Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 91: Currency war!

James Columbus and the young man named Ronzo Sabbatini had no further trouble. Their team also met some other mercenaries on the road, but when they took out the flower After 2o Florin bought the pass, those people left in disappointment.

Obviously, these Florentine mercenaries have reached an agreement with each other and divided the site. For those businessmen who belong to their own site, they must also bear the obligation to protect them while buying and selling passes.

But James, they seem to feel that something is not quite right, because although the mercenaries always seem to be busy and careless, they seem to be a little nervous, and they seem to be in addition to collecting protection fees. What other things are there.

However, this obviously has nothing to do with James. Following the road to Florence, struggling through a hilly area about a few hundred feet high, you can see the whole city on the banks of the River Arno.

Coincidentally, this journey came down for more than a day. When the sun first cast the first light from the notch of Mount Cetina in the east the next morning, James also happened to pass the top of the hill.

Looking at the city below shrouded in a rosy glow like this rose by the dawn, James couldn't help but whistle with excitement.

He regarded the beauty he saw as a very auspicious sign. The rose-red sunlight seemed to him like countless Florin scattered in the city, and then he only needed to work hard to They can be picked up one by one and put into their own purses.

The young Ronzo Sabbatini was also attracted by the beauty in front of him. He took a deep breath of the morning air, and then could not help crying out joy.

"This is really a beautiful city, this is God's favor in this world," Ron yelled left. "Can you imagine how many great masters have been born in this city, and the names of those people can be lined up from Florence All the way to Rome. "

"There is so much gold here," James nodded in agreement. "This is a real city of wealth. No other city in the weaving and dyeing industry can compare with it."

Ron Zuo glanced at James for the first time with a somewhat contemptuous look. He felt that there was really nothing to talk about with the merchants of this city. Think about the master he admires soon, Ron Zuo even wanted to throw away these companions and ran all the way into the city.

However, another dull sound of rapid horseshoes hitting the ground ruined the joy of everyone. They looked at the few horsemen who came from the **** below, and soon they found that if they met before, this is Some Florentine mercenaries.

These mercenaries also interrogated James and their colleagues very carefully, and then they urged the merchants to hurry into the city.

"Anything happened, I think you look busy."

James asked curiously, he did n’t want to inquire, but it ’s always good to know more about it. After all, Florence is very different from before. James does n’t want to hit him with a black eye. Go in.

"You should thank God for your good luck," a mercenary took a sip of the hip flask that James handed over, and then hurriedly turned over. "There were suddenly many robbers near the city. They specifically robbed merchants. People were robbed. Now that the Florentines are already a little bit panicked, the City Hall ordered us to patrol in the vicinity, "after which the soldier suddenly reached out to James and made a gesture of counting money." You need money. "

With that said, the mercenary urged the horse to chase down to his companion, who had been walking away.

Watching the mercenaries with the dust disappearing behind the slope, James first froze a little, then raised the hip flask and poured it into his mouth.

Then he shouted loudly to the others: "Guys, we are going to get rich!"


Everyone burst out with a cry as excited as James, and some even held Ron, who was still beside him, and kept kissing.

"Why are you so happy?" Ron asked a little puzzled.

"Fool, have n’t you heard? Many businessmen have been robbed," James hugged Ron ’s left face and shook it twice. This means that not only are our competitors missing, but also the Florentines Willing to spend a lot of money to buy our things, we have rich guys! "

Then James and his companions shouted, "Long live, long live robber!"

The attack was a good thing for James, it was too bad for the robbed merchants, and it even affected their lives for the Florentines.

The headache for the Florentine government is that these sudden robbers are very cunning, and their number may not be large, but they often make various preparations in advance, so every time the mercenaries arrive, they see It's just a group of angry businessmen who were robbed after being robbed.

Those robbers will take away everything they can take away, and those that can't be taken away will be destroyed and wiped out, and then they will disappear quickly until they appear somewhere else next time.

The emergence of robbers has attracted the attention of the Florence government. They have to send mercenaries to patrol farther and again to protect the merchants, but the action of the robbers scattered around the city makes the patrol meaningless. And the mercenaries took advantage of the opportunity to sell the pass, which also made the merchants hate Florence.

Things on the market have decreased significantly because of the increased risks on the road, the goods that can be shipped to Florence are in short supply, and the prices have become more and more expensive.

People began to feel uneasy and anxious, and the Florentines gradually changed from dissatisfaction to anger at the government's slack in pursuing robbers.

As we entered September, the gradually cooler weather did not make the condition of Florence better but worse.

Merchants who are constantly being harassed have to organize and hire a sufficient number of mercenaries to **** them. At the same time, because of the increase in costs, the prices of various goods on the market in Florence have become ridiculously high.

This has even begun to affect people's lives.

All this caused headaches for the officials of the Florentine government. They asked their leaders for help, hoping to get inspiration from him, and Savonarola ’s advice to them was "to hold a grand mass that will allow us Everyone got rid of this anxiety about the world. "

Obviously, this suggestion did not satisfy the officials. They had to go back to the city hall to consider what to do.

Some people proposed to send troops to carry out a large-scale liquidation of bandits near Florence, but this proposal was quickly rejected.

Obviously, the robbers are very clever, they can always escape the search patrol and even make people wonder if they have their internal response in Florence.

However, this is not a place where officials are concerned. What they really worry about is whether the mercenaries are willing to obey orders to do the job.

Obviously, a group of robbers who have been traveling around for a long time who do not know that the thieves are not only a hard work, but may also be very dangerous, because the Florentines have vaguely realized that some people behind these robbers may support them.

This kind of guessing is not unfounded. Those robbers robbed the goods as much as they were destroyed, and it is hard to believe that no one has been able to hide them for so long, unless someone is sheltering them.

With this in mind, officials in Florence dismissed the idea of ​​robbing robbers, because they knew that at this time it was best not to leave any excuses to be found, especially the Pope who never died.

The Florentines had a headache for the hostility between Savonarola and Alexander VI.

Especially some high-ranking officials, many of them hope that the monastery can improve that bad relationship with the Vatican.

Because only in this way can Florence escape from isolation.

More importantly, it is only in this way that it is possible to cut off the way the Medicis seek support.

The Medicis have never given up hope of trying to restore. In the past few years, they have lobbied everywhere for help, even in the most difficult times, they have generously thrown on those who may help them. Money in support of expectations.

In Florence, at least among the officials who have settled high, no one wants the Medicis to return to power.

It's just frustrating that I hope Savonarola bows its head to the Vatican, just as hard as hoping Dashan to come by himself, which makes the officials feel very embarrassed.

The price of bread on the market is increasing, and figs are too expensive for ordinary people to afford because of transportation difficulties. As for wine, because the ruling officer promotes a poor life, even if it is usually rare, it is now only on the black market. You can only buy it at a high price.

The Florentines felt an inexplicable panic, and people began to think of ways to add more to their homes, because no one knew what was going to be a hot commodity next.

This September is very unpleasant, and the Florentines' impotence of those officials is almost unbearable.

This bad situation was not eased until good news came from Pisa.

First of all, food is so cheap that the price of bread on the market immediately drops back to the original amount of food, and then some other things that people urgently need on the table, such as equally cheap meat eggs and cane sugar.

As for condiments, they are more expensive, but some wealthy people can afford them. The most important thing is that these things do not need to be bought secretly on the black market, but can be seen on the market.

Then there are other things, from the needles used by housewives, to the short rods with heavy iron heads that men sometimes need to go out for self-defense, from the delicious sea fish to the aroma after opening in a jar. The overflowing wine, in short, as long as people need it, will be transported from Pisa along with the punts that follow the river.

And what really makes Florentines like it is the unusually low prices of these things.

A long loaf only costs half a cub, compared with the price of the previous two cubs, so that the budgetary housewives laughed as crescents.

Lamb and pork, as well as the rare sugar, don't have to worry about either not being able to buy it as before, or being driven up by prices because of shortages.

These changes with the coming of the merchant ship of Pisa made ordinary Florentines ecstatic, and after the same joy passed, the local merchants gradually began to feel uneasy.

First of all, some businessmen who looked at the market hoarding before became victims of the tide of these cheap goods.

When the first shipment arrived, they were not worried, because no one thought that the Pizza would do a loss-making business.

In the eyes of those businessmen, the Pisa clearly only wanted to scare them at the first low price, and then threatened to grab a business from the Florentines.

So those Florentine merchants are not in a hurry, they do not believe that the Pizza have enough goods for them to spend so much.

So those businessmen began to be just beside their cold eyes, and when they finally realized that the form was wrong, they began to buy goods from the Pisa crazy.

They didn't believe that the Pizza could afford such a huge loss. Even when they heard that these businessmen were related to the Earl of Montina, they instead became more and more madly acquired.

These businessmen believe that if these people are supported by the Earl of Montina, then the Earl cannot tolerate the wasted money in his pocket.

So no matter whether it is the market or the terminal, there are always people waiting for the pizza merchants. As soon as they appear, these commissioned brokers start to frantically buy the goods in the hands of the pizza merchants. They and the people behind them believe that, The pizza can't hold on.

But the facts have repeatedly hit the confidence of these Florentine speculators.

No matter how much goods are eaten, there will always be more goods coming one after another.

And more and more foreign businessmen joined the ranks of this crazy dumping to the Florentine market. In the eyes of those people, Florence has become a piece of fat dripping with blood, and they are a group of greed who smell the blood. shark.

The Florentines didn't understand how this would happen. They felt like they were throwing stones into a bottomless abyss.

No matter how much Florin they put in, they will immediately be swallowed by those pizza or merchants who know where they are, and they have just moved those goods into their warehouses, and then there will be more various goods swarming in. .

The Florentines finally began to be scared. When the movement of the Pizzeria seemed to be slightly smaller, the speculators immediately decided to reduce the scale of the acquisition first, so as to suspend the increasingly embarrassing book. The people agreed to immediately release the goods that had been hoarded in their hands that caused them anxiety.

The merchants in Florence began to sell their goods. Although they could no longer make huge profits at the same high prices as before, they still felt that they had made a trade that was not at a loss because of the low price when they were bought from the Pisa. .

Do the Pizzars still have the power to continue fighting with these people, haven't they already begun to show signs of losing because of the lack of power?

Or the pizza people are still unwilling, but the Florentines believe that as long as the hoarded goods are released, they can quickly return a large sum of money, and then they can wait for the pizza people to come to their own door, and then be merciless Take a hard bite on those guys.

The speculators started their plan with confidence. They asked their folks to move the goods out of the warehouse to the market and sell them. The merchants couldn't help but smile when they looked at the full carriage.

However, something unexpected for these speculators happened!

The Pisa suddenly began to lean out all their goods towards Florence in an almost irrational way!

Cheap, cheap, cheaper!

Earlier, the profits obtained from the large amount of dumping based on tax exemption and low cost were not hesitated to invest in a more massive dumping wave, and then this wave came to Florence.

The resistance of speculators made this unfair trade war last for only a pitiful four days. When the fifth day of St. Hugh's Day came, there was a body in the Arno River.

This man is a hoarding businessman. When he died, people's huge wealth originally in his name became a variety of commodities piled up in warehouses, but now these commodities are not sold at all.

The man was desperate. He tied himself to a stone and stepped into the Arno River step by step.

This sudden suicide. It caused quite a stir in Florence.

As the supreme ruling Savonarola came forward, he personally questioned the cause of death of the speculator, and after repeatedly confirming that he was indeed suicide, the consul ordered not to arrange a funeral for this person or to bury him in any church Subordinate cemetery.

The punishment was harsh. Although the consul did not order the head to be cut off, he was buried at a crossroad not too far from a church, and then a tombstone without a cross was set up.

This person's name will be known by countless people in the future, people will know his crime of suicide, and his family will also face permanent shame.

When the consul made this decision, he showed a deep hatred of the greed of the merchants. He denounced those horrible businessmen who were hoarded, and also expressed his outrage at those foreigners who regarded Florence as fat.

"God has seen all this, so he will eventually throw those greedy people into hell. When all this filth is washed away by the fire of the last days, only truly devout people and the country will have the opportunity to tell future generations that they were born here today. everything of."

This is the last sentence Savonarola said after praying in the White Flower Cathedral. When he walked out of the cathedral, he saw countless Florentines who gathered around the church door waiting for and guarding him.

"We will get through the difficulties ahead. When one day we return to today, we will realize that all this is not only worthwhile, but it is these hardships that have tested the city and everyone in it."

Savonarola finished speaking loudly to the people in front of him, and walked through the cheering crowd under the protection of a group of soldiers, and walked towards his little house.

The Florentines seem to have calmed down after this notable change, and the city government officials also intervened personally by the ruling officials to attack the merchants from other places.

Many people's goods were confiscated, and some valuable goods that clearly violated the "anti-luxury law" were destroyed on the spot. The Florentines once again had a Bible and a bread, and there was no other third thing.

But such days did not last long.

Soon, something appeared on the black market in Florence, although it was higher than the price on the market, but it was still acceptable to everyone. Then this very popular black market sale went from sucrose, seasonings and wine to more Broad market exhibition.

Speculators who had been warned and punished before started to panic, and they still had a huge amount of goods in their hands, but they could only watch the black market buying and selling in full swing, which made them more at the same time jealous. Worried about the backlog of goods.

Finally, these people courageously recommended several representatives to walk into the home of an important person in Florence. After paying the price that made them hurt, the big man promised to do something for them.

The businessmen waited anxiously, hoping that when they finally got the guilt issued by the City Hall and were allowed to re-launch their hoarded goods to the market, these people knelt on the ground because of the excitement.

But after the leak, they immediately prepared to fight one by one.

In the eyes of these Florentine merchants, the Pisa should have had their best days, and it is time for them to harvest their wealth.

Then, let them never think of it, Pisa, here again!

They came in a long punt.

Coming in a full-fledged carriage.

Came with donkeys and mules who were pressed so fast that they could not walk.

Some people even carried 2oo liters of grain on their shoulders, and walked without changing their shoulders in a dozen ways.

Florentines are rich!

Florence is full of opportunities!

Florentines are stupid and have a lot of money ...

All kinds of rumors that have been spread have stimulated the Pizza, Barga, Engli, and even further Corsica and Sardinians to enter Florence.

As long as you join the free trade zone, you can freely enter and leave the port, the tariff is as low as almost negligible, and the magical method of getting the goods from the place where the exchange is called with the least money on credit, let these people Crazy came to Florence!

One day, two days, three days!

The result was even more unbearable than before.

Florence, which has only been supported for three days, has fallen completely. No one cares about the fate of speculators. The citizens only care about whether they can buy cheaper and larger quantities of goods, or whether they can take their luck on the black market and spend A baby can be found without too much money.

Another person appeared in the Arno River. This person was killed by a knife. Just when people guessed who the murderer was, the third person's body was found in the river.

And these two men are one of those ruined Florentine merchants.

The City Hall did not track down the murderer again, they just buried the other two people in the same way as the first deceased person ~ ~ When buried, a yellow leaf fell into the tomb that was quickly filled .

Autumn has come.

And on a street not far from the baptistery, a businessman dressed as a man was walking into a very old house.

"Please tell the respected Architect Pazzi, a businessman hopes to be summoned by him."

"Your name." The entourage at the door asked lazily.

"James, James Columbus." The businessman answered with a smile. ...

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