Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 64: Servant, master, monk

u After years of erosion, the traces on the wooden beams have been blurred, but under careful rubbing, the strange-looking traces were still printed on a piece of paper.

"It's Hebrew, lord," Uliu said excitedly, looking at the writing on the paper. "But I don't know. I just saw this word in the old lord."

Alexander glanced at Uliu, and he was somewhat curious about the Moorish past. Speaking of that, he did not believe that a Sicilian nouveau riche could have such a servant, so Uliu decided to leave Cioni. When the family followed him, Alexander initially refused.

But now it seems that the Moor did not disappoint him.

"In addition to the counter, there are these tools. You must know that the tools used to weigh gold and silver are very accurate, so you must repair and correct them frequently. According to the habit, these tasks should be done for the stores you are familiar with, especially the gold and silver measuring tools. Although the Jews are greedy for money, they still pay attention to credit fairness in their transactions, so they will be very careful to maintain those measuring tools to prevent them from deviations, find shops that have close contact with them, and then find clues from them, "Alexander Looking at the men who were busy in the basement, they smiled a little. "Although they took away all the documents they could take away when they fled, there is enough evidence left."

Alexander's command made Uliu and Mahimo a bit stunned. Although these truths will be found once they are recalled, they will find that there is nothing special, but when they faced the empty house themselves, they did not remember anything. .

But now, as Alexander said, it seems that the whole room is really full of evidence.

Pieces of things that may be used as evidence are carefully checked or simply moved away, and the clues gradually show up with these things.

When Alexander returned to the Marino Palace, he saw Zuo Sha was fascinated by the pile of tatters in the hall.

"They said your people were catching people everywhere in the Jewish quarter," Ruosha said. "There have been two bishops who have just asked what happened. Although they did not express their dissatisfaction, they can see that they think you It's nothing to find trouble. "

"Vatican's great man," Alexander couldn't help but think of the rumor that someone was trading with the Jews. "It seems really a big man. There is a cardinal who came forward for them."

"Are you investigating about Giovanni's death?" Zuo Sha bypassed the various vessels that Alexander called the evidence to be sealed. "You know that in addition to those who murdered Giovanni, other people did not want to What do you really find. "

Alexander nodded in favor. He knew that Ruosha was right. Besides the murderer, many did not necessarily hope that the murder would really come to light.

As for the enemies of the Borgia family, they do not want to see the murder have a result.

Perhaps the more ambiguous, the better for some people.

At least one suspicion of murdering his brother forever is enough for Caesar to struggle for a long time to come.

In this matter, Ruosha's vision is obviously to look further. When many people think that he must track down the murderer, Ruosha can see through this, which is a matter of wit.

Alexander raised his hand habitually, trying to touch Ruosha's head to express his approval, but then stopped again.

I do n’t know when he started, he became a little bit scrupulous about this kind of intimate little movement between brothers and sisters, perhaps because it was finally the reason for breaking the tacit understanding between the two, Alexander began to worry a little, maybe this kind of view The seemingly unconscious movements will fall into the eyes of some interested people, if that is the case, it will be bad.

Seemingly aware of Alexander's strangeness, Ruosha deliberately rubbed her head forward and said in a slightly naughty tone: "Don't you want to praise your sister for being smart?"

"It really should be praised," Alexander took Lussa's head homeopathically and kissed her on the forehead. "I just found something new, and the task the Pope has arranged for me this time is not just to investigate Giovanni's death. "

There was a trace of worry in Rusha's eyes. Perhaps it might be a glorious good thing to be trusted and trusted by the Pope in the eyes of others, but Rusha clearly knew that for Alexander, his future was not in Rome, let alone time. Energy is wasted in this city.

"You should stay away from trouble," Ruosha was slightly dissatisfied. "Leave Rome as soon as possible. You should do it. Go back to your territory, and you will be needed there."

"But now I have to finish this matter," Alexander was also a little helpless, and he was equally dissatisfied with the arrangement of Alexander VI, but it was obviously not easy to reject a pope. "I know what is most important to me. , I believe things are not too bad, and I have my own plans. "

Ruo Sha nodded, she believed that Alexander should know the weight, and this topic could not be said anymore, because she saw Uliu was coming in their direction.

Luo Sha looked indifferently at the approaching Uliu, which made the Moorish neck a little stiff. He first bowed to Luo Sha and saluted, then immediately went to Alexander and reported: "Master, I found it. There are several shops and The people who live in that house are very familiar, we have all found them and locked them up, and as you said, they are not allowed to meet each other. "

Saying that the Moors paused a little, after looking at Lao Sha next to their eyes, they continued: "In addition, according to your order we asked almost the entire Jewish quarter and found that the bosses of several of the shops seemed to have disappeared after this morning. In the past, two of them did not even open the door. "

Hearing this, Alexander's face showed a "sure enough" expression.

Those Jews hiding behind the scenes cannot live in this world like invisible people. They are often an ordinary shopkeeper or an amiable old man, but in secret, they control and rule the Jewish gathering Place.

And Alexander believed that since they could make that Levi want to commit suicide and fight for their time, they would not easily risk staying in the Jewish quarter.

Maybe some of them will continue to go back to their own shops to take care of the business as if nothing happened, and it looks completely unrelated to the house, but there will definitely be people who have to leave the Jewish quarter to hide for various reasons.

Now Alexander is looking for those who still stay.

"It's just that some of those shops seem to be related to us," Uliu continued to say "some of them seemed to be related to our chamber of commerce" until Alexander looked at him again and showed a look that made him say everything. It does matter, it seems that one of our businessmen is doing business with those Jews. "

Alexander was a little surprised. Of course he knew that dealing with business would inevitably involve dealing with Jews. But Uliu would say so deliberately, which means that dealing with Jews should be more than a simple chamber of commerce businessman.

"That man is Matthews Thiego, a businessman from Balearic," Uliu carefully reported. "He is now your Chamber of Commerce agent in Balearic Island."

"Agent on the island of Balearic?" Alexander looked at Ruosha with a bit of consternation. "Is our business so good now that we can already do business in Castile?"

"No, that person is just a Castilian businessman I know," Zuo Sha frowned slightly. "I met him at the sea of ​​his brother Lenian, when he almost let the soldiers of the Venetian Navy kill them. Yes, I saved him and let this person join our Chamber of Commerce. "

"This man is now in Rome and is doing business with the Jews?" Alexander asked strangely.

"No, he was going back directly to Balearic, but I asked him to come to Rome with me," Ruosha said casually, and suddenly the corner of his eyes suddenly glanced at the gleam in Alexander's eyes. "I think maybe it should be Let him meet you, although I do n’t know exactly what your free trade zone will look like in the future, but if someone can help us in Bali, it should be good. "

"So you brought him, and he is now doing business with the Jews." Alexander smiled bitterly. He didn't know whether he should praise or blame Ruosha, but he was against Barry, the man named Matthews Tiego. Ali businessman has some interest. "Well, find a time for him to meet me. Maybe I have something to do with him."

Balearic is an island belonging to the Kingdom of Castile, and Alexander will not forget this.

Uliu is a very diligent servant, a follower, and a talented musketeer. If there is no accident in the future, he will be the head of Alexander.

No one knows that he can still hold the position of torture officer.

A large number of Jews were held in the north prison of the Roman city. In the dark cell, these people awaited their unknown destiny, and it was Uliu that decided their future.

In this prison, the Moors showed an unknown side. He asked the guards to bring the Jews into a room with the door closed, and soon a burst of screams came out from inside. .

The screams terrified the others in the cell, and even when it was their turn, some people began to chatter out of fear because of fear.

There is a group of Jews who are the smartest among their people. These people realized at an early age that they cannot accumulate real wealth by relying on ordinary ways of making money.

These smart people began to use the knowledge they had and the careers that their ancestors had pioneered over the years to conduct another way of doing business.

They use their prestige among the people to collect their money, and then use the money to either issue usury to the noble bishops who need large loans, or put their huge capital into the market. The investment made the price fluctuations of ups and downs, earning amazing profits from it again and again.

These Jews have been doing this for many years, and as this method continues, a group of special people who have accumulated their wealth by this method have gradually emerged among them.

These people are called elders. They may just be a small gold shop owner or an unremarkable shop owner, but when they gather, these people will use their shrewd brain to quickly calculate a deal , And then it wo n’t be long before maybe there is a chance for someone to make a big profit because someone is bankrupt.

When Uliu reported these sounds to the plausible, even some incredible news to Alexander, he was a little worried.

Although Uliu can guarantee that the Jews should be telling the truth, it is because of this that he is worried that he may have cheated the cunning guys again.

However, this time Alexander did not doubt, just a little unexpected.

Alexander did not know whether those Jews described this as an early prototype or a variant of the bank, but when he looked at the descriptions of the confessions, he knew that he might have dug a big guy.

An underground world that seems unreal but hidden in the Jewish quarter of Rome, a huge underground financial system in the dark that holds no one can tell how much wealth there is.

Alexander felt that if this was not what Uliu had told him, the first thing he would do was to kill this person.

The world knows that Jews have money, but it is often unclear how much money they have and how they use it.

Now, Alexander felt that he had vaguely touched the door of the mystery. The next step was to reach out the door and walk in.

"Did you find the whereabouts of some of them?"

"There is no master," Uliu is a little helpless. "We have seen some of the people they said, some of them have not been found, but some are just errands, they know no more than others, so we still Keep looking. "

Alexander nodded and did not blame and urge. He knew that things could not be so simple. Although those Jewish elders may not deliberately hide or deceive, but the experience of the Jews over the years must have made them more cautious, so the matter It will not be that simple.

But this will not fail Alexander.

"Go to the town hall, and in my name all the records of Rome ’s various necessities of life have been brought out," Alexander narrowed his eyes slightly. "Those Jews, since they can control the price of the entire Roman supplies with such a large amount of money, Then they will definitely leave all kinds of traces, and they ca n’t directly put the money into the market by themselves. This requires someone to help them. I have to know which family performances have occurred in Rome when prices have changed in recent years. Is the most active, and who has made a fortune during this time. "

Uliu's face showed a look of worship, and he nodded incessantly. Later, he turned around and walked away in a very excited tone. He looked like this when he stood next to Mahimo. Secretly muttered: "Shameless flatterer."

"Bring Matthew Ali Tiego from Balearic, he is a businessman who can help you find clues faster," Alexander reminded loudly to the far-flung Uliu, and heard Uliu's clever response Sound, he smiled softly and looked at Mahimo next to him. "As for your monk, I have something to give you."

Mahimo's expression immediately turned serious from disdain for the Moors.

Mahimo was a little bit uneasy during this time. He felt that he seemed to be out of favor. The idleness after arriving in Rome made him very uncomfortable. This made him even envious of Carlo, who is recruiting recruits in Agrig. At least the farmer is still Do something.

Suddenly I heard that Alexander had arranged work for him, and the monk immediately became energetic.

"I'll arrange for you to see the pope," seeing this first sentence almost made the monk faint, and Alexander stopped helplessly to look at him before continuing to say "you're best to wait for this excited look I will perform after the Pope himself, I think he must be very happy to see someone worship him like this. "

"Master, please rest assured that I will definitely make the pope feel that I am his most loyal follower."

"Then I will arrange for you to carry out a series of sermons," Alexander then commanded. "You will be a very devout ascetic, a person who has experienced many hardships and followed us to Rome to make a pilgrimage. You will be neglected by the Vatican. And anger, because of ignoring the Pope and sorrow, you must condemn all those who are unreasonable to the Holy See, even if those people are the most powerful and influential nobles, they will be relentlessly condemned. "

Mahimo nodded while listening, and his expression also kept changing with Alexander's narrative, until finally he was a little stunned.

"What do you want to say?"

"Sir, do you mean that the most powerful and influential nobles include the French king and the emperor?"

Seeing Mahimo look a little pitiful, Alexander couldn't help but chuckled.

"Do you think you will be retaliated against by Charlie or Maximian for this?"

Seeing Alexander full of sarcasm, Mahimo shook his head immediately: "Of course not, if you need me I can immediately become a fearless martyr. But in order to serve you in the future, you can tell me this Is it safe to do it? "

"Relax, they won't treat you like anything," Alexander comforted Mahimo. "At least temporarily it won't be like that. When our business is done, you may not have to worry about how they will treat you." . "

Listening to Alexander's slightly remarked words ~ ~ Mahimo's heart warmed slightly.

Mahimo always believed that she could see the size of a woman's chest through her clothes, and it would not be wrong to see a man.

From the moment he saw Alexander outside Naples, Mahimo believed that this young man was different from others.

Along the way, it has proved that he did not misread it before.

But now, Alexander seems to prove to him that his vision is not far enough!

"We are going to find the triple crown, Mahimo," Alexander stood up and looked in the direction of the Vatican. "Then I want you to be the biggest beneficiary of this matter."

"Dear Your Majesty, please allow me to introduce you to you, a true practitioner, a humble person who walks from afar to the Vatican, just to see the Supreme Holy Seat and the humble person who kisses your robe, one you The most loyal follower, Monk Mahimo. "

On the afternoon of July 22, 1497, Alexander took Masimo into the Sistine Basilica in the Vatican.

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