the craftsman. "Do you think there is anything else we need to modify in this new palace?"

"No, almost perfect."

The one who was obviously more reticent and less talkative, but Alexander did n’t like his eyes looking at Ruo Sha. It was a different expression from Michelangelo. His eyes showed that he was not a woman but a woman. "Beautiful" appreciation,

"But as far as I know, your architectural masterpieces tend to be more grand and majestic, so I think maybe you can give some other suggestions."

Ruosha didn't want to be perverted by the other party. Although she knew that it was somewhat rude to consult two architects at the same time, she didn't care much, and her eyes on Alexander also made him aware. By now, it seems that there are other ideas for Ruosha to do this.

"It should be said that I think this is already perfect," the man smiled at Ruosha. "I know you must hope that your home is a magnificent building, so that you may be the descendants of the count. I am proud of the glory of my ancestors, but I ca n’t help but remind you that I ca n’t help your Countess in this matter. Because what you need is a house that can live and even have children in one day, Instead of a pile of cages made of cold marble, my style may not suit your needs. "

Alexander looked at this man a bit surprised, but he didn't expect this guy who looked a little bit ridiculous to be so frank, he even refused to refuse a gold owner in order to maintain the perfection of his style.

He should be able to see that Ruo Sha doesn't care about money, but it seems that this person's artistic cleanliness is even more so.

But Alexander still doesn't like his eyes!

Ruo Sha seemed to be impressed. She picked up a pen on the table and brushed her slightly sharpened jaw with the goose feathers while contemplating. This action made the eyes of the two masters of art instantly shine. They Looking at the half-contemplative young girl with her arms dragged by her gaze, the man's eyes showed more passion, and Michelangelo's more fanaticism.

"It's like this, look at the count, what a perfect side face, from here you can see a near-perfect face, and a slightly greener but more imaginative body curve, look at that The transition between the slightly undulating peaks and the flat abdomen, imagine this kind of scenery. If you can wander in the valley in the middle of this transition, how comfortable it should be ... "


Alexander had to interrupt Michelangelo's increasingly explicit description with a dry cough. At this time, he even wondered whether 'Xiaomi' was a thing that painted yellow illustrations for vulgar novels before he became famous, listening to his descriptions. Alexander wanted to beat him up.

"Sorry Earl, but Miss Countess is really one of the most perfect models I have ever seen," Michelangelo said with some reluctance, and then he deliberately leaned in to lower his voice. "Of course, your little Bohemia Woman, I heard it was a pity that she left, I always wanted to use her as my model. "

Alexander shook his head. Of course he knew that the masters had some quirks, but Michelangelo ’s quirks were at least safe for him. As for the guy on the opposite side who had accosted Zaosha, he did n’t know his name so far So safe.

Artists have almost volcanic passion and suppressed desires that seem to burst out at any time. To put it bluntly is a group of stallions that seem to be always excited.

Alexander felt that at least the person in front of him was.

"Brother, let me introduce you, Master Bramont," Zuo Sha seemed to think of it and smiled at Alexander at this time. "I think you must have heard of his masterpieces, but now he is planning a really great one. Architecture, I believe you must know that Queen Isabella funded the construction of a chapel to commemorate St. Peter, this is the masterpiece of this master. "

Alexander's lips moved, and he had to admit that coming to Rome was really an eye-opening insight. Anyone who comes to the house can be a master. At least the stallion man in his mind is indeed a master.

Brahmont, the builder of the future Tamboide Chapel, is the father of the pioneering Roman Revival architectural style, and even after many years of walking around the world, he saw a revival initiated by him Pioneer and initiator of ancient Roman architecture.

The admiration of the Romanesque dome building, which is not inferior to the grand dome of Florence's famous Hundred Flowers Cathedral, made this person one of the iconic figures of the revival of Rome in this era and even the revival of ancient art.

Now this person is standing in front of him, and his eyes are floating towards his sister.

"Master, I'm so sorry. I was rude just now." Alexander walked over very warmly and took the master to his side. "I think my sister must have bored you. I have heard of your style before. , And I do have an idea, maybe you will be interested. "

Looking at the back of the master who was reluctantly taken away from her, Luo Sha smiled, and she knew that Alexander probably already knew why she had invited the master to come home.

In fact, Bramont is really not suitable as a designer of a residence-based palace. In comparison, Ruosha also appreciates Michelangelo's designs, even when Michelangelo said that she could create a statue for her. At this time, Luo Sha couldn't help but move.

"But placed in a new palace," Xiaomi still spares no effort to promote his proposal. "Please forgive you, you should know that a person's beauty is short-lived, but your statue will be eternal, you can let your The future generations will see the beautiful image you have left in this world and let them know that you were bred from such a perfect and intoxicating body. "

Michelangelo's words really touched Ruo Sha, who didn't want to let his most beautiful moment eternally exist, even if it was only a cold stone, but think that even after thousands of years, the world will still be obsessed with today's self, that This intoxicating feeling is also enough to make Ruosha feel agitated and unable to control it.

But Alexander seemed to be very opposed to her doing this, but if he was promised that the statue was only for his private collection, maybe he would not be so fiercely opposed.

Ruosha pondered the two people who turned and chatted a little further away.

Brahmont is right. His perseverance and sincerity in art make him intolerant of perfunctory, even in the face of a beautiful woman whom he loves.

He is really not good at building things that are suitable for living and full of life. His works are magnificent and surplus. He is good at building churches and city halls with grand structure and momentum.

Also good at building, castles!

When he heard Rusha mention the name Bramont, Alexander realized the real purpose of Rusha. The education of his sister from an early age made her impossible. Even Bramont was not the right person to build the new Marino Palace. Clear, but she chose this person.

So the only explanation is that she prepared for his castle of Montina.

Alexandria looked in the direction of Ruosha, and the two eyes met, and he couldn't help but settle for a while.

Michelangelo happened to see this scene.

Alexander's eyes, like gazing at the treasure, shocked 'Xiaomi'. He seemed to grab a hint of inspiration. At that moment, he felt that the idea in his mind that had been brewing but could not be expressed became instantly clear.

Focused eyes, serious and persistent, that is a kind of calm but there will never be any vague firmness.

It was a beautiful face that was stared at by that look. The same perseverance was revealed in those beautiful eyes. It seemed that there was nothing but the man in his eyes.

Michelangelo opened his mouth slightly. As an artist, the sharpness and spirituality of the future masters made him seem to have discovered a certain assumption that he had never thought of before and did not dare to think about.

is it possible?

Michelangelo asked secretly, and then he shook his head slightly, but then the look of excitement flashed in his eyes.

A pair of young men and women with feelings beyond the normal worldly brothers and sisters, full of prohibited by the laws and morals of the world, is destined to lead to a tragic taboo love!

Michelangelo felt that the blood in his body was going to burn, and he even remembered the heroes in Greek mythology and legends who were destined to go to tragedy because they transcended normal circumstances with blood relatives.

Michelangelo has the urge to work immediately. He wants to sculpt the Alexander like this, so that his focused eyes will always remain in people's memories.

Alexander did not know that he had been betrayed by his own eyes, or that he had encountered a master who did not look at everything with ordinary people's eyes.

But he finally knew that it was not appropriate to look at his sister like this, and that Brahman's interest in Montina showed him delight.

Like many masters of this era, Brahmont likes to challenge those magnificent architectural plans. They always want their works to be masterpieces made of stone and stay in this world.

But unlike others, Bramente pays more attention to details.

He was able to repair a small prayer church more cumbersome than a large cathedral, as can be seen from the Tambitor Chapel.

The reason why the chapel became a monument in the history of European architecture and was later used by architects in many countries is because he interpreted a small chapel as a condensed history of European architecture.

The magnificence of Rome, the beauty of Goth, and the present luxury and uninhibitedness, the Tambiador Chapel made it all merge together,

But none of this made Alexander the happiest. What really made him happy was that Brament was interested in military fortifications.

It is said that the master once walked through every castle he could see, and in his residence he could find out the blueprints for the construction of the castle, or some ideas that no one knew if they could be realized, than his There are many more sketches of famous buildings that will be passed on to future generations.

And this is still the second thing, what made Alexander pay attention is that in his memory, the later Montina Castle was indeed designed and built by the Bramente in front of him!

And this castle, like the Tambito Chapel, later became a pioneer of imitation like a landmark.

"Master, I believe you must be interested in building a truly invulnerable castle," Alexander said with a smile. Although he knew that this was not true, there was never an indestructible fortress in the world, but he knew that it could cause The interest of this architectural genius in front of me "I think maybe Montina should have an opportunity for you to prove your vision."

"Count, I haven't promised you yet," Brament said with a slightly reserved expression, and then he waved his hand impatiently. "Okay, I have to admit that your castle really made me curious. If you can, I hope to see the designs you just said, and of course I will keep them confidential. "

"That's really great," said Alexander, who was intimate with Labramont, and dragged his eyes away from Rusha. "Come on, let me tell you about the details. Know that I will probably Staying in Rome for a while, so I think we need to discuss it more deeply. "

With a satisfied smile on her face, she looked at the two people walking side by side in the corridor and talking, and then she turned back to her Michelangelo and gave a slight smile: "Maybe I will consider the suggestion for you and create a belongs to me. Statue. "

"I believe you will agree with the Countess," Michelangelo also looked at the two people in the corridor. "It is the meaning of art that can keep his beauty forever in the eyes of people who truly appreciate himself." And value. "

Michelangelo's words made Ruo Sha contemplative, she closed her eyes slightly, as if reminiscing the words, and then she opened her eyes, revealing a hint of unwillingness and loneliness in her eyes.

"Leave beauty forever in the eyes of people who appreciate themselves," Zuosha glanced at Michelangelo. "Master, I hope that one day you can realize what you just said, and I will pay you enough rewards by then." , But I hope that the work must be as you told me, leaving me the most beautiful moment. "

Michelangelo bowed slightly, and he felt that he knew what the countess meant.

Maybe when the Countess is going to get married one day, she will come to him and ask him to fulfill the promise she had made, and the person who can see her in the most beautiful moment should be in this house now.

Alexandria didn't have a long rest time. After having lunch, he took Mahimo to the city hall.

There was no objection to returning to Alexandria, although he believed that he ate very much on the side of the Countess. When Alexander stepped on the third step of the Roman city hall, the guards rocked at the entrance of the city hall. When the brass bell pulled the rope, and the brass bell immediately made a slightly dull sound, monk Mahimo felt that it was actually very good to be with the lord.

The three gates of the city hall, which were tightly closed side by side, opened at the same time.

From the inside slowly walked out a group of the most authoritative people in the city of Rome.

For these people, Alexander is familiar with, and some of them are familiar with, and some are still unfamiliar.

But no matter who they were, no matter how much breast milk they looked at him, when they saw Alexander wearing short boots on the wool carpet of the highest step of the city hall, many people couldn't help but look slightly beating.

They noticed that Alexander's hand was pressed tightly against the hilt at his waist ~ ~ and then saw that he stepped on both feet without hesitation.

"Except for the guards, weapons are not allowed in the city hall." A Roman noble said with a low face.

This person does have reasons for displeasure. They did not expect that the poor boy from Naples who was kicked out of the order meeting was back, and still looked so arrogant.

"But as the city defense officer appointed by His Majesty the Pope, I have the power to carry weapons," Alexander stared at each other's eyes. "Unless you think that I should not perform my duties, or that Rome should not be freed from today's panic. "

The members of the order meeting showed anger, but he knew he could no longer say anything.

Giovanni's death became the greatest sorrow of the Borgia family, but for the Romans, his death was more a disaster and turmoil.

Alexander stepped forward, and when his toes touched the edge of the door frame in front of him, he stopped.

After half a year of demonstrating a gun to the sky at Caesar in the city hall, Alexander re-entered the Rome city hall!

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